
#我的好友李嘉诚#五险一金#目前五级政府的年度公共支 出规模已经超过20多万亿元人民,占GDP的1/3以上。如此巨大且仍在不断增长的公款,支撑了世界上规模最为庞大的公共部门,包括“五大班子”和多达 2000多万“吃皇粮的人口”,比某些中等国家的全部人口还要多#


全国人大@副委员长李沛瑶被杀真相2015-01-23 吴欢 南方生活http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzAxMDI2MDMzNg==&mid=207423283&idx=1&sn=708b24e15c955115a4cf6770f87595d9&scene=0#rd


1996 22日,全国人大副委员长李沛瑶在自己家中被人杀害。23日公安部副部长白景富在会上介绍说,罪犯是一位名叫张金龙的武警战士,199412月入伍,19953月开始到李沛瑶住所值勤。张金龙入伍前就有多次偷盗行为,22日四时许,他利用值勤之机,潜入李家行窃,将李沛瑶惊醒,遭到李沛瑶严厉申斥和教育。张见事已败露,速从李家厨房拿出两把菜刀行凶。李沛瑶与之英勇搏斗,并夺过菜刀自卫,但终被杀害。白景富特别指出:“这是一起没有政治目的和其他背景的案件,罪犯的作案动机是谋财害命。”








过 了没多久,我果然获得了被掩盖的真相。原来李沛瑶夫妻感情失和,长期分居,张金龙见他一个人很可怜,就把自己的妹妹从农村叫来给他做保姆。没想到李沛瑶强 奸了她,致其怀孕后又将其赶走。面对耻辱,张金龙只有两种选择:一是打掉牙齿往肚里咽,含垢忍辱,继续为委员长看家护院,见了委员长照样笑脸迎送,打躬作 揖;二是铤而走险,以暴易暴,以鲜血浇灭胸中怒火。可惜性格暴烈的张金龙选择了后者。也许他看《水浒》之类的旧小说太多,太羡慕那些杀人不眨眼的英雄好汉 了吧?道德家会谴责说,张金龙为何不拿起法律的武器?其实,这是连道德家自己也不相信的鬼话。因为谁都知道,我们的法律虽然汗牛充栋,却不过是权贵的妾 妇,柔媚无骨,委琐下流。受命去惩办弱者时,它雷霆万钧,无坚不摧;需要保护弱者时,它往往装聋作哑,推而不动,乃至隐迹遁形。这些年来蒙冤受屈者数不胜 数,小到普通百姓,大到国家主席;少则十年八年,多则几十年不得昭雪。一位小战士和一位农村小姑娘企图以法律来对抗副委员长,无异于孤豚咋虎,胜负不卜而 知。

可悲可叹的是,对于中国的老百姓来说,虽然50年 前就被宣布为国家的主人,但在权贵眼里,他们始终是路边的狗尾巴草,猪可以吃,羊可以啃,牛可以踩,狗可以尿;他们没有自由,没有尊严。奸污女秘书、机要 员、女护士的恶习已久,奸污小保姆更是小菜一碟。农民一夜醒来,发现自己的土地已经被贪官们低价卖掉,只好到城市流浪;城市居民正在梦中,推土机已经来到 自己门前。对于这些,因为没有丝毫的反抗能力,人们只能默默地忍受;最激烈的反抗,也不过是把汽油淋在自己身上点燃。张金龙奋然一击,仅如流星一闪,随即 便消失在茫茫太空。时光照样流驶,街市依旧太平。

8年 来,每当回忆起这件案子,我都感到不由自主的愤怒:为什么在这个“太平世界”里,大人物的面子比小人物的尊严更重要?大人物人面兽心,因惹火烧身而死后, 还要把他的“兽心”挖空心思掩盖起来,并精心为他整修出一张正人君子的面孔;小人物受尽屈辱,死后还要在他的身上泼满污水。张金龙为报仇雪耻而行凶,主动 以自己年轻的生命来偿债,当局居然忍心污蔑他是小偷;李沛瑶因奸被杀,官府竟为他编造出一个与盗窃犯英勇搏斗而牺牲的故事。最可怜的是张金龙的父母,女儿 被糟蹋,儿子被枪毙,还要为儿子背上盗窃犯、杀人犯双重罪名,从此只能在含垢忍辱中消磨残年,不只何时才是尽头;奇怪的是,8年之后仍有人往他们滴血的伤口上撒盐。



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请带果敢回家 Night monk blog



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推荐钩沉历史 新浪微博: http://url.cn/agDJCg 
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净莲梅亭 不允许批评的政府,一定是腐败的;不允许监督的政府,一定是枉法的;不允许选举的政府,一定是非法的。

Saturday, January 24, 2015
【甘肃省人大常委会副主任、党组副书记陆武成遭了】http://url.cn/X1jz4q ---陆武成离任兰州市委书记时曾称上不负党下不负民,又一个倒在豪言壮语之下!

陆武成离任兰州书记时曾称上不负党下不负民Domestic News> 2015 Corruption central topic


2015年01月23日18:18 法制晚报
陆武成 陆武成
法制晚报讯(文/记者 温如军)今天下午,记者从中央纪委获悉,甘肃省人大常委会副主任、党组副书记陆武成涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受组织调查。陆是十八大后,甘肃落马的第一位副部级高官
  陆武成主持会议并讲话。该会议强调,省委十二届九次全委(扩大)会议暨全省经济工作会议、全省领导干部警示教育大会,既客观总结了一年来的工 作,又对2015年经济发展、党风廉政建设和法治建设进行了部署动员。要坚持从严要求,切实落实好党风廉政建设主体责任和监督责任,切实抓好整改任务落 实。

  2012年10月19日下午,兰州市全市领导干部大会召开,大会上宣布了陆武成等同志职务任免的通知,省委决定:免去陆武成同志中共兰州市委书记、常委、委员职务 。待安排。

2012年,陆离开兰州市委书记职位时,在全市领导干部大会上,他曾饱含深情地说:“我对兰州的风俗人情,山山水水,一草一木,大街小巷,道路桥梁,甚 至每个建筑,都充满着浓厚的感情,‘兰州情结’不仅深深印在我的脑海中,也融入到我的血液中。我永远不会忘记兰州这片热土,永远不会忘记兰州的干部群众。 无论我在哪个岗位上,做什么工作,我都将一如既往地关心关注和全力支持兰州的发展。”
  上述会上,陆还说,四年多前,省委调我到兰州担任市委书记,我就想,一定要上不负党,下不负民,内不负心,为官一任、造富一方,坚决以高度的政 治责任感和历史使命感,认真履行好职责,尽心竭力做好工作,切实做到立党为公、执政为民,努力为兰州经济社会又好又快发展做出积极贡献,以实际行动和良好 的工作业绩,回报党和人民群众。
  文/记者 温如军
Qian Liqun: I feel sad for the North


中国网2015-01-15 12:02


由 华东师范大学出版社、九久读书人联合举办的“一九八四,另一种叙事——‘新人文论’(纪念版)出版座谈会”在北京单向空间举行。丛书作者中的许子东、赵 园、黄子平、季红真出席座谈会,与读者分享这套经典丛书背后的故事以及他们的八十年代集体记忆。北京大学资深教授,博士生导师钱理群也出席了活动。
“新 人文论”丛书是八十年代初开始活跃于文坛的青年学者和批评家的一次集体亮相,映照着三十年前文学观念嬗变的思想大潮。此次重新出版,既是旧作的重新推广, 也是对八十年代文学研究黄金时代的一次怀念和重思。就像资深出版人李庆西在活动现场所说:“八十年代并不是很看重学历门槛的年代,八十年代是尊重名家,但 并不崇拜名家的年代,是有利于年轻人脱颖而出的年代。”
钱理群: 大家可能会注意到“新人文论”丛书的新人中缺了两个人,缺了我和吴福辉,原因很简单,(那时候)我和吴福辉已经不是青年了,那时候我正好是46岁到50岁 之间,这个年龄挤进青年确实不合适。但是,因为我后来和黄子平、陈平原两个人一起提出“二十世纪中国文学”,这样通常大家就把我和黄子平、陈平原一起看 待,称我们为青年学者。到后来我退休了,大家突然发现钱理群成老教授了,所以我只有两个命名,从“青年学者”一下子跳到“老教授”,这当中没有一个过渡, 所以我是一个没有中年时代的学者,不过当时我们这种四五十岁的中年人跟他们二三十岁的青年人并没有多少的界限,而且是互相帮助的。
这 里特别感谢黄子平,刚才赵园说到她的第一本书是子平取名的,实际上是子平推荐的,因为我们这群人首先出名的是黄子平,他的《沉思的老树的精灵》非常出名, 我们当时还默默无闻。当时上海的一位编辑找到了他,想出他的书,同时对黄子平说,你的同学当中能不能推荐一两位?结果他推荐了我和赵园,大家很难想象,当 时这位编辑听完这话后立刻跑到我们家里来,当场就确定让你写什么。我说我在写《心灵的探寻》,他说好,就写这个。所以我今天经常劝那些找我出书的编辑,我 说,你别找我这个已经出了名的,你应该找那些已经很有潜力,正处于要出不出的时候的人,他各方面已经准备好了,但是因为种种原因,比如说年轻、没有机会, 他出不来,这个时候找他做作者是最好的,他一定会把最好的东西给你。
谈 一点我的经验,我的第一本书到现在都出不来,我真正的第一本书,我下了功夫写的是《周作人年谱》,因为那个时候老师要求研究作家要从人物开始,我记得我花 了整整三年的时间辛辛苦苦写出这本年谱,但是这个脸谱最后就是出不来。后来没有办法了,就由我的导师王瑶先生出面,把这本书推荐给了北大出版社,北大出版 社接受了,但是那个编辑思想比较老,他审了一年,后来跟我回答说,他说不是你这个书不好,而是说北大出版社第一次出年谱,出汉奸周作人不合适,就这个原因 给我退回来了。
我想讲的意思是,大家不要把1980年代想得过于理想化,每一个时代的 年轻人要出来,都遇到种种的阻力,而这个阻力要靠自己的努力去解决,不要觉得好像过去很好,今天就不好,不要把过去理想化。但是那个时代确实有一个特点, 虽然也有外在的这么多阻力,但是我们确实有一大批(我很感激我们的老师)老师对我们全力支持。我记得当时不止是一个老师,还有更多的人,甚至我发现有些人 可贵在哪里,他觉得这个学生有可能超过他,但他还是推他出来,这个境界就很难有,现在的导师恐怕很难有这样的气度,他恐怕就不那么热情地把这个学生给推出 来。另外那时候真的是有很多的出版社,很多的杂志编辑尽全力要把新人推出来。
另外,我 觉得还有一个非常重要的原因,就是我们(学者)相互之间确实非常团结,刚才提到了京海两派(北京、上海)实力是最强的,但是恰巧也是关系最好的。有一种说 法一山不容二虎,但是我们几虎在一起,大家都处得非常好,而且尽量互相支持。我觉得这个经验可能更重要,因为从外界环境来看,每一个不同的时代都会遇到阻 力,那怎么办呢?靠自己的毅力,还有靠同辈间互相的支持,总是能够出来。
所以我觉得这 里很重要的一点是生态环境问题,1980年代总体来说,那个时代环境比现在好,我觉得现在令人担忧的就是生态环境。当然现在也有比我们那个时代优越的地 方,比如说现在出书要容易一点,不是那么难了,而且现在我觉得,实际上我们今天有些更年轻的学者,他们写出来的书的质量并不一定比这套书差,现在也有一些 很好的书,但是不大可能有这套书的这么大影响。我最近跟我的学生谈话,我说,你们无论从知识结构,还是很多的研究上来说,实际上并不弱于我们,甚至超过我 们,但是你们必须承认这个现实,你们很难有我们这代人的影响,这跟现代的环境是有关系的。那怎么办?我对我的学生说,因此你们现在就不要再去追求有多大的 影响,多大的效应。我提出两点,第一,凭兴趣做学问,第二,凭良知做你自己的事情。现在年轻人只能选择这么一条路,但是我觉得,尽管生态环境不尽理想,我 们是不是完全没有进一步努力的空间?我觉得也不一定,更大的环境我们掌握不了,但是小环境里面,我觉得还是有有良知的出版编辑、杂志编辑的,还是可以为制 造好的生态环境做出一些努力,更主要还有我们自己,彼此之间是不是可以联络起来,互相支持,也创造出一个相对好的生态环境。我最主要的是呼吁这个,大家第 一要面对现实,第二个就是要考虑怎么样能够由自己的努力创立更好的一个环境。
: 我主要想问一下钱理群教授,因为我知道你有一句名言,现在的大学生从北大、清华所谓的精英的大学生,他们早已经成为精致的利己主义者,这句话对我影响很 大,我现在也在北大待了一段时间,我自己有这种感觉,因为北大现在好像越来越官僚,早已不是五四时代的北大了,我想问一下钱老,您是在什么环境下说出这句 话的?还有你对我们现在大学生的担忧,我认为还是很客观,你觉得我们发展下去是不是一种很危险的趋势?
钱理群: 我可以讲一下,我怎么会提出这样一个高智商的精致的利己主义概念,其实这个发明权不属于我,是我和两位中学教师的通信当中,他们共同提出这个问题。中学老 师最大的悲哀是,他们培养出来的高材生,有相当一部分是高智商的精致的利己主义者,他们提出后就提醒我了。其实我这个话提出时间很早,我记得在北大110 周年校庆很小范围内讲过这个,但是因为在北大内部讲的,没有什么反映,后来我参加刘道玉那个会,马上就在网上传播开了,我想要补充两点,一个就是我觉得高 智商的精致利己主义的学生的出现,实际上是高智商的利己主义的老师培养出来的,所以我最近有一个话,我说,北大最大的悲哀就是一批高智商的利己主义者老师 培养出一批又一批高智商的利己主义的学生。
但是话又说回来,我讲的只是一部分,不能简 单地概括为现在整个北大的老师都是利己主义的,学生也是利己主义的,这有点过分了。但是坦白说,我对北大极度失望,不是一般的失望。但是从内心深处又觉得 北大还是有一点希望能保留(它的精神的),因为北大毕竟有传统在那里,而且青年是多变的,所以我觉得现在教育在培养出高智商利己主义者的同时,还有一批 (我也接触到一些)现在还在坚持自己的梦想,还在坚持走自己的道路的学生,所以我现在更看重的是后面的这部分学生,我永远把自己眼光放在一些多少还在坚持 理想主义的人身上。当然他们的理想主义跟我的理想主义可能不一样,但他们多少还在坚持。所以我曾经写文章讲到两点,我说我们要坚信人性的力量,因为人性决 定人本质上还是精神动物,人本质还是社会动物,我们要相信这一点。
另外我觉得要相信青 春的力量,因为青年人总有一种向上的力量,但是这样一种青年力量、人性的力量是不能承受压力的,我经常讲这句话,人的本性既有善又有恶,问题是这个环境, 这个条件,是扬恶抑善的,还是扬善抑恶的,我觉得问题出在我们现在很多情况都是扬恶抑善。我们要争取改变,哪怕局部改变这样一种状况,要扬善抑恶,我觉得 我们今天这个交谈就是扬善抑恶,我们谈的都是一些向上的东西,好的文化生态就是扬善抑恶的过程。

北 大教授贺卫方:所谓法治,就是任何权力都必须居于法律之下,而不是在宪法和法律之上还有一种更高的权力。假如那样的逻辑也成立,那么秦始皇的统治也可以说 成是现代法治-----求是刊文指出,一些教师运用他们手中的知识权力影响青年人,不断地抹黑中国。这也算抹黑?如此黑的东西还需要抹吗?
highonkisses嘻啵: IS是凶残,但我们日常所目睹的所遭受的,恐怕还要凶残得多。温水煮青蛙,国为水,民为蛙,官贵添柴无厌,这种残酷才异常可怕。
默默向上游: 给公务员涨薪和补贴社保,不需要钱吗?给外国人民改善交通和民生,不需要钱吗?举办大大小小的运动会和国际会议,不需要钱吗?为中国人民的老朋友两肋插刀,不需要钱吗?

Salavivo 核平猪圈-@ysbd15

highonkisses嘻啵: IS是凶残,但我们日常所目睹的所遭受的,恐怕还要凶残得多。温水煮青蛙,国为水,民为蛙,官贵添柴无厌,这种残酷才异常可怕。
有些公民朋友问我应该做什么?我说:尽快学会使用和帮助他人使用各种"翻墙软件",坚决学会"翻墙",通过"翻墙软件"这一简单的技术工具,打通自己与全球华文舆论信息世界的关系,冲破国内的网络信息封锁,了解真相,享受言论自由的人类文明。2013年8月28日 18:06 全部转播和评论(1725)
【遮 羞布】你们玩弄维稳,我们失去自由;你们玩弄教育,我们失去思考;你们玩弄政治,我们失去权利;你们玩弄权利,我们失去尊严;你们玩弄法律,我们失去公 平;你们玩弄信仰,我们失去灵魂;你们玩弄经济,我们失去财富;你们玩弄女人,我们失去童贞,一句特色就将丑恶暴虐荒淫无耻变成了理所当然。
《环 球时报称:中国军力全球第3 战时可动员7.5亿人》看了这一报道,首先给人的感觉是自慰,总人口才1314亿左右,而且中国是一个老龄化的社会,扣除老人、儿童、妇女、学生,这 7.5亿的人囗要从何而来?就加上8500万也是不够,谁会把自己的独生子女送去当炮灰?
求 是网刊发评论,抹黑中国正成为当下某些人的时尚追寻,一些教师运用他们手中的知识权力影响青年人,不断地抹黑中国,文章点名了贺卫方、陈丹青两人,称贺 卫方在微博中大谈宪政,陈丹青在其微信公众帐号以《大家别去美国!一个愚蠢而落后的国家》为题,内容却是对美国的过度美化,诱导效果可见一斑 江西购物网

【十骂国民党】一骂国民党,新闻尽撒谎;二骂国民党,税高如同抢;三骂国民党,物价拼命涨;四骂国民党,二奶官员养;五骂国民党,垄断恶如狼;六骂国民 党,阉割因特网;七骂国民党,反腐如挠痒;八骂国民党,沿途截上访;九骂国民党,强拆似战场;十骂国民党,代表我思想。(转之网络)
党 政分开喊了30年,一直分不开;官员财产公布喊了20年,一直不公布;加大教育投入喊了18年,一直没加大;医改喊了12年,越改越糟;宏观调控降房价喊 了10年,总是不降反涨;《收入分配改革》喊了8年,到现在都出不了台;微博实名制喊了1个月,居然就实现了;网络治理喊了1周,第二周马上立法通过了 ()
媒 体对歌手的私人生活肆意添加情感色彩,却对领袖的生活避而不谈。直到张万年逝世,多数百姓仍然不了解这个令中央领导人沉重悲痛的将军到底是什么样的人,没 有了解,纪念就可能沦为一种形式。摘自求是网。这作者是高级黑呀,领导的生活象明星那样让群众了解吗?那还不暴露出各种的裙带关系?真是滴。
转 载:【房价高的真实秘密】——2012年房地产业销售6.4 万亿,缴纳契税2874亿,房产税1372亿,营业税4051亿,土地增值税2719亿,缴税合计约1.1万亿,土地收入28517亿,政府税费 39533亿元占6.4万亿的61.8%。另外,银行房贷余额12万亿,获8400亿利息。(根据马靖昊说会计数据整理其中利息不能计入房价)
@谢作诗: 我要努力整个师长当! || @木然: 还有郭伯雄? || @赵文: 民谚云:枪杆子,刀把子,都是为了捞票子!
【李源潮:我也是网传谣言的受害者】21日出席中国侨联九届二次全委会议的国家副主席李源潮专门谈到互联网信息治理环境问题,并感慨称自己也是网传谣言的受害者,后来证实谣言涉及的内容子虚乌有,但是传谣参与上受众积极,辟谣却缺乏广泛正视。李源潮是在@田炳信 以全国侨联委员代表发言时作此感慨。
@刘佐: “入常不得很郁闷,虚有名头不开心。|| konghun: 别人现在是红人 || @刘佐: 只怕是那些贪官给他们背后的人惹了麻烦。 || 俺是山东人: 刘老师注意,别惹了麻烦
@刘佐: 十八大以后查出了那么多贪官,不知此人主政江苏省和中组部时在用人方面有没有问题?可否请知情的朋友们晒一晒?
@刘佐: 真幽默,好段子!|| 晴天: 宫廷戏看多了的孩子伤不起,儿子放学后对妈妈说:额娘近来面容憔悴,孩儿甚是担忧,不如移步至孩儿学堂,可观赏山水风景,倘若还能与吾师喝茶论道,定是极好的!”“说人话!”“妈,班主任请你去学校一趟!
《我的好友李嘉誠》,原文作者是資深財經人順叔,由@阿蒙查_ 搬運并翻譯成書面語,此文剖析香港各大地產商在回歸前的各種角力,局部地描繪了紅色資本的獠牙,由@淵流青年 傾情推薦:知識量和分析是我讀過的所有李嘉誠撤資的文章中最重磅的。http://url.cn/W8Uy3V
李嘉诚100亿英镑收购英国电讯http://url.cn/aTwBnT 两周前,李嘉诚刚刚宣布重组资产,将深耕数十年的麾下公司从香港移至英属开曼群岛注册。今天,他又斥资超过100亿英镑,收购英国电讯公司O2100亿英镑,整整932.8亿元人民币啊。看来,老李果然是下定决心一路向西了。
#梦境#1. 公务员减半;2.官员财产公开;3.官员须竞争和民主选举产生;4.人民总收入不低于GDP50%5.人民福利不低于GDP30%6.行政经费不高于 GDP10%7、人民教育医疗免费;8.财政收入优先用于国民幸福安康,杜绝三公消费和满世界撒钱;9.住房套降至家庭年收入35倍;10.查封权贵 既得利益们非法所得。
我 们高喊着全世界最响的口号,却一次也不能兑现。我们供养着全世界最多的官员,却一个也不能选择。我们交纳着全世界最重的赋税,却一笔也不能透明。我们面临 着全世界最频的灾祸,却一次也不能问责。我们呼吸着全世界最毒的空气,却一句也不能反对。我们承受着全世界最深的苦难,却没多少人打算去抗争。
leile云声: 我们吃着全世界最毒的食物,却一次也不能追究!
@鳯凰南都 【极度无耻!】湖南932万社会抚养费挪作奖金。终于知道几十亿社会抚养费原来成了抚养他们的费用,抚养费让多少农村家庭倾家荡产!借计生之名搞自己福利,难怪那么多省不敢公布征了多少抚养费!难怪不敢公布费用花在了哪处!
今日,美国的油价都跌到26一升了,中国还是6元多。有人说,欧洲日本的油价也含了很多税。可他们缴税换来的民生福利、干净空气咱有吗?燃油税开征以来收的9000亿元税款,到底花在何处?Saturday, January 24, 2015
#曾經緊握公安武警刀把的統領公檢法司的政法王周永康 ,〝百鸡王〞,权色、钱色交易王,叫囂“穩定壓倒一切”,隨時挖坑將那些異議的維權的舉報貪污腐敗淫亂的抗議不公的申冤上訪不服的“活埋”#李新月Saturday, January 24, 2015
【两 名与周永康有染美女富商被港媒曝光】周永康落马前已有〝百鸡王〞的称号,其包养数十名情妇,玩弄官员向他〝进贡〞的美女。通报中直接点出其〝与多名女性通 奸并进行权色、钱色交易〞后,近日,有两大富商美女被港媒曝光与周有染,她们分别是〝天府女富豪〞何燕,以及〝哈尔滨女富商〞刘迎霞。

