
人民日报:官员已成为高风险低收入 弱势群体 [转贴 2014-12-29 17:09:31] 和讯网和讯网's Blog 和讯网官方微博
2014-12-29 13:27:00 来源: 澎湃新闻网(上海)
  人民日报今天(12月29日)刊发了《辞官现象折射“官念”之变》一文,指出辞官者之所以有此勇气,与改革深化、市场经济体制完善紧密相连。而 且在从严治党、从严治吏的大环境下,发现领导干部很多时候属于“高风险低收入”的“弱势群体”,千军万马奔仕途的热潮自然会有所降温。
  官,本是一种社会职业,同医生、清洁工等各行各业一样,都是社会的需要。有许多一技之长的人,走上管理岗位,甚至弃“专”从政,把专业知识与精 神带入了新的领域,当然,也可能会有“工作需要”和“个人兴趣”的矛盾。陈延武也曾在仕途奋斗,以求实现抱负。只是,蓦然回首,发现从医之心仍“在灯火阑 珊处”,毅然离开,既是追寻个人梦想,又是对身份的重新定位。
  这两年,干部辞官已不新鲜。有为求圆梦辞职的,如北京市昌平区原区委书记关成华,重返大学校园,潜心读书、观察、思考。有想“自我掌控生活”辞 职的,如浙江省平阳县原副县长周慧在辞职感言中说:“这一刻,仿佛云淡风轻。”有因为工资低辞职的,如四川古蔺县石宝镇原副镇长赵光华,吐槽工资仅够给孩 子买奶粉、尿布,工作6年还靠父母接济。有不满足现状辞职的,如广州市公安局政治部人事处原处长陈伟才,告别战斗20年的公安岗位,改任珠海格力电器副总 裁。
  辞官者之所以有此勇气,与改革深化、市场经济体制完善紧密相连。回顾历史,体制内的人曾三次集中“溢出”。第一次是上世纪80年代中期,计划经 济转向市场经济,一批公务员赶潮下海;第二次是1992年邓小平南方谈话后,改革开放步伐加快,民营企业政治地位提高,大量公务员再度辞“官”;第三次是 2000年前后,政府机构改革精减人员,不少干部辞职。十八届三中全会提出,市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,为人才双向流动奠定了更坚实的社会基础。几天 前,养老保险制度改革方案获得通过。机关事业单位与城镇职工的养老金并轨,更加促使人们以平常心看待“官”与其他职业间的多元选择。
  辞官者的动机千差万别,但不能说完全与“为官不易”无关。十八大以来,从严治吏、反腐倡廉成为新常态。八项规定真落实,“老虎”“苍蝇”一起 打,当官有权不能“任性”,更不敢腐败。从严治党、从严治吏的大环境下,过去那些认为当官旱涝保收甚至油水十足的人,发现领导干部很多时候属于“高风险低 收入”的“弱势群体”,千军万马奔仕途的热潮自然会有所降温。
  去职者渐行渐远,在职者应忠于职守。“官”作为一种社会职业,并无好坏可言,但如何为官,是有好坏之分的。为官一任,不能因制度严了就“在岗不 在状态”。或会干不如会看,见风使舵,选择性办事;或会办不如会推,推诿扯皮,不办事、少办事;或善为不如善拖,拖延应付,马虎办事;或善管不如善转,尸 位素餐,吃公家饭,干自家活。这些心态与行为,既与为民宗旨不符,也与公职操守相悖。

Why the hell five insurance payments account for half wages? [Posted 2014-12-29 16:19:22]五险一金凭啥占工资的一半? [转贴 2014-12-29 16:19:22]  
2014 年 12 月 29 日 09:52 2014年12月29日 09:52
  理论上说从你兜里掏走的五险一金是你的,但似乎也只是理论上,最大的漏洞就是时间!也就是同样的钱数在不同的年代,所代表的的购买力完全不同。 就拿养老保险来说,你要交收入的8%,企业要交20%,假设你的月收入是8000元,按照每年5%的收入增长率计算,到你退休的时候,你的月收入将接近5 万元。而你和你的企业已经交了100多万的养老金,那每月能拿到的养老金是多少呢?8624元,只有收入的2成,就好比现在每月就给你1600养老,你觉 得怎么样呢?当然这还是在你确定能拿到养老金的情况下。
  第二就是医疗保险,个人交2%,单位给补8%。要知道整容、减肥、增高、不孕不育还包括脑残,这些医保是不管的。此外,如果不幸出了交通事故, 或被歹徒咔嚓了,这些医保也不管,只有自己得的那几种常见病才能由医保暂时核销。如果要异地使用,那也是条件相当苛刻的,必须在3个工作日内就近就医,还 得是急诊抢救,稍微好一点就得赶紧转到医保医院去。
  最坑爹的就是失业保险了,个人每月交1%,企业交2%。要想享受这个保险,必须要交钱一年以上,当然这都无所谓,最坑爹的是第二点,必须非主动 辞职。但现在的老板也大多很鸡贼,怕员工索要赔偿,千方百计的逼员工自己辞职,亲,如果你要是没压住火,上了老板的当,这失业险可就只能打水漂了。当然, 指着失业险过日子也是不现实的,因为总共也没多少钱,大多数城市不会超过1000元,经济越落后的地方越低。
  至于工伤险,一般企业交1%,但这钱也基本上是白交的,因为根据规定,在工作时间和工作岗位,突发疾病死亡或者在48小时之内经抢救无效死亡 的,视同工伤。如果你很坚强第49小时死的,对不起不算工伤。所以,如果医生已经跟你说了救治无望,还是早点闭眼吧。这都不像话。至于生育险,前提很简 单,必须得有单位,如果没单位的全职太太是没有权利享受这个险种的。
  五险一金中交的最多的就是住房公积金,个人企业各交12%。这个钱本意是大家帮助大家,如今却变成了,杨白劳帮黄世仁,你交的起首付,还得起月 供吗?如果出不起这个钱,对不起,你杨白劳还是先当垫背的,给我黄世仁先凑个份子吧。另外,公积金管理相当科学,基本上秘诀就是不管也不理,就放在活期上 账户上,让钱晒太阳也就是说如果你近期没有买房的打算,你存到公积金的钱,就只能这么一点一点的瘦下去,放心不会反弹的。


military regime (2014-08-28 18:04:47)


(2014-08-28 18:04:47)


 近日发生的军训教官殴打学生事件引起了社会的广泛关注,从微博上的跟帖情况来看,几乎所有人都愤然谴责教官的暴行,少数厚着脸皮为 教官辩护者则成为了过街老鼠。人日为了给军方洗地,先是以“预备役”的说法推出了军训教官版的临时工,遭质疑后又发出一篇从内容上到语言上都明显选择性失 明的所谓“真相帖”,结果,这些鬼话没能欺骗任何人,反招致无数怒斥和嘲讽。
    虽然以上现象令人欣慰,但是据我观察,能认清军训实质的人依然十分稀少,很多人虽反对教官的暴行,却仍然对军训抱有支持态度,有人指出了军训的邪恶本质, 却不被大众所认可。理中客们也不失时机地和起了稀泥,有人说双方都有错,各打五十大板;有人说有些教官和士兵还是很正直的,不能以偏概全、一棍子打死;更 有甚者抛出“抗震救灾”之类的言论要求人们“感恩”,混淆视听。鉴于此种情况,我决定用这篇文章反驳理中客的观点,并以亲身经历为例,揭示府国军训制度的 本质。
    端出抗震救灾来进行道德勒索的人,则完全是在转移话题。抗灾本来就是军人的职责,我们被迫纳税供养军队,难道还要把他们履行职责当成恩惠?你对把你从废墟 里挖出来的士兵心怀感激,那是你自己的事,但你没资格强求他人也非得感恩戴德。况且,即使他们真的有恩于民众,难道就可以肆意打骂师生而不受谴责?因为有 功劳,就不能被批评,这是功过相抵的辩证思维的典型应用。
    军训制度的支持者认为,军训是为了培养国防观念,提高身体素质,增加军事知识,增进学生间的友谊。我在初中和高中军训时也是这么想的,直到大学军训期间, 我才意识到军训的本来目的。不上靶场,不接触任何武器,不进行任何格斗训练,只有日复一日的站军姿、踢正步、喊口号,如何提高军事技能和身体素质?从中学 到大学,三次军训,内容几乎没有变化,像是训练仪仗队,为一个口号撕破嗓子“一二三四”,为一次抬腿练到抽筋还不时挨踹,为一个手型、一个排面无休止地重 复千百遍,又是何苦,有这工夫做做体育锻炼多好!内务检查,衣架上的衣服排列要从长到短,书架上的书要从低到高……真是威武霸气,以后上战场的时候,就应 该扛着书架,背着豆腐块,像疯犬般嘶吼着“湍~~姐就是离~~量”,踏着整齐划一的正步,走到机枪眼旁。别跟我说什么磨练毅力、增强团队意识,组织一次远 足,一次野外生存训练,甚至是一场足球赛,都比那些有效一百倍,事实上,韩国、日本和台湾的军训正是进行这些项目。
    因为府国军训的目的,并不是增强学生们的身体素质和战斗技能,它的目的只有一个:服从!府国军训用暴力和高压打压新生的锐气,制造恐惧,强制服从。通过不 堪入耳的辱骂和拳打脚踢,逼迫学生向首长山呼、敬礼、踢正步,这是极权利用军训制造顺民的手段。实用技能根本不在它的考虑范围,它只是新生入校不得不挨的 一顿杀威棒,打出奴性,它便完成了它的使命。更可怕的是,它还能作为权力的引诱,从学生群体中间制造出一个奴隶主,很多被教官提拔为班长或排长的学生都俨 然成为了一个小教官,满口喷射出飞扬跋扈的恶臭和一句句“他妈的”。@长吉歌诗 指出:“这是在学生未入社会之前就对他们进行体制化暗示和强加,为之后所接触到的知识可能或必然会产生的颠覆性认知预设身份压力和困惑,并使学生提前对体 制武力产生印象和畏惧,确保其教育的党校化技校化。”在这个目标的驱使下,教官使用武力维护其权威也就是顺理成章的事了,没有任何人会被允许阻碍该目标的 实现,即使是老师。如果运气好,你会遇到一个不愿从恶的好教官,如果运气差,这次流血事件就是结果。
    然而,很多人脑海中的军训却是这样一些片段:休息时和教官开玩笑,坐在地上为同学的激情演唱喝彩鼓掌,教官唱歌时有趣的破锣嗓子,分别时的依依不舍……这 些片段使他们对军训产生了美好的印象。我的记忆中也存在相似的片段,这是因为我们都幸运地(或者说不幸地)遇到了一位好教官,所有的好教官都具有相同的特 点:不骂脏话,不刁难学生,爱开玩笑,从不体罚,利用职务之便让学生尽量多休息……总之,就是在其他教官似凶神恶煞之时,他却对学生们特别好,面对这样的 教官,你确实会情不自禁地敬一个军礼。但是,这些好教官也成了一种心理上的致幻剂,掩盖了这样一个事实:真正让学生们和好教官们团结起来、并让人感到美好 的,恰恰是对恶制和痛苦的共同抵抗,很少有人去想为什么我们要忍受这强加给我们的一切。



3月21日,Google为Chrome浏览器提供的减少流量消耗的(Data Compression Proxy for Chrome)功能被GFW封锁。
6月4日,CCTV在节目中质疑Windows 8的安全性,称操作系统的开发商可获取包括用户电话号码、银行账号在内的信息。节目还称,无论是谁控制该操作系统,他都可以控制使用该操作系统的电脑上的信息。

China's economy Troika: Plagiarism + cheap + bragging!


 2014-12-30 Hot concern

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fact, China's economic growth in the troika is this:

a plagiarism

millet, called China's manufacturing industry "star company", established only four years already became the first in China, the world's sixth-largest smartphone manufacturer. Millet does not take the unusual way, his distinctive is born. But millet in product planning outsiders called plagiarism "master" copy line dry line.

According to the latest news: Millet is paying the price for their plagiarism!

with millet to the global expansion of its patent missing began to show weakness, and lead to litigation. Suffered due to the global expansion of millet technology infringement allegations slowed. Ericsson millet allegations not made its patents, filed a lawsuit in India. This patent relates to a network connection problem wireless devices. The judge ruled that, in addition to hold a hearing next month before the ban millet in its biggest overseas market - India sales of some equipment.

millet nightmare was just beginning, research director at market research firm CounterpointResearch equipment sector Neil Shah (NeilShah) said: "The company is now patented in other countries will be in the Indian market events cases, eyeing millet in other markets. "millet will be difficult to replicate in the Chinese mainland to achieve rapid growth in overseas markets.

Moreover, according to Stanford University professor of intellectual property law MarkLemley investigation, the past few years the smartphone patent litigation costs the United States more than $ 1 billion, note that this is only the legal fees, not including v drag compensation after defeat. If China loses patent protection in a weak environment, Google, Apple and other patent litigation can sue millet collapse.

accused of millet, not sparing even the mouse pad, mouse pad its metal plagiarism iQunix. Gree Electric chairman Dong Mingzhu publicly accused of stealing someone else millet US patents, while evaluating strategic stake millet America is "a liar two together, the group is a thief."

However, it is undeniable: This mode does make plagiarism Made in China Pulled a fast track, Lei Jun plans to sell 100 million in 2015. Millet is rapidly becoming China's manufacturing, FMCG companies, and even the Internet industry sought after object, which is China's star enterprises, it is not only sought after by the people, there is a big wave of business.

However, water woodenly that: On the surface, much sought after by Chinese enterprises is a "millet model", as it sought is a "copy money" frenzy! Rather than chase assessment of Chinese people is a "Internet thinking", says otherwise sought after is a "fast-track" model! Chinese people's awareness of enterprises still remain in stage make a left.

reason for the rapid development of millet, is pushed to the "Made in China" the altar, to the world. Because it is good occasion, good integration of the supply chain and distribution channels, to understand the "user experience first" principle, it is worth studying the traditional enterprise.

However, enterprises are to achieve sustainable development, we must also have a core mission: that is, using the Internet to perceive the needs of consumers, the interpretation of this consumer demand, and through their own industrial language (Products ) expression (production) out, this is a future of corporate compliance and features, but also the future of the knowledge economy industry.

Industry 4.0 is a combination of industry with the information industry, the Internet industry began to intervene, but the intervention does not mean that the knowledge economy, the knowledge economy by intellectual property rights especially patent to measure, all results must Transformation into their own unique system of products, this is the progress of human industrial nature.

on millet behavior, there is a view of the most noteworthy: "though he does not plagiarized copy invasion of non-infringement, as long as I can get benefits to become." Many people would think that as long as millet brought us more like the product, we went in hot pursuit of him. I believe that this view is too short-sighted eyes, if you can not establish a set of Chinese manufacturing innovative system of self, try to focus its efforts and financial resources to be opportunistic, blindly going strong set of everyone, inevitably forget it himself short. All outcomes are temporary, only short-term profit, or to the country hold about GDP, hat and no cattle, China's manufacturing industry in the world, it is difficult to have to be respected that day.

If you go along this line of thinking, companies are looting popular race against time, grab function, then the homogeneity will be very serious, very little opportunity to learn from each other in the competition and still contend is the eternal theme of China's manufacturing industry can not form an organic whole, it does not meet the spirit of collaboration industry 4.0.

two, low-cost

seize the market with low prices, is a common means of large Chinese manufacturing. If people ask: China manufacturing "price war" where the main battlefield? Sure it is none other than the e-commerce industry, Taobao, Lynx, Jingdong, etc., represented, it is also part of China's manufacturing industry e-commerce.

Chinese e-commerce price war first broke out in 2012, the year the price war Jingdong, Suning, Gome, Lynx all to join them. Until now, the electricity supplier industry, the state has been in touch war continued, the battle of all sizes have also been numerous. Where electricity supplier annual carnival - the "double 11", by its very nature is a price war: businesses and businesses with a platform to engage in a price war, the platform between the platform is also engaged in a price war.

look around, and now the electricity supplier has been completely fell into a kind of haphazard development, vicious competition. Later, the popular so-called "Internet thinking" is nothing more than: Where the fire go where, what popular to do, with a free pull ,, with cheap grab market sentiment, burst models with stroke profit ......

< br> idea of ​​what I did not find China on any innovative product is the "price war" promoted. Companies make products focus only on cost, not an added value, two without innovation, manufacturing capabilities how progress?

lot of people would say that the price war we certainly welcome, or the ultimate benefit of consumers. The key issue is accompanied by a price war with the inevitable product of the reduction with, it is the most important!

such as in October 2014, Baidu and Hikvision fluorite together to create the "Baidu cloud • fluorite" intelligent video cameras C2S open sale, price positioning 388 yuan. The results after four days, the first 360 of a smart camera and its price set at 149 yuan! Millet was also along for the ride, also starting its own smart camera, the price is set at 149 yuan.

ie, 360 and millet once the price down 239 yuan. So the question is, 239 yuan this difference reflects the product must be equipped with functional profiles, these features include: 1, cloud storage; 2, intelligent activity to detect and prevent false alarms; 3, infrared body sensors; 4, full-duplex Workers voice intercom; 5, industrial-grade video processing chip; 6,3D noise reduction technology; 7, socializing share live video, digital wide dynamic technology 9 8 alarm scene video clips and information push services.

we did not understand, a so-called "smart camera" castrated become so, it can be regarded as intelligent camera? But it does occupy a smart camera market.

for this endless war of words has been a growing number of consumers said they are tired, in fact, we seek not just cheap, but a cost-effective, use value equal to the value of products divided by the price competition of Chinese enterprises are basically unlimited shrink around the "price" to start, in fact, we should expand the "use value"! From a broader perspective, the enterprise should return the product itself, more focused research and innovation, to make cattle X, the product itself is king!

three, bragging

bragging to pull Chinese economy? Can!

certain selling fruit pancake said: "Within the next six months, we will be the first annual sales of more than 100 million worldwide brand of pancake fruit, target 10 billion!" In the dining room of a smoked brisket out of the oil pioneer theater columnist, is said to reach 400 million yuan valuation; a few writing code Cock wire get home Hamburger shop, opened the first day since 2000 to sell bun ready to open flagship store chain said his company had investors to invest 40 million valuation.

In fact, this list is still very long, you see how they come to move the Chinese GDP? Pancakes, fruit, Hamburger, beef brisket, sex toys, etc., which is nowadays China's most popular products.

group of people in order to create a blockbuster, hot spread for the purpose and the purpose of the product is the result did not do it, and some also disband, but who'd become famous. To end it? The restaurant has become a motivational training courses do go, make sex toys to do endorsements, and there's going to write inspirational books go, it is a mess worse. The most frightening thing is: their success are countless people to follow, which is nowadays the Chinese people's entrepreneurial mindset.

although a bluff, in form than content. But as long as profitable, someone to follow. Tell the conscience, the current Chinese products really sink in the heart of people do have a few, not to mention to the pursuit of innovation and beyond. Chinese people together to discuss the project, and rarely to "innovation" as a keyword, talk only of the "market."

plagiarism, low-cost, or bragging, these three ideologies will reflect the overall state of Chinese enterprises, whether that one, we are doing everything possible to make money, but the "Eight Immortals recount "only. But now, the world is set off a new wave of technology, the United States, Germany and other countries in the creative transformation of the world once again, I was thinking: We will depart this world with increasingly far?

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随 着小米向全球扩张,其专利缺失的弱点开始显现,并招致诉讼。小米的全球扩张因遭受技术侵权指控有所放缓。爱立信指控小米没有取得其专利授权,在印度提起诉 讼。这项专利涉及无线设备的网络连接问题。法官判定,在下月举行另外一场听证会前,禁止小米在其最大海外市场——印度销售部分设备。













中 国电子商务第一次价格大战爆发于2012年,那一年的京东价格战,苏宁、国美、天猫全部都加入其中。直到现在电商行业一触即开战的状态一直在持续,各种大 大小小的战役也已经数不胜数。其中电商每年一度的狂欢节——“双11”,其本质也是一场价格战:同一个平台的商家与商家搞价格战、平台于平台之间也在搞价 格战。










某 卖煎饼果子的人说:“未来6个月的时间内,我们将成为全世界第一个年销售超过1亿的煎饼果子品牌,目标100亿”!某个在牛腩餐厅里薰着精油搞先锋戏剧的 专栏作家,据说估值达到了4亿元;某几个写代码的屌丝弄了家肉夹馍店,因为开业第一天就卖掉2000个馍就准备开连锁旗舰店,据说曾有投资人给其公司估值 4000万进行投资。




Nima put a smile fed from
shit, it will be done and delete posts; that is done and there is no delete shit fart, really mentally retarded.
《我是公务员,我怕谁》:#我是公务员,我怕谁#,2014年真的是多事之秋,特别是... #长微博#http://url.cn/dXyKlE
Not cold winter
certified bandits || @ I buy - The train: In front of such a police what bandits underworld are weak burst. [Soldiers] || not cold winter: This is the police! No reservations expose the true nature!不寒冷的冬季
有证的土匪 || @黄药师-黄立忠: 在这样的警察面前,什么土匪黑社会都弱爆了。 || 不寒冷的冬季: 这才是警察!真性情没有保留的暴露!


转 自朋友圈的一则消息【药师已经打电话确认,确有此事】:启东人民警官黄卫兵上班时间到4S店办私事,因店内工作人员不小心把车子左前保险杠擦伤,店内主动 积极处理答应帮其更换新保险杠,并赔偿。但黄卫兵警官要求退车并且要索赔10万元。南通110到场后,因其身份和地位不积极处理,并且包庇其堵集团维修电 梯。导致集团保养维修不得正常进行,期间来了一个又一个的警官最后连领导都来了,都是坐在车子里面谈,4个小时都没有结果!!这个就是国家公务员!人民 的"好警察'"!!
【药师第一时间打电话确认,得到的结果是确有此事】嘿嘿,真的应了一句:煞笔年年有,今年特别多!一个保险杠刮擦了一下,就要 求换车外加赔偿10万!而且不是10万冥币耶!靠!就可以这真的是匪夷所思,一个20万的纳智捷的车子的一个保险杠只是刮擦了一下,就要求换车外加10 万,如果是保时捷,你这货是不是要人家倾家荡产啊?!
@江苏公安 这不是赤裸裸的讹诈有是什么啊?!!!?@启东发布 那么的人民好牛逼哟。俺 忽然替你们担心那么这些为人民服务部门尚未退出江湖好好学习!那下场是会死得很惨!很惨!最后弱弱地问那些到场的110警察,你们真的是饭桶或马屁精 吗?!才多大一点的官【貌似信访办的一个芝麻官】就这样难办的了!那么除了欺压小民外还能干什么啊?同时问一个:有关部门诸如纪委在哪里啊?不会死绝了 吗?财政养着你们是干啥的啊?!
#我是公务员,我怕谁啊#,俺不知会不会火?但还是想送给正在嘚瑟和即将嘚瑟的公务员一句老外的“No zuo No die”!

I live
[Inner vocative case the High Court for a decision of compensation] According to the High Court official micro @ Inner Mongolia in northern France sound message Hugejiltu parents Lisan Ren, Shangai Yun on December 25, 2014 to Inner Mongolia High Court made an application for state compensation, Inner Mongolia, the High Court on the same day of filing, and on December 30 to decide the state compensation law, decided to pay the Lisan Ren, Shangai Yun national compensation totaling 2,059,621.40 yuan. http://url.cn/XqZ3XT我在现场
【内 蒙高院对呼格案作出赔偿决定】据内蒙古高院官微@北疆法声 消息,呼格吉勒图父母李三仁、尚爱云于2014年12月25日向内蒙古高院提出了国家赔偿申请,内蒙古高院于同日立案,并于12月30日依法作出国家赔偿 决定,决定支付李三仁、尚爱云国家赔偿金共计2059621.40元。http://url.cn/XqZ3XT
#与老百姓关系不大#银行贷款明起降利率 贷百万一年省4000元利息】老百姓贷不到那么多款,谁贷款多谁高兴,所以这个福利是给富豪们的大礼,与老百姓无关!20141231
PASSING melting ice
[Wanda three and a half] eligible for government subsidies to 7.8 billion in public hearing materials submitted to HKEx, Wanda for the first time disclosed the received government subsidies. 3 and a half years from 2011 to the first half of this year, the government subsidies are recognized as revenue totaled 7.819 billion yuan. Wanda said that these funds are developed by local government property where the provinces or cities appropriated by individual projects. http://url.cn/aiCtnb user said: taxpayers know
【万达三年半获政府补贴78亿】在向港交所呈交的上市聆讯材料,万达首次披露了所获政府补贴的情况。从2011年到今年上半年的3年半时间中,确认为收入的政府财政补贴共计78.19亿元。万达称这些资金是由其物业开发所在省份或城市的地方政府按个别项目拨付。http://url.cn/aiCtnb 网友说:纳税人知道吗
Wanda public hearing to disclose material three and a half of government subsidies 7.8 billion

万达上市聆讯材料披露 三年半政府补贴78亿

网易首页 > 财经频道 > 万达商业地产赴港上市 > 正文http://money.163.com/14/1209/01/AD02Q88I00254TFQ.html#sns_weibo
2014-12-09 01:16:24 Source: NetEase

网易财经12月8日讯 大连万达商业地产在香港上市日期将近。昨日,万达首次向港交所呈交了上市聆讯材料集。这份长达800余页的材料披露了万达一贯以来不为外界所知的详细财务数据,也披露了大量其经营中的可能存在的风险因素。
首次详细披露财务数据 屡获政府财政补贴
截 止上半年,万达拥有总建筑面积为6790万平方米的土地储备,足够其3年开发。与土地价格近年来一直呈上涨趋势不同,万达广场的平均土地收购成本逐年下 降。从2011年到2013年分别为1821元/平方米、1171元/平方米和1096元/平方米。到了今年上半年,这一数字更是低至1012元/平方 米。
发布多项风险预警 自称酒店业务经验尚浅
万达还在其上市材料中用了长达49页向H股投 资者详述其经营中的各种风险。这些风险包括整体房地产走势;万达经营活动中土地成本优势、已经成功的业务模式、拓展新市场是否都能持续;以及万达能否始终 获取充足的融资等方方面面。万达提示,倘发生上述任何事件,就可能会对公司业务、财务状况、经营业绩或前景造成重大不利影响。
目前,万达酒店业务面临多重风险。一方面,万达与第三方酒店管理公司合作是倚赖其管理能力及声誉,因此处于财务和声誉的被动地位。另一方面,万达从 2012年开始建立了自有豪华酒店品牌,即万达嘉华、万达文华及万达瑞华等。但万达坦言在酒店经营方面的经验尚浅,这些酒店不一定能复制第三方酒店管理公 司取得的成功。
此外,酒店在万达海外扩张计划中占据主导地位,被赋予提升万达国际的知名度的厚望。而在以酒店打头阵向海外扩张的过程中,又可能存在成本高昂、耗时及困难等风险,可能会对万达的盈利能力及前景造成重大不利影响。(网易财经 李芊)
NetEase December 8 hearing Dalian Wanda commercial real estate in Hong Kong, close to the launch date. Yesterday, Wanda first to submit a public hearing HKEx material sets. The more than 800 pages of material up to Wanda has always been not to disclose detailed financial data to outsiders, but also to disclose a lot of its business risk factors may exist.

first detailed disclosure of financial data, government subsidies

award based on the material heard material, Wanda 2013 sales of 126.4 billion yuan of property, including office buildings and shopping malls and other commercial property sales in 75.8 billion yuan, 45.4 billion yuan for residential sales. Wanda the first half of 2014 sales of 56.7 billion yuan.

Currently, Wanda commercial real estate business has three major sections, including property sales, property rental management and hotel management. When in 2011, property sales accounted for 89.6% Wanda commercial real estate income, to 2013 this figure dropped to 86.4 percent, still the absolute pillars of business.

With commercial real estate have transition to self-sustaining, Wanda commercial real estate income constitutes accelerating change. In the first half of this year, property sales continued to decline to 70.1 percent proportion, while the corresponding proportion of self-sustaining income property leasing and management business rose to 22.3%.

Wanda said in the disclosure materials, Wanda Wanda Plaza mode is the core product, an important reason for its success lies in the unique ability to obtain a huge low-cost land bank: "We are invited to participate in many local government organizations openly recruit bidding process, and can be purchased at competitive prices quality land. "

off in the first half, Wanda has a total floor area of ​​67.9 million square meters of land reserves, enough of its three-year development. And land prices in recent years has shown a rising trend is different, the average cost of land acquisition Wanda Plaza declining. From 2011 to 2013 was 1821 yuan / square meter, respectively, 1171 yuan / square meter and 1096 yuan / square meter. In the first half of this year, the figure is as low as 1012 yuan / square meter.

Wanda in the country currently have 175 property development projects, approximately 54.8 million square meters of property under construction, this scale called huge. Because the current administration has completed all Wanda commercial property construction area only 14.7 million square meters, including more than 100 that have been opened in the Wanda Plaza.