被遗忘的河南七五·八溃坝事故 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzAwNDIyNzA0OA==&mid=203546627&idx=3&sn=0f1cd25b6f97f5075a71d4c8f072e6a4#rd

2015-01-15 Mexico Mexican Tan Tan country is the country is 3

Dear friends, yes, I'm talking about the country ink is ink micro-channel platform to talk again and we met! !


2005 年 5 28, the US "Discovery" section choreographed a period called "man-made disasters in world history TOP10 caused by technical errors." episodes. With slow to start the lens, a field of human-induced disasters tragically demonstrated in front of an audience. They include the former Soviet Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion in India fear Bo Seoul chemical leak poison events. As reported in the reverse ranking to TOP.1, the audience could not believe to find: history of the world's most brutal man-made disaster, actually occurred in China!


Qingsha Zhang, the car winds its way through the waves like a boat forward. End of the road, is a once in 35 years ago, the village disappeared. Rather, in the Zhumadian plains nearly square kilometers of land, history and only 35 --35 years ago, almost all the villages within a few hours disappear. There is no discussion of flood rewrite these floods are stopped up people to build the dam, and later became the watery grave of mankind.

a divisive huge number of casualties, a fresh horrors mentioned. Rare sudden heavy rainfall, flooding, drought is a sudden movement in full swing in. When he Zhumadian Flood Control and Drought Command deputy commander of the Fan Bin, later recalled: "less than normal rainfall in July 1975, representing the province of Henan drought, severe drought in late July Zhumadian development, medium and small reservoirs river, mostly bottom water low, some rivers and some small reservoirs drying up. Region Party and government military and civilian Qidong Yuan, to county organizations to deploy a large number of leading cadres and the masses drought Seedlings full, half an acre per person to complete the autumn crop insurance income and struggle. region every day 200 million people out of labor between men and women. "

8 5 March, 03 typhoons from the Pacific arrived in Zhumadian 苦旱's been more than two months. But it does not bring the rain after a long drought, but four consecutive days of torrential rain. Unusually large storm intensity, according to hydrologists have measured data, from August 4 to August 8, storm center rainfall of 1631 mm maximum process, three days (August 5 to 7) The maximum rainfall 1605 mm. More than 400 mm of rainfall an area of ​​19,410 square kilometers. Area greater than 1000 mm of rainfall concentrated in the west of Beijing-Guangzhou railway Banqiao reservoir, the reservoir rock to the side of the city along the floodplain. In the storm center - located in Banqiao Reservoir forest village, six hours maximum rainfall of 830 mm, exceeding the time the world's highest (US Port of Pennsylvania Hermes 782 mm); maximum 24 hours rainfall of 1060 mm, creating a country highest similar metrics. Many memories

surviving descendants of the people that can help intuitively understand how much that torrential rains: "August 5 to 7 heavy rains, thunder rolling, spinning in the air for a long time, days like cast a black cloth, heavy rain poured down, like badly, between heaven and earth gray one, outside of a few unseen shadows, hear voices speak ";" storm like falling down from the same bowl, eaves rainwater flows less on plot has 4 fingers deep, take washbasin rainwater, a hand out from the house is full of pots withdrew, hillside runoff have ankle deep. sky was dark, a few steps away unseen person before rain birds over the hill, after heavy rain extinct birds, insects, children from the woods to pick Phoenix cooked eat ";" Rain fell down like a bowl of water as three feet across but not people ";" Before rain forest birds all over the hillside village , rain extinct birds, insects, dead birds everywhere ";" like this for several days and nights of heavy rainfall, several lifetimes have not heard "......

[Forgotten Henan seventy-five · Eight dam accident --- Tencent history]

Banqiao reservoir dam after

torrential rains shortly after the arrival of the first evening of August 5, Zhumadian City West Three Banqiao Reservoir ten kilometers already close to the maximum water level up. Banqiao reservoir has been everywhere inside and outside the flood, outside the library has reached more than one meter depth, reservoir administration is rushing, Fangdaowuta, telephone lines were thrust, switchboard was smashed, power stations were smashed everywhere dark, reservoirs and the outside world is interrupted. Itabashi street water more than two feet, supply and marketing cooperatives, banks were wrecking flood. Most houses and streets, residents left and right sudden, panic-stricken.

Zhumadian Banqiao Reservoir is one of the four largest reservoirs in the 1950s as the star project in Henan officials and the public mind has been enjoying a "steel bar" reputation. Even downstream Suiping Ruhe has issued a warning of possible dam failure, and no one believes Banqiao reservoir will collapse. August 6 reservoir administrator communicated to Zhumadian prefectural disaster report, but "the Town Board was flooded," "poor people lives" only. Zhumadian land reform committee Command commander Liupei Cheng production Itabashi day inspection visit, he called Reservoir Authority, Itabashi commune and garrison responsible joint deployment flood rescue:
"conference room, a mud a water people or sat on the floor or standing against the wall, put 刘培诚 around the middle, all words sonorous, warm tone. Some advocate heightening levee, some advocates blasted auxiliary dam spillway, relieve pressure on the dam. various views at loggerheads , the meeting lasted more than an hour, until finally, it was suddenly discovered that all programs related to the fight against floods are unable to implement the Revolutionary Committee, deputy director of the reservoir embarrassed to tell you: There is no flood warehouse shovels, straw bags, not one or two explosives Only a few small wooden handle sticks and a few grenades militia training with. "(to the people," 75.8 Holocaust documentary Insider ") Liupei Cheng helpless adjourned the meeting, condolences over the victims, but also looked at the state of the water on the dam, and then car left the bridge. Land reform committee Production Command deputy commander Chen Bin, in order to collect good deeds for publicity purposes, night stay in Itabashi.

8 月 6 日 23, the water level in the reservoir has reached Itabashi 122.91 meters, and the design requirements of the highest water level is only 110.88 meters, the main spillway gates raised out of the water, aqueduct also on at 1:00 on the 7th fully open spillway. But the water level is still rising sharply. 7 at noon, stay in the reservoir to Governor array of leather deputy commander array Bin declared a state of emergency reservoirs, sent rushed to the Zhumadian go, urged prefectural Revolutionary Council to immediately contact the garrison, sent troops to rescue the reservoir, repair communication lines, transporting straw bags, generators and other flood control equipment. And require the Authority and the Banqiao Reservoir commune organizational strength on the crest, and other flood control equipment immediately after arrival into flood control. But the result is: regional flood control headquarters by telephone to ask whether the WCB ready to have sacks and straw bags, the answer is no; they ask marketing cooperatives, Grain Bureau and other departments, the answer is also no. Nothing, no sacks, no explosives, no lead wire, wood ...... nothing at all. 1975 Zhumadian, mired in the Cultural Revolution of the catastrophe among the hills everywhere, all the forces are busy inside, flood affairs has long been thrown out the window. Within more than 20 hours, Zhumadian and medium-sized reservoirs have twenty-six collapse

[Forgotten Henan Seventh-eight dam accident --- Tencent history]

collapse floodplain stone dam reservoir

no flood equipment and supplies, not to take any action, people could only watch the rapid rise in the water level of the reservoir, but no one wants the dam will collapse, 8 January 7, there are people to Banqiao Reservoir Dam Authority, Deputy Secretary Zhaowen Fan report from the spillway where the fish are gone, should be sent to intercept a bar. Land reform committee but dam moment finally arrived and witnessed the whole process of dam Chen Bin, deputy commander recalls:
"phone went dead, walkie-talkie nowhere, from dam to dam north south, had sent back and forth news. water a few inches away from the top of the dam there, evidently soon crest level, South Batou Approach gap leaking everywhere, we are busy divvying up to block, where to block maintained? crest close fried of mine lightning thief thief bright light, shining over the world of heavy rain, the head of the water, the body is water, or water underfoot, a lot of people hid in the dam - a small pavilion seat, lest the rain pouring body does not know who to move. a chair and let me sit down and take a break, trance to around 0:00, only to feel the glare of bright eyes for a moment, then stuck day collapse like a loud noise, like a reel dam turned upside down, feet deafening sound of water, I think subconsciously reservoir accident. At this time, the flood has climbed over the parapet wall, stripped sand layer, the lot across from the dam body Ruhe pushed the gap. notch water rolling waves, like burning opened the pot, blink ask, the more red the wider the gap, in the north of the dam dam south were separated on both sides, not in the past, we are unable to contact, Zhang Qunsheng reservoir Revolutionary Committee is very tight, with eyes straight shocked stunned looked at me forever: '?? It can be supposed that can be supposed' "

then as a technician in the Banqiao Reservoir, is responsible for managing irrigation canals Hood wind, so memories of management in the reservoir dam before the "omission": "on the 5th day, ...... not hear the weather forecast, according to the rules should turn on the water, but does not receive directives of superiors, who would call the shots on the 7th morning, days and heavy rain spillway drain? , thunderous sound, out of high water waves, called hydraulic jump drive away. In fact, this failure in 1972 there have been, have not been resolved. WCB land area engineer to see the situation, agreed to release on the whole open or pressure a little, there is no clear opinion. gate voltage for a moment, the sound is much smaller, security diarrhea four hundred and fifty cubic meters per second, only to put three hundred cubic meters. At noon, Vice spillway began to turn on the water, rain unabated, into little more spit ...... reservoir, so go incredible. As a rule, when the water level exceeds the design of spillway gates to be open, many people feel that that gate must be open, but did not A person expressly Can more than 700 full flow when gate. ...... At that time, I can not recommend picking a hole drainage? also raised in 1963 when the flood had grilled hole in the program. stake, leadership refused to stand, I . will not dare to insist on the "

Zhumadian hydraulic engineer 王云亭 also said:" Unfortunately, the leadership was unresponsive, helpless on the one hand, on the one hand but fortunately do not think collapse. "At the time when the Banqiao Reservoir Fishery team worker Chen family, the eve of the dam was sent to set up the network from the secondary spillway interception ran out of fish, he recalled:" Ji Yan, deputy director of the Revolutionary Committee, said reservoir: if not finish the task do not stick to their posts, I shot you. this number of people, for the people is Marxism-Leninism, for he is a liberal, I later heard that he was afraid to stay out of dangerous reservoirs, excuse yourself Xianpao. "

8 月 8 日 0:00 Banqiao dam break, raging flood roared toward downstream. But nobody notices too dangerous to Zhumadian prefectural Banqiao reservoir downstream millions of people are also ignorant of the danger, evacuate and transfer did not take any measures. Meanwhile, Honghe another large reservoirs upstream reservoir rock floodplain has outburst floods breakthrough Honghe defense, rampage, overflow everywhere. From at 4:00 on August 7 to 8 1:40, within more than 20 hours, Zhumadian twenty-six medium-sized reservoirs have collapse, Trinidad plains, and instantly become a thousand 里洪泽. Murakami, who finished! Young and old at home over!

[Forgotten Henan seventy-five · eight dam accident --- Tencent history]

left: those who are trapped in the water to survive; Right: the bodies of the victims of floods < br> before

dam break, people downstream waterlogging in many areas has begun, as the masses Suiping Wen Wei Bay City commune brigade is being transferred to several organizations Heights neighborhood. But these "Heights" in front of big waves several meters high dam formed apparently meaningless. The brigade Party branch secretary Wu Futang so memories of his narrow escape:
"8 月 8 日 zero distance came the muffled thunder-like noise, listen closely like thunder, who can not tell what will happen I just felt the whole earth trembled, people did not loose breath over, the flood has pushed his chest, came tumbling overwhelming flood peak, rows of houses thump thump into the water, the waves engulfed, ten feet tall large dunghill was broken up, the size of the trees were torn down to shoot straight. man on the roof, people on the raft, the tree people, all of whom have been engulfed by relentless storms. night deep, water and fog, in addition to cries for help with a V sound mixed with shock waves, you can not hear the other voice. ...... a storms came, people caught in the room together on the water, I drink of water, and floating up , panic grabbed a lead foil, just go ride, touch the body of a person to live, I quickly grabbed his hand onto the foil. The original is zhaozhuang security officer Zhao preservation. We rode on the foil semi-floating semi-submerged, clouds wildly rushed eastward, all resigned. out of the village soon, I grabbed a small tree, and quickly give him the foil. I clutching trees, trees with weak buoyancy of the crowd, rushed Yang Feng southeast corner of the first village commune was big willow tree to block the flood, I also rescued Wang Ni in the water shouting for help Man City Director of Women commune. After dawn, I found myself covered with scars. look around, an ocean, you do not see a village or a house, I saw a lot of dead cow floating on the water, dead horses and human corpses, covered with bare, bleached from us. My heart is broken, who finished Murakami ! young and old at home over! cry, cry already, and called it utter the sound came. ...... about 10 o'clock in the morning, the water slowly go up but the water back end, I did not dripping with knee Water, mud marching, to feel at home. road village and see the trees, everywhere a vast expanse, only to see the puddles, Tian stems edges. dong dead bodies everywhere disorder, appalling. ...... Day morning I Jiangdajingshen, leaning on a stick, step three shake to touch the ruins of the 'home'. the whole brigade of more than 2,000 houses were washed away even the foundations together, most arable land had been destroyed, the land has been scraped go layer, size 100 000 trees uprooted and swept away, the whole brigade survived only .50 more than an old tree power machinery and tools were all swept away by the flood from the East Red Tractor Battalion hospital out of more than 160 meters, turn to the deep groove in Nianpan, stone drums, cement canal gate structure is pushed beyond 500 meters, one stone drums and later found two kilometers east of the many tree farms in Dongying brigade. Our original brigade There are 375 people, 1976 people, this was the flood drowned 929 people were killed .23 family households, 17 children became orphans, 156 people lost their wife or husband. "

< br> Wei Wei river villagers Bay Battalion, family six people four people were killed. He recalls: When fed cattle (about 16:00), the rain has been under a very large, dark, a team of people to higher ground to hide the Corps. Three Nier, I hold a home, I hold both in her hand, took a 12-year-old boy, he first entered the yard, seeing the flood would come from the high wall flew like tuck like the full people are stuffy inside the yard. Then 50-year-old 吴桂兰 said: After me and my 11-year-old water Nizi is boring to live, to hit a wall collapsed on me Niangliang who was nearly killed, thanks to a big wave of the Men hold up, lift out, between Nizi blink of an eye gone, I speak of the pitch darkness, grabbed a piece of foil on forest orange go with hydroplaning. Family six people dead two people Weishi Xing said: water front, I'm looking for a rope, ready to pull the old parents on a tree house. Father just had a rope tied to the roof, and the waters went into the house, I saw so strong rope off with a line like, look, old parents had Debris away. Wei Dongshan villagers recalled: My grandmother put the gatehouse yard tractor, when the flood down, head to Grandma and tractors swept away together. ...... (Quote from money just "the world's largest reservoir collapse tragedy --1975 Zhumadian year flood")

official data: the affected population of 1015.5 million, 2.6 million people died
< br>
[Forgotten Henan Seventh-eight dam accident --- Tencent history]

flood destroyed section of Beijing-Guangzhou railway suiping

in this Under the second flood attacks, 30 counties in Henan Zhumadian, Xuchang, Zhoukou, Nanyang and Wuyang five regions affected work area. The affected population of 1015.5 million, an area of ​​1780.3 hectares affected, 5.248 million houses collapsed, 26,000 deaths, destroyed sections of Beijing-Guangzhou railway!

refuse obedience, open perspective, heavy tree ethical, qualified citizens do!


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2005年 5月28日,美国《Discovery》栏目编排了一期名为《世界历史上人为技术错误造成的灾害TOP10》的专题节目。随着镜头的缓慢展开,一场场人为 导致的灾难惨痛地展现在观众面前。它们包括前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站爆炸事件、印度博怕尔化工厂泄毒事件等。当报导逆向排名至TOP.1,观众们无法置信地 发现:世界历史上最惨绝人寰的人为灾难,居然发生在中国!


青纱帐里,汽车犹如一艘小船弯弯曲曲地破浪前行。路的尽头,是一个曾经在35年前消失的村庄。准确地说,在驻马店平原地区近万平方公里的土地上,历史只有 35年——35年前,几乎所有的村庄在几个小时之内消失殆尽。洪水毫无商量地改写了这些,洪水是被人们构筑的大坝拦起来的,后来,成为人类的水墓。

   一个众说纷纭的巨大伤亡数字,一个鲜被提及的惨祸。突如其来的罕见特大暴雨、洪水,是在热火朝天的抗旱运动中突如其来的。时任驻马店地区防汛抗旱指挥部 副指挥长的孔繁斌日后回忆道:“1975年7月份降雨量偏少、河南全省较旱,驻马店地区7月下旬旱情发展严重,大中小水库河道,大都底水较低,有的河道和 部分小水库断流。全区党政军民齐动员,地、县委抽调大批干部组织领导群众全力抗旱保苗,为每人完成保收半亩秋作物而奋斗。全区每天出动男女劳力200万 人。”

8月5日,来自太平洋的03号台风抵达苦旱已有两月有余的驻马店地区。但带来的不是久旱后的甘霖,而是连续4天的特大暴雨。暴雨强度罕见地大,据水文工作 者们测量的数据,从8月4日至8月8日,暴雨中心最大过程雨量达1631毫米,3天(8月5日至7日)最大降雨量为1605毫米。超过400毫米的降雨面 积达19410平方公里。大于1000毫米的降水区集中在京广铁路以西板桥水库、石漫滩水库到方城一带。在暴雨中心——位于板桥水库的林庄,最大6小时雨 量为830毫米,超过了当时世界最高纪录(美国宾州密士港的782毫米);最大24小时雨量为1060毫米,创造了我国同类指标的最高纪录。

幸存民众的许多回忆能够帮助后人直观地了解那场暴雨究竟有多大:“8月5日至7日连降暴雨,雷声滚滚,在半天空中打转,天,像蒙上了一层黑布,暴雨倾盆而 下,犹如翻江倒海,天地间灰蒙蒙一片,几步之外看不见人影,说话听不到声音”;“暴雨像从盆里倒下来一样,房檐上的雨水流不及积有4指深,拿洗脸盆接雨 水,从屋里往外一伸手缩回来就是满盆,山坡径流有脚脖子深。天色很暗,几步远看不见人。大雨前飞鸟满山坡,大雨后鸟虫绝迹,小孩子从树林里拣死鸟烧熟 吃”;“雨像盆里的水倒下来一样,对面3尺不见人”;“在林庄降雨前鸟雀遍山坡,雨后鸟虫绝迹,死雀遍地”;“像这样连续几天几夜的特大暴雨,几辈子都没 有听说过”……


8月5日晚第一场暴雨到来后不久,驻马店市西三十余公里处的板桥水库就已接近最高蓄水位了。板桥水库内外已经遍地洪水,库外水深已高达一米以上,水库管理 局被冲,房倒屋塌,电话线被冲断,总机被砸毁,电站被砸坏,到处一片漆黑,水库与外界联系中断。板桥街上积水二尺有余,供销社、银行被大水冲倒。街上大部 分民房倒塌,居民左冲右突,仓皇失措。

板桥水库是驻马店地区最大的四座水库之一,作为50年代的明星工程,在河南官民心目中一直享有“铁壳坝”的盛誉。即便下游的遂平县已经发出了汝河可能溃坝 的警告,也没有人认为板桥水库会垮掉。水库管理员8月6日传达给驻马店地委的灾情报告,不过是“板桥镇遭淹”,“群众生活发生困难”而已。驻马店地革委生 产指挥部指挥长刘培诚当天前往板桥视察,曾召集水库管理局、板桥公社和驻军负责人联席会议,部署抗洪抢险:
“会议室里,一身泥一身水的人们或席地 而坐,或靠墙而立,把刘培诚围在中间,个个言辞铿锵、语调热烈。有的主张加高大堤,有的主张炸开副坝泄洪,减轻对大坝的压力。各种意见相持不下,会议延续 了一个多小时,直到最后,人们才突然发现有关抗洪抢险的一切方案都无法实施。水库革委会副主任尴尬地告诉大家:防汛仓库里没有铁锹、草袋,更没有一两炸 药,只有几根小木棍和几只民兵训练用的木柄手榴弹。”(于为民,《75.8浩劫内幕纪实》)刘培诚无奈宣布散会,慰问了一遍灾民,又上坝看了看水情,然后 坐车离开了板桥。地革委生产指挥部副指挥长陈彬,为了搜集好人好事以供宣传之用,当晚留在了板桥。

8月6日23时,板桥水库的水位已经高达122 .91米,而设计规定的最高蓄水位只有110.88米,主溢洪道闸门抬高出水面,输水道也于7日凌晨1时全部打开泄洪。但水位仍在急剧上涨。7日中午,留 在水库督阵的地革委副指挥长阵彬宣布水库处于紧急状态,派人火速到驻马店去,.催促地委、地革委立即与驻军联系,派部队到水库抢险,抢修通讯线路,运送草 袋、发电机和其它防汛器材。并要求水库管理局和板桥公社组织力量上坝顶,等防汛器材运到后立即投入防汛抢险。但结果是:地区防汛指挥部用电话询问水利局是 否准备有麻袋和草袋,回答是没有;又询问供销社、粮食局等部门,回答同样是没有。什么都没有,没有麻袋,没有炸药,没有铅丝,没有木材……什么都没有。 1975年的驻马店,深陷在文革的浩劫之中,山头林立,各派力量忙于内都,防汛事务早被抛到了九霄云外。20多个小时之内,驻马店地区二十六座大中型水库 相继垮坝


没有任何防汛设备和物资,采取不了任何措施,人们只能眼睁睁地看着水库的水位迅速上升,但没有人想得到坝会崩溃,8月7日,还有人向板桥水库管理局副局长 赵文范汇报坝里的鱼都从溢洪道跑掉了,应该派人去拦一拦。但溃坝的一刻终于到来了,目睹了溃坝的全过程的地革委副指挥长陈彬回忆道:
“电话不通, 报话机不通,从坝南到坝北,只好派人来回传递消息了。水位离坝顶还有几寸,看样子很快就会平坝顶,南坝头引桥豁口到处漏水,大家七手八脚去堵,哪里能堵得 住?雷贴着坝顶炸,闪电贼亮贼亮,照着满世界大雨,头上是水,身上是水,脚下踩的还是水。很多人躲到坝上的—座小凉亭里,免得雨水浇身。不知道谁搬了张椅 子让我坐下歇一歇,恍恍惚惚到了0点左右,只觉得眼前刺眼地亮了一下,接着是天崩地陷般一声巨响,坝基一个趔趄象翻了个个儿,脚下水声震耳,我下意识地想 到水库出事了。这时候,洪水已经翻过防浪墙,剥去沙土层,从大坝跨越汝河身的地段推开了缺口。缺口处水浪翻滚,象烧开了锅,眨眼问,缺口越冲越宽,在坝南 和坝北的人被隔在两岸,没法过去,也没法联系,水库革委会主任张群生很紧张,用眼直楞愣地望着我说个没完:‘这可咋办?这可咋办?’”

当时在板桥水库担任技术员,负责管理灌渠的胡德风,如此回忆管理层在水库溃坝前的“不作为”:“5号那天,……无法听到天气预报,按照操作规程应该放水, 但接不到上级指示,谁敢做主?7号上午,天又下大雨,溢洪道放水,声音如雷灌耳,水浪跳出很高,这叫远驱水跃。其实这故障1972年就出现过,一直也没解 决。地区水利局陆工程师去看情况,同意开闸放水,是全开还是压一点,没有明确意见。闸门压了一下,声音小多了,安全泻量每秒四百五十立方米,结果只放了三 百立方米。中午,副溢洪道也开始放水,雨势有增无减,……水库进的多吐的少,这样下去不得了。按规定,超过设计水位时溢洪道闸门要全开,不少人都感到了这 一点,认为闸门必须全开,但没一个人明确表示。闸门全开时可超过700个流量。……当时,我建议能不能扒个口子放水?1963年防汛时也提出过扒口子的方 案。事关重大,领导不肯表态,我也就不敢再坚持了。”

驻马店地区水利工程师王云亭也认为:“遗憾的是当时领导反应迟钝,一方面束手无策,一方面又侥幸地认为不会垮坝。”当时在板桥水库水产队当工人的陈志家, 溃坝前夕被派去设网拦截从副溢洪道跑出去的鱼,他回忆说:“水库革委会副主任纪严说过:要是完不成任务,不坚守岗位,我枪毙了你们。这号人,对人家是马列 主义,对自己是自由主义,我后来听说,他怕呆在水库出危险,自己找个借口先跑了。”

8月8日0点,板桥水库溃坝,汹涌的洪水呼啸着扑向下游。但是,没有人向驻马店地委预告过板桥水库的险情,下游的数百万百姓也同样对险情一无所知,没有采 取任何撤离和转移措施。而与此同时,洪河上游的另一座大型水库石漫滩水库也已溃决,洪水突破洪河防线,横冲直撞,到处漫流。从8月7日4时到8口1时40 分,20多个小时之内,驻马店地区二十六座大中型水库相继垮坝,千里平原,瞬间变成千里洪泽。


“8 月8日零点,远处传来闷雷般的巨响,仔细一听不像打雷,谁也说不清会发生什么事,只觉得整个大地在微微颤抖,人们一口气还没松过来,洪水已经逼到胸前,洪 峰铺天盖地翻滚而来,成排的房子扑通扑通倒入水中,被巨浪吞没,一丈多高的大粪堆被打散,大小树木被齐刷刷地推倒。房顶上的人,筏上的人,树上的人,所有 的人都被无情的恶浪所吞没。夜深深,水茫茫,除了一起一伏的呼救声夹杂着风浪冲击声,再也听不到别的声音了。……一个恶浪打来,房上的人一齐被卷进水中, 我喝了一口水,又浮了上来,慌乱中抓住了一领箔,刚骑上去,身子碰住一个人,我赶忙抓住他的手拉到箔上。原来是赵庄治保主任赵保全。我们骑在箔上半浮半 沉,腾云驾雾似地向东冲去,一切听天由命了。出村不久,我又抓住了一棵小树,赶紧把箔让给他。我紧抓小树,凭借小树微弱的浮力随波逐流,冲到阳丰公社东南 角先庄,被一棵大柳树给挡住了。洪水中我还救出了在水中呼喊救命的文城公社的妇联主任王大妮。天亮后,我才发现自己满身伤痕。举目四望,一片汪洋大海,看 不到一个村庄或一所房屋,只见水面上漂着很多死牛、死马和人的尸体,浑身光光,从我们身边漂过。我的心碎了,村上的人完了!家里的老老少少完了!哭,已经 哭不出来了,叫也叫不出声来了。……上午10点钟左右,水慢慢地下去了。没等水退完,我就淌着没膝的水,踏着淤泥,往家里摸。路上见不到村庄和树木,满目 一片白茫茫,只看到水坑里,田梗边。桥洞中随处可见死尸横七竖八,惨不忍睹。……第三天上午,我强打精神,拄着木棍,一步三摇地摸到了一片废墟的‘家’。 全大队2000多间房屋连房基一起被冲走了,大部分耕地被冲毁,地皮也被刮走一层,10万株大小树木,连根拔起被卷走,全大队仅幸存了一株老槐树。50多 部动力机械和所有农具被一扫而光,东方红拖拉机被大水从大队院内冲出160多米,翻到深沟中,碾盘、石磙、水泥结构的渠闸被推出500米之外,其中一个石 磙后来在东边2公里多地的东营大队林场里才找到。我们大队原有375户人家,1976口人,这次被洪水淹死了929口人。23户人家全家遇难,17个孩子 变成了孤儿,156人失去了妻子或丈夫。”

魏湾大队村民魏长河,全家6口人中有4人丧生。他回忆:喂饱牛时(约下午4时),雨已下得很大,天黑时,全队人都往地势较高的大队部躲。三个妮儿,俺家里 的抱一个,我抱俩,手里还拉着一个12岁的小子,刚进院子,眼看着大水就从高高的墙头扑进来,像盖被子似的把满院子人都闷在里面。当时50岁的吴桂兰说: 我和我11岁的妮子被水闷住后,倒塌的墙就砸在我娘俩身上,险些被砸死,幸亏一个大浪把俺们托起,掀了出去,妮子眨眼间就不见了,我只觉着昏天黑地,抓住 一张林桔箔就随水漂走了。全家6口人中死去2人的魏世兴说:水来前,我正在找绳子,准备拉老父母上树上房子。父亲刚把绳子系到屋檐上,大水就进了屋,就看 见那么结实的绳子跟一根线似的断了,再看,老父母已经随水冲远。村民魏东山回忆:我把老奶奶放进拖拉机的门楼子里,大水下来时,水头将奶奶和拖拉机一起卷 走了。……(引自钱刚《世界最大的水库垮坝惨案——1975年驻马店大水》)



在这次特大洪水袭击下,河南省的驻马店、许昌、周口、南阳和舞阳工区5个地区的30个县市受灾。受灾人口1015.5万人,受灾面积1780.3万亩,倒塌房屋524. 8万间,死亡2.6万人,冲毁京广铁路数段!



月薪1万,你只能拿到7454.30元,而你老板要付出的是14410元 Monthly salary of 10,000, you can only get 7454.30 yuan, while your boss is going to pay 14,410 yuan


社 保缴费系数的确定,不同地区不同人群有所不同。北京市的规定是这样的,养老保险、医疗保险和失业保险三种险需由企业和个人共同缴纳保费,比例分别是养老保 险:企业20%,个人8%;医疗保险:单位10%,个人2%+3元;失业保险:单位1%,个人0.2%;工伤保险和生育保险则完全由企业承担,个人无需缴 纳,两种险的比例分别是0.3%,0.8%。至于住房公积金,2014年北京市缴存比例为企业个人均负担12%。

如 果你的税前工资10000元,在扣除各类社会保险及其所得税之后,每月能够拿到手的工资是7454元。缩水的25%是如此计算的:10000元工资,个人 需缴养老保险8%,医疗保险2%外加3元,失业保险0.2%,合计22.2%,外加3元,即2223元。再扣除缴纳个税322.70元,剩下 7454.30元。
综 合来看,万元税前工资,你拿到了7454元,企业实际支出了14410元,企业缴纳的社保金额约为4410元,个人支付2223元,两项合计6633元。 单位和个人合计缴纳五险一金的数额6633元,占据税后工资7454元的比例为89%。企业需要负担的金额,几乎是个人到手金额的两倍。

天 津市人力资源和社会保障局近日公布,2015年天津用人单位和职工缴纳城镇职工基本养老、城镇职工基本医疗、失业、工伤和生育保险费基数的最低和最高标准 分别为2812元和14058元。按此测算,社保缴费基数下限上调282元,上限则上调了1278元,涨幅分别为11%和10%。这意味着,即便月工资不 到2000元,企业和员工也得按照2812元的缴费基数下限缴纳社保。

中期财政规划下预算改革:破解公款迷局http://money.163.com/15/0123/10/AGKTF0J400254TFQ.html#from=money_index網易財經2015-01-23 10:14:02



Following the State of the [2014] No. 45 that "the implementation of medium-term fiscal planning and management", the newly issued Guo Fa [2015] on the 3rd article ("State Council on the implementation of the medium-term financial planning and management." ), marking the Chinese budget reform in the medium-term fiscal plan (MTFP) into the full implementation phase. Under the medium-term fiscal planning

budget reform: public funds to crack the puzzle

ah, public funds!

understand China to be an urgent need to promote reform MTFP under budget, you can begin to understand the management of public funds and public funds. Public money is taxpayer money. All the people are taxpayers, because everyone had to spend. Whether consumer goods or services, which include the tax. Public funds can be narrowly interpreted as financial capital, including taxes, non-tax revenue and government debt. Formation of public money spent in public spending. Currently, five Chinese government's total expenditure over 20 trillion yuan, up to one-third of GDP, equivalent to 50 times 20 years ago. In the past 20 years, China is not the fastest growing GDP, but the government's financial worth!

1. Everything is a lengthy, large public funds. We can accept this basic idea right?

under continuous years of rapid economic growth, the Chinese government as a whole five, the government has moved from poor year, jumped to become the world's major powers now only "the government is not bad money." At present, the government's five-year public spending has exceeded the size of the people over 20 trillion yuan, accounting for over one-third of GDP. Such a huge and still growing public funds to support the world's most massive scale of the public sector, including the "five team" and up to 20 million "royal food of the population," more than the entire population of some medium-sized country.

However, "not bad money for the government," and "There governance capacity of government" are two entirely different concepts, and "responsible government" and "service-oriented government" is completely unable to par. Therefore, the management of public funds and public funds at stake is not only the survival of the public sector, but also at stake governance capacity of state and government. In the context of globalization, some money but unable to cope with difficult economic and social challenges the country, including environmental disasters, aging, corruption and monopoly, regional disparities and polarization of wealth distribution, the values ​​of ethics and public construction, especially not with basic public services delivered to citizens at reasonable cost minimum standards, will be widely seen as low-energy treatment on children. The best such issues should be raised: Why some money of state and government, often there is so much public money (at least up to 2 trillion yuan) did not take out? There are so many problems getting worse?

answer is probably: China certainly has some major institutional weakness in the management of public funds, it is not sufficiently concerned about the long-term, more flexible system of aid is not the system corrected, become hinder good governance (good governance) the culprit. As a social systems approach to solve its economic and social issues, the nature of governance in response to environmental changes is to seize the opportunity of development. Resource strength itself does not indicate good governance. Good governance requires respect for the fundamental values ​​of public funds management (authorization, accountability, transparency, predictability and participation) under the premise of the system to obtain the ability to fully utilize the resources to solve economic and social problems. Under MTEF budget reform, such as the construction of ability to provide the most valuable promising direction.

2. individuals spend their own money is easy, good government spend taxpayers' money is difficult, wealthy government spent good taxpayer money is even harder. We have this knowledge it?

public funds and public funds management also threatening the core interests of all citizens. Corollary up, mainly expressed public interest is the mechanism of public funds and fiscal management. Support the quality of life of citizens, social prosperity and economic growth for all public services and public facilities, from law and order to the fire, from health care to pensions, from the highway to the park, from the legal to the defense, from basic research to space exploration, are all dependent on public funds and management of public funds - public funds to cover the acquisition, distribution and use. The three key aspects of the management of public funds must strictly comply with the law, and the law must reflect the will of the citizens, because public funds are taxpayers' money, not government officials or public money. Incomplete and state law enforcement to those poor management of public funds, the rule of law can not be true. The rule of law is most likely to take root sprout in the management of public funds.

Despite the stakes, to manage public funds for any country and the government is a severe test. Throughout history is not difficult to find: the government takes citizens easy money, taxpayers' money is difficult to manage. Dynasty, the rulers take money from the people the ability and willingness to always better to spend the money is much higher than the ability and willingness, and the more the end of the dynasty, the famous "financial scissors" the larger the spread, the final The dynasty into utter hopelessness. History has repeatedly interpreted the Chinese dynasty periodic law on internal factors, the main driving force behind this is the financial scissors. Tangzhao Xian Wei Zheng of "Water can carry a boat, can also capsize," aptly financial scissors amazing strength.

today's China, but also in the new era under the background of touching the cut, tangled enormous governance challenges. Eighth session of the Third Plenary building a modern financial system in order to improve the ability of the great concept of governance, reasoning together, the basic requirement is nothing more than the good management of public funds! Public funds tube well, what else can pipe is good? Manage public funds, and what tube wrong with that? Unfortunately, the Chinese society at all levels of governance and political, economic, social, environmental, etc., as well as the mainstream discourse system of political science, economics, finance, management, law, and other significant use in school, "public funds" and "management of public funds today "It's almost two core concepts were overwhelmed! Not to mention the capture of the two major themes of the most valuable!

the most fun thing in the world, than to spend other people's money; the most difficult thing in the world, than to spend other people's money is good. Government and officials is that people spend (taxpayer) money, and now has more than a year over 20 billion yuan, and is still growing rapidly. In real life, the management of public funds in question have been piling up: corruption, rent-seeking ("run the ministries for money" and the like), waste (the image of engineering and public funds, etc.), excessive idle (financial capital stock), financial risk ... .... These phenomena were tested now before us every day, but rarely think about contemporary people: Why so difficult to manage public funds? What is the association between the presence of poor management of public funds and poor governance? What are the basic mechanisms of institutional arrangements and the bottom line needs to manage public funds?

management of public funds difficult, difficult in the agency, and a free lunch. Public funds by all taxpayers, but public funds management (acquisition, configuration and use) can only be entrusted to a relatively small number of agents - government and public officials, thereby forming a principal-agent relationship of modern democratic governance under Background: As a delegate human citizens (taxpayers) and as an agent of the government. Is true: Inconsistency between the interests of the citizens and government interests everywhere, and may even develop into forms of conflict and confrontation. This is most evident in the management of public funds and public funds: Citizens expect government less taxes, at the lowest possible cost optimal delivery of public services. In contrast, governments and institutions are more concerned about the budget maximization; cost savings and high quality service delivery, which means a high degree of control officials must weakness of human nature (including the pursuit of their own comfort and enjoyment), and this control really bite the bullet.

agency relationship have become thorny issues, but also difficult to monitor the actions that the government and civic officials, including how much public money spent on where the outcome, who in formulating spending decisions, which The maximum interest expense or at least get people, who should be held accountable. Under the rule of law and lack of legal incomplete and confidential environment in vogue, rulers and more enormous discretionary power to make public funds to serve the narrow (including sectoral) interests rather than public interests. Even if there are channels and opportunities to participate in the management of public funds, many citizens may also be a lack of willingness to participate, they prefer free ride (free-ridding) rather than actively participate in the management of public funds. Plus other reasons, can say: the management of public funds made democratic governance and the rule of law nation-building, the most profound and difficult question!

for agents (in power), the principal-agent problem means they have enough motivation and opportunity to a serious, noble, sacred public funds management mutate into "cost socialization, personal income" of Fiscal playing, an either ignore or disregard the financial burden taxpayers game. This game is usually relatively subtle and difficult to detect, but very cunning and very rampant. Financial supervision is essentially the "cat and mouse." For various reasons - including information asymmetry, the probability of winning is much cat lower than mice. indirect taxation subject

China, non-tax revenue, "land finance" and the combination of government debt financing, making the pass on the financial costs of the game very easily. Some officials often "people" and "public interest" recited, but they really care about the burden that the government will pay for each day of the blues it? Political hypocrisy, than this.

for official group or any other beneficiary groups, the public funds or real free lunch. Assuming an official salary of $ 50,000 a year, these interests are directly attributable to the officials, but they all passed on the burden of all taxpayers. Similarly, health care and education spending are the main beneficiaries are patients and educated, but the cost is passed on almost all taxpayers. Current size of up to 20 trillion in annual spending, the distribution of each type of benefit expenditures are balanced: lofty always benefit some groups than other groups; but there is no cost-benefit commensurate with their bear populations, as these Cost is always passed on to all taxpayers!