In addition, for the first time disclosed the situation Wanda received government subsidies. 3 and a half years from 2011 to the first half of this year, the Wanda recognized as government subsidies revenues totaled 7.819 billion yuan. Wanda said that these funds are developed by local government property where the provinces or cities appropriated by individual projects.

risk warning issued several hotel business claiming inexperienced

Wanda also its listed materials used for up to 49 detailing the risks of its business in the H shares to investors . These risks include the overall real estate trends; whether Wanda land cost advantage and business activities have been successful business model, expand into new markets can be sustained; and Wanda can always obtain adequate financing and other aspects. Wanda tips, if any of these events occur, it may be the company's business, have a material adverse impact financial condition, results of operations or prospects.

NetEase noted that these risks warnings regarding the risk of the hotel a lot. And shopping malls, as part of a self-sustaining hotel property, the developer can provide stable cash income. As one of the main development of the sector in recent years, Wanda, the hotel business is currently contribute to the overall performance has risen from 3.7 percent last year to 7.6 percent by the end of June this year.

ended the first half of 2014, 39 cities in the country Wanda has 48 hotels have been completed, there are 51 under construction, Wanda therefore claiming China's largest luxury hotel owners. The hotel opened in 48, there are 20 autonomous Wanda, remaining a third party hotel management firm operating.
Currently, Wanda hotel business face multiple risks. On the one hand, Wanda cooperation with third-party hotel management company is dependent on its management capability and reputation, it is in a passive position of financial and reputation. On the other hand, Wanda from 2012 began to establish its own luxury hotel brand, the Ka Wah Wanda Wanda Wanda Ruihua Mandarin and so on. But frankly Wanda experience in the hotel business is still shallow areas, these hotels may not be able to replicate the success achieved in the third-party hotel management company.

especially Wanda, about 51 hotels currently under construction, which will make the financial performance and cash flow from operations Wanda hotel operations have a significant negative impact. Because under normal circumstances, a newly opened hotel in the preliminary stage will usually produce a large amount of pre-opening expenses and relatively low income, and may not be sufficient to offset the operating costs, resulting in a net loss.

addition, the hotel occupies a dominant position in overseas expansion plans Wanda, Wanda is given to enhance the international visibility of expectations. In order to expand overseas hotel at the head of the process, but there may be costly, time-consuming and difficult, such as risk, may have a material adverse effect Wanda profitability and prospects. (NetEase Li Qian)
网易河北省石家庄市手机网友 ip:124.236.*.* 2014-12-10 15:26:25 发表
网易河北省保定市手机网友 [cf3a54e6840629b4473f4286] 的原贴: 1
挟国家以令P民 [网易广西梧州市手机网友] 2014-12-10 13:49:52 发表
焹易第二代谴责系统00混球 [网易福建省厦门市手机网友] 2014-12-09 01:38:32 发表


莫 之许: 几年来施为,一言以蔽之: 防颜色革命。颜色革命何来?不受直接控制的社会群体与自由化观念的持续结合?防分四端:重建直接控制(核心价值,社会福利,户籍改革,统一代码),控制观 念源头(七不讲,高校党建),阉割结合平台(清网筑墙),消灭节点(ngo律师教会),司马昭之心也

Taiyuan police line up for one hundred workers were beaten to identify 11 people were recognized
2014-12-31 09:23:50 Source: big river - Dahe (Zhengzhou)

太原百名警察排队等遭殴民工辨认 11人被认出

2014-12-31 09:23:50 来源: 大河网-大河报(郑州)  网易首页 > 财经频道 http://money.163.com/api/14/1231/09/AEPJEHV700254U80.html?2345#sns_qzone> 正文   
“这些是的,好几个都打我了!还有那个胖警察,比王文军还胖的那个,也留个平头,当时王文军踩着我妈的头发打过电话,就是他开辆黑色越野车过来的。 他还帮着把已经不会动的我妈抬着扔到车上,到派出所后我还见过他好几次,他对这个事最清楚……”站在门外的王奎林对大河报记者说,之后会再次进去辨认。
“我被警察抓住头发拉下警车时,我看到妻子躺在派出所院内的水泥地上一动不动,就想上前看她有事儿没有。但从车上下来的一个警察推着把我推到派出所 屋内了。他经过我妻子身边时,还踢了她一脚骂‘操你妈,装死装得还怪像’。他把我推到一个小屋内后,先是一名警察用皮鞋底子朝我脸上猛打,我的嘴被抽得流 了好多血,然后十几个人开始把我跺倒在地,乱踢乱打,我的肋骨就是那时候被打断的。后来,他们把我的手铐去掉后,让我去洗嘴上的血,我看到七八个人进屋去 打李康了,这些人长啥样、有啥特征,我都记得很清楚。”王有志一边辨认,一边向检察官诉说着这些警察打他们的情形。
“那是我妈生前最后一次给我钱让我买手机时送的,那天晚上他们抓住我头发把我拉到厕所后,先是抽出了我的皮带,脱掉了我的鞋子,然后又搜走了我的新 手机和口袋内所有的东西,十几个人进来开始打我,因为我一直躺在地上抱着头,所以好多打我的警察我都认不出来。”王奎林指着派出所内的两个留置室向大河报 记者说,“我关里边那一间,我爸关旁边那一间,我妈刚开始在院里躺着,后来被抬进来放在留置室门口的地上,他们想让她靠墙上,可她靠不住,一扶就歪,一扶 就歪,我爸拍着铁门喊我‘你妈不中了’,可是没人理。”
昨天上午,大河报记者来到120急救中心设在武警医院的出诊点。当天出诊的雷英彪大夫没上班,他在电话中说:“检察官都调查过多少遍了,我再说一 遍,我们急救车到龙城派出所时,病人的心电图已经是条直线,呼吸心跳骤停,但警察要求我们抢救,并要我们出具一份病危通知书,然后又送到邻近的荣军医院再 次抢救。”
大河报记者又找到了随后“抢救”周秀云的荣军医院。该院当天值班的大夫说:“我记得很清楚,这个女人拉来就不行了,但警察要求我们救人,我们只得 ‘死马当成活马医’,打了尼可剂、肾上腺素等五六种急救针,19时50分,宣布患者临床死亡……到现在还没付钱呢,也不知道该问谁要?”
Hundreds of Taiyuan police migrant workers waiting to be hit more than a hundred police identify
queued packets in turn allow migrant workers to identify beaten until late

newspaper Ta Kung Pao Wang Taiyuan aspiring tired! Days at the police station before being interrupted by police four ribs, now he is still the name of a special belt, can not walk upright, to be lying in a hospital bed day infusion therapy. Two consecutive days, he was constantly being summoned to the prosecutor and cooperate with the investigation, but he said:. "Exhausted too willing, is to early to lay his wife inside a morgue freezer saying"

Taiyuan prosecutors too tired. From the city to the district's Procuratorate prosecutors handling the case around the clock to accelerate, and even more than a hundred police line up, so that was hit in turn grouped identify migrant workers (pictured above), until late at night.

Yesterday, prosecutors announced Taiyuan: Wang Wenjun involved police on suspicion of the crime of abuse is arrested.

over one hundred police officers waiting to be identified

12 月 29 日 16:00, Henan migrant workers was lying on a hospital bed in Taiyuan Armed aspiring king, is handling the prosecution of Taiyuan who was picked up with the car, and his son Wangkui Lin, and Wang Lee Kang two workers.

12 13 afternoon, they built a construction site entrance and security in Shanxi four dispute occurs beg for wages. Dragon nearby police station rushed to the scene, with handcuffs handcuffed them to the police station Dragon, several beaten by police were called.

"a dozen people, some in police uniforms, some naked, face first, according to the play, and then stomped down with ......" Lee Kang said.

29 日 下午 around 4:30, Wang aspiring other four were taken to Taiyuan Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade store.

in a room, the prosecutor told them in batches to identify: "Who hit you, just recognize mistaken does not matter, we are responsible for further investigation.." A surname prosecutor said: " Some you have worked hard, but also be in line with our work, for every one involved in the case as soon as the police have been implemented well. "

Lee Kang was brought into first identified, but he did not recognize one: "No, I saw dozens of turns seven or eight pairs, not in a room, from far away, my eyes are looking to spend and they were wearing police uniforms, I just did not recognize it began a. "

Wangkui Lin, Wang subsequently went separately identifiable, Wang recognized the two.

Wang aspiring question: "You bring a lot of police officers are not Dragon police station, not to take us to the police station to identify the Dragon." In this regard, the prosecutor explained: "We are handling a program to There are (authenticity) proportion. "

king recognize 11 aspiring preliminary police beatings

night 7 pm, Wang interested again being brought into a room within identified. Dahe reporters at the hospital to see the Criminal Investigation Brigade, Dragon police station arrived, the two teams lined up, standing there in the hallway of a glass door.

"These are, and several have hit me! And that Pan Jingcha, Wang Wenjun also fatter than that, but also to leave a flat head, Wang Wenjun was stepping on my mother's hair, made a phone call, that he open black SUV vehicles over. He also helped to move my mom has not carried thrown in the car, to the police station after I have seen him several times, he most clearly on this matter ...... "standing in the door Dahe reporters outside 王奎林 to say, to be followed into recognizable again.

Wang aspiring second identifiable rewarding, total recognized the 11 policemen involved in the beating.

"When I was dragged into a police car police grabbed the hair, I see his wife lying on the concrete floor of a police station, hospital motionless, she wanted to look at the front did not have a thing. But from a police car down After pushing pushed me to the police station house and he passes my wife around, kicked her foot curse 'Fuck you, pretend play dead like also to blame.' He pushed me into a hut, first one police pursuit towards my face with a leather base, my mouth was a lot of blood flow pits, then a dozen people began to put my stamp down on the ground, kicking Cookin, my ribs is then interrupted. Later, after they put me in handcuffs removed, so I went to wash the blood of his mouth, I saw seven or eight men into the house to play Lee Kang, these people long-sawed, so what's features, I remember very clearly. " Wang interested while recognizable, while the prosecutor tells the police to fight their case.

until 9:00 that night, to identify job until the end, Wang and other four were seized interested party drove back to the hospital.

yesterday morning, prosecutors have come to inform them of the situation: "Wang Wenjun has been arrested, injury identification king still aspiring to store branch to do."

Previously, Wang interested The family has seen a Xiaodian Procuratorate Wang Wenjun for filing a written decision, the reporter saw the filing date: Dec. 26.

hospital records show: preliminary clinical impression is "before rescue breathing and cardiac arrest"

12 28 morning, reporters and 王奎林 together Dahe, Dragon came to the police station again. He said to the attendant, to retrieve the night was lost behind the police found a mobile charger.

"That was his last time my mother gave me when I send money to buy a mobile phone, and that night they grabbed my hair pulled me into the toilet, the first out of my belt, I took off shoes, and then found and removed my new phone pocket and everything, started to play a dozen people came to me, because I have been lying on the ground with her head, so a lot of the police hit me I do not recognize. " Two indwelling room Wangkui Lin, pointing to the police station within Dahe told reporters, "I shut inside that room, next to my dad off between that, my mom just started lying in the yard, was later carried in on the indwelling room entrance on the ground, they want her on the wall, but she unreliable, a help on crooked, a help on crooked, I call my dad patted gates 'your mother is not in the', but did not care. "

"My wife was carried away when it is 7:43, I deliberately looked indwelling room wall clock, I wonder if she was dead or alive, goodbye until the next morning, she has been lying In the hospital morgue freezer ...... "King aspiring said.

Yesterday morning, Dahe, the reporter went to the 120 emergency center in the armed police hospital visits points. The 雷英彪 doctor visits that day did not work, he said by telephone: "Prosecutors are investigating how many times, and I repeat, we Dragon ambulance to the police station, the patient's electrocardiogram has been a straight line, respiratory and cardiac arrest stop, but the police asked us to rescue, and wants us to issue a notice in critical condition, and then sent to the nearby hospital again Invalides "

Dahe reporter asked:." Since we know that people have died, for ? What would go under a critical condition notice "雷英彪 on the phone said:" no less than the notice would be unable to send rescue, and we do is based on the requirements of the police "

in the medical record. records, Dahe reporter saw: at 18:27 on December 13 ...... scene police complaint in patients 10 minutes ago suddenly unconsciousness, call not, no seizures, no incontinence, police station to call 120 for help. Clinical initial impression is: "save before respiratory and cardiac arrest." In other words, when Zhou Xiuyun has died.

Dahe reporter has found a subsequent "rescue" Zhou Xiuyun Invalides hospital. Hospital doctor on duty that day, said: "I remember very clearly, this woman pulled to die, but the police asked us to save lives, we had 'dead horse as a live horse medicine', playing Nicole agents, adrenaline five six kinds of aid needle, 19:50, declared clinically dead patient ...... until now not pay for it, do not know who to turn to be? "

Nuclear level sty -
1--43MC talk economy核平猪圈- 
1--43MC 谈经济形势

莫 之许: 总结而言,市场新极权体制的困境在于,市场化带来了社会群体的积累,逐步的公权利释放,势必带来急剧的社会壮大和强烈的体制变革诉求,这不仅是体制不愿面 对的,其进程也必然越出体制的管控从而多半不是渐进的,相反,极权属性在冻结权利上却被证明是有效的,体制最终选择什么不言而喻Nuclear level sty -
Mo Xu: known who want a progressive, since the market has been created to accumulate, civil and political rights and resources of each group further, the society a strong points, and will snowballed non-linear expansion, finally had to battle, and completely change the system of institutions, of course, tend to subside in the public right step, and even more to strengthen their own social repression, this truth is not complicated.Nuclear flat pen - it
Mo Xu: color revolution might say the moment, I do not believe. But the heavenly things to say simple words: new social groups and institutional market generated antagonistic relationship in the interests and rights, but also economic development during this opposition to say, if you do not develop? System is simply to strengthen themselves as early as possible and try to undermine the social, nothing mysterious核平猪圈- 
莫之许: 说当下有颜色革命可能,俺也不信。但天朝的事说简单了就一句话: 市场化产生的新社会群体与体制在利益和权利上的对立关系,这种对立经济还能发展时好说,如果不发展呢?体制无非是想趁早强化自身并尽量削弱社会,没啥神秘的核平猪圈-
莫之许: 公知们想渐进,可市场化既然已造就群体和资源的积累,公民权利和政治权利每进一步,社会就强大一分,且会如滚雪球一般非线膨胀,最后还是要对决,并彻底改变体制,对体制来说,当然更倾向于在公权利上一步不退,且还要更强化自身压制社会,这道理并不复杂。核平猪圈- 
莫 之许: 总结而言,市场新极权体制的困境在于,市场化带来了社会群体的积累,逐步的公权利释放,势必带来急剧的社会壮大和强烈的体制变革诉求,这不仅是体制不愿面 对的,其进程也必然越出体制的管控从而多半不是渐进的,相反,极权属性在冻结权利上却被证明是有效的,体制最终选择什么不言而喻核平猪圈- 
羽HHW: 如果对滞奴说一句cao你妈,他一定会觉得受了莫大的耻辱,他会脸红脖子粗的做势要和你拼命。但如果是黑皮和城管叔叔,或者,校长和官员,哪怕当面cao了他们女儿,暴他们儿子的头,再用秤砣砸死他们父母,他们也只会哭着拉着你的大腿,要你体恤他们的悲惨,多赔点。核平猪圈- 
@ 聂日明 :楼继伟发言表示,个人账户积累制被废除,养老保险彻底变成养老税,那有什么激励给现在的人缴养老金?所有做梦未来拿养老金的人脑子清醒一点吧,以目前人 口老龄化的趋势,未来中国个个都是黑龙江,1.5个在职养1个退休职工,还有大量没缴费的城乡居民也要你养,指望社保养老,还是死了那条心吧核平猪圈- 
【正 常国家的秩序是:保障所有人都象人一样生活,以暴制暴是人的天赋权力】林檎:才发现日本宪法第12条是关于国民抵抗权的。其文言要求国民积极履行抵抗的义 务,保障自己的自由与权利。同时第99条规定了公务员尊重宪法的义务,也被解释成为公务员也同时需要履行抵抗暴政的义务,不被公务员的身份所左右核平猪圈- 
威廉洛十一世: 基督教有个毛的渗透作用,不过是前局一时没适应新玩法让鸟民钻了空子自以为有选择地钻到他人裆下。这玩意儿跟虚假希望和抗抑郁药没半毛区别。但人越多管理成本增加才是事儿,不在居委会大妈的监控下组织才是事儿。这还没太平天国猛。核平猪圈- 
羽HHW: 滞纳猪母亲被打死,畜生般踩在地上,父亲被打断肋骨,野狗般哆嗦,凡此种种,无论如何苟且偷生,活着的意义也全部消失了。除了哭诉除了不断的告诉其他奴隶我们多么悲惨外什么动作也没有。滞纳猪生而为人就是个错误。Nuclear flat pen - it
Mo Xu: demographic dividend depletion, urbanization has come late, after the hair (cottage) to exploit the advantages and exhausted, the ratio of investment to new high (low consumption), plus a non-R & D support innovation system, the economic trends at a glance Lee Superman move faster, so much experience, as it is a decision.核平猪圈- 
莫之许:人口红利枯竭,城市化进程已到晚期,后发(山寨)优势发挥殆尽,投资比例再创新高(消费新低),再加上一个不支持研发创新的体制,经济大势一目了然李超人先人一步,与其说是见识,不如说是决断。12月28日 19:01
Nuclear level sty -
http://url.cn/cE9k1E of Lu Xun Lu Xinghua
http://url.cn/cE9k1E 陆兴华论鲁迅

Mixed reception dictator - Pinochet and his deeds


2014-12-08 AS Lee Dong Chuan beans

Mar.22nd, the 2011

0-century history, such as Pinochet controversial figure really is great rare, those who love him the affectionate love, hate him hate hated, there are people spontaneously outside the hospital all night praying for him when he was hospitalized in critical condition, after his death, 60,000 people line up to pay tribute to his mortal remains, but also People champagne. Pinochet's dictatorship was neither the longest in South America, Paraguay's ruling military government for 35 years, nor the most bloody, brutal Argentine military government to be more, but it can be said to be the most successful one, in 17 years dictatorship, Pinochet successfully commanded an efficient and ruthless police state, during which the thousands of leftists "are disappearing." Meanwhile petri • Milton Friedman and big wet sympathetic, reuse "Chicago boy", promoting the free market economy, creating the "Miracle of Chile" the economy, people's living standards in Chile during his dictatorship was a great increase . In 1990, Pinochet stepped down peace, giving way to an elected president Patricio Aylwin, Chile to restore democracy smoothly ......

one, there is a country called Chile in South America have

a strip of land, more than 10 million population of a small country, it is called Chile. Initially simple goodwill of this country from the wine, I began to lust from the University of alcoholism, and occasionally drink, suffer from cash-strapped, Chilean wine became the last election, in a word: inexpensive. This country is estimated that the money go to any square throwing money one day over 400 countries broadcast image videos, naturally, not the Chinese people's stuff. But in 2010, a 8.8 earthquake anti, anti-mine plus a large rescue and anti-Jedi, not only for Chile to become a new member of the anti-national, but this little-known country pushed to the next world spotlight, 33 miners In 69 days trapped 622 meters deep, and finally rescued all, have to say this is a miracle in the history of mankind rescue, but the miracle is neither as powerful countries like the United States is also not as good at Japan disaster prevention and mitigation, and even countries do not belong to the camp. The whole process is highly specialized rescue humanity, but also thanks to a rainy day on weekdays, see the loving care of the leadership in Chile, did not mention the people who are encouraged by more hear "we're late it!" Because People government action in a timely manner, there is no late. Mine received global attention, has become the best national image videos, people can appreciate the intuitive, Chile is a country respecting human life, but also have an efficient government and strict laws, citizens of this country have their human dignity ! Meanwhile, Chile in South America but also to economic prosperity, political stability is known, with Argentina, Brazil, South America and said ABC three powers, the market economy and international trade developed, the first 49 in the world ranking 2010 per capita GDP, democracy index ranks 167 countries Article 34, Article 31 is slightly lower than France, higher than Taiwan and Israel, in 2010 the economic growth rate of 5.3%, economic freedom ranked No. 10 worldwide, the first in Latin America, the international competitiveness ranked 30, the first in Latin America One. Some observers expected that Chile will be the first South American country to enter the camp of the developed countries.

two elected president Allende

1970 presidential election is perhaps the most controversial ever in Chile is the most critical time, this election, three candidates did not get one an absolute majority of votes, the candidate Peoples Solidarity Union (Popular Unity) Allende (Salvador Allende) won 36.3 percent of the vote, the conservative former president Jorge Alessandri won 35.8 percent of the vote, the Christian Democrats won 27.9 percent Radomiro Tomic of the vote. According to the Chilean constitution, this happens after the Congress the power to decide which candidate is elected, in accordance with past practice, Congress general election the most votes will be directly which candidate. But this had some trouble Allende came to power, after all, is a Marxist, always people nervous, so Congress set off against his activities. Later, Allende had signed a constitutional guarantee Order (Statute of Constitutional Guarantees) promise not to violate the Constitution, this was supposed to win the support of former President Alessandri Christian Democrat votes. Allende and November 3, 1970 presidential 任智利, it is worth mentioning that, Allende is the world's first democratically elected to power through legal procedures Marxist president, although in fact he only got a third a little more of the vote.

Salvador Allende (1908-1973)

three Chilean road to socialism

due to a term not exceeding six years, the President of Chile, Allende took office so After the wait to start the implementation is called "Chilean road to socialism" (La vía chilena al socialismo) of radical reform, the main content, the simple point that is the "land reform" and "socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce." Land reform in Chile, Allende's former Frei is among already started. Frei's presidential campaign, had promised to let 100,000 farmers own land. After the election, the first three years (1965-1967), an average of 450,000 hectares of land confiscated each year; after three years (1968-1970), amounted to 718,000 hectares. Allende government but wants the Great Leap Forward, like the three-year catch the Premier League America, in one fell swoop shaking, only in 1971, the executive government confiscated land Bi Fulei total government six years even more. The most frightening thing is that the confiscation of the property owners of land, this should be carried out land reform association leaders, not knowing that the situation is deteriorating rapidly, floodgates, farmers stood up masters often decide how land confiscation. In this regard, the political banner that is how the Allende government services for the workers and peasants it may intervene only acquiescence. This time the landlord quit, they organize their own armed forces to defend the land estate. The last change to the land reform and become farmers and agricultural workers armed conflict between landowners and the government do nothing, the situation is completely out of control. Chile is the country's copper mines, in the 1960s, the three largest copper mine Chuquicamata, El Salvador, El Teniente is owned by two American companies, in fact, Allende's predecessor Eduardo Frei had begun Chilean copper nationalization process, the company signed an agreement with the United States, acquired a 51% stake in three major copper mine. But this gentle way for the nationalization of Chile ultra-leftist factions dissatisfied, so Allende promised during the campaign to accelerate the process of nationalization of copper. His inauguration, Allende proposed constitutional amendment to give him greater powers to nationalize the enterprise transformation, Chilean Congress passed amendments to the Constitution, on this basis, No. 17.450 Act to be implemented. According to the Act, the Chilean government was supposed to redemption in accordance with the book value of the company's shares in the United States, but the Allende government that the US company was excessive profits at the copper mine in Chile, and decided not to pay, forcibly confiscated US company's shares . The US government quickly reacted to the US State Department issued a statement: This serious infraction to international practice can cause damage not only to Chile, but to all other developing countries (which tramples on international norms will not only hurt Chile. will hurt all developing countries). From this Marxist president regarded with the United States forged a certain distance. In addition, with the other socialist countries, the Allende government is also trying to establish a universal health care system and the education system, aimed at improving the well-being of the poor. In the expansionary monetary policy (that is fierce print money) with the support of Chile's industrial output in 1971 grew 12%, GDP growth of 8.6%, the unemployment rate fell to 3.8 percent, but only for Chile's inflation rate in 1972 reached 140% , high fiscal deficits, foreign exchange reserves has shrunk dramatically, to 1973, Chile's GDP is actually more than 71 years with an average annual decline of 5.6%, due to hyperinflation during the Allende government implemented price controls, and forced to raise wages, leading to the necessities of life disappeared in the formal market, the black market is hot, people's living standards plummeted. Those who know a little bit of economics knows that the policy is brain damage, leading to the Chilean economy into collapse, Allende government had announced a sovereign default (that is, before the government issued bonds does not count, do not have a) . On the one hand, the landlord Chile, businessmen, and the middle class as well as vocational and technical staff strongly opposed Allende government policy, on the other hand, sovereign default and against a big ticket multinationals and foreign governments, especially the US government, has long Allende look unhappy, confiscation of assets accounts of Americans do not count. The Congress, had more neutral Christian Democrats have begun to Allende's socialist policies bold dissatisfaction, so backward the right-wing National Party (National Party), thus forming a Chilean version of "government hospital dispute" situation The Supreme Court is also strained relations with the Allende government ......

four, Chile's "The Manchurian Candidate"?

the Cold War, is generally pro-American countries are not pro-Soviet, but also as Tito or 齐奥赛斯库 that both sides can not sin, Tian towards US imperialism as punching kicking Soviet revisionism "brave" very rare! Allende was a Marxist, and certainly with the Soviet Union, Big Brother has a natural emotion, any connection with US imperialism forged a certain distance, the downturn, had to turn to the Soviet big brother. As the former Soviet Union's KGB secret Archives in 1972-1984 Mitrokhin smuggled out of the disclosure of the secret archives of the Soviet Union as early as during the campaign, Allende has received $ 400,000 in campaign KGB financial assistance and 50000 Personal dollar subsidies. Because Allende only 39,000 votes more than the number of votes of the second candidate, historian Christopher Andrew believes that Allende was elected with the KGB funded and supported can not get away. Allende visited the Soviet Union after the election, and won in 1972 by the Soviet government issued the "Lenin Peace Prize" (before called "Stalin Peace Prize," Tian towards the famous scholar, "Stalin surpass my own grandfather," the author had Guo won the award). Mitrokhin archives also revealed that "Allende KGB had tried to make clear the importance of the reform of the army and intelligence agencies, and to persuade him to let the Chilean intelligence cooperation with the Soviet intelligence service," Allende said he was "very happy with the Soviet Union cooperation. " Mitrokhin archives also revealed that in the eyes of the KGB, the basic error Allende is "unwilling to force to suppress the opposition, inadequate control of the state apparatus, which makes him very unstable regime." Former Soviet KGB officials Nikolai Leonov confirmed that the Soviet Union was in the political, economic and military support of the Allende government. Mid-1973, the Soviet army had Chilean sea of ​​military aid, including artillery and tanks, but that moment, Soviet officials learned of the first military coup against the Allende government, decisively ordered the ship to divert to the other country. At the end of 1971, Cuban leader Fidel Castro to Chile the four weeks of the visit, Castro concluded after the visit: "The road of socialism in Chile Chile will eventually lead the Cuban-style socialism! "There is no doubt that Allende was a Soviet agent, just like the American film" The Manchurian Candidate ", as depicted in his aim is to become Latin America, Chile's second Cuba.


1972 constitutional crisis in October broke out against the Allende government in Chile in the strike, the strike was originally initiated by the truckers association, there are 40 000 truck drivers involved in the strike, so National transportation paralyzed, and later the more affluent sectors of Chile has traditionally also joined in, they include businessmen, professionals and students. Soviet penetration can engage in, the United States is not a good crop, it is learned CIA provided $ 2 million in funding for the strike. The strike lasted 24 days, at the same time, the Chilean House of Representatives passed a resolution condemning the Allende government in violation of the constitution, abuse of power, undermine law and justice, interference legislature, judiciary, etc. interference. Article 5 of the resolution which wrote: That it is a fact that the current government of the Republic, from the beginning, has sought to conquer absolute power with the obvious purpose of subjecting all citizens to the strictest political and economic control by the state and, in this manner, fulfilling the goal of establishing a totalitarian system: the absolute opposite of the representative democracy established by the Constitution; (the reality is that the current government from the outset, trying to get the absolute power to achieve all citizens are placed too obvious purpose of government regulation under the harsh political and economic, in order to establish totalitarian rule - Constitution established the antithesis of representative democracy) House also denounced the Allende government in violation of the constitution has been approved by Congress amendment, which prevents the Allende government continues to repair deep nationalized. The resolution also called on the Chilean military intervention to resolve the constitutional crisis. This eventually led to the resolution supported by Allende's army chief Carlos Prats resigned as army commander in chief Pinochet received the post. At the same time, the Chilean Supreme Court to be outdone, unanimously adopted a resolution condemning the Allende government "legitimacy interrupted," because the government can not implement judicial decisions, when the decision of the Court and the Government's policy conflict when , Allende government refused to allow the police to perform court's decision.

six, generation of dignity

our protagonist Pinochet A military background, it is not vulgar person, excellent early years learning achievement in Chile Military Academy, after school to teach, professor of geopolitics science and military geography, worked as academic journal editors, had studied law at the University of Chile, after learning interrupted due to job transfers. He works from the captain, worked as assistant dean of the military academy, and finally the official army chief, thanks to their own hard work. Similarly with Chiang Kai-shek, Pinochet is the technical education of professional soldiers, but petri Chiang more culture than some.

seven military coup

called push everyone down the wall, the Allende government after another constitutional challenge, the challenge of Congress, the Supreme Court challenge, trying to put the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the Democratic Republic of the Tian mess regime towards the unity of the three powers-style totalitarian system, causing most of the Chilean people's discontent. September 11, 1973 7:00 am, Pinochet led Chile Army Air Force joint military coup, Allende request to resign, the United Arab refusal to be, then the Air Force warplanes bombed the presidential palace in downtown Santiago, The Army also launched an attack on the presidential palace. Allende in Chile at this time the nation on the radio address: "I will not resign, I will use all means to fight, even if the cost of life ...... joint foreign capitalist imperialism and reactionary forces make Chilean army abandoned the tradition. launched a coup in Chile Viva Chile ...... Long live the people ...... I believe that they will not have died in vain;!!! I believe, at least give us a lesson in ethics, is a crime, cowardice and treason raps "This speech righteousness Positive words have both a Utopia! Final Allende committed suicide.