As a result, each of these groups are facing the same situation - enjoy spending while not bear the cost of benefits. This is the problem of free lunch!

economics literature generally be described as a tragedy of the commons (tragedy of thecommons): a limited amount of resources, but no one has a reasonable motive control of resources as a result, the whole system will eventually end up with resource depletion and collapse. Such a "tragedy" of human history and re-interpretation of the natural environment to the next. Fisheries, pastures, surface water, ground water and other natural resources, mining and use in many parts of China has already become a real disaster. Serious deterioration of air quality and massive traffic jams, as well. The difference is that, compared with the dominant tragedy these easily observed and perceived, of the tragedy of the commons where public funds (from a free lunch) relatively hidden, system crash (financial crisis and the consequent economic and financial crisis) needs longer, are unlikely to cause widespread concern, even though a much larger scale, the consequences are more serious.

think, every year up to more than 20 million yuan of real money, for all groups is actually a free lunch, what would happen?

course is unlimited and compete for the coveted! After all, such a benefit is too tempting! In the utilitarian principle overwhelming, overwhelming the rule of law under the environment of men, the biggest winner in the game of public funds is most likely kind of people? Of course, is dependent upon those in power and those powers rentier! Because of this, "the power to shut the cage system" is so important. To turn off the power to the cage into the system, first of all have the financial power to shut the cage system; in order to finance the power locked cage system, first of all have the financial power of the caged budget system!

principal-agent problem and the problem of combining a free lunch, and shaping the social dilemma of public funds management. Budget system is to solve the financial community of the plight of these two institutional arrangements tailored. If the concern is the principal-agent problem, then, accountability (accountability) mechanism is the focus - the budget system must be shaped to enhance the Government's fiscal responsibility to the people of the arrangements; if the concern is the free lunch problem, then, sustainability ( sustainability) is the focus of attention. In this sense, the budget system must be shaped in order to strengthen and improve expenditure control in order to promote the sustainability of the arrangement, budget reforms required under this MTFP committed to the primary objective of Dada. Sustainable construction is the responsibility of the government and service-oriented government is absolutely essential prerequisite. Therefore, MTFP also help improve accountability, thereby helping to control the negative consequences of the principal-agent problem.

are so important because of the management of public funds, the budget system must manage public funds linked. "Public funds", "management of public funds" and "budget system," the three most valuable vocabulary, often obscured behind the "people", "public interest", "core interests of all the people" and the beautiful rhetoric. China must change this situation. Rulers need to guide the whole society attention and deep thinking. Our system is too lacking in the mainstream discourse of these terms. Public money management and budgeting system must associate. We need to let more people understand: the National People's Congress, "the circumstances surrounding the review and oversight of public funds," NPC "review and approve the budget," two entirely related but distinct issues. Congress thought (even if rigorous, comprehensive, detailed) review and approve the budget of the people can sit back and relax, it is too naive!

3. awe of the people, as the fear of the taxpayer; awe taxpayer, as the fear of public funds; the fear of public funds, as the fear of the budget system. We have such a public spirit and Republicanism ("People's Republic of China") feeling it? Should the taxpayer

no fear, we will not have a real fear of the people; if without the fear of public funds, taxpayers would not have to truly awe; if without the fear of the budget system, would not have the fear of public funds.

powerful reason is simple: While the management of public funds is dependent on a number of related institutional arrangements, but in its essence in terms of importance, the most critical of the budget system. The biggest weakness of China's financial system, one of the main weakness of the political system,

institutionally embodied in the budget. When the system to guide government budget constraints and inability to manage public funds, other institutional arrangements can not be expected to repair, let alone replace the. itself is the core component of the government's

budget. Governance and are as inseparable from the public funds for support. Public budgets and the corresponding public financial management, constitute the main line of modern government system operates. Budgetary or financial ties linking the government and the people. Budgeting systems integration resources, policies, public opinion (citizen preferences) and technical elements, and ordinary citizens, citizen representatives (the legislature), the president, the ruling party, the government, the budget units, public officials, government service providers, government bonds as well as other roles are linked together. "Budget Unit" (mainly government agencies) and the "core sector" (play "cat corner" of the National People's Congress, senior government officials, the financial sector, the audit department, the central bank treasury, etc.) is one of the two main roles.

budget process is the interaction between all these roles to coordinate conflicts they face in the pursuit of common interests and special interests in the process. This interactive process is what is selfish zero-sum game, or compete in a fair and effective cooperation under the inclusive (positive and) game, depending on the characteristics of the budget system.

Therefore, there is no support for government reform budget reform - and even political reform - is doomed to failure. China has repeatedly promoted "institutional reform" or "administrative reform", the reason for poor performance, lack of budget reform depth understanding and organic complexes, is the most important reason. Budget reform MTFP to help gradually change this situation.

There are many elements of the budget system - the budget process and the budget document is one of the most critical elements of the two. The budget is in the "administrative preparations", "the legislature for examination and approval," "the implementation of the executive branch," and "Evaluation and Audit" constitutes a cycle operations. This is a modern four basic stages of the budget process. As long as any one stage of the operation is seriously flawed, are likely to lead to a complete failure of public funds management.

current budget process biggest weakness is the budget preparation ("compiled") process vulnerability: a lot of the basic work simply not in place. Defects can be identified at least include: forecasting and policy planning - the macroeconomic policy framework and called the budget, financial benchmarks - to define a set of fiscal rules fiscal sustainability (such as "deficit" and "debt" caliber and size) Defect sector spending limit, defects interdepartmental coordination mechanisms, as well as the budget (especially spending) classification system. Department budgeting process in the first program - "one on" (spending department suggested several reports to the finance department budget), without any real meaning, but also a complete departure from the required prerequisite MTEF: (sector spending in hard budget constraints limits) under the department budget preparation. The second key element is the budget documents (budget and final report)

budget system. Few people realize that in modern society, the budget document is one of the most important legal documents constraints and guide the operation of the executive department of the year, is the single most important government policy documents. Whether or compared with compared with many developing countries, the gap between the quality of Chinese government at all levels of the budget document is very large, can not meet the basic requirements of good governance: accountability, transparency, predictability and participation. These files are quite rough, there is no adequate standardization and popularization, regardless of the content, format, terminology, charts, length, are true.

bluntly, the national annual levels of government, various agencies and departments bustling, prepared to invest a lot of time and effort out of the budget document, it may also keep a middle-school students quality essay! As to how the implementation of such an important legal documents and policy papers, not to mention it. 1.3 billion of taxpayers can expect to use these files to manage their pocketbook it?

More generally speaking, in terms of the other elements of the budget process, budget documents or budget system, operational budget status quo Chinese government at all levels and departments, in general, than the "budget San Man" era for American Progress good to go. Today, America's budget system in the world with the greatest influence, imitated in many countries, and largely reshaped the US federal government. So Albert, thanks to American progressives year on the "budget San Man" profound reflection, and on this basis to promote the drastic budget reforms. Hopefully budget reform China nowadays driven MTFP under can draw a very valuable experience.

how we can "manage public funds"?

manage other people's money is a heavy burden, manage public funds in particular. Because of this, it needs to push forward China-related budget reform and reform on track, especially in intergovernmental fiscal relations (revenue division and transfer payments) reforms. Public funds belonging to the government and budget units most important core resources at all levels, but also from year to year can be legally obtained critical resources from the budget. If you can construct an effective institutional arrangements management of public funds, then manage other public assets (government office buildings, infrastructure, state-owned enterprises and natural resources, etc.) it becomes much easier, because the system can manage the management of public funds other public assets to provide the best frame of reference. Notice, China has the world's largest public assets and public sector, and these assets are rarely managed properly. MTFP under budget reform, placed in such a context can be best understood.

any country and fiscal management of the government, must meet two general goals and committed three key objectives. Two general standards and compliance procedures to guard against any possible violations (including crime, law and discipline, etc.) behavior; three key criteria are sustainability, priority configuration and expenditure performance. Procedures and compliance higher priority, but sustainable, priority configuration, and performance goals is more important.

important is sustainable. Sustainable basic requirements are: the development and implementation of government policies, including existing policies and the proposed introduction of the new policy, reform must be incurred works crucial in the medium and long term disability in two: the minimum standards at a reasonable cost to deliver public services to citizens and repayment of debt principal and interest due self. The loss of any of these capabilities, means government policies in the financial (resource protection) on unsustainable. In terms of expression sharp terms, sustainability means death loss, destruction or systemic crisis - fiscal, financial, economic, social and even political crisis. This aforementioned free lunch incurred tragedy of the commons. So, in all target public funds managed and sustainable has supremacy, reflecting the primary value of public money management and budgeting systems.

timely identification of sustainable or unsustainable extremely important. If we can foresee three years ahead of cancer, there is enough time to respond, to reverse the unfavorable situation. But if cramming everything too late. Annual budget similar to this: only forward in the coming year. For sustainability goals, the one-year advance too short, because people can not see the next three years or longer, the government's fiscal policy will have what effect - how much money to spend. In this case, even if we move forward on the path of destruction, will be unaware, but afterwards too late to take any meaningful remedial action, or the cost of inaction is too high - now think of a few other places to govern Beijing Crazy, right near atmospheric pollution.

only under MTFP, these expenditure needs to be foreseen in advance. For example, if the current large-scale government investment projects continue, the future need to spend much money each year? After the project is completed, maintenance and operating expenses and how much? Assuming these expenditures foreseen in the next three years will reach 10 trillion yuan, but the government will simply not so much financial support, which means that the current policy (investment policy) need to be adjusted immediately, otherwise, there appeared crash (not financially continued) risk. This medium-term outlook mechanism does not exist in the annual budget. Promote financial sustainability, it is the most important purpose of the implementation of budget reforms required under MTFP reached.

"less than the Yellow River without tears", "the sight of coffins did not give up," is very common in Chinese society. Short-sighted local government is the best portrayal. China's political and administrative system so that local officials have a strong performance concept, which was originally a good thing. But it is a very bad thing: because the current system allows large-scale destruction and indulgence sustainable fiscal behavior! Take a look at the past few years or even 10 years, land finance, local debt, non-tax revenue, "resource-exhausted cities," Social Security funding gap of rapid growth and severe degradation of environmental quality, it is not difficult to find unsustainable As the Chinese government has developed and to what extent.

the long run, or at least three years, we will have what consequences? Annual budget simply does not make the starting point of the mid-term consequences of the future. This problem only under MTFP to get preliminary settlement. MTFP help solve many problems, but the most likely to solve the most urgent needs in the short term, is the sustainability issues!

MTFP requiring departments to measure expenditure needs over the next three years, to get the whole government expenditure needs; and then with the next three years, the available resources are compared to determine the sustainability policy. If a year (such as 2017) of the total expenditure of the mid-term demand for the 30 trillion yuan, the total available funds (including income and debt) to 28 trillion yuan, which means immediate need to be introduced to existing policies or The new policy adjustments, but can not wait for post-processing. Thus, policy makers must consider the feasibility outset on the budget, and the budget must be considered in the preparation stage of policy planning - which can continue the current policy, which need to abort the current policy, which can not be issued a new policy.

seen, MTFP between budget and policy to establish a direct link, the missing link is the annual budget of this major limitation lies. MTFP to improve the annual budget, embodied in the coupling mechanism between the budget and policy. Disjointed budget and policy, has been China's most important function of the budget system defects. The reason why long-term lack of public funds to manage China good to Chen on three key objectives, the deep roots of being in a serious discrepancy between the budget and policy. The so-called financial capital stock of money too and at the end of the assault, the root cause is also here. These issues only under MTFP only expected to get the best solution. The second key objective

annual budget is also difficult to implement the management of public funds: the priority configuration. This is all public funds management objectives, significance, and the most difficult goals. Any government can spend public funds each year the total is always limited, but demand is unlimited, so you must carefully consider the priorities and focus. However, determine and adjust the priority of public spending harder than private spending, but also much more difficult than the resource allocation of the market mechanism, because there is no clear price and currency rate of return to be guided, and each beneficiary groups of different interests and goals , very difficult to reach consensus. In this case, you must find an alternative way to address priority issues.

spending decisions ordering two of the most important mechanisms are the people (citizens of preference) and cost. Must be priority allocation of public funds to the strong demand of local citizens, but also consider the cost of meeting this demand is too expensive. In determining the sort, for each policy (or project) is very important to assess the life-cycle costs, capital investment in particular. Capital investment refers to investment in long-term assets of those forming, such as roads, bridges and other public facilities. "Heavy construction, maintenance and operation of light" is very common in many parts of China, redundant construction and haphazard construction of extremely serious, study its main roots lie in the formulation of the budget, at least, failed to carry out an assessment of the full-cycle cost of these projects, it "sloppy "incorporated into the annual budget.

not this many, the end result is the wrong allocation of resources: lack of timely, more than icing on the cake. Legal expenses (or fiscal revenue to GDP arbitrary hook), department funds, cut funding base law and departmental interests overwhelm the basic principles, common cause of long-term stay in a lot of financial resources is very low on the priority (worth no more) of use, This situation is getting worse, as well as a large number of scarce resources which could be used for development, is wasteful disposed benefit low places, such as office buildings and hotels, and public funds.

starting in 2008, China has gradually entered the era of slow growth in revenue. Era of rapid (two-digit) growth in the end. From now on, all levels of government must focus on to consider the release of resources from the structural adjustment of spending, not increase revenue or debt mainly by the way, to solve the economic and social development in the short board - higher priority uses.

However, this strategic task difficult to complete in the annual budget. On the one hand, the annual budget can transfer and release of funds is limited because more than 90% of the funds have been "cured" of. On the other hand it is difficult to form a continuous and coherent policy on time. These two aspects of the problem, can be solved gradually in a well-designed MTFP. Of course, this requires a package of reforms, particularly cuts funding earmarked reform departments and statutory expenditures.

annual budget in the third key objective of promoting the management of public funds, there are insurmountable obstacles. The goal is to expenditure performance. Performance results reflect the quality of expenditure, mainly refers to the number of government delivery of public services to citizens, quality, cost, timeliness, category and availability. Most expenses are required to render a number of years how their performance, and therefore, in the formulation of the budget, must be clear and quantified targets for each year of future performance - such as improving water quality and to what extent, and arrange the necessary funds in the budget. This work is difficult to complete in the annual budget, as most performance goals and to achieve these goals requires resources, the need to track more than one year.

MTFP can better cope with this problem, because it provides a look into the future three-year time frame. In fact equivalent to a 5-year span. For example, if you start preparing the MTFP from 2016-2018 year, then in 2014 and 2015 data must be listed in the MTFP. Thus, performance management needs continuity and consistency can roughly be guaranteed, although still not enough for some long-term projects. How

MTFP operation, can be used as "mid-budget" do?

countries implement medium-term fiscal plan - commonly referred to as "Medium Term Expenditure Framework" (MTEF) for over 20 years. During that time, many developing and transition countries have entered the process. In contrast, China has been very lag.

MTFP specific process varies from country to country, but the same basic process: (1) determine the macroeconomic policy framework; (2) to establish financial benchmarks (fiscal targets), such payments shall not exceed the growth in GDP growth, deficit should not exceed 3% GDP, and government debt must not exceed 60% GDP; and (3) to establish the total amount of medium-term expenditure limit, (4) the establishment of the mid-cap sector spending, (5) the formation of the Government's overall annual budget (6) Expenditure Budget department to prepare sector.

China currently used "department budget process" is not consistent with the above process, and therefore need to make deep reforms. In addition, the time to prepare the budget also needs to advance; at the central and provincial levels, at least 10 months in advance. Below the provincial local government can be appropriately reduced amount in advance, but it must be longer than the time now. Otherwise, simply can not do the basic work place. Core

MTFP is by function (such as education and health), economic nature (such as the procurement of goods and capital expenditures) and sectors (such as the Agricultural and Commerce) medium-term expenditure planning classification. The details are much complex than imagined. Government and its subordinate departments had to prepare and perform two levels of MTEF. Guo Fa [2015] provides the 3rd article, the Ministry of Finance lead and prepare the country MTFP before the next budget year, after seeking the views of relevant departments and social parties and approval by the State Council.

this provision are flawed, is not considered the main Congress (legislature) of the role and function. As in the past, Congress must review and approve the annual budget, but it does not necessarily mean "approval" MTFP. Nevertheless, MTFP the National People's Congress to review and "sign" is very important.

This involves a fundamental question: MTFP is "mid-budget" or to "mid-budget" to prepare for it? Wrong!

MTFP not replace the annual budget, but the support of the annual budget. The most important role of MTFP, that make up the annual budget of the inherent limitations in terms of policy functions. Because of the inherent limitations in establishing links between the budget and policy mechanisms, the annual budget on key objectives to promote public funds (expenses) administration, proved not really effective. Nonetheless, the annual budget in two basic objective of promoting the management of public funds - legal and financial compliance program control (since the legislature authorized budget, and finally payments to suppliers) - is concerned, the position and role of non- can shake. MTFP not be weakened, can only consolidate this role.

the MTFP misread as "medium-term budget" is very common, but common sense is equal to committing a serious error. Budget system is the cornerstone of modern annual budget, while the core function of the annual budget lies in the establishment of legal control over government spending! The main tool in fact, in all developed countries, parliamentary control of government power is the annual budget: either approve or reject the government's bill! As a cornerstone of modern democratic governance system, the annual budget system must be respected, and never use the so-called "reform" or MTFP to weaken its function, or replace it. This is the most ridiculous interpretation is a serious misreading of the MTFP.

engage in any country of the world do not have a "medium-term budget." Legislature in any country under annual review and approval by an (Note that not two or more) of the annual budget. Legislative review and approval of the annual budget must be. This is the foundation of modern budgeting system, citizens and their representatives (the legislature) pursuant to the authority of government to implement the statutory financial control, reflecting the power of the rule of law into the cage of the basic concept and spirit.

for better understanding, give out (assuming the 2015 establishment of 2016-2018 MTFP) as follows:

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
< br> 25 万亿 30000000000000 35000000000000 38000000000000 41000000000000 45000000000000

keep in mind the following points would not commit the common mistake: (1) 2014 data is called "accounts" (actual) number, (2) 2015 data is called "budget" number, (3) in 2016 called "pending approval of the budget," the number, (4) 2017 and 2018 known as the "planning" number, 2019 year called "prediction" number. Never able to "budget" confused "plan" or predict.

in the international arena, the law for the government to provide long-term (or even permanent) authorization of expenditure is very common, authorized legal expenditures China's "Education", "Agriculture Law" and it is.

导语 :

在 持续多年的高速经济增长下,中国五级政府作为一个整体,早已从当年的贫困政府,一跃变成如今世界各大国中唯一“不差钱的政府”。目前五级政府的年度公共支 出规模已经超过20多万亿元人民,占GDP的1/3以上。如此巨大且仍在不断增长的公款,支撑了世界上规模最为庞大的公共部门,包括“五大班子”和多达 2000多万“吃皇粮的人口”,比某些中等国家的全部人口还要多。
然而,“不差钱的政府”和“有治理能力的政府”完全是两个不同概念,与“责任政府”和“服务型政府”也完全无法相提并论。因此,公款和公款管理不仅攸关公共部门生死存亡,也攸关国家和政府的治理能力。 在全球化背景下,有的是钱花但却无力应对棘手经济社会挑战的国家,包括环境灾难、老龄化、腐败与垄断、地区差距与财富分配两极分化、伦理道德和公共价值观 建设,特别是不能以合理成本向公民交付最低标准的基本公共服务,将被广泛地视为治理上的低能儿。最好的问题应这样提出:为什么有的是钱花的国家和政府,经 常有那么多公款(至少达2万亿元)没有花出去?还有那么多问题日趋恶化?
答案很可能是:中国在公款管理方面一定存在某些重大的制度软肋,正 是这些长期未被充分关注、更未系统矫正的制度软助,成为妨碍良治(good governance)的元凶。作为一个社会解决其经济社会问题的系统方法,治理的本质是因应环境变化抓住发展的机遇。资源实力本身并不表明良治。良治要 求在尊重公款管理基本价值观(授权、责任、透明、预见和参与)的前提下,获得充分利用资源系统解决经济社会难题的能力。MTEF下的预算改革,为建构这种 难能可贵的能力提供了最有前途的方向。
公 款与公款管理还攸关全体公民的核心利益。推论起来,公共利益的主要表达机制就是公款和公款管理。支撑公民生活质量、社会繁荣和经济增长的所有公共服务和公 共设施,从治安到消防、从医疗到养老、从公路到公园、从法律到国防、从基础研究到太空探索,无不依赖于公款与公款管理——涵盖公款的获取、分配和使用。公 款管理的这三个关键方面必须严格遵从法律,而法律必须体现公民的意志,因为公共资金是纳税人的钱,不是政府或公共官员的钱。那些公款管理方面的法律残缺不 全和执法不良的国家,不可能是真正的法治国家。法治国家最有可能在公款管理方面生根萌芽。
尽管事关重大,管理好公款对于任何国家和政府都是 严峻考验。纵观历史不难发现:政府拿走公民的钱易,管好纳税人的钱难。王朝时代中,统治者拿走人民钱财的能力和意愿,总是远远高于花好这些钱财的能力和意 愿,而且越是朝代末期,这个著名的“财政剪刀差”张开得越大,最终将王朝送入万劫不复的境地。中国历史上一再演绎的王朝周期律,就内因而言,其背后的主要 驱动力量就是财政剪刀差。唐朝贤相魏征用“水可载舟、亦可覆舟”,恰当地表达了财政剪刀差的惊人力量。
今天的中国,又在的新时代背景下触碰 到这个剪不断、理还乱的巨大治理难题。十八届三中全会提出建设现代财政制度以提高国家治理能力的伟大构想,推论起来,最基本的要求无非就是把公款管理好! 公款管不好,还有什么能够管好呢?公款管好了,还有什么管不好呢?很可惜,当今中国社会在政治、经济、社会、环境等各个治理层面,以及政治学、经济学、财 政学、管理学、法学等显学所使用的主流话语体系中,“公款”和“公款管理”这两个核心概念几乎被淹没了!更不用说捕捉了这两个最有价值的重大主题!
世 上最开心的事,莫过于花别人的钱;世上最困难的事,莫过于花好别人的钱。政府和官员花的就是别人(纳税人)的钱,现在每年已经超过20多万亿元,而且仍在 快速增长。在现实生活中,公款管理中的问题已经堆积如山:腐败、寻租(“跑部钱进”之类)、浪费(形象工程与三公经费等)、过度闲置(财政资金存量)、财 政风险……。这些现象每天都呈现在我们面前,但当代国人很少思考:为什么管理好公款那么困难?低劣的公款管理与糟糕的治理之间存在怎样的关联?管好公款需 要哪些基础性的制度安排和底线机制?
公款管理之难,难在委托代理和免费午餐。公款由全体纳税人负担,但公款管理(获取、配置 和使用)只能委托给人数相对较少的代理人——政府和公共官员,由此形成现代民主治理背景下的委托代理关系:作为委托人的公民(纳税人)和作为代理人的政 府。千真万确的是:公民利益与政府利益间的不一致无处不在,甚至可能发展为冲突和对抗的形式。这在公款与公款管理方面最为明显:公民期待政府较少收税、以 尽可能低的成本最优地交付公共服务。相比之下,政府和机构更关注预算最大化;节约成本和高质量地交付服务,意味着官员必须高度节制人性的弱点(包括追求自 己的舒适和享受),而这种节制着实勉为其难。
委托代理关系之所以成为棘手问题,还在于公民很难监督政府与官员的所作所为,包括公款究竟有多 少、花在何处、结果如何、谁在制定支出决策、哪些人得到的支出利益最大或最少、谁应承担责任。在法治不足、法律残缺和保密之风盛行的环境下,掌权者更有巨 大的自由裁量空间,来使公款服务于狭隘(包括部门)利益而不是大众利益。即使有参与公款管理的渠道和机会,许多公民也可能欠缺参与的意愿,他们宁愿选择搭 便车(free-ridding)而不是积极参与公款管理。加上其他原因,完全可以说:公款管理提出了民主治理和法治国家建设中,最为深刻和艰难的问题
对 于代理人(掌权者)而言,委托代理问题意味着他们有足够的动机和机会,将严肃、崇高、神圣的公款管理变异为“成本社会化、收益私人化”的财政游戏,一种要 么忽视、要么漠视纳税人财政负担的游戏。这种游戏通常相对隐蔽、不易察觉,但很狡猾也很猖獗。财政监督本质上就是“猫鼠游戏”。由于种种原因——包括信息 不对称,猫获胜的概率比老鼠低得多。
对 于官员群体或者其他任何受益群体而言,公款还是名副其实的免费午餐。假设某个官员一年的薪水为5万元,这些利益直接归属于该官员,但负担却全部转嫁全体纳 税人。同样,医疗和教育支出的主要受益者分别是患者和受教育者,但成本几乎全部转嫁给纳税人。目前规模高达20多万亿元的年度支出中,每类支出的利益分布 都不平衡:总是有些群体的获益高远高于其他群体;但却没有任何群体承担与其受益相称的成本,因为这些成本总是被转嫁给全体纳税人!
经 济学文献通常将其表述为公地悲剧(tragedy of thecommons):资源总量有限,但没有人具有节制资源的合理动机,结果,整个系统最终以资源枯竭和崩溃告终。这样的“悲剧”人类历史和自然环境中 下一再演绎。渔场、草场、地表水、地下水和其他自然资源的开采和使用,在中国的许多地方早已变成真正的灾难。大气质量的严重恶化和大规模的交通拥堵,也是 如此。所不同的是,与这些易被观察和感知的显性悲剧相比,公款场合的公地悲剧(源于免费午餐)相对隐蔽,系统崩溃(财政危机和由此引发的经济危机和金融危 机)需要更长时间,不易引起广泛关切,尽管规模更为庞大、后果更为严重。
委 托代理问题和免费午餐问题的结合,塑造了公款管理的社会困境。预算制度就是为解决财政社会的这两大困境量身定制的制度安排。如果关注的是委托代理问题,那 么,问责(accountability)机制就是焦点——预算制度必须被塑造为加强政府对人民的财政责任的安排;如果关注的是免费午餐问题,那么,可持 续性(sustainability)就是关注的焦点。在此意义上,预算制度必须被塑造为强化和改进支出控制以促进可持续性的安排,这MTFP下的预算改 革需要致力达达的首要目标。可持续也是建设责任政府和服务型政府绝对必要的前提条件。因此,MTFP也有助于改进问责,进而有助于控制委托代理问题的负面 后果。
正因为对公款管理如此重要,预算制度必须与公款管理相联结。“公款”、“公款管理”和“预算制度”这三个最有价值的词汇,经常被遮蔽 在“人民”、“公共利益”、“全体人民的核心利益”等漂亮词藻的背后。中国必须改变这种局面。执政者需要引导全社会关注并深度思考。我们的主流话语体系中 太缺乏这些词汇了。公款管理与预算制度必须关联起来。我们还需要让更多的人认识到:人大“审查和批准预算”与人大“审查和监督公款的来龙去脉”,完全是相 关但截然不同的两个问题。以为人大(就算严谨、全面、细致)审查和批准预算就可高枕无忧的人,实在是太天真了!
预 算本身就是政府的核心组成部分。政府治理和所作为所为离不开公款支持。公共预算与相应的公共财务管理,构成现代政府体制运作的主线。预算还是联结政府与人 民的财政纽带。预算系统集成了资源、政策、民意(公民偏好)和技术要素,并将普通公民、公民代表(立法机关)、总统、执政党、政府、预算单位、公共官员、 政府服务供应商、政府债券投资者以及其他角色联结起来。“预算单位”(党政机关为主)和“核心部门”(担当“猫角”的人大、政府高层、财政部门、审计部 门、央行国库等)是其中最主要的两类角色。
预 算制度有许多构成要素——预算程序和预算文件系其中最关键的两大要素。预算就是在“行政准备”、“立法机关审查批准”、“行政部门执行”以及“评估与审 计”构成循环中运作的。这是现代预算程序的四个基本阶段。只要其中任何一个阶段的运作存在严重缺陷,都可能招致公款管理的全盘失败。
现行预 算程序的最大软肋是预算准备(“编制”)过程的脆弱性:大量的基础工作根本不到位。可鉴别的缺陷至少包括:预测和政策筹划——称为预算的宏观经济与政策框 架,财政基准——界定财政可持续性的一整套财政规则(比如“赤字”与“债务”口径和规模),部门支出限额,部门间协调机制的缺陷,以及预算(尤其是支出) 分类系统的缺陷。部门预算编制程序中的第一个程序——“一上”(支出部门向财政部门报告预算建议数),没有任何实质意义,而且完全背离MTEF所要求的前 提条件:在硬预算约束(部门支出限额)下准备部门预算。
预算制度的第二个关键要素就是预算文件(预决算报告)。很少有人意识到,在现代社 会,预算文件是约束和引导行政部门年度运作的最重要的法律文件之一,也是政府唯一最重要的政策文件。无论与国家相比还是与许多发展中国家相比,中国各级政 府的预算文件的质量差距甚大,远远不能满足良治的基本要求:问责、透明、预见和参与。这些文件相当粗略,没有起码的标准化和通俗化,无论内容、制式、术 语、图表、篇幅,都是如此。
更 一般地讲,无论在预算程序、预算文件还是预算制度的其他要素上,中国各级政府和部门的预算运作现状,在总体上比美国进步时代的“预算散慢”好不到哪里去。 如今,美国的预算制度在全球拥有最大的影响力,被许多国家仿效,并在很大程度上重塑了美国联邦政府。如此伟业,得益于美国当年的进步人士对“预算散慢”的 深刻反思,以及在此基础上推动大刀阔斧的预算改革。但愿中国时下推动的MTFP下的预算改革,能够从中吸取极为宝贵的经验。
管 理他人钱财是一项沉重负担,管好公款尤其如此。正因为这样,中国才需要推动走上正轨的预算改革和相关的配套改革,特别是政府间财政关系(收支划分与转移支 付)改革。公款属于各级政府和预算单位最重要的核心资源,也是年复一年可以从预算中合法获得的关键资源。如果能够建构起管理公款的有效制度安排,那么,管 理好其他公共资产(党政机关办公楼、基础设施、国有企业和自然资源等)就变得容易多了,因为管理公款的制度可以为管理其他公共资产提供最好的参照系。须 知,中国有世界上规模最大的公共资产和公共部门,而这些资产很少得到妥善管理。MTFP下的预算改革,置于这样的背景下才能得到最好的理解。
首 要的是可持续。可持续的基本要求是:政府制定和实施的政策,包括现行政策和拟出台的新政策,务改不可招致中长期内丧失两种至关紧要的能力:以合理成本向公 民交付最低标准公共服务,以及自我偿还到期的债务本息。丧失了其中任何一种能力,都意味着政府政策在财政(资源保障)上的不可持续。若以尖锐的术语表达, 可持续性的丧失意味着死亡、毁灭或者系统性危机——财政、金融、经济、社会甚至政治危机。这就前述的免费午餐招致的公地悲剧。所以,在公款管理的诸目标 中,可持续具有至高无上的地位,体现公款管理和预算制度的首要价值。
及时识别可持续或不可持续无比重要。如果能够提前3年预见到罹患癌症, 就有足够时间应对,扭转不利局面。但若临时抱佛脚,一切都来不及了。年度预算与此类似:只能前瞻未来一年。对于可持续性目标而言,1年的提前量实在太短 了,因为无法让人看清未来3年或更长时间内,政府政策将产生怎样的财政效应——需要花多少钱。在这种情况下,即使我们前进在毁灭的道路上,也会浑然不觉, 而事后又来不及采取任何有意义的补救行动,或者行动的代价太高——想想现在来治理北京等地几近疯狂的大气污染吧。
只有在MTFP下,这些支 出需求才能被提前预见。举例来说,如果现行的大规模政府投资项目继续下去,未来各年需要花多少钱?项目完工后,维护和运营支出又是多少?假设预见到这些支 出在未来3年将达到10万亿元,可是政府届时根本没有这么多资金支撑,这就意味着现行政策(投资政策)需要立即进行调整,否则,财政上有出现崩盘(不可持 续)的风险。这样的中期展望机制,根本不存在于年度预算中。促进财政可持续性,正是实施MTFP下的预算改革需要达成的最重要的目的。
“不 到黄河不流泪”、“不见棺材不死心”在中国社会非常普遍。地方政府的短视行为就是最好的写照。中国的政治体制和行政体制让地方官员拥有很强的政绩观,这原 本是好事。但也是极坏的事:因为现行体制允许和放纵大规模破坏财政可持续的行为!看看过去短短10余年甚至数年中,土地财政、地方债务、非税收入、“资源 枯竭型城市”、社会保障资金缺口的急剧增长以及环境质量的严重退化,就不难发现不可持续的政府作为中国已经发展到何种地步。
MTFP 要求各部门测算未来3年的支出需求,得到整个政府的支出需求;再与未来3年可得资源进行比较,从而判断政策的可持续性。如果中期内某年(比如2017年) 总的中期支出需求为30万亿元,总的可得资金(包括收入和举债)为28万亿元,这就意味着需要立即对现行政策或拟出台的新政策进行调整,而不能等到事后处 理。这样,政策制定一开始就必须考虑预算上的可行性,而预算在准备阶段就得考虑政策筹划——哪些现行政策可继续、哪些现行政策需要中止、哪些新政策不能出 台。
由此可知,MTFP在预算与政策间建立了直接联结,缺失这种联结正是年度预算的主要局限性所在。MTFP对年度预算的改进,集中体现在 预算与政策间的联结机制上。预算与政策的脱节,一直是中国预算制度最主要的功能缺陷。中国公款管理在三个关键目标上之所以长期缺善可陈,其深层根源正于预 算与政策间的严重脱节。所谓的财政资金存量过多和年末突击花钱,根源也在于此。这些问题,只有在MTFP下才可望获得最好的解决方案。
年度 预算也很难实施管理公款的第二个关键目标:优先性配置。这是公款管理诸目标中,意义非凡和最为棘手的目标。任何政府每年可花的公款总量总是有限,但需求无 限,因此必须慎重考虑优先性和重点。但是,确定和调整公共支出的优先性比私人开支难得多,比市场机制的资源配置也难得多,因为没有明确的价格和货币回报率 加以引导,而且每个受益群体的利益和目标各不相同,达成一致意见非常困难。在这种情况下,必须找到一个替代方法,来解决优先性问题。
决定支 出排序的两个最重要的机制分别是民意(公民偏好)和成本。公款必须被优先配置到公民需求强烈的地方,但也要考虑满足这项需求的成本是否过于昂贵。在决定排 序时,对每项政策(或项目)进行全周期成本评估非常重要,资本投资尤其如此。资本投资指那些形成长期资产的投资,比如公路、桥梁和其他公共设施。“重建 设、轻维护和运营”在中国许多地方十分普遍,重复建设、盲目建设极为严重,究其主要根源,在于制定预算时,未能对这些项目的全周期成本进行起码评估,便 “草率”地纳入年度预算。
非此种种,最终结果便是资源的错误配置:雪中送炭不足、锦上添花有余。法定支出(与GDP或财政收支武断挂钩)、 部门专款、切块拨款、基数法和部门利益压倒基本原则,共同导致大量财政资金长期滞留在优先性很低(价值无多)的用途上,这种情况还在恶化,以至大量原本可 以用于发展的稀缺资源,被浪费性地配置在效益很低的地方,比如楼堂馆所和三公经费。
但 是,这个战略任务在年度预算下难以完成。一方面,年度预算中可转移和释放的资金有限,因为90%以上的资金都被“固化”了。另一方面也难以形成时间上的连 续性和政策上的连贯性。这两个方面的难题,都可以在精心设计的MTFP下得到逐步解决。当然,这需要一系列配套改革,特别是切块拨款、部门专款和法定支出 的改革。
年度预算在促进公款管理的第三个关键目标方面,也存在难以克服的障碍。这个目标就是支出绩效。绩效反映支出结果的好坏,主要指政府 向公民交付公共服务的数量、质量、成本、及时性、类别和可得性。多数支出都需要若干年才能呈现其绩效究竟如何,因此,在制定预算时,必须明确和量化未来各 年的绩效目标——比如水质改善到什么程度,并在预算中安排必要的资金。这项工作很难在年度预算中完成,因为多数绩效目标以及实现这些目标需要的资源,需要 跟踪多个年度。
MTFP则可较好地应对这个问题,因为它提供了前瞻未来3年的时间框架。实际上相当于有5年的跨度。举例来说,如果从今年开 始编制2016-2018年的MTFP,那么,2014年和2015年的数据必须列示在MTFP中。这样,绩效管理需要连续性和连贯性可大致得到保证,尽 管对某些长期项目依然不够。
MTFP 的具体流程因国家而异,但基本流程相同:(1)确定宏观经济与政策框架;(2)建立财政基准(fiscal targets),比如收支增长不得超过GDP增长、赤字不得超过GDP的3%、政府债务不得超过GDP的60%;(3)建立中期支出总量限额,(4)建 立中期部门支出限额,(5)形成政府整体的年度预算案,(6)支出部门准备部门年度预算案。
MTFP 的核心是按功能(比如教育和医疗)、经济性质(比如商品采购与资本支出)和部门(比如农业税与商务部)分类的中期支出规划。其细节比想象的复杂得多。政府 及其直属部门都得编制和执行两个层次的MTEF。国发【2015】3号文的规定,财政部牵头、并在下一年度预算编制前编制全国MTFP,在征求相关部门和 社会有关方面的意见后,报国务院批准。
MTFP 不是对年度预算的取代,而是对年度预算的支持。MTFP最重要的作用,在于弥补年度预算在政策功能上的内在局限。由于在建立预算与政策间联结机制方面的固 有局限,年度预算在促进公款(支出)管理关键目标上方面,实践证明不会真正有效。尽管如此,年度预算在促进公款管理的两个基本目标——法定程序和财务合规 性控制(始于立法机关的预算授权、终于对供应商的款项支付)——方面,其地位和作用无可撼动。MTFP不能削弱、只能巩固这一作用。
把 MTFP误读为“中期预算”很普遍,但这等于犯下严重的常识性错误。现代预算制度的基石就是年度预算,而年度预算的核心功能就在于建立对政府开支的法定控 制!事实上,在所有发达国家,议会控制政府权力的主要工具就是年度预算:要么批准、要么拒绝政府的账单!作为现代民主治理体制的基石,年度预算制度必须得 到尊重,决不能用所谓的“改革”或MTFP来弱化其功能,或取而代之。这是最不可理喻的解读是对MTFP的严重误读。
全世界没有一个国家搞 什么“中期预算”。立法机关在任何国家都是按年度审查和批准下一个(注意不是2个或更多)年度的预算。立法机关审查和批准预算必须是年度性的。这是现代预 算制度的根基,公民及其代表(立法机关)据此对政府权力实施法定财务控制,体现法治国家把权力关进笼子的基本理念和精神。
2014年    2015年    2016年    2017年    2018年    2019年
25万亿    30万亿    35万亿    38万亿    41万亿    45万亿
牢 记以下要点就不至于犯下常识性错误:(1)2014年的数据称为“决算”(实际)数,(2)2015年的数据称为“预算”数,(3)2016年称为“待批 准的预算”数,(4)2017年和2018年称为“筹划”数,2019年称为“预测”数。决不能把“预算”混同于“筹划”或预测。
在国际 上,法律为政府提供长期(甚至永久)性的支出授权很普遍,中国的《教育法》、《农业法》等法定支出的授权就是如此。在发达国家,这些法律主要集中在公民权 益(entitlement)类法案上。尽管如此,将这类授权称为“中期预算”或“长期预算”仍然是荒谬的。“预算”的原意是“钱袋子”,法律意义就是法 定拨款,即立法机关审查和批准政府对公款的获取、分配和使用”,这种审查和批准必须按年度进行,并且只能批准一下个年度的预算——此后年度根本不能称之为 “预算”。
MTFP 亦有其自身的局限,它无法解决年度预算体制的某些脆弱性:财政权力和预算权力在立法机关、行政部门等之间的清晰划分,预算准备、审查、执行、评估和审计程 序与机制,政府会计和财务报告的支撑,良好的分类系统和标准化和通俗化的预算文件,以及公民对预算过程的参与。这些脆弱性会增加MTFP风险的风险,而且 很难指望在MTFP下的预算改革得到矫正。
MTFP的基本作用在于弥补年度预算政策功能的内在局限,这是通过将预算制定程序与政策制定程序 联结起来实现的。预算与政策在中国的脱节很严重,包括四个层次:部门间脱节——支出部门制定政策、财政部门制定预算、两者的协调机制很差;程序上的脱节 ——大量政策在预算准备程序之外制定(临时出台政策或调整预算);内容上的脱节——“先给钱、再定事”的部门预算方法盛行,切块拨款和部门大额专项加剧了 这种脱节;资本预算与经常性预算的脱节——实践中体现为“重建设、轻维护运营”以及两类支出的界限不清。
除 了前面提及的那些条件(比如改革“两上两下”的预算程序和预算分类系统)外,其他条件至少包括:经济和财政预测的健全性,测算支出基线 (expenditure baseline)——继续现行政策的未来支出——需要的模型与专业技术,政府、人大、预算单位、财政部门间的协调机制,财政约束规则(比如赤字比率), 政治领袖对MTFP和预算改革的理解与坚定承诺,专款、切块拨款(批复预算时一次性将大额预算切块给部门)、法定支出和政府间财政关系(尤其是转移支付机 制)。
另 一个主要建议是:首先采用简化版的MTFP——称为预测式MTFP,主要按功能分类和部门分类,对中期支出进行预测,以改进财政可持续性目标;第二阶段再 采用选择性规划式MTFP,即各级政府与部门选择若干特定的重大规划,比如儿童保健规划、水土保持规划、退耕还林规划,进行中期支出筹划,其目标锁定为加 强和改进支出绩效;最后再考虑采用严格意义上的MTFP——类似发达国家的筹划式MTFP,其目标是系统改进特别棘手的优先性配置目标。

(部份内容刊于《 本土论述2012:官商勾结 》)

诚伯都要变相册迁走佬,财经茄哩啡趁热闹,摷篇旧文应节。 呢篇嘢,2012年年底写的,而家再写一次的话,题目会改做「 香港最后一个买办 」... 