Allende While the US government is extremely annoying, and there is evidence that the United States government for 70 years from the beginning to support the opposition in Chile, but there is no evidence that the US government was directly involved in the 1973 coup, Kissinger once with Nixon report: This thing is not what we did! Although Pinochet military government after the US government and maintain a good relationship, but on the surface or criticized Pinochet's dictatorship, on the surface. With the Chilean army to control the situation in the country, Pinochet banned all activities of left-wing parties, subsequent purges Marxist and communist start soon, within a month after the coup had 70 people in the name of for "Death Caravan" actions were executed Chilean army.


helm after the coup, a military junta was established immediately up the Constitution is frozen, parliament was dissolved, while the military government to exercise legislative and executive power, until 1974 12 January 7, Pinochet was nominated for president, the exercise of executive power. Until 1980, Pinochet launched a referendum, the content is through a new constitution, a new constitution gives the president a lot of rights and 8-year term, while the new constitution also established a transition from a military government to a democratic government The eight-year timetable for the new constitution to 67.71% than the 30.19 percent passed. Pinochet in power in 17 years, according to different sources, there are about 1200-3200 were Marxist and Communists were executed, about 30,000 people were detained, including thousands of people were tortured. There are very famous among Brigadier Bachelet, his loyalty to the Allende government, was Pinochet targeted killings, his daughter - Michelle Bachelet • Pino strange when he died in just the president of Chile.

nine, after Chicago boy and "Miracle of Chile"

coup, as the communists have been cleaned, the Parliament was dissolved, political reforms implemented by Pinochet to be unimpeded. So Chile has become almost a free market economy laboratory, and specific implementation details from a gang called the Chicago boy who developed, because these people have received education at the University of Chicago named. Back in the 1950s, the US State Department and the Ford Foundation has funded young scholars in economics went to Chile and the University of Chicago study, the US government wants to influence economic policy in Chile, but the United States until the 1970s wishful thinking without success . Chicago boy who later returned to Chile, according to the guiding ideology of the Chicago School developed an economic reform program, this program thick 500, with the same board child bricks thick, so it is called "plate child brick program," 70 when the presidential election, the Chicago boy who presented the plan to board children brick conservative candidate Alessandri, is it rejected. Pinochet came to power after the Chicago boy who became the country's division, board child brick program will naturally become Chile's economic program. Ambassador to the Allende government had commented on the coup in 1973: On the surface this is a military coup, in fact this is the economists and the military coup accomplice.

Pinochet came to power, his economic policies summarized the most powerful one is: "Do not put Chile into a proletarian nation, while Chile should become an entrepreneur country!"

This attitude probably Friedman's big wet United can not get away, in 1975, was invited to the big wet Chile guidance, Friedman spent six days in Chile, and vigorously preached "shock therapy "suggesting that economic reforms do not dragging its feet, but should take drastic measures, such as a substantial reduction in government expenditure, price liberalization, elimination of tariff protection, to attract foreign capital injection, in order to stimulate domestic industry in the fierce competition among the strong trend, or die. The so-called short-long pain as pain, Friedman acknowledged that the short term, the use of this therapy, to pay a high price, such as rising unemployment, poverty, however, after this Eviscerate drug treatment can restore a six pulse to reconcile economic body for future free wings off knitting. He talks Pinochet and 45 minutes, the latter on the "shock therapy" very interested "but apparently worried that it may cause temporary unemployment." Under repeated consideration, decided to take a gamble.

since 1975, the military government of Chile implemented a Chicago kid's program, the most important principle is that economic liberalization, privatization of state-owned enterprises, to curb inflation, government deficit balance. Not only are the Allende government confiscated private back entrepreneurs, many of the original state-owned enterprises have been privatized, these policies to attract a lot of foreign investment, foreign companies and banks had been expelled again back to the Allende government in Chile . In order to encourage the import and export trade, the Chilean government reduced tariffs. Since 1976, the Chilean economy will be cloudy to sunny skies and steady surge in GDP growth rates were six years thereafter 3.5,9.9,8.2,8.3,7.9,6.2. By 1981, the inflation rate is down from the mid-1974's annual 700% to below 10%. Employment rates and per capita incomes rise Jie. However, due to the fixed exchange rate policy of the Minister of Finance Castro's trade imbalance caused by 82 years of Latin American debt crisis, the world has experienced a recession, Chile experienced a bubble in 82-83 years. Later, the Chilean government has adopted a floating exchange rate system, from the mid 1980s to the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Chile's average annual economic growth rate of 7.2%. And other Latin American countries' 80s experienced a "lost decade of Latin America" ​​is generally fall into the debt crisis, the Chilean economy is thriving. Although Pinochet stepped down in 1990, followed by democratic governments, whether left or right have not changed advocating free market economic policies, but to further advance the privatized state-owned enterprises continue to promote foreign trade. In the 21st century, the Chilean economy as a whole maintained a momentum of vigorous development, is recognized as the world's most dynamic economies in Latin America.

ten, since poaching

free market economy is like a seed falls into the rock crevice, is an effective method of deconstruction of totalitarianism, is a bottom-up tension, but Pinochet especially as an authoritative great dictator, but to sow the future may be set under the unruly own deadly seeds, top-down system deconstruction own authority. It means their own dig a hole to bury themselves. relationship

economic freedom and political freedom, Friedman has long been discussed. The 1962 publication of his famous book "Capitalism and Freedom", the first chapter is to discuss the "economic freedom and political freedom of the relationship." He wrote: "The economic arrangements play a dual role in the promotion of a free society on the one hand, freedom in economic arrangements is itself can manage in a broad sense is an integral part of freedom, so economic freedom is an aim in itself. Second, economic freedom is also an indispensable means to achieve political freedom. "Of course, the free market's long-term stability are inseparable from democracy, Freedman finally said," I predict that a free market economy can not be sustained unless the military government is replaced by an elected government believes in freedom of political ....... "

if several major school of economics from left to right, they are Marxist, Keynesian, Chicago School and the Austrians, the more respected the right of the free market. For the right-wing ruling authority, the most respected Austrian market economy, but rather a very politically incorrect respected. Hayek once for Pinochet site! He has published in the August 3, 1978 in London "Times" an article directly related to Pinochet, but also related to the complexity of the relationship between individual freedom and democracy, authoritarianism. Hayek said, "I have never advocated before, authoritarian governments are more likely than democratic governments to ensure individual freedom, I say just the opposite. But that does not mean that, in certain historical circumstances, in an authoritarian government Under the personal freedom than under a democratic government can be better protected since the Athens democracy, when this kind of thing has happened ...... but in the modern age, of course, there are many examples in authoritarian government, individual freedom than many Under the democratic system more secure. "He cited Salazar ruled Portugal early, and Pinochet. Hayek further explained: "restricted democracy, is likely to be the best form of government known to man, but that does not mean that we can have it anywhere, or even imply, that it itself . is one of the highest value, "Hayek Chile in 1981 to accept a newspaper interview said:" In fact, in general ground inspection system, I was totally against authoritarian system, but in a transition period. It may be a necessary system. When a country has some form of authoritarian power at a time when it becomes necessary. As you know, a dictator is likely to liberal way of governance, and a democratic government totally rejected liberalism and governance, is also possible. I personally would like to be a liberal dictator, rather than going to a lack of democratic government liberal. My impression especially - which is also suitable for South Africa - in Chile, you are in the process from an authoritarian government to a liberal government transformation, and in this transformation process, it is necessary to maintain a dictatorial powers, not as a permanent thing, but as a transition arrangement.

XI government to the people

1980 year a new constitution referendum by regulation, provisions of the 1988 referendum again, decide the fate of the military government, and if the people get permission to stay for another eight years, Pinochet did not mind, even if you do not agree with the Chileans, and put the elected government returned to power. referendum result was 54% of people want him to step down 42% of people very year of his .88 ah Comrades! What is that atmosphere? 89 years of the previous year, the world is experiencing a wave of third wave of democratization, Taiwan, South Korea is in transition, Eastern China around the corner, this Pinochet people are still very culture, people, after all, has taught at the University of geopolitics, the world situation is very professional judgment. And his heart was lifted people, strong self-esteem, to face. After all, the election was a referendum to step down, Lai the skin did not go that people called that mantis trying to stop the car. So Pinochet decisive step down, but he left hand, in order to prevent the liquidation of his opponents, he has served as commander in chief of the armed forces until 1998, and gave himself out of a lifetime Members of the title, immunity .1990 elected President Patricio Aylwin took office after an absence of democracy in Chile, 17 years later returned to Chile, but this has gone through the experience of democracy, more mature, more stable, constitutional government in conjunction with more close, then the election is far from the kind of Marxist came Hu toss populist mob-style local tyrants and sub-fields of proletarian democracy rotten scoundrels. experienced the collapse of world communism and liberalism brought sustained economic growth after Chilean people actually understand that Pinochet saved Chile, did not let Chile become a second Cuba. So basically follow the government's economic policies have no huge changes. Until now, Chile is the most respected in the world of free market economy One of the country

XII lifetime behind

Pinochet once said: "I am not a dictator, because the dictator can not hospice, and I now had very well. If God give me another chance, I will still choose to do so as it was before! "

Pinochet stepped down after being accused of more than 300, but given the petri old and feeble, politicians and judges in Chile are also open one eye closed, the proceedings dragged on Lara drag intermittent, after all, there is a big vote of Chile, Pinochet's supporters, anyway, prosperity and stability of the country has a democratic, because the old man caused a national opposition, not a good thing to bring chaos, so the Chilean courts have no a statement to the world, in 2006, by his wife petri issued a statement saying the allegations themselves willing to take responsibility for all by himself, and then a few days later he hung up because of a heart attack at the age of 91 years old, he said the same with the previous, had hospice to the body that is buried innocent expression with the world:. "how was it, man is killing me, I am responsible, I take full responsibility! Anyway, I quickly hung up, you have to Which? But I'm leaving behind a stable economic prosperity and political democracy in Chile, and this achievement compared to kill a few "beep -" It is a cloud. "For how to evaluate Pinochet, was also to come up with a forty-six open Panax open view, this is not necessary, I believe that no over petri active, politically correct horse of God the most annoying. Some say he killed how so many people could not before? It's like the economics of the "broken window theory" saw the light of things on the one hand, you do not see the other side of things. Chile into a second Cuba, killing people than What little petri "beep -"? killings are in terms of the proportion of indirect deaths caused by poverty and backwardness caused more not count (eliminating the need for the original number of border demarcation before the community is clear, they do not have a common struggle. The value of the bottom line of compromise exists only in the fantasy small people) I do not kill you, you kill me, then see who is the Soviet Union much reality there is "beep -." powerful, kill all the free people, Chile is only a free man much of the "beep -" all kill it then Kemal, too, he is very respected liberal Western democracy, but you can not tell Caliphs and extremist Muslims speak of democracy, as early as you use. stoned! So Kemal engage in a dictatorship, theocracy of Islam ruthlessly repressive forces expelled the Caliphate, and finally how? Turkey is an Islamic country where the most modern politics.

for always trying to trample the human rights of others who do not need to tell him politely, Kemal did not polite, Pinochet did not mention it. For now, the results are good.

seeds of immortality, a Ye Ark

Contributors mail: dongchuandou@126.com
2014-12-08 A.S. Lee 冬川豆
Mar.22nd, 2011

0 世纪的历史上,像皮诺切特这样争议巨大的人物还真是少见,爱他的人爱的情深意切,恨他的人恨的恨之入骨,他病危入院时有民众自发在医院外为他彻夜祈福,他 死后有6万人排队瞻仰其遗容,也有人开香槟庆祝。皮诺切特的独裁统治既不是南美洲最长的,巴拉圭的军政府执政35年,也不是最血腥的,阿根廷军政府要残酷 的多,但可以说是最成功的一个,在17年的独裁统治中,皮诺切特成功地指挥了一个高效而残忍的警察国家,期间使数千左翼人士“被消失”。同时皮氏与米尔顿 •弗里德曼大湿惺惺相惜,重用“芝加哥小子”,大力推行自由市场经济,创造了经济上的“智利奇迹”,智利人民生活水平在其独裁统治期间获得了巨大提高。 1990年,皮诺切特和平下台,让位于民选总统Patricio Aylwin,使智利平稳地恢复了民主制度……
南美洲有个国土狭长、人口1000多万的小国,它叫智利。最初对这个国家的朴素好感来自葡萄酒,我从大学开始贪恋杯中物,偶尔小酌,苦于囊中羞涩,智利产 的葡萄酒成了上选,一言以蔽之:物美价廉。这种国家估计没钱去什么广场砸钱一天播400遍国家形象宣传片,自然也入不了中国人的法眼。但是在2010年, 一场8.8级反华地震,外加一次反华矿难和绝地反华大营救,不但让智利成为反华国家的新成员,更把这个名不见经传的小国推到了世界的聚光灯下,33名矿工 在622米深处被困69天,最后悉数获救,不得不说这是人类救援史上的奇迹,而创造这一奇迹的国家既不像美国那样强大也不像日本那样精于防灾减灾,甚至都 不属于发达国家阵营。整个救援过程高度专业化人性化,同时也得益于平日的未雨绸缪,在智利看不到领导的亲切关怀,也没提群众们深受鼓舞,更听不到“我们来 晚啦!”,因为人家政府行动及时,根本就没来晚。矿难受到了全球的关注,成了最好的国家形象宣传片,人们能够直观的体会到,智利是个尊重人命的国度,而且 有一个高效的政府以及严明的法律,这个国家的公民有做人的尊严!同时,智利在南美洲也以经济繁荣、政治稳定著称,与阿根廷、巴西并称南美ABC三强国,市 场经济与国际贸易发达,2010人均GDP排名世界第49位,民主指数在167个国家里排名第34位,略低于第31位的法国,高于台湾和以色列,2010 年经济增长率5.3%,经济自由度排名全球第10位,拉美第一,国际竞争力排名第30位,拉美第一。有观察家预计,智利将是南美洲第一个进入发达国家阵营 的国家。
1970年的总统大选也许是智利有史以来最富争议也是最关键的一次,这次大选,三位候选人没有一位获得绝对多数选票,人民团结联盟(Popular Unity)的候选人阿连德(Salvador Allende)获得了36.3%选票,保守派的前总统 Jorge Alessandri 获得了35.8%的选票,基督教民主党的Radomiro Tomic获得了27.9%的选票。根据智利宪法,出现这种情况之后,国会有权决定哪位候选人当选,根据以往的惯例,国会一般会直接选得票最多的哪个候选 人。但是这次阿连德掌权遇到了一些麻烦,毕竟是一个马克思主义者,总是让人提心吊胆,所以国会掀起了反对他的活动。后来阿连德不得不签署了一份宪法保障令 (Statute of Constitutional Guarantees)承诺不违反宪法,这才赢得了本来是支持前总统Alessandri 的基督教民主党议员的选票。阿连德与1970年11月3日就任智利总统,值得一提的是,阿连德是世界上第一位通过合法程序民选上台的马克思主义者总统,虽 然实际上他只得到了三分之一多一点的选票。
由于智利总统任期不得超过六年,所以阿连德上台之后迫不及待地开始实行被称作“智利的社会主义之路”(La vía chilena al socialismo)的大刀阔斧的改革,主要内容,简单点说就是“土改”和“资本主义工商业的社会主义改造”。智利的土地改革,阿连德的前任Frei就 间就已经展开。Frei竞选总统之时,曾经许诺,要让10万农民拥有土地。当选后,前三年(1965-1967年),平均每年没收45万公顷土地;后三年 (1968-1970年),则达71.8万公顷。阿连德政府却要搞大跃进,好似三年赶英超美,一举翻天覆地,仅在1971年,执政府所没收的土地比弗雷政 府六年之总和还要多。最可怕的是,没收地产主的土地,本应由土地改革协会领导进行,殊不知事态迅速恶化,一发而不可收拾,农民翻身做主人,往往自行决定怎 样没收土地。对此,政治旗号便是为工农服务的阿连德政府怎么可能干预呢,只能默许。这下地主不干了,便组织武装保卫自家的土地庄园。土改改到最后,沦为农 民及农业工人与地主之间的武力冲突,政府束手无策,局势完全失控。智利是铜矿之国,20世纪60年代,最大的三个铜矿Chuquicamata, El Salvador, El Teniente被两家美国公司拥有,其实阿连德的前任Eduardo Frei就已经开始了智利铜矿的国有化进程,与美国公司签署协议,购得了三大铜矿51%的股权。但是这种温和的国有化方式让智利极左派别不满,于是阿连德 在竞选时承诺加快铜矿国有化的进程。上任伊始,阿连德提出修改宪法,以赋予他更大的对企业进行国有化改造的权力,智利国会通过了宪法修正案,在此基础 上,17.450号法案得以实施。按照该法案,智利政府本来应该按照账面价值赎买美国公司的股份,但是阿连德政府认为美国公司在智利的铜矿上获得了过多的 利润,于是决定不付钱,强行没收美国公司的股份。美国政府很快对此做出了反应,美国国务院发表声明:This serious infraction to international practice can cause damage not only to Chile, but to all other developing countries.(这种对国际准则的践踏不但会伤害智利,也会伤害所有的发展中国家)。从此这个马克思主义者总统算是跟美国结下了梁子。除此之外,与 其他社会主义国家一样,阿连德政府也试图建立起全民医疗保障体系和教育体系,旨在提高穷人的福祉。在扩张性货币政策(就是猛印钱)的支持下,1971年智 利工业产值增长12%,GDP增长8.6%,失业率下降到3.8%,可惜好景不长,1972年智利通胀率达到了140%,财政赤字高企,外汇储备大幅缩 水,到1973年,智利GDP实际上比71年年均下降了5.6%,由于阿连德政府在恶性通胀时实施了价格管制,并且强行提高工资,导致生活必需品在正规市 场上消失,黑市交易火爆,人民生活水平暴跌。这些凡是懂一点点经济学的人都知道是脑残的政策,导致了智利经济陷入崩溃边缘,阿连德政府不得不对外宣布主权 违约(也就是之前发的政府债券不算数了,不还了)。一方面,智利的地主,商人,和中产阶级以及职业技术人员强烈反对阿连德政府的政策,另一方面,主权违约 又得罪了一大票跨国公司和外国政府,尤其是美国政府,早就看阿连德不爽,没收美国人资产的帐还没算呢。国会方面,本来比较中立的基督教民主党也开始对阿连 德的大胆的社会主义政策产生不满,从而倒向了右翼的国家党(National Party),于是形成了智利版“府院之争”的形势,最高法院与阿连德政府同样关系紧张……
冷战时期,一般国家不是亲美就是亲苏,也有像铁托或者齐奥赛斯库那样两边不得罪的,兲朝那样拳打美帝脚踢苏修的“勇夫”十分罕见!阿连德是个马克思主义 者,肯定跟苏联老大哥有着天然的情愫,又跟美帝结下了梁子,内外交困,不得不转向苏联老大哥。在1972-1984年担任前苏联克格勃秘密档案馆馆长的米 特罗欣偷偷带出苏联的秘密档案披露,早在竞选期间,阿连德便接受了克格勃40万美元的竞选资金援助和5万美元的个人补贴。由于阿连德只比得票第二多的候选 人多了39000票,历史学家Christopher Andrew认为,阿连德的当选与克格勃的资助和支持脱不了干系。阿连德当选后访问了苏联,并且获得了1972年由苏联政府颁发的“列宁和平奖”(之前叫 “斯大林和平奖”,兲朝著名学者、《斯大林赛过我亲爷爷》的作者郭沫若曾获此奖)。米特罗欣档案还披露,“克格勃曾经努力让阿连德明白改革军队和情报机关 的重要性,并说服他让智利情报部门与苏联情报部门展开合作”阿连德表示自己“非常乐于与苏联合作”。米特罗欣档案还披露,在克格勃眼里,阿连德的最基本的 错误就是“不愿意武力镇压反对派,对国家机器控制不力,这让他的政权很不稳定。” 前苏联克格勃高官Nikolai Leonov确认,苏联曾在政治上、经济上、军事上支持了阿连德政府。1973年中期,苏联曾向智利军队海运了军事援助,其中包括火炮和坦克,但是正在此 时,苏联高官得知了第一次针对阿连德政府的军事政变,果断下令航船改道,去了别的国家。1971年末,古巴领导人卡斯特罗对智利进行了四个星期的访问,卡 斯特罗在访问之后得出结论:“智利的社会主义之路最终会把智利引向古巴式的社会主义!” 毫无疑问阿连德是一个苏联的代理人,就好像美国电影《满洲候选人》中描绘的那样,他的目的就是把智利变成拉丁美洲的第二个古巴。
1972年10月,智利爆发了反对阿连德政府的大罢工,罢工最初由卡车司机公会发起,有40000名卡车司机参与罢工,使全国交通陷入瘫痪,后来智利传统 上比较富裕的行业也加入了进来,他们包括商人,职业人士和学生。苏联可以搞渗透,美国也不是善茬,据悉CIA为此次罢工提供了200万美元的资助。罢工持 续了24天,与此同时,智利国会众议院通过了一项决议,谴责阿连德政府违反宪法,滥用职权,破坏法律和公正,干涉立法机关,干涉司法机关等等。其中决议的 第5条写到:That it is a fact that the current government of the Republic, from the beginning, has sought to conquer absolute power with the obvious purpose of subjecting all citizens to the strictest political and economic control by the state and, in this manner, fulfilling the goal of establishing a totalitarian system: the absolute opposite of the representative democracy established by the Constitution;(现实就是,目前的政府从一开始就试图获得绝对的权力,用以实现把所有公民都在政治和经济上置于严酷的政府监管之下的昭然若揭 的目的,从而建立极权统治——宪法建立的代议制民主的对立面。)众议院还谴责阿连德政府违反业已被国会批准的宪法修正案,该修阻止了阿连德政府继续深入国 有化。决议还呼吁智利军队介入,解决宪政危机。这一决议最终导致支持阿连德的陆军总司令Carlos Prats辞职,皮诺切特接任陆军总司令之职。与此同时,智利最高法院也不甘示弱,一致通过了一项的决议,谴责阿连德政府“合法性中断”,因为该政府不能 贯彻执行司法裁决,当法院的判决与政府的政策相抵触时,阿连德政府拒绝让警察执行法院的判决。
我们的主角皮诺切特出身行伍,却并非粗鄙之人,早年在智利军事学院学习时成绩优异,后留校任教,教授地缘政治学和军事地理学,当过学术杂志编辑,曾在智利 大学学习过法学,后因工作调动学习中断。他从上尉干起,当过军事学院助理院长,最后官至陆军总司令,全靠自己打拼。跟蒋介石类似,皮诺切特是科班出身的职 业军人,只不过皮氏比蒋介石更有文化一些。
七、 军事政变
所谓墙倒众人推,阿连德政府接连挑战宪法,挑战国会,挑战最高法院,试图把行政,立法,司法三权分立的民主共和制度搞成兲朝式的三权合一的极权制度,引起 了大部分智利民众的不满。1973年9月11日早7点,皮诺切特领导的智利陆军联合空军发动军事政变,要求阿连德辞职,被阿联的拒绝,后来空军出动战机轰 炸了位于圣地亚哥市中心的总统府,陆军也向总统府发起了进攻。阿连德此时对智利全国发表了广播讲话:“我决不辞职。我将用一切方式进行抗争,哪怕以生命为 代价……外国资本帝国主义和反动势力的联合使得智利军队放弃了传统,发动了政变……智利万岁!智利人民万岁!……我相信,自己不会白白牺牲;我相信,这至 少给大家上了一堂道德课,是对犯罪、懦弱和叛国的斥责!”这讲话义正言辞得都乌有之乡了!最终阿连德选择了自杀。
尽管美国政府极其讨厌阿连德,并且有证据表明美国政府从70年开始就支持智利的反对派,但是没有证据表明美国政府直接参与了1973年的政变,基辛格曾经 跟尼克松汇报:这事儿不是我们干的!虽然美国政府与之后的皮诺切特军政府保持了良好的关系,但是在表面上还是批评了皮诺切特的独裁统治,表面上。随着智利 军队控制了国家局势,皮诺切特禁止了一切左翼政党活动,随后对马克思主义者和共产主义者的大清洗马上就开始了,政变之后一个月内,就有70多人在名为“死 亡大篷车”的行动中被智利军队处决。
政变之后,一个军政府被马上建立了起来,宪法被冻结,国会被解散,军政府同时行使立法权和行政权,直到1974年12月7日,皮诺切特被提名为总统,行使 行政权。直到1980年,皮诺切特发起了一项全民公投,内容是通过新的宪法,新宪法赋予了总统很大的权利和8年任期,同时新宪法也确立了一个由军政府过渡 为民主政府的为期8年的时间表,新宪法以67.71%比30.19%获得通过。在皮诺切特执政的17年里,根据不同的消息来源,有大约1200-3200 名马克思主义者和共产主义者被处决,大约3万人被拘禁,其中数千人被施以酷刑。其中非常有名的有巴切莱特准将,他忠于阿连德政府,被皮诺切特定点清除,他 的女儿——米歇尔•巴切莱特在皮诺奇特死的时候正好是智利总统。
政变之后,由于共产主义者都被清洗,议会被解散,皮诺切特推行的政治改革得以畅通无阻。所以智利几乎变成了一个自由市场经济的实验室,而具体的实施细则是 由一帮叫做芝加哥小子的人制定的,这批人因为在芝加哥大学接受过教育而得名。早在1950年代,美国国务院和福特基金会就资助年轻的智利和经济学学者远赴 美国的芝加哥大学学习,美国政府希望以此影响智利的经济政策,但是美国的如意算盘直到70年代都没有成功。芝加哥小子们回到智利以后,根据芝加哥学派的指 导思想制定了一部经济改革计划,这部计划厚达500页,跟板儿砖一样厚,所以就被称为“板儿砖计划”,70年总统选举的时候,芝加哥小子们把板儿砖计划呈 给保守派候选人Alessandri,被其回绝。皮诺切特上台之后,芝加哥小子们一跃成为国师,板儿砖计划也就顺理成章地成了智利的经济纲领。阿连德政府 的驻美大使曾经这样评价1973年的政变:表面看这是一场军事政变,事实上这是经济学家和军队同谋的政变。
这态度大概与美利坚的弗里德曼大湿脱不了干系,1975年,大湿应邀来到智利指导工作,弗里德曼在智利呆了六天,大力宣讲“休克疗法”,建议经济改革不要 拖泥带水,而应大刀阔斧,譬如大幅度消减政府开支,放开物价,取消关税保护,吸引外国资本注入,以此刺激本国工业在激烈的竞争之中走向强健,或者消亡。所 谓长痛不如短痛,弗里德曼承认,从短期来看,使用这种疗法,要付出高昂的代价,如失业率上升,贫困加剧,然而,经此剔骨疗毒,可以还原一个六脉调和的经济 肌体,为未来的起飞编织自由的翅膀。他和皮诺切特会谈了45分钟,后者对“休克疗法”非常感兴趣,“但是显然担心它可能造成的暂时性失业”。再三权衡之 下,还是决定赌一把。
从1975年开始,智利军政府实施了芝加哥小子的计划,最主要的原则就是经济自由化,国企私有化,遏制通胀,平衡政府赤字。不但阿连德政府没收的私企都还 给企业家,原来的许多国企也被私有化了,这些政策吸引了大量的外国投资,原来被阿连德政府驱逐的外国公司和银行又重新回到了智利。为了鼓励进出口贸易,智 利政府降低了关税。从1976年开始,智利的经济天空便多云转晴,稳步飙升,此后六年GDP增长率分别为3.5、9.9、8.2、8.3、7.9、 6.2。到1981年,通货膨胀率更是从1974年中期的年均700%下降到10%以下。就业率与人均收入皆有上升。但是由于财政部长Castro的固定 汇率政策导致的贸易不平衡,82年拉美爆发债务危机,全球也经历了经济衰退,智利在82-83年经历了一次泡沫破裂。后来智利政府采取了浮动汇率制,从 80年代中期开始到1997年亚洲金融危机,智利经济年均增长率达到了7.2%。而其他拉丁美洲国家80年代经历了“拉美失去的十年”普遍陷入债务危机 时,智利经济却是一枝独秀。尽管皮诺切特在1990年下台,其后的民主政府无论是左派还是右派都没有改变崇尚自由市场的经济政策,而是进一步推进了国企的 私有化改造,继续促进对外贸易。进入21世纪以来,智利经济总体保持了蓬勃发展的势头,被世界公认为拉美最具活力的经济体。
经济自由与政治自由的关系,弗里德曼早有论述。他那本1962年出版的名著《资本主义与自由》,第一章就是讨论《经济自由与政治自由的关系》。他写道: “经济安排在促进自由社会方面起着双重作用。一方面,经济安排中的自由本身在广泛的意义上可以被理是自由的一个组成部分,所以,经济自由本身是一个目的。 其次,经济自由也是达到政治自由的一个不可缺少的手段。” 当然,自由市场的长治久安更离不开民主政治,弗里德曼最后说,“我预言,自由市场经济不可能持久,除非军政府被一个信奉自由政治的民选政府所代替……”。
如果把几个主要经济学派从左到右排列的话,他们分别是马克思主义,凯恩斯主义,芝加哥学派和奥地利学派,越右越推崇自由市场。对于右派权威统治,最最推崇 市场经济的奥派反倒是非常政治不正确的推崇。哈耶克就曾经为皮诺切特站台!他曾经在1978年8月3日的伦敦《泰晤士报》上发表过一篇文章,直接涉及到皮 诺切特,同时也涉及到了个人自由与民主、威权主义的复杂关系问题。哈耶克说,“我从来没有主张过,威权主义政府比民主政府更有可能确保个人自由,我说的恰 恰相反。但这并不意味着,在某些历史环境下,在一个威权主义政府下,个人自由能得到比民主政府下更好的保护。自雅典民主制以来,这种事情时有发生……而在 现代,也当然有很多例子说明,在威权主义政府下,个人自由比很多民主制度下更为安全。”他举了葡萄牙的萨拉查统治早期,和皮诺切特。哈耶克又进一步解释 说:“受到制约的民主制度,很可能是人类已知的最佳政府形态,但这并不意味着我们在任何地方都可以拥有它,甚至也不意味着,它本身就是一种最高价值。” 哈耶克在1981年接受智利一家报纸采访的时候又说:“事实上,在一般性地考察制度的时候,我是完全反对独裁制度的。但在某个转型时期,它可能是一种必要 的体制。当一个国家在某个时间具有某种形式的独裁性权力的时候,它就成为必要的。如你所知,一位独裁者是有可能以自由主义的方式进行治理的。而一个民主政 府完全拒绝自由主义而进行治理,也是有可能的。我个人更愿要一位自由主义的独裁者,而不愿要一个缺乏自由主义的民主政府。我的印象尤其是——这也适合于南 非——在智利,你们处于由一个独裁政府向自由主义政府转型的过程中,而在这一转型过程中,保持一种独裁权力是必要的,不是将其作为永久性的东西,而是作为 一种转型安排。
1980年的全民公投通过规新宪法,规定1988年再来一次全民公投,决定军政府的去留,如果得到全民的许可,皮诺切特不介意再干八年,如果智利人不同意 就算了,就把大权交还给民选政府。公投结果是54%的人要他下台,42% 的人挺他。88年啊同志们!那是什么气氛?89年的前一年,世界正经历第三波民主化浪潮,韩国台湾正在转型,东欧中国蠢蠢欲动,皮诺切特这个人还是很有文 化的,人家毕竟在大学教过地缘政治学,对世界局势的判断是非常专业的。而且其人心高气傲,自尊心很强,要脸。毕竟被全民公投选下台了,赖着不走就是没脸没 皮,就是螳臂当车。于是皮诺切特果断下台。不过他留了一手,为了防止反对派清算他,他一直担任武装部队总司令直到1998年,并且给自己搞了个终身议员的 头衔,享有豁免权。1990年,民选总统Patricio Aylwin就职,民主制度在阔别智利17年后又回到了智利,不过这是经历了历练的民主,更成熟,更稳健,与宪政结合得更紧密,远不是当年选马克思主义者 上台的那种胡折腾的民粹式暴民式打土豪分田地的无产阶级臭流氓民主。经历了共产主义世界的崩溃和自由主义带来的持续的经济增长之后,智利人民其实明白,皮 诺切特拯救了智利,没有让智利成为第二个古巴。所以后续政府的经济政策基本都没有什么巨大的变动。直到现在,智利都是世界上最推崇自由市场经济的国家之 一。
皮诺切特曾经说过这样一句话: “我不是独裁者,因为独裁者都不能善终,而我现在却过得很好。如果上帝再给我一次机会,我依然会选择像从前那么做!”
下台后的皮诺切特遭到了300多项指控,不过鉴于皮氏年老体衰,智利的政治家和法官也都睁一只眼闭一只眼,法律程序拖拖拉拉时断时续,毕竟智利还有一大票 皮诺切特的支持者,反正国家已经民主繁荣稳定了,因为这个老头引起国民对立,带来混乱可不是什么好事,所以智利法院一直也没给世人一个说法,在2006 年,皮氏通过他的妻子发表了一份声明,称自已愿意为自己所受到的所有指控负责,然后,然后没过几天他就因为心脏病发作挂了,享年91岁,跟他之前说的一 样,得了善终,以无罪之身入土。这就是在跟世人表达:“怎么着吧,人就是我杀的,我负责,我负全责!反正我也快挂了,你们要哪样?不过我身后留下了一个政 治稳定经济繁荣的民主智利,和这个成就相比,杀几个“哔—”那 都是浮云。”对于皮诺切特如何评价,有人也搞出了三七开四六开的说法,这很没必要,笔者认为皮氏有功无过,政治正确神马的最讨厌了。有人说,他杀了那么多 人怎么能无过呢?这就像经济学中的“破窗理论”,光看到了事物的一方面,看不到事物的另一面。智利变成古巴第二,杀的人会比皮氏少么?“哔—”杀人都是以比例计的,造成的贫困和落后导致的间接死亡更不可计数。(省去原文若干。在共同体的边界划分清晰之前,斗争双方不存在共同的价值底线。妥协只存在于民小的幻想中)我不杀你你就要杀我,那就看谁厉害了。现实是苏俄那边是“哔—”厉 害,把自由人全杀了,智利只不过是自由人厉害把“哔—”全杀了而已。当年凯末尔也是,他对西方的民主自由非常推崇,但是你没法跟哈里发们和极端回教徒讲民 主,早给你用石头砸死了!于是凯末尔搞了独裁,对伊斯兰教政教合一势力毫不手软的镇压,驱逐哈里发,最后怎么样?土耳其是伊斯兰国家里政治最现代化的。