香港首席大孖沙李嘉诚,从未搵人帮自己著书立传,不过乜差差超人发达秘笈及成功之道,在是但一间书局都可以放满半个书柜。 咁多《李嘉诚XYZ》或者《XYZ李嘉诚》,最精采的一本,当数春田花花幼稚园的麦唛同学的巨著,书名叫做《我的好友李嘉诚》,内容只有以下几句:「我和李嘉诚是朋友。我们,很熟。有一天,我亲眼看见他,发达!」 1 



大时代的大茶饭,造就了「李氏力场」的无远弗届,唔少香港人「亲眼看见他,发达」,希望这篇《我的好友李嘉诚》,可以为这段大家亲身「历」过的「史」,提供一些更「Hi」 2的「Story」。 




政治变天,随之而来必定是经济利益的再分配,百废待兴的神州大地如是,面对「九七大限」的香港更加如是。 1978年发生唔少事,对决定1997年后边个做主宰香港经济的办事人,不过当时大部分地球人对廿年后香港主权问题仲系懵盛盛,冇为意香港巨额商业利益的再分配、抢食大茶饭的大时代,已经揭开序幕。 

1978年10月,当期的《信报月刊》,有两篇访问同期出现,一篇叫「李嘉诚先生现身说法」,基本上俾位诚伯讲解自己的发达秘笈;另一篇叫「香港物业发展的前锋」,访问咗置地的执行董事兼总经理鲍富达(Trevor Bedford)。 

今日将两篇访问放埋一齐睇,非常有意思。 首先,当日的长实,地位已隐然可以同一线香港英资相提并论,其次,从记者的提问当中,亦可​​见当时在普通人眼中,并未感觉得「九七大限」的威胁,香港前途问题尚未进入大众传媒、甚至专业财经报章的视线范围。 


「我认为最重要的一点,就是中国政府本身已加强他们在本港的投资,这明显地反映出中国政府乐意见到香港以现在的方式继续存在下去,而只要本港继续为中国提供经济上的利益,在这种情况下中国看来是不会作收回香港的打算。」 3

置地是当年香港第一号英资怡和的「不动产」旗舰,亦是中环的商业物业大地主,1978年中,啱啱成立的地铁(港英政府为全资大股东),将中环及金钟站上盖物业招标,置地竟然爆大冷输咗俾长实,讲紧76年置地特登买落隔离的铁行大厦(今日的欧陆贸易中心),以便同中环站项目一定发展,点知中环铁桶王国被长实攻破,焗住将铁行大厦俾长实及冯景禧(新地创办人之一)的财团,成为置地出让中区地皮的首例,不过当日鲍富达仍向《信报月刊》的记者强调,卖铁行大厦只是极个别例子,「要保持置地作为一家地产投资公司,而不是一家地产买卖公司」 4 。 



长实就算得到中环站上盖的地皮,建成今日的环球大厦之后,不脱当年华资地产商搵快钱的作风,嗱嗱临分拆出售,创造破记录的销售利润,但亦放弃咗在中环建立皇牌收租物业的机会。 (今日的环球大厦,位置黄金地段中心地带,但系充满「东南亚风情」,同隔离的置地广场格格不入,就系咁解。) 



同一期的《信报月刊》,李嘉诚被问及点解长实好少保留物业作收租,当时 ​​诚伯表示,「增加经常性收入的计划,我在现时尚不能加以透露」 5 ,讲紧1978年3月的时候,长实曾经购入近10%九仓股权,最后全部卖俾船王包玉刚,坐拥现金近10亿计,仍然将环球大厦急急脚拆售套取更多现金,已经俾晒贴士下一个目标系乜(1979年开估,叫做和黄),纯粹以现在的眼光分析,在1978年的大时代食大茶饭的起跑线上,香港英资大班,可能惯咗不可一世,低估咗华资挑战英资的野心及实力。 



将中英两国当系两间大型企业,当香港系一项重要资产嚟睇,当年中国要「并购」香港,边个可以睇准大势,等如掌握咗香港金融史上最重要的「内幕消息」 ,对香港的前途,亦可以有更大的「信心」,更准确的「目光」。 



当日麦理浩访京,其实应1978年12月访问香港的中国外贸部部长李强的邀请6 ,邓小平见到麦理浩之后,劈头第一句,就开门见山咁表示,知道有人开始担心香港将来的前途和地位问题,老邓讲明,「香港是中国的一部份,这个问题本身不能讨论」,不过老邓亦表示,中国会「尊重香港的特殊地位」,「请投资的人放心」 7 ;麦理浩当日见邓小平前,外交部部长黄华已经讲明,以麦理浩身份,向中国国家领导人提出「土地契约」的具体问题,外交上于礼不合,但麦理浩在见老邓时仍坚持当面提出,建议将土地契约上有效期限的「1997年」去掉,改为只要新界仍在英国管治下依然有效8 ,结果老邓再讲明「没有回旋余地」,唔好幻想中国会改变立场,会晤结束前,麦理浩问老邓返香港点同香港人交待,老邓用同一句作总结:「请香港的投资者放心」。 



据香港政坛教父钟士元的回忆,当时渠贵为亲英华人政治精英、立法局首席议员,都只系后来政圈商界的传闻,大约知道麦理浩同埋邓小平的会晤内容,要到1983年在伦敦同已经退休的麦理浩单独食饭,先证实到传闻的真伪9 。 

据钟士元所讲,1980年1月,由财政司夏鼎基夏领导的一个高层次咨询委员会,包括钟士元、汇丰大班沉弼、华人精英利国伟等成员,一致认为麦理浩传达的讯息唔足以令「投资者放心」,联署一封秘密函件俾港督,提出中英两国系时候就香港前途展开谈判,即系将「九七大限」问题摆上台公开化,不过麦理浩的回覆不足三句:「多谢1月18日的来信,内容得悉。」 10 

可以见到,七八年初尾至八十年代初,英国对中国收回香港主权的立场,已经好有心理准备,不过对解决问题的形式可能仲有「幻想」,更加唔想问题太早公开化,所以有关香港前途问题的最高机密,封锁在最高层次,连亲英高级华人政客被拒于知情范围。 1979年3月陪跟麦理浩访京的行政会局首席非官守议员、东亚银行创办家族之一的简悦强,返香港后提早半年退休辞职11 ,后来连东亚股权都卖晒,可以反映当时亲英华人政客的无奈。 

当时香港的英国财团,点都叫做同声同气,收风索料能力应该更强,但唔担保英国政府本身冇误判形势,1978年时英国执政工党在自己屋企搞到一头烟,次年大选输咗俾戴卓尔夫人的保守党,据当时的英国外相欧文(工党)的回忆录,渠发现在1979年2月8日发表的中葡建交联合公报中,只字冇提及澳门问题,好似承认咗澳门作为葡萄牙「托管」一样,以为英国人在香港亦可以好似澳门咁,以「续约」方式继续维持管治12 ,结果忽略咗邓小平在78年底至79年初几个月内,密集式地多次发表解决台湾问题的讲话,主题离不开两大原则:国家统一及尊重台湾现实,由「武力或和平解放」,转向「一国两制」新思维的初型已经隐约可见13 。 





比华​​利山的在乐活道的旧址,原来系一间古老别墅,业主系简氏家族(搵唔到边个「简」),亦系培侨中学的旧校址,1978年的时候,恒基地产买咗简氏别墅地皮重新发展,同时向政府投得天后庙道地皮,帮培侨中学重建新校,地价连建筑费,恒地拍心口负责70%,等如捐咗二千几万港元14 ,1978年的时候,讲紧长实一年纯利都系1.3个亿,可以想像,当时 ​​重建简氏别墅就算有巨利可图,恒地「义助」培侨中学拆迁,有几大手笔慷慨疏财。 


据康民叔自己所讲,在1978年的时候,渠亲自多次同恒地主席李兆基讲数,更加多次进言,大陆在中共十一大三中全会(确立老邓地位及改革开放路线的重要会议)之后,「内地与香港均有美好前景,投资地产肯定有前途」,成功打动四叔。 不过,当时 ​​的新华社香港分社统战部部长何铭思,亦即系后来霍英东身边的红人,对康民叔大发雷霆,话渠成日缠住四叔,「破坏他们所做的统战工作」 15 。 







香港人口爆炸,港英政府查实亦冇乜得选择,一定要发展新界,香港土地供应委员会早在77年已经建议,将天水围发展成为新市镇。 16 

天水围最独特之处,在于呢块近约5,000万平方呎的新界农地,属于当时全香港最大的单一业主地段之一,由赵姓族人(听讲系宋太祖赵匡胤的后人)透过「联德信托」联合拥有17 ,至1978年时,「联德信托」的股东人数已经开枝散叶到百几人,一块咁大型的地皮,由单一公司控制,不过股权又分散,好容易地,会成为「渴地饿地」的华资地产商的目标。 



天水围项目咁巨型,按当年规划,可以容纳50万人,相对之下,太古城黄埔花园呢啲大型项目,都只系小儿科。 长实在78年的纯利首次突破1亿港元,赚1.3个亿,一炮过掟近4,000万落唔知几时完成、几时回本、兼​​要承担九七风险的天水围,需要超乎常人的「信心」及「眼光」,不过事件好快有突破性发展,长实在天水围的项目,引入咗一个重量级的拍档:华润。 




「天水围靠近深圳,所以有人说,华润有钱投资天水围,为什么不投资深圳,是不是唱对台戏?」 18

「投资深圳,这是中央的号召;投资天水围,这关系到香港的稳定。一个普通的地产投资,却涉及两个政治性很强的问题,这不能不说是华润的地位使然。」 19




「协议除了对该169公顷发展区作出土地用途规范外(即38.8公顷由天水围公司发展作住宅及商业用途,而余下130.2公顷土地由政府发展公屋、资助房屋、公共设施和一些作邻里商铺的商业用途),亦就邻里商铺的商业设施作出限制,订明这些邻里商铺的供应不得导致天水围公司在其38.8公顷土地上提供的商业设施在商业上不可行。」 20

今日天水围搵个街市都难,天水围居民望住区内高于元朗一截的菜价肉价,有冇可能想像到,悲情城市在35年前奇货可居的「策略价值」? 今日讲紧地产党大战共产党,天水围又突然可以整个临时墟市,又会咁啱? 


「政府在买卖天水围上亏了大本,等如将纳税人的钱津贴地产商,当局明白吃亏,必有难言之隐,非三言两语可交代...我们认为,政府买回天水围,绝非一项商业行为,而是受内外政治因素影响,此外,政府或许还存有为错误决策付出代价的动机。有关与中国协商租约的政治性因素,明眼人一眼看出,这里不必要重复...」 21

究竟政府购回天水围,有乜「难言之隐」,可能永远都系一个谜,不过,唔够两个月之后,戴卓尔夫人就访问北京,中央双方正式展开香港前途的谈判,仲亲口同中国领导人讲:「天水围的问题解决了。」 22 



断估大家唔会天真到,以为渠哋会讲吓个楼盘叫「嘉湖」定「浆糊」,又或者第二时楼价大跌买家挞订会唔会追渠哋楼价差额呢啲细微细眼的芝麻绿豆。 大人物必定只会着眼大方向,就算系顺叔呢类财经茄哩啡,都可以好合理咁推断,当日诚伯同埋华润高层坐埋,讲得最多的,就系中国对收回香港的立场及策略。 


顺叔搵唔到任何一手资料,帮助推论中国共产党几时开始将诚伯纳入统战的雷达,中共中央在1978年8月决定成立「中央港澳工作领办小组」 23 ,作为政府机构,则在同年10月以港澳办形式在国务院楼下挂单,可以好肯定咁推断,中共务实派对海外华侨的统战工作,就算唔系因为处理香港问题,早在港澳办成立之前已经开始。 


「说 ​​什么“海外关系”复杂不能信任,这种说法是反动的,我们现在不是关系(海外关系)太多而是太少,这是个好东西,可以打开各方面的关系。」 24


在前新华社社长、中共在香港的「党委书记」许家屯的回忆录当中,称呼利铭泽为「共产党的老朋友」、「老统战对象」 25 。 众所久之,在中共语言当中,「老朋友」呢个字,唔可以乱用的, 其他被许家屯称为中共在香港商界的著名「老朋友」,包括霍英东及安子介级数的人物。 据利铭泽女儿所写的家族史,利铭泽是全香港最先知道「一国两制」及「五十年不变」具体政策内容的人,在八十年代初到北京时,「被召进一个房间,获告知一些特别消息」 26 ,就算利铭泽唔系第一个知道消息的香港人,亦肯定在中共眼中拥有超乎寻常的地位。 

利铭泽是共济会的中坚人物,加埋「共产党的老朋友」的身份,对普通香港人嚟讲,可以话充满神秘色彩,可以推断,利铭泽属于可以游走于中英之间的重要「中间人」,每年春节在利园举行春茗,邀请「愿意与中国接触、希望认识中方代表的工商界领袖和政府要员」 27 ,1977年10利铭泽见完邓小平之后,当年首席华人大孖沙包玉刚(声望地位应该高过李嘉诚),嗱嗱声约利铭泽食饭收料,利铭泽详细讲述咗邓小平的讲话内容,据包玉刚大女包陪庆所讲,食完饭之后,包玉刚就罕有地兴奋、重覆咁讲:「我们终于可以回家了。」 28 (顺叔怀疑,包玉刚之后「弃舟登陆」的决定,同当日见到中港政经形势急变,有机会打通北京人脉,好有关系;当时另一位船王董浩云,唔知系咪同台湾关系太深,以至转身速度较慢。) 


在1978年国庆的香港观礼团,第一次出现咗李嘉诚的身影,听讲呢次亦系诚伯有生以来第一次踏足北京,带队的,就系香港特区第一届大紫荆等主、香港南洋银行创办人、诚伯的汕头老乡庄世平29,当日亦有份随团的,包括合和主席胡应湘,据胡应湘日后接受内地传媒访问时透露,北京观礼后,一行人坐飞机坐船坐火车,由西安、成都、重庆、武汉到广州,花咗20多人参观,「沿路看到各地对打倒四人帮很兴奋」。 30 





胡应湘在自己的回忆录当中,提到80年代初,在中国大搞基建的时候,当时的总理(后来的中共总书记)赵紫阳,提供咗极大的帮助,「胡赵二人一拍即合,他俩在随后十年建立了紧密的关系」31 ,即系话,当年胡飞侠发展中国的政治大码头,好可能系赵紫阳条水。 



许家屯提到有关胡应湘的,包括在1986年,胡应湘同李嘉诚一齐提出,比港英政府更庞大的大屿山开放计划32 ,仲有就系1989年「六四事件」之后,为咗争取胡应湘恢复广深高速的工程,恢复香港人信心,许家屯说服胡应湘,去北京公开见李鹏,改善关系,但李鹏拒绝接见33 。 


当然啦,亦好有可能冇咁复杂,只不过系胡飞侠快人快语,在内地官场得罪人多都唔知,例如八十年代初合和起罗湖中港边境过关大楼,中方负责同胡应湘谈判的,叫做江泽民34 ,大家都系工程师出身,本来应该好好倾,当年火气好猛的胡飞侠,可能得罪咗老江都唔知,如果八十年代已经凑得老江舒舒服服,合和九十年代就唔需要冲去东南亚大搞基建,1997年撞正亚洲金融风暴,此乃后话。 



「八四年,有人愿以九十万港币将一辆九成新的劳斯莱司车,指名让给我,这样的价格是非常便宜的。他是通过一位副社长向我提出的,指这样的车“才合社长身分”。我谢谢他的好意,不能接受。李嘉诚更是一年内两次当面向我建议:“以你的身分往来香港、北京,应有一架小型飞机,这样便利得多。 ”这个建议较称作劳斯莱司更不可能。我推托:“没有小型号的喷射机吧? ”李嘉诚认真地说:“有,性能和大型的一样平稳。 ”我理解他的好意,以暂时没有迫切性,谢谢他的关心。」 35







诚伯除咗自己公司,绝少话做其他公司董事,以顺叔有限记忆,其中绝无仅有的一次,就系做中信董事,时间仲要早到1979年10月,「中国国际投资公司」开张大吉之日,诚伯已经系董事之一,其他海外的「好东西」代表,仲有马万祺及霍英东37 。 其后诚伯帮荣毅仁囝囝荣智健在香港打天下,做成一单又一单的英资染红大刁(帮荣智健打天下的军师袁天凡,后来再做太子太傅,帮李泽楷吞并香港电讯),更加不在话下。 


Sir YK vs KS 




昨晚十一时四十五分,长江实业董事长李嘉诚先生在华人行办公室接见记者,宣布了一件震撼香港商界(由于和黄的业务范围甚广,因此震撼将很快传遍海外)的股票交易── 长江实业以每股七点一角的低价购取汇丰手上持有的百分之二十二和黄股票共九千万普通股,昨天深宵,整个中区已一片死寂,但华人行廿一楼的长实总部,灯火通明,五分之三的董事局成员仍在忙碌地工作,各董事的机要秘书、速记员和辅助性职员亦忙成一团;经过整整一天十多小时的工作,今年五十一岁的李嘉诚竟然丝毫不露疲态,他兴奋地对记者说:「在不影响长江实业原有业务的基础上,本公司已有了更大的突破! 」 38



诚伯细过船王10岁,但以当年两个人的社会地位,尤其系上流社会政商精英眼中,「Sir YK」的地位,仲高过「KS」几班,政治能量上,船王亦猛过诚伯,例如同邓小平的关系,诚伯虽然曾经获得老邓单对单接见,不过包玉刚更激,玩到可以两家人出齐三代摆家宴39 ,「Sir YK」当日在国际政坛的人脉之深之广,尤甚系英国政府最高层,更加冇得比,包玉刚在1978年保守党上台之前,已经获英女皇封做爵士,更加经常同戴卓尔(戴卓尔夫人的老公)打高尔夫球40 ,可以想像,船王当年系中英两国之间最重要的中间人之一。 

当日诚伯晨中吼中九仓,1978年中已经买入10%九仓股权,挑战英资的眼光及准备功夫,明显好过船王,理论上,诚伯可以成为第一个入主英资财团的「华人大班」,正式超越船王成为「华人之光」,不过诚伯反而将九仓股权卖俾船王,卖咗个大人情俾包玉刚,后来更做中间人兼垫付定金,帮船王收购埋会德丰,从此诚伯及船王二人,「关系更密切,大家一起去打高尔夫球」 41 ,据包玉刚长女的记述,包玉刚临过世之前,「最后和家外面人讲话的,就是李嘉诚先生」。 42船王当日同诚伯讲乜,诚伯自己唔讲,怕且永远唔会有人知道。 

一时瑜亮,诚伯最厉害的地方,可能系令本来处于竞争关系的包玉刚,都完全信任自己,可以想像,「Sir YK」后来有冇帮诚伯打通在英国政府最高层的任督二脉,将自己的英国波友,变成诚伯的波友? 