推倒柏林墙 | 啼笑皆非的“鸦片战争”(上)http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5OTAyNTc5Mw==&mid=202497836&idx=2&sn=04e789a835b3a1724c27e979091fb8d6#rd

2014-12-15 推倒柏林墙 冬川豆


国 人习惯上把第一次中英战争称为“鸦片战争”,但实际上这场战事的起因绝对不是什么“英国为了倾销鸦片”。当时世界范围内吸食鸦片基本都是合法的(例如英美 都是到19世纪末20世纪初才开始立法限制毒品),奇怪的是,这些不禁鸦片的国家反倒没什么人吸鸦片,倒是中国这个禁烟的国家对鸦片一往情钟。
一方面清朝有很多人是拿着高官厚禄却没什么正事干,平时除了黄赌自然就是毒(这就像某个人均GDP不到三千美圆的国家却能在奢侈品消费领域独领风骚一 样),而其它洋货要么是像钢琴一样玩不来,要么是像刀叉钟表睡衣之类不好玩。另一方面,乾隆禁烟之后,各地官员反倒可以找鸦片商收保护费了,收了黑钱还不 用纳税,为了抢这块肥肉,不仅没有执行乾隆的政策,还拼着老命的引进鸦片,导致鸦片在中国越卖越红火。
一开始,皇帝老爷们对禁烟这事儿都不是很认真,直到道光年间,各地农民起义不断,清朝的鸦片军被打得找不着北,发现枪杆子不好使的道光把所有的责任都推到 了鸦片身上。其实道光也不想想怎么官兵抽鸦片农民就不抽的,当时的军队腐败不堪,平时也不好好训练,省下来的钱跑去吃喝玩乐,等上级领导来检查时才装模作 样的表演几个固定节目,所以后来清军和洋人打白刃战时人数占优还是输得一塌糊涂,到甲午海战时更是在装备领先的情况下被日本打败。而皇帝为了构建和谐社 会,对军队一直是好生供养,这就给他们提供了抽鸦片的所有条件:金钱和时间。这样的军队战斗力本来就跟农民差不多,抽了鸦片就更没得玩了,这时道光才知道 着急,发了狠要禁烟。但他哪里想得到那些本应帮他禁烟的人,既是鸦片的主要消费群体,又是鸦片走私的庇护者。对这些人来说,军队没战斗力关我屁事,大清的 江山关我屁事,又不是我的,是你皇帝老子一个人的,我趁着现在当官使劲捞就是了。
这么一来,禁烟自然是无从谈起,直到最后道光才物色到了一个真正肯禁烟的人——林则徐,和英国人的故事就从这里开始了。说来搞笑,林则徐到广州禁烟,本来 当地官员是想拿银子打发他回家的,谁知此人是真心办事,不吃这一套。今天我们说林则徐是民族英雄,其实当时官员们都当他是神经病,而且这种人真要放到今天 的官场他还是要被当成神经病,要不了三两回合就得被和谐。林则徐到广州后不久就要求洋商们交出所有鸦片,还发了份照会:听说英美两国天气干燥,土质干硬, 夷人都是把肉磨成粉食用,久而久之导致大便不通,只有中国的大黄和茶叶可解,皇上对你们有恩,你们也该配合我这个钦差的禁烟工作。我对你们这些外夷的伎俩 再了解不过,所以别跟我耍什么花招,其实我们老百姓都很讨厌你们了,你们再卖鸦片,难保他们不会弄死你们……
这 个大便不通还不是最离谱的,此前还有大臣建议道光严惩吸食鸦片者,怎么个惩法呢?这个大臣说,他听说红毛们是把吸鸦片的人系在竹竿上,用大炮发射进海 里……林则徐还有一点很有意思,动不动就绑架民意威胁洋人,但其实言谈之中又经常流露出对民众的不屑,在他眼里,底层民众只有两种人:洋人的走狗与洋人的 潜在走狗。可惜洋人对中国的了解程度,往往远胜这些政府官员,鸦片战争爆发之前,英商安德森就建议英国政府:据我观察,中国的老百姓普遍讨厌清政府,等打 进去时,我们不能伤害一般群众,而且应该张贴告示,说这场战争不是针对他们的。后来英军也照作了,于是清廷又大骂洋人煽动不明真相的群众。
林则徐的照会一来,洋人第一反应是又他妈来要保护费了,正商量着该花多少钱摆平呢。其实当时洋人们是混得很悲惨的,清朝闭关锁国,重农轻商,本就看不起做 生意的,又自封天朝上国,觉得自己天生就不用跟外夷讲什么平等,所以指定只有广州十三行才能进行洋货买卖,而且还不是洋人卖,而是由中国人中转,洋人不能 随意接触其他中国人,而且也不能随意在中国走动,只能在圈定的范围内活动,换句话讲就是“外国人与狗不得外出”。清朝关税虽低,但那只是理论税,洋人在中 国总免不了被横敲竹杠。而且那些贩卖洋货的中国人必须靠贿赂换取外贸执照,这个钱当然要算在商品价格里,导致洋货价格像中国的房市一样一路走高,本来中国 人就不感兴趣,这么一来就更卖不出去了。所以说鸦片除了导致中国的白银外流,还有一个很重要的职能,就是把民间的财产转移向了政府。
在 此之前洋商们一直都没遇到林则徐这款的,一时摸不清对方的来意,打算先观察观察敌情,回复林则徐说要用七天时间商量商量。林则徐本来觉得自己在这些夷人面 前是充满优越感的,完全应该说一不二,想不到对方还要开什么委员会搞民主决议,一下把他给惹火了。林则徐查清英商颠地是“拖延战术”的主要智囊,立刻派人 前去捉拿。后来差人去执行任务时耍了个滑头,说是“召颠地入城”,但英国人还是不放心,要求林则徐承诺24小时内放颠地回来。大清可从来没什么拘留最长期 限之类的说法,都是想关多久关多久,所以林则徐一听,你这不是他娘的放屁吗,马上抓了两个买办(即汉奸)到英国人那里示JB威。这下英国人才明白事态严重 了,一时间竟不知所措。
这 时另一个主角——英国驻华商务总督义律——登场了。说来搞笑,此人作为鸦片战争引发者之一,却是个不折不扣的反鸦片者,他认为鸦片本身就是不道德的,在一 个明令禁止鸦片的国家内走私鸦片更是有辱英王的名誉。义律一听林则徐要动颠地,马上急了,匆匆跑到商馆去,谁知林则徐给他来了个有去无回,等义律一进去就 把商馆给封闭了,撤走所有的中国人,勒令中国人不得再与洋商接触,否则以汉奸论处,还来了个断水断粮。义律一看这架势,是要把人活活逼死,马上给林则徐写 了封信,大意是威胁说你再这样难保两国不会打仗。林则徐在下面加了批语:“天下万方,何处与天朝相提并论?‘两国’称谓,难道是指英国和美国说的?”其实 义律与林则徐交涉数次,基本处于鸡同鸭讲,双方都以武力威胁对方,但又都不惧怕对方的武力,只不过义律是嚣张但有底气,而林则徐根本是无知者无畏,所以两 个人都奇怪了,靠,他怎么就不怕我呢?其它内容基本上也是有听没懂,例如林则徐对这封信是这样回复的:先大谈因果报应学说,举了一些坏人突然暴毙的实例, 接着谈中国对英商的恩情,又讲到没有茶叶洋人就会大便不通而死的问题,另外民意沸腾,举国激昂,再不交出鸦片,小心吾皇天威降临……
但 总体而言,林则徐没直接进去把洋人杀掉,已经是非常客气了。至于他不这么做的原因,其实就是想展现泱泱大国的风范,表达天朝对这些外夷宽宏大量的姿态。义 律那边被断水断粮也受不了,再加上搞走私本就理亏,于是跟英商们商量能不能把鸦片全部上缴,这里他也耍了个滑头,说你们这些鸦片损失将由政府来处理。英商 一听乐坏了,这等于是把鸦片送给中国人,再从英国政府那里拿钱,当然是十二万分的乐意,当然他们也知道义律是在打官腔,他本身也没那么大的能量给赔偿问题 打包票,于是又集资给一个马上要回英国的商人,让他到议会去活动活动。理论上来说英商本来是一毛钱都拿不到的,在鸦片战争打响之前,英国政府的态度一直是 “你们走私你们活该”,大清爱咋咋地我们才不管你们的损失,连英国军舰都回复义律说不会保护违反他国法律的走私行为,但后来随着鸦片战争打响,情势直转急 下,也算这些鸦片贩子好运了。看到这里各位应该发现一点,其实英国之所以来侵略中国,跟虎门销烟是完全没有关系的,他们的政府本来没打算跟鸦片走私扯上关 系(当时英国政府也不了解英商的处境,对英商来说,鸦片贸易怎么看都不像是“走私”,因为来接头的不是政府官员,就是清朝水师)。战争的真正起因其实是以 下两件事:甘结与林维禧案。
英 商在义律的怂恿下,把所有的鸦片全部交了出来,林则徐也终于解除了对英商的包围。但禁烟的事却还没有完。林则徐又要英商签订“甘结”,其实就是保证书一类 的东西,内容是禁止“一切来人”进行鸦片走私,否则一经发现,“货尽没官,人即正法”。这甘结的有趣之处是带有中国特色的连坐效应,他要英商不仅对自己的 船负责,还要对别人的船负责,不仅对英国人负责,还要对所有国家的人都负责。其实林则徐早在对付吸食者时就采用了“五户连环保”政策,但他不知道洋人是绝 对不会答应这种要求的,不然万一哪天船上有人夹带鸦片,弄不好自己小命也要玩完。林则徐觉得义律是这帮人的头头,要他代表所有洋商签字,义律告诉林则徐: 我不能代表那些英商,就算英国国王也代表不了他们。林则徐一听又怒了,普天之下莫非王土率土之滨莫非王臣,你这不是存心忽悠我吗?但他还是很有风度的教育 义律:你骗我说你自己不能代表也就算了,但你说英国国王都不能代表,你这可是叛国啊,叛国大大的不好……
又是鸡同鸭讲。义律死活不签,最后全体英商撤出虎门,到葡萄牙人的地盘澳门交易去了。但林则徐连自己地盘以外的事也要管一管,命令义律要么回来甘结,要么 从此滚出中国,义律却坚决不从,提出以下几点:清朝将无辜者和走私者一起在商馆里拘禁七个星期之久;鸦片贸易受到中国官员的鼓励和保护,事实上他们所从事 的贸易里,没有一项是像鸦片这样有“固定收费”的(言下之意其它产品要交的苛捐杂费更多)。义律一是担心英商人身安全再受威胁,二是希望林则徐先检讨一下 大清自己的错误,但他们还没注意到一点:林则徐对付过吸鸦片的中国人,对付过提供鸦片的英国人,对付过卖鸦片的中国人,惟独没有对付那些保护鸦片走私的 人,这就是清朝官场官官相互的微妙“潜规则”,英国人是无论如何也不会理解的。林则徐又搬出民意恐吓义律:沿海民人,莫不视波涛如平地,倘一触动公愤,则 人人踊跃思奋,虽欲阻之而不能矣……
甘 结的事久拖不下,双方旧怨未平,新仇又起。当时几个英国水手醉酒后与中国人发生冲突,双方群殴,一名叫林维禧的同志不幸为国捐躯。事发后,英国水手立即花 钱私了,请家属封口,但两天后还是让义律得知此事,前来调查,先给受害人家属赔偿,再分别悬赏,请目击者指出致命一击是哪个水手造成的、是英国人先挑事还 是中国人先挑事。又过了两天林则徐也知道了(英国水手的钱真是白花了),二话不说,要义律立即交出凶手,杀人偿命。义律哪敢把人交出来啊,那时英国人判案 还得给被告个申诉的机会,而我国的衙门就是八个字:大刑伺候,从实招来,狗熊被打完都会承认自己是兔子,而且林则徐根本不在乎是谁杀了人,反正我死一个你 也得死一个,随便哪个都行,这一点对尚未查清真相的义律来说更是无法接受。当时英国已经采用陪审团制度,义律提出要设立一个英式衙门,请林则徐前来观摩, 林则徐一听愣了,你们这些外夷还有衙门?当下拒绝。后来义律自己把人给审了,五名水手分别监禁三个月至半年不等并处以罚金,义律还特别强调,这些人必须被 关押在英国而不是中国的监狱。
义 律当时的处境是很尴尬的,水手在中国杀人,本来应该接受中国的法律审判,但当时中英之间的文明程度实在差距太大,到了不能为人接受的程度,这就好象今天中 国人到哪个非洲国家打工,一不小心触犯了当地法律,结果被判用火烧死后由当地土人分而食之,中国人肯定也受不了。当然中国政府肯定不管这事儿就是了,义律 却表示绝不会让大英公民接受“野蛮肉刑”,拒不交出凶手。后来义律无奈之下想了个庸招,他骗林则徐说根据《万国公法》,他是拥有“领事裁判权”的,这件事 应该根据英国法律来判。谁知林则徐还真找自己的美国私人医生伯驾翻译了一下《万国公法》,虽说翻译出来的内容是一个字也看不懂,但据伯驾所说,没有“领事 裁判权”这一说。而中国第二次接触《万国公法》已经是二十多年后了,从这个角度来说,讲林则徐是“开眼看世界第一人”倒也不算错,可惜“第一人”也就是这 么个“没有茶叶则大便不通”的水准。
说 到这个伯驾,虽说他是林则徐的医生,却从来没有见过林则徐,因为林则徐不愿与外国人直接接触。好在他的毛病伯驾靠远程治疗也给解决了,伯驾在林则徐的病历 上是这么写的:“从医学上看,这个病案没有可以值得引起兴趣的地方。事实上,这位病人从来也没有见到过,但是我想,对于这样一位著名人物,他的行为是中英 这样两个大国间破裂的近因。”后来伯驾想给林则徐送三样礼物:一本地图册、一本地理书、一架地球仪,谁知林则徐要伯驾先填“请愿书”,意思是说给我送礼是 你的荣幸,得先请愿,我答应了才行。伯驾一气之下便没有再送,不然不知林则徐是否能真正的“开眼看世界”了。
Charles Elliot(1801-1875)
义 律这招算是昏到极点了,他想利用中国人对国际法的无知来解决此事,但就算“领事裁判权”真的存在,他眼中无知的中国人们又怎么可能遵守呢?更倒霉的是又遇 到这个“开眼看世界第一人”,林则徐一听《万国公法》里没有什么领事裁判权,一下火了,甘结的事还没搞完,你丫又忽悠我,看来对你们这些野蛮外夷是客气不 得了。林则徐故伎重施,又来了个遣散华工、断水断粮,逼义律交人,当然了,针对对象不仅是义律,而是所有英国商人。这种事情连续发生两回,义律是真的受不 了了,内心早已动了杀机,但他还想着能和平解决此事最好。对于甘结,义律先是提出可以具结,但只能“货尽没官”,绝不能“人即正法”,林则徐却一口否决, 坚持要砍人。后来林则徐也玩了个花招,说要么这样,你不具结也可以,但船要让我搜查一遍,看你还有没有鸦片。以林则徐的看法,是个人都该知道大清是怎么搞 搜查的,义律应该不会笨到答应这种要求,具结只是签个字的问题,相信义律还明白个中利害关系。但义律还偏偏不明白,说这个好,欢迎来搜。林则徐这下被搞郁 闷了,琢磨着义律这红毛可能还不太了解大清国的基本国情,只好亲自教育义律“大清式搜查”到底是怎么回事:首先我们效率比较低,需要花两百天才能完成搜 查,到时你的货物也该发霉了;另外搜查过程中肯定会弄坏弄丢点东西,大清可不负责任。但义律觉得钱的事小,甘结可是要人命的啊,于是老话一句:欢迎来搜。
这 可把林则徐气得不行。此时一票英国人也快渴死了,双方都感觉道理说不通了,有武力解决问题的打算。义律去九龙寻找淡水,遭到当地官员“五六小时的延宕和令 人发怒的拖辞推诿”,终于发出最后通牒:再不给淡水,将击沉眼前一切中国船只!而当地官员根本没拿这些不知哪个旮旯里冒出来的野蛮人当回事,中英间的第一 次冲突就这么开始了。我一直觉得,如果仅仅因为义律不肯具结就将第一次中英战争称为“鸦片战争”来混淆视听的话,那称其为“淡水战争”应该也完全说得过 去。后来各种小冲突又出现数次,水勇们向林钦差汇报自己的“辉煌战果”,林则徐不疑有诈,发挥了我国“村骗乡,乡骗县,一直骗到国务院”的光荣传统,告诉 道光我军“七战七捷”。其实你看当时的战报是相当有意思的,里面文学创作的气息非常浓,读起来很像武侠小说。清朝士兵笔下的英国人从来不会留下尸体,不是 滚落悬崖就是落水无法打捞,只看到水面上漂浮着洋夷的帽子,而我们的兵器上则沾满血迹。一句话:战果丰厚,证据没有。而道光和林则徐这两个人已经被忽悠得 快要高潮了。
消 息传到英国后,议会进行了辩论,双方就出兵与否的问题争得不可开交,主要观点如下:中国人以优越人种、天朝上国自居,对英商横加侮辱,更屡次侵犯人权,以 性命相威胁,甚至两次危及没有进行鸦片走私的无辜英商,并影响到鸦片之外的贸易;中国的法律仿佛是专门为贪官勒索而设置的,既无法执行又荒谬野蛮透顶,而 且与中国进行贸易需要交纳比关税高得多的保护费。结论:对这样的野蛮民族,讲道理讲不通,只有先把它揍服帖了再说。271:262票,九票之差,战争打 响,蒋廷黻有一句话精辟总结了鸦片战争的实质:战争之前我们不给他们平等,战争之后他们不给我们平等。其实战争打响之前英国还是给过中国和平解决问题的机 会,派人坐船来送最后通牒,但中国守军看不懂船上挂的白旗子是什么意思,照面就打。之前中国水师曾挂着红旗子满地乱蹿,被英军误以为是来打架的,也是见面 就轰。我时常觉得,两国既然已经沟通不能到这种地步了,真的没什么比打一架更好了,就算这最后通牒送到了,双方的战争也不可能因此终止啊。


推倒柏林墙 | 啼笑皆非的“鸦片战争”(下)



在 故事还没发展到1900年,所以皇家的尊严还是暂时不能丢的。根据《天津条约》,签定之后,外国使节应进京换约了,这是所有的残酷现实里最让咸丰慌张的 ——外国人要进京面圣了,而且不会三跪九叩!这是对遗续千年的那点帝皇威望和“万国来朝”之类梦呓的最致命的一击,也是咸丰无论如何也不能接受的。咸丰恐 慌到了什么程度呢?他甚至想以鸦片合法、取消一切关税、再多赔几百万两白银为筹码,阻挡洋人进京面圣,后来又想在上海换约、在海上换约,千方百计阻挠,足 见皇帝心中的价值取向——一切现实的国家利益,都可以对其皇者之尊让步——只可惜战败者在谈判桌上是没有发言权的。此时咸丰亲自主持外务,但水平实在不比 叶名琛高竿多少,他所能使的那点计谋,无非就是“先派乡勇与夷交战,朝廷再出面调解”之类老掉牙的帝王权术,满脑子柔远羁縻之类安抚藩属国用的老套路,殊 料洋人根本就不吃咸丰的智库里所保存的任何一套方案。这种完全超越自身理解范畴的危机,再加上他那阻止洋人入京的莫名其妙的坚持,此时的咸丰可以说是大脑 短路,行事作风已完全不可理喻,咸丰帝本人成了继林则徐、叶名琛之后的第三个二百五,而且他的二百五行为直接导致了“万园之园”圆明园的被焚。
《天津条约》上虽然有咸丰亲笔签名,但清廷朝野上下,竟把该条约当成一纸空文,仅作“缓兵之计”,负责签字的桂良上奏说:“此时英、法两国和约,万不可作 为真凭实据,不过假此数纸,暂且退却海口兵船。将来倘欲背盟弃好,只须将奴才等治以办理不善之罪,即可作为废纸。”咸丰觉得此计甚妙,只待时机一到便可执 行,这样舍桂良一人,便可阻止洋人设公使驻京。可洋人又哪会理会这种丢车保帅的伎俩,这分明是想再讨一顿打。洋人坚持进京换约,咸丰又规定人数不得超过十 人、不得坐轿、不得列阵仪仗、换约后立即离京。但老外们早看透清廷那点心思,这次来就是想教育教育朝廷“你们在世界上到底排老几”,得到的指示是拒绝一切 贬低使节身份的接见仪式,为了保证这一点,必须有海军随行护航,因此对咸丰的要求一概拒绝。咸丰决计不能让别人看到自己和洋人“平等相待”,折损了威严, 于是指示清廷唯一的一员悍将僧格林沁:若洋人不肯按照藩属国朝贡的仪式入京,可以“悄悄击之,只说是乡勇,不是官兵”,并且堵塞航道,让洋人走北塘绕一个 大圈进京,若洋人不从,则可“师出有名”。
天知道这时咸丰的大脑里到底在想什么。英国人把船开到大沽口,发现航道受阻,想上岸又被民团阻挡,中方解释说:此地没有政府官员,也没有军队,只有这些自 发组织的爱国民兵团。僧格林沁晓谕公使改道,当时英法坚决不从,要求清理航道,美国则答应绕道而行(因为中美条约之间根本就没有换约的协定,其实本来是不 能换约的,但就像前几年修约事件一样,清廷无人懂法,没人看出这点,所以美国公使不敢得了便宜又卖乖,马上见好就收),于是美国公使又被“民团”允许登 陆,接着被几个乞丐用骡车拉到北京,又遭软禁数日,而且约还没换成,皇帝没见着,后来又被拉回北塘,终于换了约。此事被西方各国视为“奇耻大辱”,这就完 全属于中国自己背信弃义,皮痛找打了。而英法两国在大沽口干耗数日,连个政府官员都见不着,只有一堆“民团”,其实这种破绽百出的伎俩哪里瞒得了外国公 使,而清朝政府甚至全体大清子民,长期以来却沉迷于自己的这些“小聪明”里,结果给列强们留下了一个印象:愚蠢、自作聪明、毫无荣誉感。
后来英法决定人力清通航道,直驱北京。这帮人正干得热火朝天呢,大沽炮台却是连半个清兵或民团都没有——表面看来是如此,其实人家僧格林沁正埋伏着,准备 按咸丰指示,给这些不肯改道的洋夷们“名正言顺一击”呢。后来一些英国将领承认:他们知道清军埋伏在那里,但根本没把对方放在眼里。这回他们可是大错特 错,僧格林沁可说是继林则徐之后第二个正儿八经能办事的大员,在腐朽的清廷里可算是珍兽,此人调教出的军队绝不可与英法之前遭遇的腐败军们同日而语。结果 大沽口之战,英法大败,捷报传回京城,朝廷里已是一片欢乐的海洋,而英法两国暴怒不已,南下调兵遣将,此举又被朝廷看作对方认输投降的信号,于是觉着自己 的军事实力好象瞬间上了好几个台阶,这下事态总算是“正常发展”了。咸丰觉得这时差不多该“恩威并用、柔远羁縻”了,于是和僧格林沁玩起了红白脸的把戏, 又摆起了天朝上国的谱来,宣布中英和中法《天津条约》作废,不过念在洋夷恭顺,若肯“自悔求和”,可按中美《天津条约》另立新约,换约在上海进行。
英法当然不会“自悔求和”,第二次卷土重来时,清军手里那点烧火棍又不够看了。等到发现事态不妙时,咸丰又慌了(一个人不知是如何完成如此大起大落的心理 转换而又屡教不改的),于是又耍起了小聪明,派人每天给英法发去照会,内容都差不多:你们怎么来打我们呢?这是误会一场啊!快来北京换约吧,我们等着你们 呢。意思就是我们大家就当大沽口之战从来没发生过,坐下来好好谈吧。说实话,咸丰自觉这封信“暗藏巧机”,相信聪明人一定“一悟就懂”,英法却偏偏不是他 这等“聪明人”,觉得这些照会简直是莫名其妙。英法还是自打自的,等到大沽炮台完全沦陷后,清朝终于改口了:别打了!我们投降……
这次来当然就不是天津条约那么简单了,大沽口之战的帐也要好好算一算。后来英国派出巴夏礼和威妥玛谈判,本来所有条件都谈好了,结果咸丰一看:妈呀,又要 进京,还要带一千卫兵!这还得了,咸丰这回是彻底犯甩了,他想起古训:射人先射马,擒贼先擒王,于是指示僧格林沁俘虏英国使团一行39人,准备以此为人 质,与英法谈判。袭击使团,国际法之大忌,世界震动,打,打死他丫的!联军一直挺到了北京城外。大清也震动了,这种情况是闻所未闻啊,咸丰仿佛都能感觉到 自己的龙椅在震动,但死到临头了,居然还在嘴硬,后来跟英法谈判,一句话:什么都可以谈,使节进京的问题绝对不能谈!
不能谈就继续打。此时法国得到情报,皇帝在圆明园休假,于是派兵前往,大溃清军,但是皇帝不在,结果扑了个空。法国人一入圆明园,虎躯一震,妈呀!长这么 大没见过这么多宝贝!这真的是在中国吗?法国人二话不说,马上动手洗劫,可惜人手有限,没能洗完。周边淳朴的大清子民闻讯而至,终于将圆明园洗劫一空,顺 便放了把火——请注意,圆明园的第一把火是中国人放的,只不过手法太不专业,杀伤力有限,至于第二把火还得过会儿再说。仗都打成这样了,连皇帝的别墅都给 打残了,咸丰只得放下自己那点可怜的坚持,终于答应了外国公使的一切要求,包括入京面圣。
不过外国公使最后还是没能见到咸丰,因为咸丰一口气咽不下去,挂了。看来看去,第二次鸦片战争打响,除了有叶名琛的自负以外,事情发展到这种程度,咸丰皇 帝也是“功不可没”。不过对咸丰来说,这种坚持也算是有道理的,因为自古以来,还没说是哪个藩属国的使节见了皇帝可以说是不用三跪九叩的,这礼数要是坏在 了咸丰这一代手上,那可是前所未有、闻所未闻的千古之耻、万世骂名啊,无论如何他也要保住这点面子,以至后来咸丰郁郁而终,给人的感觉便如“殉道者”一 般。而对诸列强来说,他们是无法理解咸丰这种心态的,对他们来说,两国交往,就该平等相待,清国虽然战败,之后派官员出使国外时,外国也是以礼相待,偏偏 中国的皇帝把他们当成藩属国,其最重要的标志就是逼使节向皇帝下跪。这跪礼之争从乾隆时期开始算起,已持续大半个世纪,到咸丰这代总算是划上了记号。
更令人震惊的事发生了。英法要求中方释放使团,于是巴夏礼等一行39人,不对,是19人,被放出来了。这19人的状态用三个字形容叫“半条命”,剩下20 个干脆被大卸八块。这简直是莫名其妙,中方本想拿使团做谈判筹码,结果还没谈完就先行撕票了,说到这里,我已经不知该怎么解释清政府的行为了。总之,友邦 莫名惊诧,英法一商量,这口恶气忍不下去,不给个迎头痛击是不行了,一定要在皇帝头上撒泡尿。后来两国产生了分歧,英国说要烧圆明园,法国说烧那有球意 思,不过是个皇帝的度假村,要烧就烧皇宫。双方争执半天,最后英国说服了法国,于是大队人马杀进圆明园,这回是专业纵火队,圆明园基本所剩无几。
这里要顺带一提的是中国对国际法的理解。咸丰死后恭亲王主持外务,反正联军打到皇城根下,说什么也得服了,不过恭亲王发现一点:洋人和过去那些藩属国很不 一样,签完条约之后居然能照之执行,说撤军就撤军绝不拖延,也不多讨小便宜。而这些人又处处以所谓“国际法”攻击大清,大清自该以对方最重视的“国际法” 回击。到十九世纪六十年代中期,中国人终于接触到了中文版的《万国公法》,这距离林则徐上次询问伯驾有关“领事裁判权”的内容已经过了二十多年了。但是清 廷学习了国际法后,只想以此对付洋人,从来没想过要自己遵守,这种务虚的态度使得清政府不可能有太高明的法学造诣,在谈判桌上依旧惨亏给对手,无论胜仗败 仗,一旦签起条约,永远都是中国吃亏。再加上后来西太后独揽大权,签约之事总被个别人的意见所左右,虽然民间有人指出“外国这不合法那不合法”,中国完全 不必退让,但腐朽的清廷却毫不理睬,而民间又不能怪罪皇上,只能怪罪外国,使中国人逐渐产生一种观点:国际法是强国用来欺负弱国的工具。这种理解一直流传 至今。
圆明园第二次被烧已经是四十年左右后的事情了,这回纵火的是八国联军。关于拳乱,中国史学界的有识之士早就要求拨乱反正,没办法,义和团做的实在是太过分 了。但也有人为义和团辩护,说是“外国侵略在先,义和团排外在后”,这种说法不值一哂。且不说“侵略”有一大半是中国自找,义和团所谓的“排外”行动,几 乎不杀外国人,专杀中国人,毁坏洋货亦是对私人和公共财产的严重践踏,从仇视洋人发展到仇视洋纸、火柴甚至铁路、电线杆,严重阻碍国家建设和科技进步,及 至后来扬言要攻击外国使馆,等真招来洋人后又不战而败,除了打着民族主义的旗号不断招致灾难,于国于民无半点利处,哪有半点“排外”的样子?这样的愚昧暴 民、乌合之众,居然被中国的教科书奉为民族英雄,我又时常不惮以最坏的恶意来推测中国人,只能理解为:教科书的编者和义和团其实是一丘之貉。
人常说“落后就要挨打”,中国人却始终将“落后”理解为拳头的力量,其实文明的落后、观念的落后,才是中国挨打最根本的原因。一方面愚昧闭塞、弱小落后, 一方面却又自作聪明、自以为是,这两点结合,使的中国对外来文明、外来人士都充满排斥感,以至“全民弱智”。反观中国的邻国日本,在国门被炮火打开之后, 立即打出“文明开化”的旗号,知耻后勇,励精图治,使两国的命运在未来发生根本性的差异。到今天,中国除了经济与科学技术有所进步,愚昧闭塞、弱小落后、 自作聪明、自以为是这几点,相对清朝而言几乎没有实质性的改变,对现代文明规则毫无尊重接纳之意,对外国仍视其为亡我之心不死,对本国的理解也不过停留在 “风水轮流转,咸鱼也翻身”的水准,事实上,从清朝的故事里,我们还是可以看出大量现今现实的影子。
对于这种停步不前,当权者要负起主要责任。几年前袁伟时曾有一篇文章《现代化与中国的历史教科书问题》刊登于《冰点》上,指出教科书中关于第二次鸦片战争 和庚子之乱的诸多硬伤,结果竟引起朝廷关注,导致《冰点》停刊整顿,足见当今圣意。就如咸丰可以为了个人的九五之尊放弃所有白银和领土一样,对某些人而 言,当现代文明威胁到皇权之时,保持中国人的这种低智状态也是相当有必要的。(全文完)
推倒柏林墙 | 啼笑皆非的“鸦片战争”(上)
推倒柏林墙 | 啼笑皆非的“鸦片战争”(中)


Lizhong passenger summary and obsessive disorder diagnosis (second alteration Edition)
(2014-10-17 22:39:02)


(2014-10-17 22:39:02)
TyrannyDestroyerV's blog



Lizhong off, they dialectics as the theoretical basis, the hot social issues involving public discussion always seems rational, neutral, objective and show his face, in the event of conflict between citizens and power in particular. Their world there is no absolute right, there is no absolute wrong; there is no absolute justice, there is no absolute evil. They believe: Gold also among flawed, excrement which are nutritious, no absolute gold, there is no absolute shit, therefore, gold is also undesirable, excrement also less tired.

However, they reason, in fact, is illogical; they are neutral, in fact, there is no position; their objective, in fact, deny everything. All passengers are over the top management in the patients, summed up can be divided into four categories: moral cleanliness, cleanliness motivation, the fact that over the top, the program (order) over the top. Below, I will elaborate each of these four obsessive symptoms, causes and treatments.
a moral cleanliness

symptoms: moral cleanliness demanded political struggle must be perfect, you can not have any blemishes on private morality, whether past or present. Even if it is unrelated to the event theme or style moral stain defects, such as prostitution, gambling, affair, second grade exam cheating, psychiatric history, and so, once they find will bite and hold. They believe that only qualified personnel to talk just finished, the political opposition.

onset of manifestations: "people who engage in political opposition, ass got to clean" (this phrase comes from the mouth of making things, making things, though not in the customer management, but it is undoubtedly the reason the guest mentor), "These people usually is a group of punks, as well qualified to talk about democracy, "" their moral character has a problem, but not moral to criticize government officials, huh "......

cause:? totalitarian indefensible not from facts and theory refute defenders and opposition, can only be used to discredit the ethics, morality has become a totalitarian hands Bucket, totalitarian according to their needs, the protesters dyed black or yellow, any private morality defects will be protesters seize issue, such as prostitution Xue Manzi, purely private morality issues, the country is the government newspapers, television and the Internet turns stir-fried, infinite zoom. Totalitarian also take this opportunity to establish their own brilliant moral image, moral monopoly interpretation of private morality to others to judge. And this country people, suffering from childhood moral education poison argued, the lack of understanding of freedom, in order to suppress the freedom of the moral situation is commonplace, it is a totalitarian one needle with blood, let a lot of people jump on the moral high ground, stormed the protest the moral, deny their protest qualifications.

complications 1: "Do you read the book what qualifications made several batches of Confucianism Confucianism??" "I wonder if you have not read xxxx, if not, do as early as possible for Western constitutional endorsement, you still qualify . "...... moral obsessive who judge others, since private morality can arbitrarily deny others oppose qualifications, then judge others knowledge, others require knowledge of self-censorship, denial of others debate qualifications, which is a natural thing.

Complications 2: "You're here all day long beep what use is it has the ability to do ah?!" "a group of gun party keyboard port, you kind of streets ah," "you know spray! You can come up with solutions to it? No shut up "...... obsessive person to another complication moral blackmail moral rights, is to criticize those who did not take action or propose a solution in the present grounds to deny people criticizing the government rights. Sadly yes, this symptom is common in young adults, is what makes these should be the most active young opposition criticized the government's so offensive behavior? I'll try to speculate about their psychological (I can only say "speculation" because I do not want to say so unsure of others in the true heart of the idea): House State cynical parents to educate their children from an early age to learn to concentrate, stay away from politics, plus the height of the Party School, forced alteration of the technical school exam-oriented education, the vast majority of young people only know how to do problems mainland research or play games Starchaser, basic knowledge of public affairs and civic knowledge is at the level of the Apes. However, no one is willing to admit their ignorance occlusion and when they see other people (especially peers) issued sharp unique insights for sensitive events, while they could not say anything, they seem to think that the other side to get a Dominant moral, contrasting his own ignorance, vanity made of glass broken mess. Jealous, so they began to irrational, "seems to be like, you know, you line your ah!" In short, both to cover up ignorance, and it looks on their own high-end air quality, rational and objective connotation, others because of rights awareness and reflection lack of capacity, this argument can not see the loopholes, but also gained a spiritual consolation, they will suit up screaming. So, "You OK you on" kind of shit unreasonable, unprecedented Siyaomianzi become ignorant of Wands, popular in the north and south.

treatment: the right to protest is a natural person, from God, does not require anyone's given, nor any reason to disappear. Whether rich or a beggar, priest or culprits, nuns or prostitutes, have equal rights struggle. Right above the moral and independent ethics, moral hazard can not result in a loss of rights, otherwise the government will be able to in the name of moral deprivation of any rights of any person. Moral issues are personal privacy, the government neither the capacity nor the moral qualifications for the referee, to evaluate a citizen of private morality. Criticizing someone is using the state propaganda machine immorality, moral or praise someone, are threatening position, in violation of the precepts of spiritual freedom principle alone, is a violation of personal liberty. Similarly, the right to criticize the government's fundamental human rights, freedom of expression enjoyed by everyone, the other either illiterate or educated car, regardless of whether come up with solutions, has the right to express views on social issues and expressed dissatisfaction with the government, You may not agree with each other's point of view, but can not ask each other to shut up. Finally, advise those who face the truth is more important than our people: not ashamed to admit their ignorance, everyone experiences from being brainwashed to the gradual awakening process residues, real shame, would rather go on forever ignorant, but also ridicule awakening people to defend their so-called face.
two motives obsessive

symptoms: requires that all protests must be completely spontaneous, not to support any party or outside forces, and the struggle must be rational enough, without any misleading information is untrue, Otherwise, the protest is justified. In addition, they are hostile to non-governmental charitable organizations, charity organizers frantically questioned the motives and guesswork to include a lot of "evidence" to support their assertion.

onset of manifestations: "Students will always be the group most likely to be instigated." "Do you think they are their own parade is sponsored by the DPP instigated they become tools in the hands of the politicians ''?!. It is said that the Ukrainian demonstrators, some people have been $ 30 a day to buy, manufacture violence in the crowd that it should be the proof test "in the high-end customer management:."? appeals to the public demonstrations to express, there are two possible : one is due to free will, one is bound to be fooled and do not be fooled if the former justice of the freedom to establish the legitimacy of the free, then for the same reason, which is inevitable so I do not have justice... said: liberty or give me death, was fooled by it or give me death "." protesters are planned to buy and incitement, making their demands are not from freedom, and this is where the error "" They violence, incitement will play others consequences were inciting the crowd, it certainly is not free. So the demands of the crowd, but also very suspicious. "" lichengpeng show! false relief to seek fame and fortune in the name! "" lichengpeng corruption money! From this we can see a few photos , the number of tents have a problem. "" Do you think the West would be no reason to help us achieve democratic freedom? naive! anti-China forces of democracy and freedom are an excuse to seek interests in China "......

cause a conspiracy theory. The best way to maintain authoritarian slavery, is to portray itself as the protector of the people, so that people in order to avoid foreign "aggression" and choose to obey, so rendering external threat, exaggerated or even fabricated his country became the autocratic rulers of malicious tested the trick. Totalitarian conspiracy theory produce toxic milk, from small children to forced feeding, so that they contracted delusions of persecution, will think of a hostile foreign devil, and feel free to take their own lives, so it will be a Huangbuzelu totalitarian headlong embrace of the devil as a real savior. From primary and secondary education pseudo-history, to the newspaper and TV trick to analyze the situation, never stop totalitarian propaganda conspiracy theory. The domestic political opponents with "hostile forces" link to help deepen spectator protest misunderstanding and fear. In today's highly developed Internet, once the planet fight happen anywhere, the message will be spread around the world with the speed of light, in order to prevent a snowball effect and the demonstration effect of foreign protest movement may be released, the autocratic Zheyi spare no effort to slander them, will it comes down to partisan politics or extremism committed, and the phenomenon of violence and chaos continued to enlarge the struggle arise.

cause of two, stands to judge. Totalitarian will take all possible handle to deny the legitimacy of protest, as long as there a little bit of violence, totalitarianism would be defined as a violent protest unrest as a pretext for repression, and even some government sent plainclothes police posing as protestors the violence, to justify repression. Unfortunately, the rationale for the passenger who followed this line of thought, the minority mob protests throughout imposed vandalism, or simply because some people are buying, they said the protest was to fool the product, this is the full name of the judge's guilty logic errors.

cause of three: the concept of hybridization. The incidence of performance listed above, mostly from the original words of reason in a sincere friend and me off debate, you can see, my friend obviously mistaken concept of freedom. In addition, it is to be fooled and protests have nothing to do justice, to him they are not forced to mate the two concepts, give birth to a dubious theory.

etiology four: right boundaries blur. Most of those who questioned the civil society, do not know what can qualify for individuals motives questioned, the group has the right circles chaos.

treatment: one for the cause, notice the biggest threat comes from authoritarian rather than foreign, for foreign countries, the cost of doing business is much lower than the war, tyranny will have to do anything to maintain their slavery. Conspiracy theorists talk about the difficulty of peaceful evolution and Masonic scheme of things, do not think that their government would be plotting, however, politics more transparent, the higher the degree of freedom of the country, its government planning and implementation of the larger conspiracy, the possibility also The smaller it is in terms of logical or empirical conclusions can, therefore, conspiracy theorists think about how their government is better to take advantage of this kind of psychological, plunder your wealth and freedom. "Foreign forces" may be able to buy fifty protesters, they were able to buy five hundred thousand demonstrators it? Those who think that all the protesters do not have free will, only allow "a handful of instigators" of the mercy of people who, like spiritual giant baby not yet weaned, is totalitarian tell ghost stories scared out of their wits, and with the same childish look at everyone. Moreover, if the foreign intervention can bring freedom, why not accept it? Nobody believes the spread of democracy in Western countries is not out of their own interests to consider: the overthrow of a violation of human rights, the destruction of nature, totalitarian regimes threaten world peace, adding an ally, of course, in line with its own interests (you know, the so-called "anti-China forces." Anti is a total, not China, not to be confused with the Communist Party and China). We might make a trade, diplomacy some concessions in exchange for themselves and future generations of freedom, security and dignity, is not that a good deal right? Conversely, what we strive to maintain the benefits of red rot brutal regime it? It is time to abandon the foolish and illusory national complex, and it is compared with the freedom worthless.

to cause two, it is recommended to learn the logic, you always accuse others of "sweeping", but then his sweeping blind.

for the cause of three, it is necessary to explain the concept and legitimacy issues, freedom, that individuals have in scope only responsible for their own rights in accordance with the wishes of their own rather than others to act, simply say is not mandatory. Figuratively, a consumer listening to the spell of false advertising, buying inferior products, he is still free, because his purchases out of his own free will. False advertising are fraud, but as long as the business did not force him to buy a knife, there is no violation of his freedom. Government legislation prohibiting false advertising, but not prohibit consumers to buy fake products, empathy, can prohibit someone deliberately fabricate false information, but can not forbid people to believe it and took to the streets, even if they really had a fool. Demonstrators protest is a natural human right, even where there is fraud and trading, it is legitimate, is not affected by motivation. The motivation is difficult to prove precisely, and vulnerable to misinterpretation and slander, if the right motives as an excuse to deny the legitimacy of the result would be completely lost that right.

to cause four notes only, and to establish a contractual relationship lichengpeng people (to give him donations, donate tents people) are eligible to request Chengpeng explanation for their actions, as it relates to donate their own property whereabouts, and no interest in the Chengpeng people do not have this qualification, lichengpeng since they have no obligation to prove innocence. For these people, the most effective remedy is a paper defamation lawsuit. Here, someone will ask: So, why are you going to question the Red Cross and other government departments and officials do? Defamation lawsuit against government officials are not afraid of you do? For this problem, I will answer in the next, "the fact that over the top" section.
three facts obsessive

symptoms: those loyal to the fact that on the surface of the fact that over the top, focus on the evidence, not to believe "rumors", which was originally a good quality, but the facts are often selective obsessive respect the facts, very stringent requirements for citizenship, the government actually quite tolerant, and often out the government's "achievements" to offset their sins. In addition, they question everything, does not recognize the existence of a true democracy and freedom in this world. Exact revenge from the fact that over the top breeding theory, in order to have a totalitarian Minions elution guilt, to make impossible demands freedom fighters. They often deal with the fact that the attitude of double standards, always pulled to talk about specific situations in other cases can only set up "facts", but actually different situations, they were intentionally or unintentionally ignored.

incidence of performance:. "read so many comments, and did not produce evidence to prove that a person who is put in the fire, they have insisted that the government is" "can be seen from Snowden event American so-called freedom of speech is so hypocritical. "" Although there are many problems of the Communist Party, but also made a lot of achievements, the degree of economic development of China in more than thirty years, the West for centuries, today's standard of living relative to the same fifty years ago Is not it has been greatly improved over it? Government is not without merit, it should give it some chance, you can not generalize, to completely negate the Communist Party. "" The United States is not entirely free of corruption and secret operations, which country are the same, never absolute freedom. "" Patrick torture killing of people are involved in it? which also have innocent people ah! those who applauded as a murderer, and you respect the fact? you respect other people's life? "" Some of the so-called demolitions were, in fact, ask for astronomical compensation rogue government to give them compensation have been enough. "" Democracy is the art of compromise, the Hong Kong people do not understand it, have to fight to break the death, showing that they require democracy . it just populist ''? Why do you have to pull the black, I can not do it myself to respect other people's freedom of speech, as well as face the pursuit of freedom of speech "......

cause one: they do not understand free speech Meaning, do not know the scale against the government and against the freedom of speech of citizens is different. Those who do not believe in the fact that over the top, "grapevine", but often superstitious authority, tend to believe the government.

cause two: pay attention to the fact that bias, selective ignoring the fact that an error of the free world, let them ignore all the achievements made in her past. This is a long-term selective totalitarian propaganda fabrication bias at work.

cause three: confusion should be natural and real natural.

etiology four: These people do not understand who is leading the economic development, and the party will always credit to themselves, they will be believed without thinking.

etiology five: merits and demerits balance of dialectical thinking.

etiology six: they do not understand, totalitarian actions it has made everyone in a state of war, but war is not exact revenge theory of markets.

etiology seven: management of customer statements tend to have this characteristic: every word in a way that they are correct, or at least some truth, but in view of the specific context becomes preposterous. They do not consider the proposition to make the pre-conditions are satisfied, only knew others, casually grafting.

treatment: Former US Supreme Court Justice Brennan defended freedom of expression such as: "the discussion of public affairs should be uninhibited, energetic and widely publicized." annals of the New York Times Co. v. Sullivan established the following principles: Citizens have the right to freely express their views on public affairs, even though there is no evidence to support his assertion. If the final remark proved to be false, the Government has no right to pursue punishment, unless it can prove intent to commit fraud speaker system (in fact, due to very difficult to prove intent, in the United States, government officials simply can not win a libel lawsuit, the government of sin and slander Britain instigate such crime charges, has long been with the infamous "incitement Prevention Law" was scored along the dustbin of history). If you require citizens must be confirmed before forwarding and comment on any social event its authenticity, or they may be impunity, no one dared to participate in the public debate, citizens will not be able to exercise the right to supervise the government, therefore, should prove themselves innocent, bear the burden of proof is the government, not the citizens. Moreover, the government has a huge respect to the citizens of violence, resources and information superiority, it is entirely possible to take advantage of them to cover up the fact that the citizens of proof is extremely difficult, Lizhong off seemingly neutral stance, actually favor the government.

those who accuse the United States of freedom of speech "hypocritical", and seems to have forgotten, if not the United States effective protection of freedom of speech, the New York Times has already lost because of the closure of the Sullivan, Nixon will not result in Watergate were exposed to step down, Holmes and Brandeis Judges and other great classics verdict, the judges will not be later referenced countless times, to defend freedom of expression. The country's government propaganda focus, such as is often reflected in the United States to show Sullivan bad race conditions, or by the Watergate political system of the United States for some sucker downright ridicule. Mentally handicapped mentally retarded thinking propaganda smoked out.

for with no absolute freedom as an excuse to deny the freedom to not have absolute corruption of democracy as an excuse not to deny democracy to say, and I quote Christine @ Ye silent passage as a prescription: "ought, so that should be ideal state; the Real, real is the case, the reality state, the state of the practice ought to be 100 points, the practice is to identify how many points the benchmark test based on intuition most natural and should be able to distinguish between real enough, but because of difficulties in practice. ought to be regarded as the extreme, thus negating ought. "Lizhong off their logic, that does not actually exist in order to comply with things that ought to be the standard by negation ought, and ought to negate up to make the world more Good effort. In addition, no one thinks freedom is whatever they want, "absolute freedom" is a pseudo-concept, the rationale for the passenger who imagined an enemy that does not exist, then it kicked his red, exhilaration.

China in just a few decades to complete the West a century of development, this is not true, but the architects of this achievement is not the Communist Party, but the rapid advances in technology, economic globalization development of competition in the market self-regulation, and thousands of ordinary people the wisdom and sweat. After the evolution of totalitarian rulers catch a ride, just as a monkey can learn to use a rope knotted in ten minutes, but thus can not conclude that the monkeys in minutes highly evolved intelligence, grasp the use of the rope skills. There are already mature Western economies and technological achievements as a reference, China's development, they do not deliberately obstructed by the government, must study than in the West - the scale of the original type much faster pace, which - theory - practice - trial and error is the catch-up effect (catch-up effect) manifestation, nothing to do with the Communist Party. Moreover, the Communist Party played in a long time hindered the development of the role of planning devastating economic stagnation, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution and other disasters on the economy, clearly show the Communist Party is a sinner and not the hero. Reform and opening up is not its merits, but it relaxed this is not to intervene in the economic field that controls the rapid economic reform and opening up, but in turn proves the above point. Emperor

evaluation or a leader of a "meritorious had" "toss-up" or "March On" is a common saying in customer management, its achievements and the problem is that the sin simplified abstract The "power" and "off", you can add and subtract and cancel each other out. Evil is evil, once committed, it causes irreversible damage, no matter how brilliant the great achievements can not wash its trail of blood left in the history books. Achievements and sin not simple addition and subtraction, because victims endure evil has always been an individual, hard balance of muddy water had washed the blood, is to ignore the tragedy of the individual, depriving individuals of their liquidation suffered injustice and revenge and get the right to compensation, is inhuman, inhumane. A violation of human rights abuses of the regime of life, no matter how many accomplishments achieved, must be brought to trial.

@ Wuyuechunqiu V in "freedom killer" that: When freedom rights are infringed irreversible, people have natural rights against aggression. He cited in the text of several rights and freedoms by the irreversible infringement case, I would like to discuss only three cases in which the most easy to judge and understand: life safety are violated or threatened property are infringed or threatened, speech, procession, association rights (ie rights struggles) have been violated or threatened.

right to life is the foundation of all rights, is the most fundamental of all rights and freedoms, the most important, so when a person's life (body) had been violated or threatened (ie infringement is imminent, or infringement who sincerely believe that infringement is imminent), and he was in a state of war, you can use any means, including deadly force to protect their lives. Private property is an important basis for the preservation of life, is the basic guarantee of quality of life, the personal property of their own sacrosanct sovereignty (where the "violation" has two meanings: one is forced destruction and deprivation, the second is forced to replace or said the forced transaction, regardless of whether there is or how much compensation), in the event of robbery, demolitions blood sign, trespass private homes, etc., the warnings can directly kill intruders. To protest rights violations, must be accompanied by a threat to lives and property were violated, and therefore should be regarded as a declaration of war on the individual.