The bank is the bank 

据闻当年港督麦理浩讲过,真正管治香港者,其实系马会、汇丰、怡和,排名不分先后(搵唔到正式出处)。 呢句带自嘲的名句,查实同现实都有出入,汇丰在香港越做越大,食埋华资的恒生之后,更加恶晒,既系发钞银行亦系中央银行,最著数系做埋结算银行,等如掌握晒香港竞争对手盘路及资产状况,咁又有边个够汇丰争。 

政治上,汇丰大班同时系行政及立法两局议员,香港英资更加开始走下坡,真正恶晒的、最有影响力,其实系汇丰,当时讲英文的人,唔会叫汇丰做「Hongkong Bank 」,而系叫「The Bank」。 


汇丰在1979年将手上22%和黄股权卖俾长实,被人批评最多的,系「贱价」,有关指责,其实并不成立。 79年9月24日长实宣布交易前的取后一个交易日,和黄股价虽然经过不寻常的升幅,收市只系每股5.85元,汇丰的出售价,每股7.​​1元,仍有超过20%溢价,和黄大班韦理在9月27日向股东发表声明,声称和黄每股股价应该值14.4元43 ,唔知韦理点计出嚟,不过可以想像,大概讲紧和黄的资产净值,换句话讲,在长实有意并购和黄的消息曝光之前一日,和黄股价(5.85元),相对资产净值(14.4元),有接近60%的折让。 





呢单交易,当日《信报》形容为「长江实业股东的福气」 44 ,对交易三方都有利,不过在英国人角度,就唔系咁睇,例如当日港英政府及英资高层经常用嚟放风的《南华早报》,在79年9月28日的财经版,有一份署名「JW」的评论文章,作者好可能系南华早报的记者「Jim Walker」,好唔客气咁批评汇丰,提到汇丰时,两度用到「well, the bank is the bank」,暗串汇丰玩晒恶晒,出卖英国自己友的利益,将几年前仲系穿紧胶化着紧短裤的李嘉诚捧上神台,可见英国人(和黄高层)对汇丰明益华资诚伯的决定,几唔顺超: 

「Cheung Kong has scored the bloodless coup to match all coups. And if one is to use some of the suggestions of Mr Bill Wylie, it has done so at the expense not just of HWL but also the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Consider the saga for a moment. Mr Li Ka-shing, not many years ago a modest plastics maker, with ambition. The Hongkong Bank… well the bank is the bank and was when Mr Li was in shorts.」 45



汇丰支持包玉刚吞九仓,又明益李嘉诚食和黄,同香港华资越行越密,似乎唔记得咗自己由英资洋行发起的根本,讲得好听啲,可以好似袁天凡咁讲,汇丰「已经脱离英国,与香港一起发展」 46,用古惑仔心态去分析,就系汇丰自己都要搵食,在香港咁大盘生意,唔系好似国泰啲飞机咁,一飞就可以搬走,审时度世,知道英资在香港已经系明日黄花,培养一班新一代的「政治买办」睇场,就算有乜事,同中国都好啲沟通,当然啦,新一代的「政治买办」。 

怡和背后有个凯瑟克家族,太古有施怀雅,中电有嘉道理,汇丰银行跟这批传统香港英资最大分别,就系冇一个主导公司发展及人脉的家族,许家屯曾经透露,中共一直想了解汇丰董事局的委任大权由边个决定,但一直摸唔到底,连做过汇丰董事局副主席的包玉刚都唔清楚47 ,断估中共当日都系谂多咗,汇丰只系一间好简单纯追求盈利及持续发展的上市公司,冇咗家族控制,更容易跳出维护英国利益的框框。 

许家屯的回忆录,提及汇丰时亦曾讲到,在1983年底,美国国务卿基辛格访京,为戴卓尔夫人向中国领导人带咗一个口讯,话汇丰准备同英国莱斯银行合拼,扩张欧洲业务并将总部设在伦敦,戴卓尔夫人想北京明白,呢个唔系英国政府的阴谋,而是汇丰商业上的决定,当时的港澳工委即时举行会议,认为汇丰以合拼为名,行撤离之实,表明反对汇丰同莱斯银行合拼的计划,并托基辛格将北京反对意见转告英国,之后汇丰放弃计划,只系收购小部分莱斯银行股权。 48 


汇丰大班沉弼,1977年嚟香港,出任汇丰主席的十年,亦系中国改革开放,香港风云变色的十年,听讲诚伯因为同沉弼好熟,有人话因为多得诚伯老婆庄月明,英文够好,可以帮当年英文唔系咁得的诚伯同沉弼沟通,顺叔对呢个讲法好有怀疑。 最初可能有帮助,但讲到尾,诚伯对沈弼的吸引力,多数系中国的人脉,对北京政治和经济动向的感应能力,汇丰在七八十年代向华资倾斜的策略转变,对中国收回香港「内幕」消息的掌握,究竟几多系沉弼的眼光及判断,几多因为诚伯及包玉刚的天地线? 



「最近几年来种种事实已证明,本港逐渐趋于「一银行化」;这是否意味也在逐渐趋于「一地产商化」或「少数豪富集团化」? 请问本港未来一切大生意是否可能都在「汇流」,而由那些天皇巨星予以「君临」或「拥有」? 而在这种演变的过程中,本港工商业与小市民又将付出多少更恶劣的通货膨胀的代价? 」 49





所以作为人类历史上绝无仅有的主权和平移交的案例,香港主权作为一项「资产」,在中英两国的「交易」当中,注定有几件中间人,可以大发特发,不过睇吓系边个咁解。 诚伯既有中国的人脉关系,又有汇丰的祝福,自然可以在呢个时空变身超人。 



英国人的政治比较制度化,唔似得北京咁讲关系,诚伯好多嘢唔需要自己出面,下面大把能人异士做代言人。 举个简单例子,彭定康1992年嚟,好多亲中人物即时被踢出权力核心,当时,历史的注意力放在肥彭的政改方案,冇乜留意作为政改方案的个重要环节,就系成立一个叫做「总督商务委员会」,唔会同公众交待会议内容,连议程都唔会讲51 ,一听就知道,查实系肥彭用嚟向香港工商界收风放风的场口,而呢个神秘组织的成员,有条友叫李业广。 

1979年9月长实入主和黄之后,诚伯即时派咗两个人入和黄董事局,一个系渠老人家自己,另一个就系李业广,日后港交所主席呢个金融重镇,先后由李业广及夏佳理担任,夏佳理亦系胡关李罗的核心人物,就系咁简单。 (夏佳理当日做立法会议员,所代表的功能组别,正正就系地产商) 

上面提到,1978年10 月《信报月刋》有两篇访问,除咗有置地大班讲中国冇可能收会香港之外,仲有诚伯的访问,诚伯讲到当年佢仲系痴胶花时,砌低咗一间规模比长江大好多的竞争对手,嗰位厂家唔服气,搵​​人偷拍长江厂房实景,相向客户证明,诚伯唔够班接超级胶花大单。 52 








在2000年11月,《远东经济评论》报道,中国政府认为诚伯在内地码头的影响力太大,处理近四份一的全国货量,交通部已经要求地方政府,限制和黄码业务的发展53 ,诚伯在京中断线的传说,开始传起。 

美国传媒报道中国及香港的政治新闻,顺叔多数先打个5折,不过,从长江基建的业务发展睇嚟,《远东经济评论》十几年前的报道又未必完全捕风捉影,长建以投资中国为核心业务,96年年报,仲自称「为少数可同时提供发展中国基建项目所需的资金、信誉、经验与专业知识之机构」;去到99年,长建发展方针,忽然变咗「放眼辽濶世界,投入当地社群」 54 ,从此长建所有大刁,几乎全部都在外国,投资中国绝无仅有,又难怪外人会捕风捉影,将胡锦涛温家宝第四代领导人访港唔住长和系的酒店,同诚伯在京人脉相提并论。 

旧年顺叔在自己网志,写过上下两篇《买裤送裤袋》 55 ,除咗回应「卖楼赠窗台」的上联,仲提到长实的收租物业,至2011年底,只系占集团资产净值8%,相比之下,新地的比例高达68%,当时的结论系,长实唔识得做商场,冇打造新地标的能力,缺乏类似九仓的海港城时代广场、新地的国金国贸等王牌物业。 


长实和黄都系综合企业,而且系好综合嗰只,试问世上有边个能人异士,电讯地产能源码头酒店零售生命科技,辨辨皆精。 长和系并冇好似微软视窗、苹果iPhone呢类「杀手产品」,一件嘢无限复制升呢,就风行全球称霸多年,亦唔似得好似中国国企咁,拥有近乎垄断的市场地位及政策保护,长和系的策略精髓,离唔开诚伯成日挂在咀边的「发展不忘稳健,稳健不忘发展」,乜都唔做的话,会好稳健,要发展,就好讲管理层做大刁的能力。 



政治上有更大利用价值,商业上影响力梗系越大越好,好似台湾的商家佬咁,个个在大陆好似特别长袖善舞,康师傅的公仔面、旺旺的米饼、富士康的电子代工、冠捷的电脑屏幕,间间都话做到全地球最大,同统战台湾商家佬统一中国大业冇关,你又信唔信? 今日在内地的台商,同主权过渡期间的香港大孖沙,一样咁好搵,一样道理。 



1 《麦唛春田花花》,1994年,嘻嘻,呢本书冇印页数的 
2 《香港网络大典》,「HI」,http://evchk.wikia.com/wiki/Hi  
3 《信报月刊》,1978年10月,总第19期第73页 
4 《信报月刊》,1978年10月,总第19期第71页 
5 《信报月刊》,1978年10月,总第19期第62页 
6 《党史研究与教学》,2007年第3期,总196期第8页 
7 《邓小平年谱(1975-1997)》(上),中央文献研究室,2004年版,第500-501页 
8 《香港的终结:英国撤退的秘密谈判》,Robert Cottrell,1993年,第78页 
9 《香港回归历程:钟士元回忆录》,2001年,第20-21页 
10 《香港回归历程:钟士元回忆录》,2001年,第21-22页 
11 《香港回归历程:钟士元回忆录》,2001年,第22页 
12 《Time to Declare》,David Owen,1991,第407页 
13 《党史研究与教学》,2007年第3期,总196期第7页 
14 《李兆基博士传记》,2008年,第47-48页 
15 《吴康民口述历史》,2011年,第100-101页 
16 《九评地产党》  
17 《香港地方》,「新市镇(四)天水围」,http://www.hk-place.com/view.php?id=164  
18 《华润杂志》,2012年5月号,第14页 
19 《红色华润》,吴学先着,2010年,第430页 
20 《立法会会议记录》 ,2011年11月16日,http://www.legco.gov.hk/yr11-12/chinese/counmtg/floor/cm1116-confirm-ec.pdf,第15页 
21 《信报》,「错误决策的代价」,1982年7月28日,第2页 
22 《红色华润》,吴学先着,2010年,第438页 
23 《中国共产党大事记(1919.5 – 1987.12》,1989年版,第340页 
24 《邓小平论侨务》,广东省侨办编,2000年版,第6页 
25 《许家屯香港回忆录(上)》,1993年,第43页 
26 《香港利氏家族史》,2011年,第203页 
27 《香港利氏家族史》,2011年,第203页 
28 《包玉刚–我的爸爸》,2008年,第167页 
29 《凤凰卫视》,「1978年李嘉诚曾到北京参加国庆典礼」,2008年2月22日,http://big5.ifeng.com/gate/big5/v.ifeng.com/his/200802/34f4c525 -3c16-4c91-ad13-ba151b234df4.shtml  
30 《21世纪经济报道》,「北上先锋的目光和脚步」,2008年12月30日,第41页 
31 《点灯又点火–从香港出发的胡应湘》,2007年,第59页 
32 《许家屯香港回忆录(上)》,1993年,第239页 
33 《许家屯香港回忆录(下)》,1993年,第426页 
34 《点灯又点火–从香港出发的胡应湘》,2007年,第81页 
35 《许家屯香港回忆录(上)》,1993年,第35页 
36 《壹周刊》,2010年6月24日,A56页 
37 《大公报》,「中国国际投资公司开张了」,1979年10月5日,第1页 
38 《信报》,1979年9月26日,第1页 
39 《包玉刚–我的爸爸》,2008年,第221页 
40 《包玉刚–我的爸爸》,2008年,第125页 
41 《包玉刚–我的爸爸》,2008年,第239页 
42 《包玉刚–我的爸爸》,2008年,第242页 
43 《South China Morning Post》,1979年9月28日,P.1  
44 《信报》,1979年9月26日,第1页 
45 《South China Morning Post》,「Cheung Kong coup leave Li in front」,1979年9月28日,Business News P.1  
46 《香港股市(1841-1997)》,郑宏泰、黄绍伦,2007年版,第373页 
47 《许家屯香港回忆录(上)》,1993年,第231页 
48 《许家屯香港回忆录(上)》,1993年,第232页 
49 《华侨日报》,「两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟己过万重山」,1979年9月28日,第2页 
50 《官商同谋》,顾汝德著,2011年版,第270页 
51 《立法会会议记录》 ,1994年12月7日,http://www.legco.gov.hk/yr94-95/chinese/lc_sitg/hansard/h941207.pdf,第984页 
52 《信报月刊》,1978年10月,总第19期第60页 
53 《远东经济评论》,「China -- Deep Water: Beijing moves to curb Li Ka-shing's influence over China's ports in favour of other players」,2000年11月2日 
54 《财经茄哩啡》,「仇富首富(下)」,顺叔,2010年8月13日,http://caijingcarefree.blogspot.hk/2010/08/blog-post_12.html  
55 《财经茄哩啡》,「买裤送裤袋(下)」,顺叔,2012年8月7日,http://caijingcarefree.blogspot.hk/2012/08/blog-post_7.html  

1. 变态超人(上) | (中) | (下) 
2. 买裤送裤袋(上) | (下) 


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2015年01月19日09:00  周斌  来源:法制网 

周强在最高人民法院党组扩大会上强调 始终坚持党中央的集中统一领导
法制网讯记者周斌 1月17日上午,最高人民法院党组召开扩大会议,认真传达学习习近平总书记在中央政治局常务委员会听取最高人民法院党组工作汇报时的重要讲话精神。最高人 民法院党组书记、院长周强主持会议并讲话,强调要始终坚持党中央的集中统一领导,大力加强人民法院党组建设,充分发挥党组领导核心作用,推动人民法院工作 不断取得新进展,为全面依法治国作出积极贡献。
会议指出,党的领导是中国特色社会主义最本质的特征,是做好党和国家各项工作的根本保证。坚持党的领导,首先是要坚持党中央的集中统一领导,这是一条根本 的政治规矩。中央政治局常委会听取全国人大常委会、国务院、全国政协、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院党组工作汇报,是保证党中央集中统一领导的制度性安 排,意义十分重大,对全党具有十分重要的示范意义。习近平总书记在讲话中充分肯定最高人民法院党组工作,站在党和国家事业全局的高度,对进一步加强党组自 身建设、全面依法治国提出明确要求,为人民法院工作指明了方向,充分体现了以习近平同志为总书记的党中央对人民法院工作的高度重视和亲切关怀,对于加强党 对法院工作的领导,进一步贯彻落实宪法,保障和支持人民法院依法独立公正行使审判权具有十分重大的指导意义,是对全国各级法院和广大干警的巨大鼓舞。
会议强调,要坚决贯彻党中央决策部署,始终在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为总书记的党中央保持高度一致。各级法院党组和广大法院干警要认真学习贯彻 习近平总书记重要讲话精神,学深悟透,掌握精髓,武装头脑,学以致用,统揽工作,指导实践。要始终坚持党的领导,坚持人民主体地位,坚持从中国实际出发, 坚定不移走中国特色社会主义法治道路。要加强纪律建设,把守纪律讲规矩摆在更加重要的位置,带头严格遵守党的政治纪律和政治规矩,坚决维护党中央权威、维 护党的团结、遵循组织程序、服从组织决定。要加强对中国特色社会主义法治理论的学习研究,汲取中华优秀法律文化精华,借鉴国外法治有益经验,但决不照搬西 方法治理念和模式,确保在大是大非问题上做到头脑十分清醒、立场十分坚定、旗帜十分鲜明。
会议要求,各级法院党组要观大势、掌全局、议大事、抓大事。充分认识在全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党的进程中人民法院承担 的重要职责,充分认识人民法院各项工作面临的前所未有的机遇和挑战,充分发挥领导核心作用,进一步提高理论水平、决策水平、审判水平和指导水平,牢牢把握 党和国家工作大局,保证党中央重大决策部署和重要指示精神在人民法院得到不折不扣的贯彻落实。要认真研究新情况、新问题,主动适应经济发展新常态,围绕中 心、突出重点,履职尽责、奋发有为,切实加强调查研究,完善司法决策,确保人民法院工作始终沿着正确方向不断前进。
会议强调,要充分发挥司法职能,为全面依法治国作出积极贡献。各级法院要忠实履行宪法和法律赋予的职责,牢牢坚持司法为民、公正司法,依法审判、执行好各 类案件,维护社会大局稳定、促进社会公平正义、保障人民安居乐业。深入推进司法体制改革,积极研究推进以审判为中心的诉讼制度改革,尽快落实司法责任制, 大力加强巡回法庭、跨行政区划法院、知识产权法院等建设,确保完成各项改革任务,努力破解影响司法公正和制约司法能力的体制机制障碍,让人民群众在每一个 司法案件中感受到公平正义。全面深化司法公开,进一步加强审判流程、裁判文书、执行信息三大公开平台建设,运用信息化实现审判流程再造,着力构建开放、动 态、透明、便民的阳光司法机制。加强人权司法保障,坚持罪刑法定、疑罪从无、非法证据排除等法律原则和制度,进一步做好冤假错案纠正和防范工作,依法规范 减刑、假释和暂予监外执行工作,确保严格公正司法。

我最后一次进入一个女人的身体是…… http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4Njk0MDczOA==&mid=202191667&idx=2&sn=32a9b2cc00ca2d4e9041e330d12b3b7a&scene=2&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#rd

2014-12-08 beautiful life 90-year-old Mr.

huang recently opened exhibition in Beijing. If he made open microblogging or circle of friends, they can be forwarded to the party haha ​​mercy. For this, Xiao Qian so described: "Yang floating between his rough lines of what childish, joy and unrestrained." Vulgar, that someone saw his exhibition come to a conclusion, "It is with a rope life In the funny ah! "

nine-year-old self-portrait

" My love life is very bad, the last time I entered a woman's body is to visit the Statue of Liberty. "

"two of the biggest misconceptions people for me are: first, they just because I wear glasses, they thought I was the intellectuals; second, my films do not make money, so they think I'm an artist . "

such as a parrot painting, figure said to be written like this:." Bird is a good bird, is more than words "

about parrot scripts He can say in one breath several, such as this: Someone lost a parrot, very anxious, afraid parrot he had spent the time to teach it something say it, after much thought, decided to make a statement in the newspaper: my political views and lost parrot completely different.

He also painted a Snake Intriguing. No snakes, no navel only two children of foreigners dialogue naked under the apple tree. Where are the snakes?

"Eve asked Adam snake gone, Adam said Guangdong bubble guy stole wine."

see pictures, you know the old man was a difficult deal with children.

huang dialogue with the reporters, unity becomes God replies collector.

reporters: "Why not use the computer to draw?"

huang: "appliances, I use is the most skilled flashlight."

reporters: " Huanglao, if you likens himself a home cooking, which dishes would be "

huang:"? green peppers fried red peppers "

Reporter:." Why? "

huang:" Because of bad answer, simply had no answer so the dish "

Reporter:.". In the painting of your career, what you works most satisfied "

huang:"?? a hen had laid the egg, hen you ask, it gave birth to the first and third egg was good hen eggs I will tell you it works though as hen eggs, but I have a different place and hen ah "

reporters:"?! What's the difference "

huang: "hen lays eggs always cluttering, maybe, but I would not call!"

reporters: "I have a problem Huanglao."

huang: "After dinner you go to interview me."

reporters: "I'm afraid you are going to take a nap after a meal."

huang: "I do not nap, I'm not an old man. "

" huang ninety Exhibition "at the opening of the National Museum, the National Museum of huang held a high-profile return banquet.

reporters: "whether to wear a dinner suit and tie for men is to wear evening dress lady??"

huang: "do not have the best nude. Father "

" hybrid rice "Yuan Longping and the" Chinese contemporary painting first person "huang Hunan known to the world with a business card, they are not met.

reporters: "You see how Mr. Yuan Longping?"

huang:. "Longping is a real scientist had our first meeting, I passed in front of him, but I do not know he is Longping. Later someone told me that I looked at him for a few more. "In the late seventies of last century

eighties, crosstalk master Hou Baolin back together and even famous hostel. Then called comic, now it can be put called "scripts."

Hou Baolin: "You can not teach teach?"

huang: "! Milk big kids are my nipple bitten off"

time of stagnation ...... After a few seconds Hou Baolin said:

"wonder now switch to bottle ......"

huang friends broad, and many you can not imagine a friend, such as Hong Kong songwriter James Wong. James Wong also always remember to say something even famous - such as James Wong then being thrown into a panic, and Lin Yanni trouble broke up, and investment in the film company fails, debt, homelessness, many people are afraid to pay him any heed only huang go comfort. He comforted a very special way: "What! Romance count it, you must know how poetic breakup," said James Wong, this is put shit, and romance have hanged himself, but also a poetic yet? !

about love in this world, even famous also recalled the first time and had met his wife Zhang Mei Xi scene. He nervously waited a long time before they pop out of one sentence, that sentence is also quite a piece hand charm - "? I have a hundred pounds of food stamps, you want to do"

to catch Mrs. Huang Yongyu admission money nor appearance, only to trumpet all day in the downstairs table of love. One day, he finally could not resist, so this conversation took place:

huang: "? If someone loves you, how do you do"

Zhang Plum Creek : "Who is the look."

huang: "That's me."

Zhang Mei Xi: "Okay."