@ Wuyuechunqiu V made such a question: "When the head of the government the country who have tanks, guns, and a variety of social resources the wall right of approval, and set a limited enough to tease individual life autocratic cages, exact revenge become so delusional when, why individuals in this life to save their rights and dignity? injustice head in accordance with the principles of the main debt, equivalent to give up, or make no difference to the government of the country in retaliation chief subordinates? " Revenge off their ideal of science should be like this: Patrick holding a knife, over layers of barbed wire and fences, to avoid all the checkpoints and the monitor, if unfortunate enough to be found, he must pass through a hail of bullets, accurate cut torture that person's own head, this process does not harm anyone else. Needless to say, this kind of idea how ridiculous. What's more, others not directly involved in evil minions are equally guilty, even if they do not have the courage to publicly defected, you can secretly expose evil, even if it can not do, at least they can resign. Choose to continue to wear uniforms, carrying batons, is to choose to continue draconian. Management believes the customer themselves do not believe that, when Patrick toward torture their own people, next to the "innocent people" were not raised the pistol to be a fatal blow. Police practices are equal to their anti-war of aggression on the individual's adversary in the war, look for the cap and uniform of killing that is justifiable behavior!

for the cause of seven, consider this: If someone wants to cut off your arm, you will be hard to resist, then suddenly someone asks you to give up resistance, but also earnestly advised:! "compromise it made him only half cut you a good arm. "absurd, right? But this is the reason the customer's logic! Democracy is the art of compromise, yes, can the prerequisite is to have a democratic right? Talk about the situation in the absence of democratic compromise within the democratic framework, this is ridiculous bear, unilaterally called for protesters to compromise, it is tantamount to capitulate. Compromise, referring to the parties in the course of the game in order to get the most important, the most basic things, to give up some of the less important things, and the right to vote in general elections, fair and transparent electoral process, as well as participation unchecked eligible for election, has been the most important, the most basic demands, and further compromise the space has zero Lizhong gentlemen, you will agree that the loss of half of the arm of a "compromise" do? In the absence of the basic rights of talk about compromise, and talk about tolerance in the case without trial, are the contemporary version of the "sarcastic" funny than no limit.

Imagine another scenario: You courtyard filled with visitors, we were sitting happily talk about philosophical issues, then suddenly broke into a stranger, mouthful of nonsense, and still a few curse swearing, you really do not want to communicate with him, so seriously ask him to leave, but he increasingly exciting, never-ending brawl. Will the rationale of the lobbyists, you call the police if he has been intolerable, or took a forced Zhuke pan out? Weibo is the same, you can freely publish their own micro-blog, in addition to a secretary outside nobody stop you, but individuals are private microblogging territory, it is not because of its openness and change, I have my micro Bo's full sovereignty, and therefore I have the right to make you shut up in my territory. "I do not agree with you, but I defend to the death your right to say" no problem, if the authorities take the tape to seal your mouth, I will try to help you rip, because you have the right to publish a public place for public affairs view; but if you vociferous in my yard, I do not blame you out of the house, because this is my yard, which is the difference between public and private domains domain, pull the black does not infringe on your freedom of speech. Prior to Voltaire's famous quote, please find out under what circumstances it applies.
four programs (order) obsessive

symptoms: Program obsessive believe in the value of procedural justice higher than substantive justice, protesters must act within the limits prescribed by law, or must exhaust all possible After the appeal channels within the system in order to use extraordinary measures, otherwise, is populist protest, protesters that mob, is the destruction of democracy and the rule of law is the culprit. Some people believe that a democratically elected government enjoys immunity while in office to fight, and then dismiss it when people legitimately have to wait until the next election. There is the argument that since the state has a monopoly on the right to use violence, the people can not take on any case of violence.

onset of manifestations: "Taiwanese student keeps requirements of procedural justice that he did not follow the procedural justice." "Legislative Yuan and the Executive Yuan is not a legitimate place for demonstrations, forcibly occupied the legislature interrupt routine legislative activity, disrupting the democratic order, violate the principle of the rule of law. "" Because of dissatisfaction with a policy on the occupation of the Legislative Yuan, with this precedent, why maintain democracy in the future? This is not a democracy, but populism. "" In the US, Congress will be firmly suppressed occupation. "" Aristotle is legitimate democratically elected president, and it was mob overturned. Democracy Is whatever they want? "" Law Enforcement violence is wrong, people chased violent assault on the right? not alarm you? "......

cause one: reverse order. The procedural justice on top of substantial justice, can not distinguish primary and secondary, the program became a doctrine.

cause two: do not realize the difference between the general struggle and uphold the constitution behavior.

cause three: people fighting for cherished neurotic fear democracy backwards all the blame to the students, ignoring the government's first-mover evil. Phobia undoubtedly struggle from totalitarian propaganda to discredit the protest movement at home and abroad, for the protesters questioned the moral and motivation, stir conspiracy theory, the violence occurred during the protest magnify, or even fabricate lies and distortion of facts ...... a lot of violence in the manufacture of a totalitarian government, then under the reported size of the strong contrasts and peacefulness of the whitewash was quietly erased.

etiology four: that mature democracies implement democratic system is perfect.

etiology five: the legitimacy of the ruling that will not get lost once, I do not know the ultimate source of legitimacy.

etiology Six: do not understand the principles of a reasonable extension of self-defense, ignoring the people no longer believe in the law of reason.

treatment: For questions of procedural justice and substantive justice of priorities after the stone floor @ made the most wonderful answer: "logical relationship can not be reversed substantive justice and procedural justice, substantive justice is the goal, the program Justice is the means, the latter for the former service, the two complement each other. procedural justice can not exist in isolation, to become masters, since a purpose, that would lead to the absolute supremacy tendencies program. Moreover, the development of procedural justice rules and judgment are bound with human factors there is imperfect, which may cause damage to the substantial justice. "When not only fail to follow the program to achieve substantial justice, and became one of the causes of injustice, the program lost its meaning, this time, do not stick corrective action program could bring new vitality to the program. Obsessive who require exhaustive procedure within the institutional means, desperately trying to force people to appeal it?

when the constitutional system was deliberately exploit loopholes to undermine the essence of justice when, this system would come to life and death, it could lose identity, is facing collapse. Uphold the constitution is to save the last constitutional dam, with the revolutionary power, as it is for the guardian role of human freedom is so important that people have to be classified as a natural right, and beyond all positive law and precedence constraints exist. Higher than the constitutional right to uphold the constitution, the constitution does not specify whether it is allowed to uphold the constitution and the exercise of the right of way, people can because of cost considerations, choose a more modest means, but radical means still missing legitimacy. KMT deliberately exploit the constitutional system and the legislative process, so that the service trade agreement through uncensored, this is intolerable provocation to the democratic order and violated. Taiwanese students move far beyond the usual sense of demonstrators protest against the policies of a specific anti-trade clothing belonging to the ordinary demands of anti-black box behavior is uphold the constitution, though not legally occupied, but justified (on the difference between legality and legitimacy Refer @ Ye Christine silent microblogging).

some order to the protests were supreme nervousness, illegal demonstrators little insignificant let them out of their wits, shouting populist coming, as if "populist," the danger is more urgent than the risk of tyranny like, but do not think about it, how can violence unarmed populace capable of producing a par with the organization of the government to control the violence. Mankind's most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements will always be the first time in the military, with the development of history, a group of farmers to chop wood for the soldiers, Jiegan for the flag, you can overthrow a dynasty era long gone by, as So guard it? Moreover students occupied the whole action in order, can not be called violence.

"Britain will not tolerate such behavior." Such claims can easily intimidate those who lack knowledge, but also a lack of position. But first, the factual level, this argument is wrong: 2011 Wisconsin State Capitol occupied people, the government did not forcibly suppressed, and the court ruled that the executive branch the right to limit the number of demonstrators to enter parliament. From another angle, even if true repression, and repression can not prove justified, the government may not be the first to use violence against the citizens, which is not touch the bottom line.
Lizhong off obsessive disorder diagnosis

gathering and processing of passengers, they dialectics as the theoretical basis, the hot social issues involving public discussion always seems rational, neutral, objective and show his face in the citizenship occurred This is especially true when the event of conflict with authority. Their world there is no absolute right, there is no absolute wrong; there is no absolute justice, there is no absolute evil. They believe: Gold also among flawed, excrement which are nutritious, no absolute gold, there is no absolute shit, therefore, gold is also undesirable, excrement also less tired.

However, they reason, in fact, is illogical; they are neutral, in fact, there is no position; their objective, in fact, deny everything. All passengers are over the top management in the patients, summed up can be divided into four categories: moral cleanliness, cleanliness motivation, the fact that over the top, the program (order) over the top. Below, I will elaborate each of these four obsessive symptoms, causes and treatments.
a moral cleanliness

symptoms: moral cleanliness demanded political struggle must be perfect, you can not have any blemishes on private morality, whether past or present. Even if it is unrelated to the event theme or style moral stain defects, such as prostitution, gambling, affair, second grade exam cheating, psychiatric history, and so, once they find will bite and hold. They believe that only qualified personnel to talk just finished, the political opposition.

onset of manifestations: "people who engage in political opposition, ass got to clean" (this phrase comes from the mouth of making things, making things, though not in the customer management, but it is undoubtedly the reason the guest mentor), "These people usually is a group of punks, as well qualified to talk about democracy, "" their moral character has a problem, but not moral to criticize government officials, huh "......

cause:? totalitarian indefensible not from facts and theory refute defenders and opposition, can only be used to discredit the ethics, morality has become a totalitarian hands Bucket, totalitarian according to their needs, the protesters dyed black or yellow, any private morality defects will be protesters seize issue, such as prostitution Xue Manzi, purely private morality issues, the country is the government newspapers, television and the Internet turns stir-fried, infinite zoom. Totalitarian also take this opportunity to establish their own brilliant moral image, moral monopoly interpretation of private morality to others to judge. And this country people, suffering from childhood moral education poison argued, the lack of understanding of freedom, in order to suppress the freedom of the moral situation is commonplace, it is a totalitarian one needle with blood, let a lot of people jump on the moral high ground, stormed the protest the moral, deny their protest qualifications.

complications 1: "Do you read the book what qualifications made several batches of Confucianism Confucianism??" "I wonder if you have not read xxxx, if not, do as early as possible for Western constitutional endorsement, you still qualify . "...... moral obsessive who judge others, since private morality can arbitrarily deny others oppose qualifications, then judge others knowledge, others require knowledge of self-censorship, denial of others debate qualifications, which is a natural thing.

Complications 2: "You're here all day long beep what use is it has the ability to do ah?!" "a group of gun party keyboard port, you kind of streets ah," "you know spray! You can come up with solutions to it? No shut up "...... obsessive person to another complication moral blackmail moral rights, is to criticize those who did not take action or propose a solution in the present grounds to deny people criticizing the government rights. Sadly yes, this symptom is common in young adults, is what makes these should be the most active young opposition criticized the government's so offensive behavior? I'll try to speculate about their psychological (I can only say "speculation" because I do not want to say so unsure of others in the true heart of the idea): House State cynical parents to educate their children from an early age to learn to concentrate, stay away from politics, plus the height of the Party School, forced alteration of the technical school exam-oriented education, the vast majority of young people only know how to do problems mainland research or play games Starchaser, basic knowledge of public affairs and civic knowledge is at the level of the Apes. However, no one is willing to admit their ignorance occlusion and when they see other people (especially peers) issued sharp unique insights for sensitive events, while they could not say anything, they seem to think that the other side to get a Dominant moral, contrasting his own ignorance, vanity made of glass broken mess. Jealous, so they began to irrational, "seems to be like, you know, you line your ah!" In short, both to cover up ignorance, and it looks on their own high-end air quality, rational and objective connotation, others because of rights awareness and reflection lack of capacity, this argument can not see the loopholes, but also gained a spiritual consolation, they will suit up screaming. So, "You OK you on" kind of shit unreasonable, unprecedented Siyaomianzi become ignorant of Wands, popular in the north and south.

treatment: the right to protest is a natural person, from God, does not require anyone's given, nor any reason to disappear. Whether rich or a beggar, priest or culprits, nuns or prostitutes, have equal rights struggle. Right above the moral and independent ethics, moral hazard can not result in a loss of rights, otherwise the government will be able to in the name of moral deprivation of any rights of any person. Moral issues are personal privacy, the government neither the capacity nor the moral qualifications for the referee, to evaluate a citizen of private morality. Criticizing someone is using the state propaganda machine immorality, moral or praise someone, are threatening position, in violation of the precepts of spiritual freedom principle alone, is a violation of personal liberty. Similarly, the right to criticize the government's fundamental human rights, freedom of expression enjoyed by everyone, the other either illiterate or educated car, regardless of whether come up with solutions, has the right to express views on social issues and expressed dissatisfaction with the government, You may not agree with each other's point of view, but can not ask each other to shut up. Finally, advise those who face the truth is more important than our people: not ashamed to admit their ignorance, everyone experiences from being brainwashed to the gradual awakening process residues, real shame, would rather go on forever ignorant, but also ridicule awakening people to defend their so-called face.
two motives obsessive

symptoms: requires that all protests must be completely spontaneous, not to support any party or outside forces, and the struggle must be rational enough, without any misleading information is untrue, Otherwise, the protest is justified. In addition, they are hostile to non-governmental charitable organizations, charity organizers frantically questioned the motives and guesswork to include a lot of "evidence" to support their assertion.

onset of manifestations: "Students will always be the group most likely to be instigated." "Do you think they are their own parade is sponsored by the DPP instigated they become tools in the hands of the politicians ''?!. It is said that the Ukrainian demonstrators, some people have been $ 30 a day to buy, manufacture violence in the crowd that it should be the proof test "in the high-end customer management:."? appeals to the public demonstrations to express, there are two possible : one is due to free will, one is bound to be fooled and do not be fooled if the former justice of the freedom to establish the legitimacy of the free, then for the same reason, which is inevitable so I do not have justice... said: liberty or give me death, was fooled by it or give me death "." protesters are planned to buy and incitement, making their demands are not from freedom, and this is where the error "" They violence, incitement will play others consequences were inciting the crowd, it certainly is not free. So the demands of the crowd, but also very suspicious. "" lichengpeng show! false relief to seek fame and fortune in the name! "" lichengpeng corruption money! From this we can see a few photos , the number of tents have a problem. "" Do you think the West would be no reason to help us achieve democratic freedom? naive! anti-China forces of democracy and freedom are an excuse to seek interests in China "......

cause a conspiracy theory. The best way to maintain authoritarian slavery, is to portray itself as the protector of the people, so that people in order to avoid foreign "aggression" and choose to obey, so rendering external threat, exaggerated or even fabricated his country became the autocratic rulers of malicious tested the trick. Totalitarian conspiracy theory produce toxic milk, from small children to forced feeding, so that they contracted delusions of persecution, will think of a hostile foreign devil, and feel free to take their own lives, so it will be a Huangbuzelu totalitarian headlong embrace of the devil as a real savior. From primary and secondary education pseudo-history, to the newspaper and TV trick to analyze the situation, never stop totalitarian propaganda conspiracy theory. The domestic political opponents with "hostile forces" link to help deepen spectator protest misunderstanding and fear. In today's highly developed Internet, once the planet fight happen anywhere, the message will be spread around the world with the speed of light, in order to prevent a snowball effect and the demonstration effect of foreign protest movement may be released, the autocratic Zheyi spare no effort to slander them, will it comes down to partisan politics or extremism committed, and the phenomenon of violence and chaos continued to enlarge the struggle arise.

cause of two, stands to judge. Totalitarian will take all possible handle to deny the legitimacy of protest, as long as there a little bit of violence, totalitarianism would be defined as a violent protest unrest as a pretext for repression, and even some government sent plainclothes police posing as protestors the violence, to justify repression. Unfortunately, the rationale for the passenger who followed this line of thought, the minority mob protests throughout imposed vandalism, or simply because some people are buying, they said the protest was to fool the product, this is the full name of the judge's guilty logic errors.

cause of three: the concept of hybridization. The incidence of performance listed above, mostly from the original words of reason in a sincere friend and me off debate, you can see, my friend obviously mistaken concept of freedom. In addition, it is to be fooled and protests have nothing to do justice, to him they are not forced to mate the two concepts, give birth to a dubious theory.

etiology four: right boundaries blur. Most of those who questioned the civil society, do not know what can qualify for individuals motives questioned, the group has the right circles chaos.

treatment: one for the cause, notice the biggest threat comes from authoritarian rather than foreign, for foreign countries, the cost of doing business is much lower than the war, tyranny will have to do anything to maintain their slavery. Conspiracy theorists talk about the difficulty of peaceful evolution and Masonic scheme of things, do not think that their government would be plotting, however, politics more transparent, the higher the degree of freedom of the country, its government planning and implementation of the larger conspiracy, the possibility also The smaller it is in terms of logical or empirical conclusions can, therefore, conspiracy theorists think about how their government is better to take advantage of this kind of psychological, plunder your wealth and freedom. "Foreign forces" may be able to buy fifty protesters, they were able to buy five hundred thousand demonstrators it? Those who think that all the protesters do not have free will, only allow "a handful of instigators" of the mercy of people who, like spiritual giant baby not yet weaned, is totalitarian tell ghost stories scared out of their wits, and with the same childish look at everyone. Moreover, if the foreign intervention can bring freedom, why not accept it? Nobody believes the spread of democracy in Western countries is not out of their own interests to consider: the overthrow of a violation of human rights, the destruction of nature, totalitarian regimes threaten world peace, adding an ally, of course, in line with its own interests (you know, the so-called "anti-China forces." Anti is a total, not China, not to be confused with the Communist Party and China). We might make a trade, diplomacy some concessions in exchange for themselves and future generations of freedom, security and dignity, is not that a good deal right? Conversely, what we strive to maintain the benefits of red rot brutal regime it? It is time to abandon the foolish and illusory national complex, and it is compared with the freedom worthless.

to cause two, it is recommended to learn the logic, you always accuse others of "sweeping", but then his sweeping blind.

for the cause of three, it is necessary to explain the concept and legitimacy issues, freedom, that individuals have in scope only responsible for their own rights in accordance with the wishes of their own rather than others to act, simply say is not mandatory. Figuratively, a consumer listening to the spell of false advertising, buying inferior products, he is still free, because his purchases out of his own free will. False advertising are fraud, but as long as the business did not force him to buy a knife, there is no violation of his freedom. Government legislation prohibiting false advertising, but not prohibit consumers to buy fake products, empathy, can prohibit someone deliberately fabricate false information, but can not forbid people to believe it and took to the streets, even if they really had a fool. Demonstrators protest is a natural human right, even where there is fraud and trading, it is legitimate, is not affected by motivation. The motivation is difficult to prove precisely, and vulnerable to misinterpretation and slander, if the right motives as an excuse to deny the legitimacy of the result would be completely lost that right.

to cause four notes only, and to establish a contractual relationship lichengpeng people (to give him donations, donate tents people) are eligible to request Chengpeng explanation for their actions, as it relates to donate their own property whereabouts, and no interest in the Chengpeng people do not have this qualification, lichengpeng since they have no obligation to prove innocence. For these people, the most effective remedy is a paper defamation lawsuit. Here, someone will ask: So, why are you going to question the Red Cross and other government departments and officials do? Defamation lawsuit against government officials are not afraid of you do? For this problem, I will answer in the next, "the fact that over the top" section.
three facts obsessive

symptoms: those loyal to the fact that on the surface of the fact that over the top, focus on the evidence, not to believe "rumors", which was originally a good quality, but the facts are often selective obsessive respect the facts, very stringent requirements for citizenship, the government actually quite tolerant, and often out the government's "achievements" to offset their sins. In addition, they question everything, does not recognize the existence of a true democracy and freedom in this world. Exact revenge from the fact that over the top breeding theory, in order to have a totalitarian Minions elution guilt, to make impossible demands freedom fighters. They often deal with the fact that the attitude of double standards, always pulled to talk about specific situations in other cases can only set up "facts", but actually different situations, they were intentionally or unintentionally ignored.

incidence of performance:. "read so many comments, and did not produce evidence to prove that a person who is put in the fire, they have insisted that the government is" "can be seen from Snowden event American so-called freedom of speech is so hypocritical. "" Although there are many problems of the Communist Party, but also made a lot of achievements, the degree of economic development of China in more than thirty years, the West for centuries, today's standard of living relative to the same fifty years ago Is not it has been greatly improved over it? Government is not without merit, it should give it some chance, you can not generalize, to completely negate the Communist Party. "" The United States is not entirely free of corruption and secret operations, which country are the same, never absolute freedom. "" Patrick torture killing of people are involved in it? which also have innocent people ah! those who applauded as a murderer, and you respect the fact? you respect other people's life? "" Some of the so-called demolitions were, in fact, ask for astronomical compensation rogue government to give them compensation have been enough. "" Democracy is the art of compromise, the Hong Kong people do not understand it, have to fight to break the death, showing that they require democracy . it just populist ''? Why do you have to pull the black, I can not do it myself to respect other people's freedom of speech, as well as face the pursuit of freedom of speech "......

cause one: they do not understand free speech Meaning, do not know the scale against the government and against the freedom of speech of citizens is different. Those who do not believe in the fact that over the top, "grapevine", but often superstitious authority, tend to believe the government.

cause two: pay attention to the fact that bias, selective ignoring the fact that an error of the free world, let them ignore all the achievements made in her past. This is a long-term selective totalitarian propaganda fabrication bias at work.

cause three: confusion should be natural and real natural.

etiology four: These people do not understand who is leading the economic development, and the party will always credit to themselves, they will be believed without thinking.

etiology five: merits and demerits balance of dialectical thinking.

etiology six: they do not understand, totalitarian actions it has made everyone in a state of war, but war is not exact revenge theory of markets.

etiology seven: management of customer statements tend to have this characteristic: every word in a way that they are correct, or at least some truth, but in view of the specific context becomes preposterous. They do not consider the proposition to make the pre-conditions are satisfied, only knew others, casually grafting.

treatment: Former US Supreme Court Justice Brennan defended freedom of expression such as: "the discussion of public affairs should be uninhibited, energetic and widely publicized." annals of the New York Times Co. v. Sullivan established the following principles: Citizens have the right to freely express their views on public affairs, even though there is no evidence to support his assertion. If the final remark proved to be false, the Government has no right to pursue punishment, unless it can prove intent to commit fraud speaker system (in fact, due to very difficult to prove intent, in the United States, government officials simply can not win a libel lawsuit, the government of sin and slander Britain instigate such crime charges, has long been with the infamous "incitement Prevention Law" was scored along the dustbin of history). If you require citizens must be confirmed before forwarding and comment on any social event its authenticity, or they may be impunity, no one dared to participate in the public debate, citizens will not be able to exercise the right to supervise the government, therefore, should prove themselves innocent, bear the burden of proof is the government, not the citizens. Moreover, the government has a huge respect to the citizens of violence, resources and information superiority, it is entirely possible to take advantage of them to cover up the fact that the citizens of proof is extremely difficult, Lizhong off seemingly neutral stance, actually favor the government.

those who accuse the United States of freedom of speech "hypocritical", and seems to have forgotten, if not the United States effective protection of freedom of speech, the New York Times has already lost because of the closure of the Sullivan, Nixon will not result in Watergate were exposed to step down, Holmes and Brandeis Judges and other great classics verdict, the judges will not be later referenced countless times, to defend freedom of expression. The country's government propaganda focus, such as is often reflected in the United States to show Sullivan bad race conditions, or by the Watergate political system of the United States for some sucker downright ridicule. Mentally handicapped mentally retarded thinking propaganda smoked out.

for with no absolute freedom as an excuse to deny the freedom to not have absolute corruption of democracy as an excuse not to deny democracy to say, and I quote Christine @ Ye silent passage as a prescription: "ought, so that should be ideal state; the Real, real is the case, the reality state, the state of the practice ought to be 100 points, the practice is to identify how many points the benchmark test based on intuition most natural and should be able to distinguish between real enough, but because of difficulties in practice. ought to be regarded as the extreme, thus negating ought. "Lizhong off their logic, that does not actually exist in order to comply with things that ought to be the standard by negation ought, and ought to negate up to make the world more Good effort. In addition, no one thinks freedom is whatever they want, "absolute freedom" is a pseudo-concept, the rationale for the passenger who imagined an enemy that does not exist, then it kicked his red, exhilaration.

China in just a few decades to complete the West a century of development, this is not true, but the architects of this achievement is not the Communist Party, but the rapid advances in technology, economic globalization development of competition in the market self-regulation, and thousands of ordinary people the wisdom and sweat. After the evolution of totalitarian rulers catch a ride, just as a monkey can learn to use a rope knotted in ten minutes, but thus can not conclude that the monkeys in minutes highly evolved intelligence, grasp the use of the rope skills. There are already mature Western economies and technological achievements as a reference, China's development, they do not deliberately obstructed by the government, must study than in the West - the scale of the original type much faster pace, which - theory - practice - trial and error is the catch-up effect (catch-up effect) manifestation, nothing to do with the Communist Party. Moreover, the Communist Party played in a long time hindered the development of the role of planning devastating economic stagnation, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution and other disasters on the economy, clearly show the Communist Party is a sinner and not the hero. Reform and opening up is not its merits, but it relaxed this is not to intervene in the economic field that controls the rapid economic reform and opening up, but in turn proves the above point. Emperor

evaluation or a leader of a "meritorious had" "toss-up" or "March On" is a common saying in customer management, its achievements and the problem is that the sin simplified abstract The "power" and "off", you can add and subtract and cancel each other out. Evil is evil, once committed, it causes irreversible damage, no matter how brilliant the great achievements can not wash its trail of blood left in the history books. Achievements and sin not simple addition and subtraction, because victims endure evil has always been an individual, hard balance of muddy water had washed the blood, is to ignore the tragedy of the individual, depriving individuals of their liquidation suffered injustice and revenge and get the right to compensation, is inhuman, inhumane. A violation of human rights abuses of the regime of life, no matter how many accomplishments achieved, must be brought to trial.

@ Wuyuechunqiu V in "freedom killer" that: When freedom rights are infringed irreversible, people have natural rights against aggression. He cited in the text of several rights and freedoms by the irreversible infringement case, I would like to discuss only three cases in which the most easy to judge and understand: life safety are violated or threatened property are infringed or threatened, speech, procession, association rights (ie rights struggles) have been violated or threatened.

right to life is the foundation of all rights, is the most fundamental of all rights and freedoms, the most important, so when a person's life (body) had been violated or threatened (ie infringement is imminent, or infringement who sincerely believe that infringement is imminent), and he was in a state of war, you can use any means, including deadly force to protect their lives. Private property is an important basis for the preservation of life, is the basic guarantee of quality of life, the personal property of their own sacrosanct sovereignty (where the "violation" has two meanings: one is forced destruction and deprivation, the second is forced to replace or said the forced transaction, regardless of whether there is or how much compensation), in the event of robbery, demolitions blood sign, trespass private homes, etc., the warnings can directly kill intruders. To protest rights violations, must be accompanied by a threat to lives and property were violated, and therefore should be regarded as a declaration of war on the individual.

@ Wuyuechunqiu V made such a question: "When the head of the government the country who have tanks, guns, and a variety of social resources the wall right of approval, and set a limited enough to tease individual life autocratic cages, exact revenge become so delusional when, why individuals in this life to save their rights and dignity? injustice head in accordance with the principles of the main debt, equivalent to give up, or make no difference to the government of the country in retaliation chief subordinates? " Revenge off their ideal of science should be like this: Patrick holding a knife, over layers of barbed wire and fences, to avoid all the checkpoints and the monitor, if unfortunate enough to be found, he must pass through a hail of bullets, accurate cut torture that person's own head, this process does not harm anyone else. Needless to say, this kind of idea how ridiculous. What's more, others not directly involved in evil minions are equally guilty, even if they do not have the courage to publicly defected, you can secretly expose evil, even if it can not do, at least they can resign. Choose to continue to wear uniforms, carrying batons, is to choose to continue draconian. Management believes the customer themselves do not believe that, when Patrick toward torture their own people, next to the "innocent people" were not raised the pistol to be a fatal blow. Police practices are equal to their anti-war of aggression on the individual's adversary in the war, look for the cap and uniform of killing that is justifiable behavior!

for the cause of seven, consider this: If someone wants to cut off your arm, you will be hard to resist, then suddenly someone asks you to give up resistance, but also earnestly advised:! "compromise it made him only half cut you a good arm. "absurd, right? But this is the reason the customer's logic! Democracy is the art of compromise, yes, can the prerequisite is to have a democratic right? Talk about the situation in the absence of democratic compromise within the democratic framework, this is ridiculous bear, unilaterally called for protesters to compromise, it is tantamount to capitulate. Compromise, referring to the parties in the course of the game in order to get the most important, the most basic things, to give up some of the less important things, and the right to vote in general elections, fair and transparent electoral process, as well as participation unchecked eligible for election, has been the most important, the most basic demands, and further compromise the space has zero Lizhong gentlemen, you will agree that the loss of half of the arm of a "compromise" do? In the absence of the basic rights of talk about compromise, and talk about tolerance in the case without trial, are the contemporary version of the "sarcastic" funny than no limit.

Imagine another scenario: You courtyard filled with visitors, we were sitting happily talk about philosophical issues, then suddenly broke into a stranger, mouthful of nonsense, and still a few curse swearing, you really do not want to communicate with him, so seriously ask him to leave, but he increasingly exciting, never-ending brawl. Will the rationale of the lobbyists, you call the police if he has been intolerable, or took a forced Zhuke pan out? Weibo is the same, you can freely publish their own micro-blog, in addition to a secretary outside nobody stop you, but individuals are private microblogging territory, it is not because of its openness and change, I have my micro Bo's full sovereignty, and therefore I have the right to make you shut up in my territory. "I do not agree with you, but I defend to the death your right to say" no problem, if the authorities take the tape to seal your mouth, I will try to help you rip, because you have the right to publish a public place for public affairs view; but if you vociferous in my yard, I do not blame you out of the house, because this is my yard, which is the difference between public and private domains domain, pull the black does not infringe on your freedom of speech. Prior to Voltaire's famous quote, please find out under what circumstances it applies.
four programs (order) obsessive

symptoms: Program obsessive believe in the value of procedural justice higher than substantive justice, protesters must act within the limits prescribed by law, or must exhaust all possible After the appeal channels within the system in order to use extraordinary measures, otherwise, is populist protest, protesters that mob, is the destruction of democracy and the rule of law is the culprit. Some people believe that a democratically elected government enjoys immunity while in office to fight, and then dismiss it when people legitimately have to wait until the next election. There is the argument that since the state has a monopoly on the right to use violence, the people can not take on any case of violence.

onset of manifestations: "Taiwanese student keeps requirements of procedural justice that he did not follow the procedural justice." "Legislative Yuan and the Executive Yuan is not a legitimate place for demonstrations, forcibly occupied the legislature interrupt routine legislative activity, disrupting the democratic order, violate the principle of the rule of law. "" Because of dissatisfaction with a policy on the occupation of the Legislative Yuan, with this precedent, why maintain democracy in the future? This is not a democracy, but populism. "" In the US, Congress will be firmly suppressed occupation. "" Aristotle is legitimate democratically elected president, and it was mob overturned. Democracy Is whatever they want? "" Law Enforcement violence is wrong, people chased violent assault on the right? not alarm you? "......

cause one: reverse order. The procedural justice on top of substantial justice, can not distinguish primary and secondary, the program became a doctrine.

cause two: do not realize the difference between the general struggle and uphold the constitution behavior.

cause three: people fighting for cherished neurotic fear democracy backwards all the blame to the students, ignoring the government's first-mover evil. Phobia undoubtedly struggle from totalitarian propaganda to discredit the protest movement at home and abroad, for the protesters questioned the moral and motivation, stir conspiracy theory, the violence occurred during the protest magnify, or even fabricate lies and distortion of facts ...... a lot of violence in the manufacture of a totalitarian government, then under the reported size of the strong contrasts and peacefulness of the whitewash was quietly erased.

etiology four: that mature democracies implement democratic system is perfect.

etiology five: the legitimacy of the ruling that will not get lost once, I do not know the ultimate source of legitimacy.

etiology Six: do not understand the principles of a reasonable extension of self-defense, ignoring the people no longer believe in the law of reason.

treatment: For questions of procedural justice and substantive justice of priorities after the stone floor @ made the most wonderful answer: "logical relationship can not be reversed substantive justice and procedural justice, substantive justice is the goal, the program Justice is the means, the latter for the former service, the two complement each other. procedural justice can not exist in isolation, to become masters, since a purpose, that would lead to the absolute supremacy tendencies program. Moreover, the development of procedural justice rules and judgment are bound with human factors there is imperfect, which may cause damage to the substantial justice. "When not only fail to follow the program to achieve substantial justice, and became one of the causes of injustice, the program lost its meaning, this time, do not stick corrective action program could bring new vitality to the program. Obsessive who require exhaustive procedure within the institutional means, desperately trying to force people to appeal it?

when the constitutional system was deliberately exploit loopholes to undermine the essence of justice when, this system would come to life and death, it could lose identity, is facing collapse. Uphold the constitution is to save the last constitutional dam, with the revolutionary power, as it is for the guardian role of human freedom is so important that people have to be classified as a natural right, and beyond all positive law and precedence constraints exist. Higher than the constitutional right to uphold the constitution, the constitution does not specify whether it is allowed to uphold the constitution and the exercise of the right of way, people can because of cost considerations, choose a more modest means, but radical means still missing legitimacy. KMT deliberately exploit the constitutional system and the legislative process, so that the service trade agreement through uncensored, this is intolerable provocation to the democratic order and violated. Taiwanese students move far beyond the usual sense of demonstrators protest against the policies of a specific anti-trade clothing belonging to the ordinary demands of anti-black box behavior is uphold the constitution, though not legally occupied, but justified (on the difference between legality and legitimacy Refer @ Ye Christine silent microblogging).

some order to the protests were supreme nervousness, illegal demonstrators little insignificant let them out of their wits, shouting populist coming, as if "populist," the danger is more urgent than the risk of tyranny like, but do not think about it, how can violence unarmed populace capable of producing a par with the organization of the government to control the violence. Mankind's most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements will always be the first time in the military, with the development of history, a group of farmers to chop wood for the soldiers, Jiegan for the flag, you can overthrow a dynasty era long gone by, as So guard it? Moreover students occupied the whole action in order, can not be called violence.

"Britain will not tolerate such behavior." Such claims can easily intimidate those who lack knowledge, but also a lack of position. But first, the factual level, this argument is wrong: 2011 Wisconsin State Capitol occupied people, the government did not forcibly suppressed, and the court ruled that the executive branch the right to limit the number of demonstrators to enter parliament. From another angle, even if true repression, and repression can not prove justified, the government may not be the first to use violence against the citizens, which is not touch the bottom line.

理中客,他们以辩证法为理论基础,在涉及社 会热点问题的公共讨论中总是以貌似理性、中立、客观的面目示人,在发生公民与权力冲突的事件时尤其如此。他们的世界里没有绝对正确,也没有绝对错误;没有 绝对正义,也没有绝对邪恶。他们坚信:黄金之中也有瑕疵,大粪当中也有营养,没有绝对的黄金,也没有绝对的大粪,因此,黄金亦不足取,大粪亦不足厌。


症状:道德洁癖者要求政治抗争者必须完美无 瑕,私德上不能有任何污点,不论是过去的还是现在的。哪怕是与事件主题毫无关联的道德污点或作风缺陷,如嫖娼、赌博、外遇、小学二年级考试作弊、精神病史 等等,他们一旦找到就会咬住不放。他们认为,只有完人才有资格谈正义,进行政治反对。
病因:极权自知理亏,无法从事实和理论上反 驳维权者和反对派,只能用道德来抹黑,道德成为了极权手中的油漆桶,极权根据自己的需要,将抗争者染成黑色或黄色,抗争者的任何私德缺陷都会被抓住大做文 章,如薛蛮子嫖娼,纯粹的私德问题,被府国报纸、电视和网络轮番热炒,无限放大。极权也借此机会,树立自己光辉灿烂的道德形象,垄断道德解释权,对他人的 私德进行评判。而这国民众,从小受着道德教育的毒气熏染,缺乏对自由的理解,以道德压制自由的情况更是司空见惯,故极权一针鸡血,就让不少人跳到道德制高 点上,猛攻抗争者的道德,否定其抗争资格。
并发症2: “你整天在这里哔哔有什么用呢?有本事去做啊!”“一群键盘口炮党,你们有种上街啊!”“就知道喷,你能拿出解决方法来吗?不行就闭嘴”……道德洁癖者以 道德勒索权利的另一个并发症,就是以批评者没有在当下采取行动或提出解决方案为由,否定人们批评政府的权利。令人痛心的是,此症状常见于年轻人身上,是什 么让这些本应成为最活跃的反对力量的年轻人如此反感批评政府的行为呢?我来试着揣测一下他们的心理(我只能说“揣测”,因为我无法确知他人内心中不愿明说 的真实想法):府国的犬儒家长们从小教育孩子要专心学习,远离政治,再加上高度党校化、技校化的应试教育的强行改造,大陆绝大多数青少年只知做题考证或者 打游戏追星,对公共事务和基本公民常识的了解则处于类人猿水平。然而,没有人愿意承认自己的闭塞和无知,当他们看到其他人(尤其是同龄人)针对敏感事件发 表犀利的独特见解,而自己却什么也说不出来时,他们认为对方似乎获得了一种道义上的优势,反衬出自己的无知,玻璃制成的虚荣心碎得一塌糊涂。 嫉妒,使他们开始强词夺理,“好像就你知道 似的,你行你上啊!”一句话,既掩盖了无知,又显得自己高端大气上档次、理性客观有内涵,其他人由于权利意识和思考能力的缺失,看不出这种说法的漏洞,还 从中得到了心灵的慰藉,也便跟风嘶吼起来。于是,“你行你上”这类蛮不讲理的屁话,史无前例地成为了死要面子的无知者的自慰棒,红遍大江南北。
治疗:抗争是人的自然权利,来自上帝,不需 要经过任何人的赋予,也不因任何原因而消失。不管富翁还是乞丐,牧师还是匪徒,修女还是妓女,都享有平等的抗争权利。权利高于道德且独立于道德,道德败坏 不能导致权利的丧失,否则,政府将能够以道德的名义剥夺任何人的任何权利。道德问题属于个人隐私,政府既无能力,也无资格作道德裁判,去评价某个公民的私 德。动用国家宣传机器批判某人道德败坏,或赞扬某人道德高尚,都是逼人表态,违反了自由律令中的精神独处原则,是侵犯个人自由的行为。同样,批评政府的权 利也是基本人权,是每个人都享有的言论自由,对方不论是学富五车还是目不识丁,也不论能否拿出解决办法,都有权发表对社会问题的看法并对政府表达不满,你 可以不同意对方的观点,但不能要求对方闭嘴。最后,奉劝那些把面子看得比真理还重要的人:承认自己的无知并不丢脸,每个人都会经历从被洗脑残到逐渐醒悟的 过程,真正丢脸的,是宁愿永远无知下去,也要嘲笑觉醒的人以维护自己所谓的脸面。


发病表现:“学生永远是最容易被煽动的群体。”“你以为他们是自己发起游行?他们是被民进党煽动起来的!他们沦为了政客手中的工具。”“据说,乌克兰示威中,有一些人被每天30美 元收买,在人群中制造暴力冲突。这应该成为检验的凭证吧?”高端理中客:“民众以游行示威来表达的诉求,有两种可能:一种是源于自由意志,一种是被愚弄。 而被愚弄必然不自由。如果前者的正义性建立于自由的合法性,那么基于同样的理由,后者必然不具备正义性。所以我说:不自由毋宁死,被愚弄也毋宁死。”“示 威人群被有计划地收买和煽动,使得他们的诉求并非源于自由,这就是错误所在。”“他们的暴力行为,会起到煽动他人的后果。被煽动的人群,也必定不自由。所 以人群的诉求,也十分可疑。”“李承鹏作秀!假救灾之名谋取名利!”“李承鹏贪污善款!从这几张照片可以看出,帐篷数肯定有问题。”“你以为西方国家会平 白无故帮助我们实现民主自由吗?太天真了!反华势力都是借口民主自由来寻求在华利益的”……
病因一,阴谋论。专制维持奴役的最好方式, 是将自己描绘成民众的保护者,让人们为了避免外国“侵略”而选择服从,故渲染外来威胁论,夸大甚至杜撰他国的恶意就成了专制统治者们屡试不爽的伎俩。极权 制造出阴谋论的毒奶,从小强行喂给孩子们,让他们染上受迫害妄想症,将外国想象成充满敌意的恶魔,且随时前来取自己的性命,这样,便会慌不择路地一头扎进 极权的怀抱,将真正的恶魔当作救星。从小学和中学的伪史教育,到报纸电视上故弄玄虚的形势分析,极权从未停止对阴谋论的宣传。把本国政治反对者同“敌对势 力”联系起来,有助于加深旁观者对抗争的误解和恐惧。而在互联网高度发达的今天,一旦这个星球任何角落发生抗争,消息都会以光速传遍世界各地,为了防范国 外抗争运动可能释放的滚雪球效应和示范效应,专制者亦不遗余力地对其加以诬蔑,将其归结为党派斗争或极端势力所为,并不断放大抗争中出现的暴力和混乱现 象。
病因二,全称判断。极权会抓住所有可能的把 柄来否认抗争的正当性,只要出现一点点暴力事件,极权就会将抗争定义为暴力动乱,并以此为借口实施镇压,某些政府甚至派出便衣警察冒充示威者制造暴力,为 镇压提供理由。不幸的是,理中客们遵循了这个思路,将少数暴徒的打砸抢强加于整个抗争活动,或仅因部分人被收买,就称抗争为愚弄的产物,这都是犯了全称判 断的逻辑错误。
治疗:对于病因一,须知最大的威胁来自专制 而非外国,对于外国,做生意的成本远比战争低得多,专制则要不择手段地维持其奴役。阴谋论者谈起和平演变和共济会头头是道,却不认为自己的政府会策划阴 谋,然而,政治越透明、自由程度越高的国家,其政府策划并实施阴谋的难度越大,可能性也越小,这是无论从逻辑上还是实证上都能得出的结论,因此,阴谋论者 不如想想本国政府如何利用这种心理,掠夺你的财富和自由。“外来势力”也许可以收买五十个示威者,可他们能收买五十万示威者吗?那些认为所有示威者都不具 有自由意志、只能听任“一小撮煽动者”的摆布的人,就像精神上还未断奶的巨婴,被极权讲的鬼故事吓得魂不附体,并以同样幼稚的眼光看待所有人。况且,如果 外国的介入能带来自由,为何不接受呢?没人认为西方国家传播民主不是出于自己的利益考量:推翻一个侵犯人权、毁坏自然、威胁世界和平的极权政权,增加一个 盟友,当然符合它自己的利益(要知道,所谓的“反华势力”反的是共,而不是中国,不要将共产党和中国混为一谈)。我们可能会在贸易、外交等方面作出一些让 步,换来的是自己和子孙后代的自由、安全和尊严,这难道不是一笔划算的交易吗?反过来,竭力维护腐烂残暴的红色政权对我们又有什么好处呢?是时候抛弃那愚 蠢而虚幻的民族情结了,它同自由相比一文不值。
对于病因三,有必要解释一下概念和正当性的 问题,自由,指个人拥有在只对自己负责的范围内,按照自己的而不是他人的意愿行事的权利,简单地说,就是不受强制。打个比方,一个消费者听信了虚假广告的 蛊惑,购买了伪劣产品,他仍然是自由的,因为他的购买行为是出于他自己的自由意志。虚假广告属于欺诈,但只要商家没有拿刀逼他买,就没有侵犯他的自由。政 府可以立法禁止虚假广告,但不能禁止消费者购买虚假产品,同理,可以禁止有人蓄意编造不实信息,但不能禁止人们相信它而走上街头,即使他们真的受了愚弄。 示威抗争是人的自然权利,就算其中存在欺诈和交易,它也是正当的,并不受动机的影响。而动机恰恰是难以证明的,且极易遭到曲解和诬蔑,如果以动机不纯为借 口否定权利的正当性,结果必然是这项权利的彻底丧失。
对于病因四,须知只有和李承鹏建立了契约关 系的人(给他捐款、捐帐篷的人)才有资格要求李承鹏对其行为作出解释,因为这涉及到自己捐出财物的去向,而与李承鹏没有利益关系的人不具有此资格,李承鹏 也没有义务向他们自证清白。对于这些人,最有效的药方就是一纸诽谤诉讼。说到这里,有人会问:既然如此,你们为什么要去质疑红十字会以及其他政府部门和官 员呢?不怕政府官员状告你们诽谤吗?对于这个问题,我会在接下来的“事实洁癖”部分作出解答。


症状:事实洁癖者表面上忠于事实,注重证 据,不轻信“谣言”,这原本是一种不错的品质,但事实洁癖者往往选择性尊重事实,对公民要求十分严苛,对政府倒是颇为宽容,还常常搬出政府的“成就”来抵 消其罪恶。另外,他们怀疑一切,不承认这个世界上存在真正的民主自由。从事实洁癖中滋生的精确报复理论,为极权喽罗们洗脱罪责,对自由战士提出不可能的要 求。他们对待事实的态度往往采用双重标准,总是抽离具体情境去谈论在其他情况下方能成立的“事实”,而实际情境的不同,则被他们有意无意地忽略了。
发病表现:“看了这么多评论,竟没有一个人 拿出证据证明究竟是谁放的火,就都一口咬定是政府所为。”“从斯诺登事件可以看出,美国所谓的言论自由是多么虚伪。”“共产党虽然有不少问题,但也取得了 很多成就,中国在三十年内的经济发展程度超过了西方百年,今天的生活水平同五十年前相比难道不是有了很大提高吗?政府并非一无是处,应该给它一些机会,不 能以偏概全,彻底否定共产党。” “美国也不是完全没有腐败和暗箱操作,哪个 国家都一样,从来没有绝对的自由。”“杨佳杀死的人都是参与刑讯逼供的吗?其中也有无辜的人啊!那些为杀人犯叫好的人,你们尊重事实吗?你们尊重他人的生 命吗?”“有些所谓的被强拆者,其实是索要天价补偿的无赖,政府给他们的赔偿已经够多了。”“民主是妥协的艺术,香港人完全不明白这一点,非要争个鱼死网 破,可见,他们要求的民主只是民粹而已。”“你干嘛要拉黑我呢?自己都做不到尊重别人的言论自由,还有脸追求言论自由”……
治疗:美国前最高法院大法官布伦南这样为言 论自由辩护:“对公共事务的讨论应不受抑制,充满活力并广泛公开。”彪炳史册的纽约时报诉沙利文案确立了如下原则:公民有权对公共事务自由发表观点,即便 没有任何证据支持他的论断。如果最终事实证明此言为假,政府亦无权追惩,除非能证明言者系蓄意造假(事实上,由于证明蓄意十分困难,在美国,政府官员根本 无法打赢诽谤官司,诽谤政府罪和煽颠罪之类的罪名,早就同臭名昭著的《防治煽动法》一起被踢进了历史的垃圾堆)。如果要求公民在转发和评论任何社会事件之 前都必须确认其真实性,否则便可能被治罪,将无人敢参与公共讨论,公民也将无法行使监督政府的权利,因此,应自证清白、承担举证责任的是政府,而不是公 民。况且,政府相对于公民拥有巨大的暴力、资源和信息优势,它完全可能利用这些优势来掩盖事实,公民举证难度极大,理中客看似中立的立场,实际上偏向了政 府。
那些指责美国言论自由“虚伪”的人,似乎忘 记了如果不是美国对言论自由的有效保障,纽约时报早已因在沙利文案中败诉而倒闭,尼克松也不会因水门事件被曝光而下台,霍尔姆斯和布兰代斯等伟大法官的经 典判词,也不会被后世法官们无数次引用,来捍卫言论自由。而府国的宣传侧重点,往往是诸如展现沙利文案反映出的美国糟糕的种族状况,或者借水门事件对美国 的政治体制进行一番傻逼透顶的嘲笑。弱智宣传熏出弱智思维。
针对以没有绝对的自由为借口否定自由,以没有绝对不腐败的民主为借口否定民主的说法,我引用@叶恭默 的一段话作为药方:“应然,指应该这样,理想状态;实然,实际是这样,现实状态,实践状态。应然是100分, 是鉴别实践考多少分的标杆。大部分根据直觉能区分应然和实然,但却会因为实践的困难,把应然视为极端,从而否定应然。”理中客们的逻辑,就是以实际上不存 在符合应然标准的事物为由否定应然,并否定达至应然、让世界变得更好的努力。此外,没有人认为自由就是为所欲为,“绝对的自由”是一个伪概念,理中客们臆 想出一个并不存在的敌人,然后自己冲它拳打脚踢,不亦乐乎。
中国在短短几十年的时间内完成了西方上百年 的发展历程,这不假,但这项成就的缔造者不是共产党,而是科技的迅猛进步,经济全球化的发展,市场竞争的自我调控,和成千上万普通民众的智慧和汗水。后极 权统治者们搭上了进化的便车,正如一只猴子可以在十分钟之内学会用绳子打结,但是不能据此得出结论称,猴子在十分钟内进化出了高度智慧,掌握了使用绳子的 技能。 有西方早已发展成熟的经济和科技成果作为借鉴,中国的发展,只要不受到政府的刻意阻挠,必然比西方的研究—理论—实践—试错—规模化的原创型发展速度快得多,这就是catch-up effect(追 赶效应)的体现,与共产党没有任何关系。不仅如此,共产党在很长时间里扮演了阻碍发展的角色,计划经济的停滞不前,大跃进和文革等灾难对经济造成的毁灭性 打击,都清楚地显示共产党是罪人而非功臣。改革开放不是它的功绩,而是它放松了对本就不该插手的经济领域的管制,改革开放后经济的突飞猛进,更反过来证明 了上面一点。
评价某皇帝或某领导人“有功有过”、“五五 开”或“三七开”,是理中客的常用说法,它的问题在于把成就和罪恶简化为抽象的“功”和“过”,可以相互加减和抵消。罪恶就是罪恶,一旦犯下,就造成了不 可逆转的损害,无论多么辉煌的丰功伟绩都无法洗掉它留在史书上的斑斑血迹。成就和罪恶不可简单加减,因为承受罪恶之害的从来都是个体,用功过相抵的浑水冲 刷血迹,就是无视个体的悲惨遭遇,剥夺了个体对他们遭受的不正义进行清算和报复并获得赔偿的权利,是不人道、无人性的。一个侵犯人权、践踏生命的政权,无 论取得多少成绩,都必须被送上审判台。
@吴越春秋V在 《自由杀手》中指出:当自由权利受到不可逆的侵害时,人们拥有反侵略战争的天然权利。他在文中列举了若干种自由权利受到不可逆侵害的情形,我在此只讨论其 中最容易判断和理解的三种情形:生命安全受到侵害或威胁,财产安全受到侵害或威胁,言论、游行、结社的权利(亦即抗争权利)受到侵害或威胁。
生命权是一切权利的基础,是所有自由权利中 最根本、最重要的,故当一个人的生命(肉体)受到侵害或威胁(也就是说侵害即将发生,或被侵害者真诚地相信侵害即将发生)时,他就处于一种战争状态,可以 使用任何包括致命暴力的手段保护自己的生命。私人财产是保全生命的重要依托,是生命质量的基本保障,个人对自己的财产拥有神圣不可侵犯的主权(这里的“侵 犯”包括两层含义:一是强行毁坏和剥夺,二是强行替换或称强行交易,不管是否有或有多少补偿),在遇到抢劫、强拆血征、擅闯私宅等情况时,经警告无效可直 接杀死入侵者。对抗争权利的侵害,必然伴随着对生命和财产安全进行侵害的威胁,因此也应被视为对个体的宣战。
@吴越春秋V提 出了这样的质问:“当拥有坦克、枪支、人墙及各种社会资源审批权的府国头子们,设下足够捉弄有限个体生命的专制铁笼,使精确复仇变成妄想时,个体何以在今 生今世拯救自己的权利和尊严?是按照冤有头债有主的原则,等效放弃,还是向府国头子的下属们进行无差别的报复?”理中客们心目中理想的复仇应该是这样的: 杨佳手执尖刀,翻越层层铁丝网和围墙,避开所有岗哨和监视器,如果不幸被发现,他要穿过枪林弹雨,准确无误地砍下折磨自己的那个人的头颅,在此过程中不伤 害其他任何人。不必说这类想法是多么荒唐了。更何况,其他没有直接参与作恶的喽啰们同样有罪,他们就算没有公开倒戈的勇气,也可以暗中揭发恶行,如果连这 也做不到,至少自己可以辞职。选择继续穿着制服,拎着警棍,就是选择继续执行恶法。相信理中客们自己也不认为,当杨佳扑向刑讯自己的人时,旁边的“无辜 者”们不会举起手枪予以致命一击。军警们的做法等于将自己放在了进行反侵略战争的个人的敌对方,在战争中,认准了军帽和制服的杀戮即是正当的行为!
对于病因七,试想:如果有人想要砍掉你的手 臂,你一定会拼命反抗,这时忽然有人要求你放弃抵抗,还苦口婆心地劝道:“妥协吧!让他只砍你半条手臂好了。”荒唐吧?可这就是理中客的逻辑!民主是妥协 的艺术,没错,可前提是必须有民主吧?在没有民主的情况下谈论民主框架内的相互妥协,本已荒谬不堪,而单方面呼吁抗争者妥协,更是无异于劝降。妥协,指的 是各方在博弈过程中为了得到最为首要、最为基本的东西,放弃一些不那么重要的东西,而一人一票的普选权、公正透明的选举程序、以及不受抑制的参选资格,已 经是最为首要、最为基本的诉求了,进一步妥协的空间已经为零,理中客们,你们会同意失去半条手臂的“妥协”吗?在没有基本权利的情况下奢谈妥协,以及在没 有审判的情况下奢谈宽容,都是当代版的“何不食肉糜”,逗比无下限。
试想另外一个情形:你的庭院里高朋满座,大 家正坐在一起愉快地谈论哲学问题,这时突然闯进一个陌生人,满口胡言乱语,还不时骂几句脏话,你实在不愿意和他交流,于是严肃地请他离开,可他反而愈发来 劲,吵嚷个没完没了。请问理中客们,你是否早已忍无可忍地打电话报警,或者抄起一把平底锅强行逐客了呢?微博也是一样的,你可以发布自己的微博畅所欲言, 除了小秘书外没人拦你,但个人的微博属于私人领地,这一点不因其公开性而有所改变,我拥有我的微博的全部主权,因此我有权让你在我的领地内闭嘴。“我不同 意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利”,没问题,如果当局拿胶带封住你的嘴,我一定尽力帮你撕开,因为你有权在公共场合对公共事务发表看法;但是你如果 在我的院子里大吵大嚷,就别怪我把你撵出去,因为这是我的院子,这就是公域与私域的区别,拉黑并不侵犯你的言论自由。在引用伏尔泰的名言之前,请先搞清楚 它在什么情况下适用。