" piece hand "anti-fire security is to use piece of XX. A dark blue towel hanging on the corner of the pool even famous studio, next to Mr Wong's teeny lower case - "Yong Yu towel dedicated work, containing all kinds of sores, scabies, blisters, pus, bacteria, virus, do not use all walks of life in order to avoid infection, hereby warned that this master Kai "

his bedroom wall there is another announcement:." turn things people you are likely to be a genius, you have to find ways to quickly put him Hongzou. "

2009 years huang wrote a word," the world grow up, I am his mother is old. "

Well, finally, to several life philosophy.

lying on the ground live, live close to the land, there is a benefit is not much fell also fell.

goose duck swimming in the river off children who fear they pick up the river eggs.

not contemptuous of things touched when young.

sincere important than skill, so the birds sing better than men.

painting a large painting, like to be in control of hundreds of crabs to escape.

lengthy speeches and fart, shit is in the air.

fighter regardless of appearance.

romance is a very beautiful aesthetic, but unfortunately thin client never enjoy.

loud voice does not necessarily afraid of ghosts.

someone sleeping too much, rest up!

master is so, it seems that no serious, but not serious, the penetration of a strong sense of history and personal life. Not long ago, the media used the word 90 after a "mad tyrants pull cool" to describe his bones naughty wild humor. Come on, what the 90 count, the elderly have been playing this stuff for 90 years.
2014-12-08 人生的美丽































黄 永玉交友广阔,甚至有很多你想象不到的朋友,比如香港词曲作家黄霑。黄霑也是永远记得黄永玉说的一些话的--比如当年黄霑正狼狈不堪,与林燕妮闹分手,又 投资电影公司经营失败,负债累累,无家可归的时候,很多人都不敢搭理他,只有黄永玉前去安慰。他安慰的方式非常特别:“失恋算什么呀,你要懂得失恋后的诗 意!”黄霑说,这就是放狗屁了,失恋都要上吊了,还能有诗意吗?!





















长发为君留HFR  【两办:高校书记校长要站在意识形态工作第一线】两办关于高校教学的意见连“学术安全”的概念都提出来了,关于这个概念我真是不理解,学术怎么才能做到“安全”呢?因为火箭发动机有爆炸的危险,为了安全就不再搞宇宙探索啦?因为汽车有倾覆的可能,为了安全都改骑马啦?妈蛋,所谓的“学术安全”, 


党媒批高校教师抹黑中国 贺卫方陈丹青等被点名

2015-01-24 06:39:00 来源: 澎湃新闻网(上海) 
[Editor's note]

strengthen regulatory control thinking university work seemed imminent public positions.

1 May 24, the CPC Central Committee published "Seeking Truth" magazine sponsored network seeking comment published, entitled "Difficulties propaganda and ideological work of college? "The signature of the units of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department. The article points out, "bared China will" discredit China is becoming the moment some people pursue fashion, some of the teachers outside the classroom to talk about the content of the socialist core values ​​deviate constantly discredit China, contrary to the ideological bottom line, these people are becoming college classroom emotional catharsis stage. The article points out, universities should strengthen ideological work, to resist penetration by hostile forces, more detailed rules should eliminate negative energy, so that teachers did not dare to discredit, not discredit, easy to discredit.

talked about how good universities in the propaganda and ideological work, the article that you want to move three bite "Hard": criticism and discredit clear boundaries, so that teachers become the main innovation of communication spread positive energy. Article as follows:

CPC Central Committee and State Council recently issued "on Further Strengthening and Improving the propaganda and ideological work in the new views of the College," pointed to the forefront as a university ideological work, and strengthening the mainstream ideological opinion, strengthen the ideological guidance university management, bigger and stronger positive publicity, manage guide, manage positions, manage the team, and resolutely resist the penetration of hostile forces, firmly grasp the ideological work of the leadership of the university, the right to speak, constantly consolidate the guiding status of Marxism.

since November 14 last year, Liaoning Daily published an article entitled "university teacher, please, do not speak Chinese," the open letter criticizing some university teachers to the University of the podium as a catharsis of the stage, to China as a typical negative case base, "bared China will" begin the unfamiliar words on the Internet at top speed transmission. Although some of the Liaoning Daily monitoring ethical behavior is questioned, but this debate is indeed attracted more attention to the ideological issues and think about college.

"bared China will" really is not a common phenomenon in today's colleges and universities? Does it have to be serious to the extent necessary remediation? University teachers how to protect freedom of speech? This is the current opinion of the court a few controversial issues. Not long ago, the famous Hong Kong actress Natalie Tiananmen pride for the country attracted a number of users of the microblogging abuse, easy to see, there are some people who are as fashionable to discredit China, Whatever the truth, they always stand opposite of mainstream social values . This generation of social psychology, and higher education can not say there is no correlation, as we all know, is different from the general vocational teachers, they use the powers in the hands of knowledge, enough to affect an entire generation of young people, and these people, which is our present social hope.

Global Times published an editorial on the 21st article "propaganda and ideological work college is hard row to hoe," in my opinion, to guard the forefront of this ideological work of colleges and universities, at least three hoe want to bite. What words

university teachers violated ideology "bottom line"? If you can not establish such a standard, out of bounds from the system will continue in college remarks in the media, on the Internet wantonly spread. At present, a variety of perspectives on the Internet and Commander intense, some people think this is a free and open cyberspace inevitable result, but also must be vigilant chaos hat opinion mislabeling of violence. What's remarks were "out of bounds" and the social mainstream values ​​antithetical? Is not as negative as long as the Chinese case we naturally should have been shelling? As long as it is not contrary to the criticism of China Central Committee on propaganda and ideological work requirements? Criticism and discredit the border in the end is what? These problems are not resolved, it will inevitably lead to the court of public opinion 乱成一锅粥, stand on the phenomenon does not stop proliferation, is not conducive to the exchange of ideas in many ways. Especially in today's blend of Western culture, to resist Western thought and culture has become impossible, then the university teachers should stick to the political and moral bottom line of what it should have clearly defined. At the same time must be allowed to refuse to discredit appropriate, rational criticism, in order to promote the progress of today's society, in order to win the senior intellectuals party committee and government support. "Opinions" have been placed in a university ideological work extremely important position, recently there are many teachers felt the pressure, and some even began to delete inappropriate comments microblogging, but in order to truly eliminate negative energy universities, but also need to be more detailed rules, so that these engineers of human souls dared discredit, not discredit, easy to discredit.

strengthen and improve the publicity and ideological work can not be limited to college classroom. University teachers through microblogging, spread westernized letter is not a case of thinking, university teachers is different from ordinary people, their unique ideas and lofty social status is very easy to form a certain influence on the Internet, and even users will this "bold "incorrectly interpreted as" outspoken. " This time, they've crossed the university, the impact is more than six hundred million Internet users. He Weifang microblogging talk about constitutional, ChenDanQing in its micro-channel public account of "we do not go to the United States! A stupid and backward country "in the title, the content is over US landscaping, inducing effect is evident. University ideological work long way to go, we must not stay dead, university teachers should become the main energy propagation society is.
1月24日,中共中央机 关刊《求是》杂志主办的求是网刊发评论,题为《高校宣传思想工作难在哪里?》,署名作者单位为宁波市委宣传部。文章指出,“呲必中国”、抹黑中国正成为当 下某些人的时尚追寻,一些教师课堂内外大谈背离社会主义核心价值观内容,不断地抹黑中国,触犯意识形态底线,高校课堂正成为这些人的情绪宣泄舞台。文章指 出,高校应加强意识形态工作,抵御敌对势力渗透,要以更加细化的规则肃清负能量,让教师队伍不敢抹黑,不能抹黑,不易抹黑。
中 共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅最近印发《关于进一步加强和改进新形势下高校宣传思想工作的意见》,指出要将高校作为意识形态工作的前沿阵地,壮大主流思想舆 论,切实加强高校意识形态引导管理,做大做强正面宣传,管好导向、管好阵地、管好队伍,坚决抵御敌对势力渗透,牢牢掌握高校意识形态工作领导权、话语权, 不断巩固马克思主义指导地位。
自去年11月14日辽宁日报发表了题为《大学老师,请不要这样讲中国》的公开信,批评一些高校教师把大学讲台 当做情绪宣泄的舞台,把中国当成负面典型的案例库,“呲必中国”这个陌生词汇开始在互联网上火速传播。尽管有人对辽宁日报的监听行为是否符合伦理提出质 疑,但是这场论战的确引起了更多人对高校意识形态问题的关注和思索。
高 校教师的哪些言论触犯了意识形态的“底线”?如果不能从制度上建立这样一个标准,越界的言论就会继续在高校、在媒体、在互联网上肆意传播。目前互联网上各 种观点争锋激烈,有人认为这是网络空间自由开放的必然结果,但是也必须警惕乱戴帽子、乱贴标签的舆论暴力行为。什么样的言论是“越界”的,与社会主流价值 观对立的?是不是只要将中国作为负面案例就理所应该遭到炮轰?是不是只要批评中国就违背了中央关于宣传思想工作的要求?批评和抹黑的边界到底是什么?这些 问题不解决,就必然会导致舆论场上乱成一锅粥、站队不站对的现象泛滥,不利于多方思想的交流。尤其在中西方文化交融的今天,抗拒西方思想文化已经成为不可 能的事情,那么高校教师应该坚守的政治和道德底线究竟是什么,都应该有明确的界定。拒绝抹黑的同时必须允许适当、理性的批评,才能促进当今社会的进步,从 而赢得这些高级知识分子对党委政府的拥护。《意见》已将高校意识形态工作放到一个极端重要的位置,近日也有不少教师感受到了压力,甚至有人开始删除微博上 的不当言论,但是要想真正肃清高校的负能量,还需要更加细化的规则,让这些人类灵魂的工程师不敢抹黑,不能抹黑,不易抹黑。
加强和改进高校宣传思想工作不能止于课堂。高 校教师通过微博、微信传播西化思想已经不是个例,高校教师不同于普通民众,他们独特的思想和崇高的社会地位很容易在互联网上形成一定的影响力,甚至有网民 将这种“大胆”错误地理解为“敢言”。这个时候,他们已经跨越了高校,影响的是六亿多互联网用户。贺卫方在微博中大谈宪政,陈丹青在其微信公众帐号以《大 家别去美国!一个愚蠢而落后的国家》为题,内容却是对美国的过度美化,诱导效果可见一斑。高校意识形态工作任重而道远,必须不留死角,高校教师应该成为传播社会正能量的主力。
Teachers and students on how to improve the social mainstream values ​​agree? How to make students no longer a soft spot for the negative news? How to make Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought is no longer just some rigid theory? As pointed out by the Global Times, propaganda and ideological work, if only to be mechanically checked style to cope with the promotion, then the end is or no effect, or come up with the opposite effect. I often hear the "propaganda" and "formalism" linked together, which reminds us the right to speak to master the ideological work, propaganda must be innovative ways to use the Internet thinking, so that positive energy come alive. Take the recent death of Zhang Wannian, in the era of mass entertainment, Internet users are entertainers attracted concern is understandable in this matter, but politicians are too rigid publicity equally worthy of reflection. For most people there is only one leader outline style impression, but there is no in-depth understanding, which dilute the political leaders of our country's life story of great relevance. Singer's private life media wanton add emotional color, but then life leaders avoided. Zhang Wannian until his death, most people still do not understand this so that the central leadership of the generals heavy grief in the end is what kind of people do not understand, it may be reduced to a form of commemoration.

"opinion" is not just an executive order, and to make it into the teachers within the heart of the value of the ruler. Mainstream values ​​not just stay in the rows of books ordered teachers to teach and students to recite the sentence, and to make it possible to become engraved in the hearts of everyone fresh image, so that everyone can willingly accept the influence of positive energy. I believe that "ci will China" chaos eventually eradicate, and "education is the reduction in the number of all social evil, the goodness of the only means to increase the number of." (Author: Ningbo Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department)

(original title: network Nupi seeking to discredit the Chinese university teachers have to beautify the West, named He Weifang, ChenDanQing)
如何提高教师和学生对社会主流价值观的认同?如何让学生不再对负面新闻情有独钟?如何让马列主义、毛泽东思想不再只是一些僵化的理论?正像环球时报 所指出的那样,宣传思想工作如果只是被机械地、应付检查式地推广,那么到头来就是或者没什么效果,或者搞出相反的效果。笔者时常听到有人将“宣传”和“形 式主义”联系到一起,这提醒我们,掌握意识形态工作话语权,必须创新宣传方式,运用互联网思维,让正能量变得生动起来。就拿近日张万年逝世来说,在大众娱 乐时代,网民的关注点被娱乐明星吸引本是无可厚非的事情,但是对政治人物过于僵硬的宣传方式同样值得反思。多数老百姓对于领导人只存在一个轮廓式的印象, 而没有深入的了解,这与我们国家淡化对政治领袖的生活报道大有关联。媒体对歌手的私人生活肆意添加情感色彩,却对领袖的生活避而不谈。直到张万年逝世,多 数百姓仍然不了解这个令中央领导人沉重悲痛的将军到底是什么样的人,没有了解,纪念就可能沦为一种形式。
《意见》不只是一道行政命令,而要 让它内化为教师内心的价值标尺。主流价值观不是仅仅停留在书本上的一行行勒令教师讲授、学生背诵的语句,而要让它变成可以印刻在每个人心里的鲜活形象,让 每个人能够心甘情愿地接受正能量的熏陶。笔者相信,“呲必中国”之乱象终会根除,而“教育正是一切社会里把恶的数量减少,把善的数量增加的唯一手段”。 (作者单位:宁波市委宣传部)
(原标题:求是网怒批有高校教师抹黑中国美化西方,点名贺卫方、陈丹青)本文来源:澎湃新闻网 作者:徐岚
长发为君留HFR 【军报:有微信公号想动摇共产党执政地位】军报很多评论,说话为啥那么恶狠狠的?这样不好,不好。评论需以事实、逻辑和理性去说服人,有理不在声高和语狠,不是用恶狠狠的口号去压人,不是挥舞意识形态大棒去打人。……@中青报曹林
廉政公暑 网络实名制:虚拟世界不能成为“法外之地” http://url.cn/Z2MaiOhttp://tech.sina.com.cn/i/2015-01-24/doc-icczmvun5361540.shtml净莲梅晓之选择 #你#叫你骗子吧,你比骗子还无赖;叫你无赖吧,你比无赖还流氓;叫流氓吧,你比流氓还土匪;叫你土匪吧,你比土匪还强盗;叫你强盗吧,你比强盗还黑社会;叫你黑社会吧,你比黑社会还垃圾;叫你垃圾吧,你比垃圾更垃圾..翻遍了人类的字典,也无法找到适合你的称呼。
NRS: Virtual world can not become a "Lawless"


  2010年4月29日下午,国务院新闻办公室(国新办)首次公开确认我国正在积极探索及推动论坛、BBS等各种网络互动环节的普通用户实名制。 2013年3月28日国务院办公厅发布《关于实施〈国务院机构改革和职能转变方案〉任务分工的通知》,其中提到2014年出台并实施信息网络实名登记制度 等内容。今年1月13日,国家网信办再次表示,“将全面推进网络真实身份信息的管理,对包括微博、贴吧等均实行实名制。”
  2014年3月,中国互联网协会发布的《中国互联网站发展状况及其安全报告(2014年)》。报告统计指出,2013年,在网络钓鱼问题上发现 的仿冒中国网站的页面URL地址,超过3万个。中国电子商务研究中心的监测数据显示,65.5%的网站存在安全漏洞,2013年中国网民在网上损失近 1500亿元。

Xinhua Beijing January 23 (by Xinhua News Agency, "China Network thing" correspondent) National Internet Information Office (National Network Information Office), said recently that this year will comprehensively promote the management of network information, the true identity of "background real name, foreground voluntary" principle, including microblogging, paste it, practice real-name system, which will increase the intensity of supervision and management of law enforcement. Network "virtual world" is no longer a "Lawless"? But how to protect personal information security and privacy? Accelerate the pace ...... NRS, reignite hot friends.

experts pointed out that China's current protection system for real-name information is not perfect, the relevant regulatory loopholes. Network from a real name system to be effective, it is still some way to go.

those years, said the good name system it?

real name, in fact, nothing new. Shopping name system, forum 
      name system, the real-name ticket system, microblogging real-name system ...... real-name system has been everywhere.

      China's Internet development rules to follow. "Standing Committee of the National People's Congress decision on safeguarding Internet security," released in 2000, on the protection of the safe operation of the Internet and information security issues, to provide for the first time. In 2003, Tsinghua University, Professor Li Xiguang proposed network should be real names. The main purpose of

      network real-name system, that purify the Internet environment, the protection of the interests of Internet users, network information to promote industrial development, promote the network play a greater role in modern society. At present, it has been in the field of instant messaging, social media and the Internet have made progress in the field of e-commerce.
       Some netizens believe that real-name system, "said so many years, the relevant provisions are also many ", but that" I did not see any tangible results. " Another netizen said that some sites registered for the relevant provisions of the real-name system, the implementation of the long-publish content, but in fact we can come through a variety of ways to circumvent these provisions.

      NRS is to "double-edged sword"?

      then NRS really work? Sohu News, said a deputy editor of the portal, the Internet real-name system is like a "double-edged sword": on the one hand it can regulate people's network behavior, play a supervisory role, limiting extremist remarks; another On the one hand, if the universal implementation of real-name system, which may affect users of discussion enthusiasm, will reduce the amount of user comments.

      most people tangled yes, fill in the online real-name system information, not only to protect their limited effect, actually easy 
        Xinhua Beijing January 23 (by Xinhua News Agency, "China Network thing" correspondent) National Internet Information Office (National Network Information Office), said recently that this year will comprehensively promote the management of network information, the true identity of "background real name, foreground voluntary" principle, including microblogging, paste it, practice real-name system, which will increase the intensity of supervision and management of law enforcement. Network "virtual world" is no longer a "Lawless"? But how to protect personal information security and privacy? Accelerate the pace ...... NRS, reignite hot friends.

        experts pointed out that China's current protection system for real-name information is not perfect, the relevant regulatory loopholes. Network from a real name system to be effective, it is still some way to go.

        those years, said the good name system it?

        real name, in fact, nothing new. Shopping name system, forum name system, the real-name ticket system, microblogging real-name system ...... real-name system has been everywhere.

        China's Internet development rules to follow. "Standing Committee of the National People's Congress decision on safeguarding Internet security," released in 2000, on the protection of the safe operation of the Internet and information security issues, to provide for the first time. In 2003, Tsinghua University, Professor Li Xiguang proposed network should be real names. The main purpose of

        network real-name system, that purify the Internet environment, the protection of the interests of Internet users, network information to promote industrial development, promote the network play a greater role in modern society. At present, it has been in the field of instant messaging, social media and the Internet have made progress in the field of e-commerce.

        2004 年 5 13, the China Internet Association released the "Internet e-mail service standards" (draft), first proposed the real-name system and emphasized the request of the customer e-mail service providers to submit real customer data. January 2008, NRS legislative process starts.

        2010 年 4 29 afternoon, the State Council Information Office (SCIO) for the first time publicly confirmed that China is actively exploring and promoting forums, BBS and other aspects of ordinary users online interactive real-name system. March 28, 2013 the State Council issued "on the implementation of division of tasks notice", which refers to the introduction and implementation of the 2014 content information network real name registration system. January 13 this year, the State Council Informatization Office network again said, "will comprehensively promote the management of network real identity information, including microblogging, paste it, practice real-name system."

        Some netizens believe that real-name system, "said so many years, the relevant provisions are also many ", but that" I did not see any tangible results. " Another netizen said that some sites registered for the relevant provisions of the real-name system, the implementation of the long-publish content, but in fact we can come through a variety of ways to circumvent these provisions.

        NRS is to "double-edged sword"?

        then NRS really work? Sohu News, said a deputy editor of the portal, the Internet real-name system is like a "double-edged sword": on the one hand it can regulate people's network behavior, play a supervisory role, limiting extremist remarks; another On the one hand, if the universal implementation of real-name system, which may affect users of discussion enthusiasm, will reduce the amount of user comments.

        most people tangled yes, fill in the online real-name system information, not only to protect their limited effect, actually easy to become a security risk. December 25, 2014, the vulnerability reporting platform cloud network released a report, a large number of 12306 user data in the Internet crazy pass, faced with a large number of users' personal information "streaking" situation, causing the user to worry about.

        12306 leaks, but in recent years, the network user information disclosure issue "tip of the iceberg." May 14, 2014, the clouds broke a well-known technology company Network Forum disclosure of user data, involving eight million registered forum users, and recommends that users change the password. Subsequently, the company official confirmed data breach incident does occur.

        2014 March Internet Society of China released the "China Internet site development and Security Report (2014)." Statistics report noted that in 2013, counterfeit Chinese website page on phishing URL address problems identified, more than 30,000. Chinese e-commerce research center monitoring data show that 65.5 percent of security vulnerabilities exist site 2013