    症 状:程序洁癖者认为程序正义在价值上高于实质正义,抗争者必须在法律规定的范围内采取行动,或者必须在穷尽所有可能的体制内诉求渠道后,方可使用非常手 段,否则,抗争就是民粹,抗争者就是暴民,是破坏民主法治的罪魁祸首。还有人认为民选政府在任期内享有抗争豁免权,人们不得不等到下次选举时再合法地罢免 它。另有一种论调称,既然国家已经垄断了暴力使用权,民众就无论如何都不能采取暴力行为。
    发 病表现:“台湾学生口口声声要求程序正义,自己却不遵循程序正义。”“立法院和行政院不是合法的游行示威场所,强行占领立法机关中断了日常立法活动,扰乱 了民主秩序,违反法治原则。”“因为对某个政策不满就占领立法院,有了这个先例,民主在未来何以维系?这不是民主,而是民粹。”“在美国,占领国会也会被 坚决镇压。”“亚氏是合法的民选总统,就这样被暴民们推翻了。民主难道是为所欲为?”“城管暴力执法不对,人们暴力殴打城管就对了吗?不可以报警 吗?”……
    病 因三:对民众抗争怀有神经质的恐惧,把民主倒退的责任完全推给学生,无视政府的先发罪恶。抗争恐惧症无疑来自极权的宣传,对国内外抗争运动的抹黑,对抗争 者进行道德和动机质疑,热炒阴谋论,把抗争过程中出现的暴力行为无限放大,甚至编造谎言歪曲事实……而极权政府制造的大量暴力事件,则在报道规模的强烈对 比和歌舞升平的粉饰之下被悄悄抹去。
    治疗:对于程序正义和实质正义孰先孰后的问题,@楼越石 作 出了最为精彩的回答:“不可颠倒实质正义与程序正义的逻辑关系,实质正义是目的,程序正义是手段,后者为前者服务,二者相辅相成。程序正义不能孤立存在, 反客为主,自成目的,那会导致程序至上的绝对主义倾向。况且程序正义的规则制定与判定也必然带有人为因素,存在不完善,这就有可能导致对实质正义的损 害。”当遵循程序不仅不能实现实质正义,而且成为了不正义的原因之一时,程序就失去了存在的意义,此时,不拘泥于程序的纠错行动能够给程序带来新的生命 力。程序洁癖者们要求穷尽体制内手段,是想逼人们冒死上访吗?
    当 宪政体制的漏洞被人刻意利用以破坏实质正义时,这个体制就走到了生死关头,它可能因此失去认同,面临崩溃。护宪是挽救宪政的最后一道堤坝,同革命权一样, 它对于人类自由的守护作用是如此重要,以至于不得不被列为人的自然权利,超越所有实定法的约束而优先存在。护宪权高于宪法,故宪法不能规定护宪权是否被允 许及其行使方式,人们可以出于成本考虑,选择更加温和的手段,但激进手段仍不失其正当性。国民党故意利用宪政体制和立法程序的漏洞,让服贸协议未经审查而 通过,这才是对民主秩序不可容忍的挑衅和侵犯。台湾学生的举动早已超出了通常意义上针对某项具体政策的示威抗争,反服贸属于普通诉求,反黑箱则是护宪行 为,占领虽不合法,却正当(关于合法性和正当性的区别,请参考@叶恭默 的微博)。
    一 些秩序至上者对抗争活动神经过敏,示威者的一点微不足道的非法行为就让他们魂飞魄散,高呼民粹来临,仿佛“民粹”的危险比专制的危险更加紧迫似的,却不想 想,手无寸铁的民众所能够制造的暴力怎能同政府掌控的组织化暴力相提并论。人类最尖端的科技成果总是被第一时间应用于军事,随着历史的发展,一群农民斩木 为兵、揭竿为旗,便可推翻一个王朝的时代早就一去不返了,至于那么如临大敌吗?更何况学生们的占领行动总体上井然有序,根本不能被称为暴力事件。
    正 常状态下,任何人都偏爱秩序而非混乱,因为合作的成本远低于掠夺,一切产业的兴盛都有赖于良好的秩序,在解决争端时,谈判也比战争更可取。因此,除非迫不 得已,人们不会选择行使革命权。而进行革命,恰恰由于先前的秩序失效或失去了公正性,不能继续维持,革命权是建立新秩序必不可少的权利。革命权归属于人的 自然权利,具有天然合法性和优先的正当性。不管从策略角度看是否合适,以及是否可能导致不好的结果,它都是正义的。从政府违背承诺,践踏与民众的契约的那 一刻起,人们便获得了革命授权。在特定情形下使用其他策略,是人们出于成本考虑,改变革命权的行使方式。即使面对由民主选举产生的政府,人们也不能放弃暴 力革命的权利,因为民主政府同样可能违约、腐 化、甚至实施暴政,宪法规定的解决方案也可能失去效力。民主只提供权力来源的合法性,并不保证权力运行过程中的合法性。自由原则是衡量权力合法性的唯一准 绳,即:若权力侵犯自由,则权力不合法。分权制衡,立法权的限制,言论、集会、结社、新闻自由,以及民众革命权的保留等等,都是守护个人自由所必须的制度 设计。
    程 序洁癖本质上是一种秩序洁癖。每当出现暴力抗拆或暴力抗城管事件时,总有一些国师及其拥趸跳出来指责反抗者的粗鲁,在他们眼里,一切暴力行为都是不可接受 的,却丝毫不考虑特定情况下暴力行为的正当性或可免责性。正当暴力行为的典例就是前文所论述的自我防卫,可免责的暴力行为包括精神失常时、受胁迫时以及其 他特殊情形下实施的暴力行为。苍南事件中,民众围殴城管的行为虽不属于自我防卫,但仍然具有一项正当理由和一项免责理由:免责理由是,它符合这样一条全世 界公认的法律原则:制止一个有正当理由的违法行为是犯罪,帮助它则不会获罪。被城管殴打的公民,其生命安全遭受了致命威胁,他已经处于战争状态并获得战争 授权,他以暴力抵抗侵害者的行为无疑属于自我防卫,而民众的行为就属于帮助他进行自我防卫,因此是无罪的(“防卫过当”是府国的一套无耻说辞,它被用来否 定自我防卫权利,使之变成一纸空文。试想,需要自我防卫已经意味着你死我活,而府国虽然表面允许抵抗侵略,却又不允许杀死或重伤入侵者,这明显有利于侵害 者,而侵害者常常是府国军警)。正当理由是,如果法律面对不正义时无所作为,甚至公然袒护不正义,那么民众求诸法律之外的正义就是必要且正当的。@石讷shine 老师说得好: “制 定法,就其本质,应当是共同体全体成员达成的共识,如若未能,所谓法制充其量是法的代用品,或法制的权宜。权宜是有用的,前法治状态下权宜的秩序总胜于 无。如果连权宜的功能也丧失了,自然法将自然苏醒并发生强制力。这是以“对等律”表达的古老秩序能力,在衰朽的社会重振正义,粗砾、直实而强悍。”历史可 以等待改良的完成,而个体不能,没有理由要求个体在有限的生命中搁置自身正义的实现,去寄托于未来遥不可期的改良,制度的不完善不能成为阻止个体在当下捍 卫正义的理由。当制度尚不足以维护正义时,民众就有权用自然法赋予的手段去实现正义,贯彻“以眼还眼,以牙还牙”的对等律。城管暴行的性质无需再去证明, 府国司法对这些暴徒的轻判不过是象征性的惩罚,掩人耳目而已,事实上,城管及其他府国军警早已获得了免死金牌,他们的暴行皆得到府国的认可,在如此惨不忍 睹的司法现状下还去迷信法律,实在是太过愚蠢。在民众不得不用拳头捍卫正义和尊严的年代,就别指责抗争者的姿势不够优雅了。
On Lu Xun Lu Xinghua


From: [has been canceled] 2008-08-05 16:01:31

来自: [已注销] 2008-08-05 16:01:31

哪怕是不读鲁迅,由于他那种腔调已在百分之九十以上的中国作家或知识分子身上重复着了,我也不得不负面地阅读到。比如:“这,我是知道的……”, “这大约是三年前的事了……”, 等等,等等。鲁迅的那种腔调,到了下一代人身上,读了为什么会让我讨厌?为什么后代作者很难脱身于伟大作者的那些句式的规训和捆绑?这是因为后人不能够象 鲁迅那样原创地写作,只会依样画葫芦地嚼舌头的缘故?这是个很有意思的问题,值得一说。
我在强调鲁迅的写作作风,而不是其它,只因为,我认为钱和汪这些鲁迅专家拼命要在鲁迅的文本里找“思想”,找“艺术”或“文学”的做法,其实从头 都是错误的;想从写作中过滤出一种“思想”,这种巫术几十年里都是中国的文学研究中的流行病--是在找一种根本不存在的东西,找不到不是因为鲁迅身上没 有,而是要怪去找的那个个人的硬以为有。鲁迅做了一种伟大的写作,“思想”、“文学”是后面的人硬要加到他头上去的。这个捞什子的“思想”曾害苦了现代中 国几代人;马克思的政治经济学、列宁关于革命的那些理论,都被我们这些断不了奶的中国小知大知说成是“思想”,希望能一声炮响地被送到;我们动不动以神学 的态度来对待一种观点、理论和哲学,将它们说成“思想”,这种好习惯是我们好几代中国知识分子身上的一种严重精神强迫症。我们竟也想这样去构陷鲁迅。我们 真是该杀。
鲁迅不是思想家,也不是文学家,如果后者指的是中国二十世纪知识分子或研究鲁迅的博导们定义的那种会写小说、诗和剧本,不屑于写“杂文”--多么 岐视的一种称呼!--的人的话。今天的中国人也知道genres,文类、体裁这种说法了,也知道“文学”是可以发生到小说、诗和戏剧之外的了。但鲁迅毕竟 也写过小说之类,为什么我不肯让人来用“文学家”一词来说鲁迅?这是因为,我认为“文学家”或“小说家”这种称号大而无当,仍太cheap,鲁迅的写作可 能做了比一个“X家”所做的更多的东西,他可能写了一种比我们所认为的“文学” 和“思想”更了不起的东西,或者说他的写作行动本身可能比写作生产出来的作品形式更厉害。
今天有很多的人来论鲁迅的局限,在我看来,常犯上西人所说的“时代错乱”:用我们今天自信的那一点欧洲社会科学式眼光去反观鲁迅当时的那种半熟的 西化眼光;也就是说,许多论者认为在今天看到了鲁迅并没有看到的西方人文、社会科学方法论眼光让和教我们看到的东西,所以就可以用我们今天从西人那里习得 的一点理论和方法论去回测鲁迅。鲁迅在两个方面被这些学者小看:一是鲁迅的隔膜于西方当时已蔚为大观的文学现代主义,二是他对于二十世纪欧洲社会科学的创 伤式、自杀式的自我反思无有与我们现在一样多的认识。而我们的求责于他,是因为我们认定他是文学家和思想家或学问家在先。
今天,看到汪晖这样的句句错乱的思想狂人到处横行,用“思想”来吓人,看到整个中国大学文科浑浑噩噩,名为写论文,实际是以研究之名行文化或学术 权力之利、求货币和象征利益之实,鄙人深感自己想做的那点可怜的学术写作的无力与苍白,觉得在处处都要撞到汪晖、钱理群这等错乱写作的那个叫做中国大学文 科的地方,用鲁迅式的“文学”式或“政治”式写作,可能反而更能实现我们寄托于我们的个人写作(无论是文学的还是学术的或两者混合的)的那些期待。
上面说了,鲁迅的写作不是要塞给我们一种思想、文学或学术成果,不是要启蒙我们,教育我们,也不是要在小说、诗和戏剧这些固定田径项目上得第一 名,在一个叫做中国二十世纪文学史的文学国家保护公园里成为被围观最多的神奇动物。鲁迅的个人政治、道德、伦理力量,全集中在他的一次次写作行动上。我认 为这是他的一生的作为在此刻给我的最大的鼓励和安慰:鲁迅让我相信,在当代,我们是仍可用个人写作去“政治”的,--如果不是去改造社会或解放苦难者的 话。不是用我这个人,我的理想,我的革命,我的学术成果,我的文学或艺术趣味,我的自称的社会或精神关怀,我的被训练出来的学术资质和被授予的职称,去启 蒙去关怀去改造,而是以我的“个人写作”这一行动,这一次次都“原创 ” 的行动--写作是最原创的政治行动。
用写作去“政治”的意思是,让写作这种我的个人的特殊话语编码去与别的话语碰撞和斗争,去“政治”它们,而不是将我的所谓观点、立场和“思想”硬 塞给另一个人,强加给另一个人,甚至用它去改造人。鲁迅就是以他所制造的象盐酸一样的溶解力,镭一样的放射力的话语,来架空一个文化一种社会的既成秩序, 使那种几千年来被我们越说越有理的话语秩序失效,使这个早被我们想当然的传统成问题的。这种话语以小说还是以杂文为格式,是次要的。他并不是握有一种大多 数中国知识分子如毛泽东认为有的那种放之四海皆准的理论真理后,才去指点江山的。他的这种反“吃人”的写作、这种话语的悬置传统和社会,就象下围棋时的做 空,用现下时髦的话说,是解构的--象利森的搞空搞垮巴林银行一样。
其实不是鲁迅搞垮了那种传统,后者早就自己把持不住,在自我解构着了,鲁迅可能用了一种最省力的办法来下了最后的致命一着而已。西人的入侵,国人 的现代自我认同对某种古老传统的某一种解读版本的义无反顾的抛弃,是那种传统被我们认为在“吃人”的一个理由,但,世上有哪一种伟大的传统是不需要被置之 死地而后生、自己置自己于死地而后生的?为什么我们的古老传统是象杨贵妃那样娇弱,连说都说不得,太阳一晒就要萎的?--哲学家德里达一直在喊的是:使欧 洲更欧洲,使基督教更基督教,使民主更民主,因为今天的欧洲(基督教、民主)还不是欧洲(基督教、民主)它自己原来承诺和期待的样子,还只是一种失言的许 诺;我们需要不断将其彻底化、激烈化(radicalize it)。被鲁迅糟蹋的那种中国伟大古老传统的某一版本,也犯嫌到必须得到这种待遇了,它活该这样,它的倒楣对于它自己,对于我们反而只有好。我们在这时代 可能应该比鲁迅更义无反顾地糟蹋那种成问题的传统,因为,这实际上可能是对它的最好挽救。
鲁迅放养到社会中的那些话语,象泻药,又象病毒,它们置我们身上的某种光荣伟大的传统于死地。鲁迅的伟大,在我看来,至少在于他在写作中象黑客一 样地钻研出了一种搞垮中国的某一早该被搞垮的版本的病毒。我羡慕他的写作几乎快要成为这种伟大的病毒了--所以,我认为鲁迅捣鼓出来的,决不是一种继续给 那种早该垮掉的传统版本装门面的“思想”或“文学”,只有昏乱的博导们才会这样认为。我们今天仍急需研制这样的病毒。我们的写作也应该是为了继续研制出这 种精神抗生自护病毒。
哲学家利奥塔曾引用过鲁迅的关于本来没有路,走的人多了才有路的话。他本人没读过鲁迅原著,是由一个日本作家转述给他听的。这个“路”的隐喻,对 应了利奥塔自己的关于宏大叙事和元叙事的说法。没有元叙事的。那些宏大叙事是跟的人多了,才宏大,才光荣伟大的。这听上去很相对主义了,但这种相对主义态 度是一种补救途径,是看到某种版本的文化和传统在“吃人”时,我们才这样说,这样来造反的。有一种积极的相对主义其实是抗生素。
也正是这个利奥塔曾经说到,知识分子面对社会,处身于自己生于其中的那种主导文化无法清洗自己的出身来清白地行动时,能够“政治”,能够用来斗争 的,这时只剩下他的写作。而知识分子常自吹于他们的能“分析”和“批判”地写作。这种自吹,在二十世纪就露了馅。康德第一批判里定义过这两个说法。分析他 说就是把观察对象拆开来一样样检视,使它们自己与自己比,使每一样与总体比照地来看来观察;批判是用一样东西去对比另一样东西,引入一种外来标准来比量 --社会学家卢曼说到,法兰克福学派式的批判代表的是欧洲人的一种积癖,就象他们的爱点着时刻表怪火车晚点。利奥塔和巴尔特都说到,“批判”做到彻底最后 只剩两种:马克思主义式的和弗洛伊德式的,别的批判都是半吊子的--利奥塔用一句话来总结什么是社会中的全盘彻底的“批判”--给肛门(经济与货币)和阴 道(欲望和权力)同样的权利--这就是批判后的解放。鲁迅在 “批判”这一方面实际还没有象巴塔耶和热奈那样彻底到率真和破罐子破摔:修女的性高潮被我们认为是对上帝的爱,我们被货币一遍遍地操,却还自以为在用社会 行动拯救社会--这就是知识分子天生要来捍卫的高尚“文化”或“精神”。我的意思是,鲁迅可以做得更义无反顾,更象欧洲人说的“艺术家”那样跌宕。
个人写作是生产话语,然后使它进入社会,去与别的话语作斗争。这听上去很玄乎,但在鲁迅身上,我们看得很清楚:写作是全盘的,它远比“文学”、 “学术”和“思想”来得更不商量、更锐利:鲁迅是在一种叫做“现代汉语”的这张纸上写作,由于他的厉害,他的每一写作行动比别人更多地改变了这种现代汉 语;他的写作通过改变这种现代汉语而政治地改变了他的同代人甚至我们下一代。他的写作通过激烈地改变现代汉语,来影响我们。因此,象巴尔特所说,鲁迅的真 正作品,不光是他的全集,更是那个叫做现代汉语的这个作品--虽然博导们也因此落进了鲁迅的那种雄辩的腔调不能自拔,成为现世活宝。
这样说可能还不够清楚,让我再重申一下:思想家、学者和鲁迅这样想通过写作来改造社会的人,都必须通过汉语这种媒质来出手或下手。必须先改变汉 语,再用这种改变了的汉语来影响别的使用这种汉语的人。思想家和博导们有所谓方法论和精神传统的帮助,用学科眼光来写作(读者可能是同行),但如果他们想 来影响社会,想来“政治”,就会发现,他们这时与鲁迅站到了同一起跑线上:必须用汉语这种媒质来说出他们心中的关怀和期望,用这种带上了他们的关怀和期望 的汉语来影响别的汉语使用者。这时,学术、思想或文学成了同一种东西:写作。
今天的情况其实也差不多:我以一种学科的名义在大学里混饭吃,用一些理论和方法论自诩来使同行信任我,使读者敢把赌注压到我的写作上(就是敢相信 读我一分钟后仍不会觉得在浪费时间),我甚至敢招摇我的学位和职称名头来吸引顾客,以便把我的个人写作抬高价格。但是,在学科研究的小组同行论争之外,在 那个职业学术机构之外,在那个社会公共政治领域,在我伟大的母语里,我只是在“写作”!我只将自己推到了写“杂文”的鲁迅的位置上。我只是在写作,没有更 多。
我必须忘了思想、文学和学术这种种借口,将自己当作一个象鲁迅那样写作着的人。这时,我也象鲁迅那样企图着了:想通过我的每一个写作行动来在“汉 语”中编织出一话语(汉语象一块地毯,你我都在上面工作和劳动着;你我的 “交往”必须通过这块地毯来传导),来与社会中别的话语作斗争;想通过我的写作行动改变汉语,通过改变汉语这个我们共生于其中的媒质,最终来“政治” 地改变别人的信念、意向和欲望(哲学家戴维森的说法)。“政治地”这个说法的意思是:在公共平台上,对双方一样公平的状态下来互相论争和说服。
欧洲社会科学是一种在社会中观察和描述社会,带着社会的病理来研究社会的病理的一种方法论。我们对鲁迅的“思想”、“学术”和“文学”上的搞反了 时代的、小聪明的态度,我们的想以今天那一点“主义”和“X学”的眼光来看透鲁迅,不光不自量力,而且也是自我揭露的:我们其实也并不知道我们所自豪的那 点西学手段到底算是什么,我们自己其实可能也漠视了西人自己在二十世纪对我们眼中的那种西学的置之死地而后生式的反思,我们可能是在借刀乱砍。
无论是想把鲁迅捧为思想圣人的人,还是想用一点西学来揭鲁迅的短的人,都忘了这样一个事实:鲁迅的个人写作实际上真的是高于“陈源”、“语堂”和 “实秋”们的。他的写作是有更多“此在”感悟的(existential),更“政治”, 更“批判”的。


Let's go with Lu Lu Xinghua than writing

"Threads" on the old people talk about Lu Xun, I Coushang period, to gain qualifications which in writing.
very reluctant to talk about Lu Xun, in fact, never take the initiative to read Lu Xun, when reading his often forgot he was just writing, we do not promise us more later forced him to do.
even if it is not read Lu Xun, because of the kind of tone he has repeated in more than ninety percent of Chinese writers or intellectuals, I also had to read negatively. For example: "This, I know ......" "It was about three years ago ......" and so on, and so forth. Lu Xun's kind of tone, to the next generation of people who will read why I hate? Why it is difficult to get out of the offspring of the great ones of the sentence of discipline and bundling? This is because, as the descendants of the original can not be written as Lu Xun, will follow suit Jiao Shetou's sake? This is a very interesting question, it is worth saying.
study of Lu Xun started a lot of people, such as Qian Liqun and Wang Hui rely on this fortune. Ordinarily, read Lu Xun decades, how much they should always learn a little naive to think his writing style expression of the strong. But you look at this two man writing, where they have the slightest bit of Lu Xun's writing style? They read almost a lifetime of Lu Xun, have read where to go out?
I emphasize Lu Xun's writing style, rather than the other, just because I think the money and Wang Xun expert desperately want to find these "thought" in Lu Xun's texts, looking for "art", "literary" approach or, in fact, scratch is wrong; want to filter out a kind of "thinking" from the writing, which is witchcraft decades literary studies China's epidemic - is looking for a non-existent thing, find Lu Xun than not because they do not have, but to blame hard to find that person that there is. Lu made a great writing, "thought", "literature" is added to the back of the man insisted his head to go. The son fishing even "thought" was victimized modern Chinese generations; Marx's political economy, Lenin those theories about the revolution, those of us who are not weaned the little-known Chinese Daichi said to be "thought" , hoping to be sent to the roar of cannons; we motionless to attitude towards a theological point of view, the theory and philosophy, they are said to be "thought" this good habit is one of our generations of Chinese intellectuals severe mental obsessive compulsive disorder. We also want to actually go framed Lu Xun. We really got to.
thinker Lu Xun is not, nor is a writer, if the latter refers to the twentieth century Chinese intellectuals or doctoral studies that have defined Xun write novels, poems and plays, bothered to write "essays" - What kind of discrimination call! - Human words. Today Chinese people know genres, genre, genre this argument, but also know that "literature" can occur outside the fiction, poetry and drama of the. But after Lu Xun also wrote fiction and the like, why I would not tell someone to use the word "writer" for Lu? This is because, I think, "writer" or "novelist" The title of the trail is still too cheap, Lu Xun's writing could have done something more than an "X family" did, he could write a than what we think of as "literature" and "thought" is more amazing things, or that he's writing action than the writing itself may be produced in the form of work is more powerful.
today there are a lot of people to the limitations of Lu Xun, in my opinion, often guilty of Westerners call "anachronism": today confident that with our little European-style vision to the contrary, social sciences Lu Xun was the kind of semi westernized vision; that is to say, many commentators believe that today saw Lu did not see the Western humanities, social science methodology looked at me and teach us to see things, so we can use our today Westerners learned a little from there to go back to test the theory and methodology of Lu Xun. Lu Xun scholars underestimate these two aspects are: First, Lu Xun's diaphragm in the West was already a splendid sight of literary modernism, and second, that he had nothing with us now for the twentieth century, European-style social sciences trauma, suicidal self-reflection as much understanding. And our responsibility to ask him, because we found that he was a writer and thinker or learning at home first.
so good for Lu Xun, the more our own good, I think it should be expelled from the body of Lu Xun three positions, so he only became a bachelor of fine writing pen, this may actually be more significant Yang out of his own most likely want to pursue the kind of achievement.
today, see Wang thought this sentence deranged madman rampant everywhere, with "thought" to scare people, to see the whole Chinese University of Arts unexamined, called writing papers, based on actual research name row cultural or academic power interests, seek real monetary and symbolic interests, they want to feel humble pathetic inability academic writing and pale, feel every hit everywhere Wang Hui, Qian Liqun this and other That place is called insanity of writing Chinese University of Arts, with the Lu Xun style "literary" style or "political" writing, but more likely to achieve our place in our personal writing (whether literary or academic, or a mixture of both a) those expectations.
and this has made me think about things a layer of Lu Xun.
above said, Lu Xun's writing is not to give us an idea fortress, literary or academic achievements, not to enlighten us, educate us, nor is it to be in the fiction, poetry and drama which was first fixed in athletics, in a place called the history of Chinese literature in the twentieth century literature National Conservation Park where onlookers become the most magical animals. Lu Xun's personal political, moral, ethical strength, confined again in his writing action. I think this is his life at the moment as my greatest encouragement and consolation: Lu Xun I believe, in the contemporary, we are still using the individual writing to "politics" - if not to change society, or the liberation of suffering those words. Not by my people, my ideals, my revolution, my academic achievements, my literary or artistic interest, social or spiritual care of my self-proclaimed, I was trained academic qualifications and titles were granted to Enlightenment to care to transform, but in my "personal writing" this action, the bottom in the "original" action - writing is the most original political action.
by writing to "politics" mean, let me write this special words to encode individual collisions and struggles with other words, to the "political" They instead called my view, the position and the " Thoughts of "forced upon another person, animal feed and another person, or even use it to transform people. Lu Xun is manufactured as his hydrochloric acid to dissolve the same force, the same discourse radium radiation force to overhead an established culture of social order, so that we are getting more and more for thousands of years has been the order of the failure of rational discourse, so this has long been the tradition that we take for granted problematic. This discourse in fiction or in essay format, is secondary. He does not hold a majority of Chinese intellectuals such as Mao Zedong believed that some kind of after-fits-all theory of truth, only to pointing country. He's such a reverse "cannibalism" of writing, this suspension traditions and social discourse, as the next short while chess, with the holds many lessons fashionable words, is deconstructed - like Leeson engage in empty ruin Bahrain Banks like. Lu
fact not ruin that tradition, who could hold his own early in the deconstruction of the self, and Lu Xun may use one of the most effortless way to lower the final fatal one with it. Tutsi invasion, people abandon modern self-identity of some ancient tradition of turning back a particular interpretation of the version, and is the kind of tradition is one of the reasons we believe in "man-eating" but, what the world has a great The tradition is not required to be home of the resurrection that he has placed himself in the resurrection? Why do we like Yang ancient tradition is so fragile, even that may not say, the sun would wilt in the sun? - Philosopher Derrida been shouting is: to make Europe more European, more Christian Christianity, democracy is more democracy, because Europe today (Christianity, democracy) is not European (Christian Democratic) had its own commitments and expectations look, but also just a slip of the tongue of promise; we need to continue to be completely oriented, fierce (radicalize it). Lu Xun was a version of the kind of ruined the great ancient Chinese tradition, but also the need to get this treatment 犯嫌, and it deserves so that it unlucky for it myself, but only good for us. We probably should not hesitate to spoil more problematic than that of traditional Lu Xun in this era, because this might actually be the best to save it.
Lu stocked into society of those words, like a laxative, but also as a virus, they set some kind of glorious tradition of the great body of our death. Lu Xun's great, in my opinion, at least that he was like a hacker to delve out in writing in a ruin of a Chinese version should have been ruined virus. I admire his writing had almost become this great virus - so, I think Lu Xun fiddle out, never is a long overdue continue to give the kind of collapse of the traditional version of the window dressing of "thinking" or "literary" Only dizzy doctoral who would think so. Today, we are still in urgent need to develop such a virus. Our writing should be developed in order to continue this spirit of self-protection virus antibiotics.
philosopher Lyotard was quoted on that do not have roads, many people have gone the way of the words of Lu Xun. He himself did not read the original Lu Xun, is a Japanese writer relayed to him to hear. The "road" metaphor, corresponds Lyotard own on the grand narrative and meta-narrative argument. No meta narrative. Those people with the grand narrative is more, just great, just great honor. It sounds relativism, but this attitude is a remedy relativism way to see some version of the cultures and traditions in the "cannibalism", we say, so to rebel. There is a positive fact relativism antibiotics.
it is this Lyotard once said, intellectuals face of society, which was born at the body on their own kind of dominant culture can not wash their innocence came to act, the ability to "politics" that can be used struggle, then left his writing. The intellectuals often can boast in their "analysis" and "critical" to writing. This boast, in the twentieth century Lule Xian. Kant's first critique defined in these two statements. Analysis of the observed object, he said, is to open to the same kind of view, so that they themselves and their ratio, so that each like to observe the contrast to the overall point of view; criticism is one thing to another thing contrast, the introduction of a foreign standards infer - sociologist Luhmann said, the Frankfurt School's critique formula represents a product of addiction Europeans, as they love to blame the train was late point of the schedule. Lyotard and Barthes have said, "critical" to completely and finally only two kinds: Marxism and Freudian style, the other criticism is half-baked - Lyotard one sentence What is the summary of the overall society completely "critical" - to the anus (economic and monetary) and the same rights as the vagina (lust and power) - this is after the liberation of criticism. Lu Xun in "critical" in this regard have not actually like Bataille and heat thoroughly to Chennai as outspoken and 破罐子破摔: Teresa's orgasm is we believe that the love of God, we have been operating money over and over again, still thought with social action to save the community - that is born intellectuals want to defend the noble "culture" or "spirit." I mean, Lu can be done more turning back, more like Europeans say "artist" as ups.
personal writing is the production of discourse, then make it into the community, to fight with other words. It sounds iffy, but Lu Xun body, we see very clearly: Writing is holistic, it is far more "literary", "academic" and "thought" to be more not discuss sharper: Lu Xun is called "Modern Chinese" in writing this paper, because he's powerful, he's every act of writing more than others changed the modern Chinese; his writing by modern Chinese and political change that changed his Even with our next generation. His writing by drastically changing modern Chinese to affect us. Therefore, as Barthes said, the real work of Lu Xun, not only is his complete works, it is this that is called modern Chinese works - although Ph.D. therefore also fall into the kind of eloquent tone Lu Xun find themselves unable to become secular clown.
say this may not be enough clear, let me reiterate: thinkers, scholars and Lu Xun think so by writing to the transformation of society, people must be shot or to start this by Chinese media. Chinese must first change, then this change the Chinese to influence other people to use this Chinese. Thinkers and doctoral who have called methodological and spiritual traditions to help with disciplinary perspective to writing (readers may be peers), but if they wanted to influence society and wanted to "political", you will find them and then stand on the same starting line Lu Xun on: care must be out of their minds and expectations in Chinese this medium, the use of which bring their care and expect the Chinese to influence other Chinese users. At this time, academic, ideological or literary become the same thing: writing.
Lu Xun is winning at this point of his contemporaries.
situation today is in fact similar: In the name of a subject in college bread, with some theoretical and methodological prides itself on my writing to make peer trust me, so readers to dare to bet (that is, I believe I'm reading a minute later still do not feel a waste of time), and I even dare to swagger my degree and titles were up to attract customers, in order to raise the price of my personal writing. However, in addition to disciplinary research group counterparts controversy, in addition to the professional academic institutions in the public and political spheres of society, in my mother tongue great, I just "writing"! I just push myself to write "essays" position on Lu Xun. I'm just writing, no more.
thought I had forgotten, and academic literature that various excuses, one would like Lu Xun as his writing as a person. At this time, I also like Lu Xun as it seeks: the want my writing every action to weave a discourse in the "Chinese" in the (English as a carpet, you and I are at work and labor of the above; you and me. " Communication "must be conducted through this carpet), to fight with other discourses in society; I want to change Chinese writing action, by changing the Chinese born this we have one of the medium, and ultimately to the" political "change someone else's beliefs, intentions and desires (philosopher Davidson argument). "Political land" This statement means: on a public platform for the two sides of the same state fair debate and convince each other down.
European social science is a social observation and description, with the pathology community to study a methodology of social pathology in society. We Lu Xun's "thought", to engage in "academic" and "literature" on the anti-era, the small smart attitude, we want to now that a little "isms" and "X school," the vision to see through Lu Xun, not only does Since within their means, but also self-disclosure: We actually do not know what the point of Western instruments in the end we are proud to be what we ourselves may also disregard the fact Tutsi himself in the twentieth century we see the kind of Western's home the resurrection of the reflection type, we may be hacked by a knife. Whether it is trying to Lu Xun
hailed as a saint who thought, or want to use it to expose the Western Lu Xun's short people have forgotten this fact: Lu Xun's personal writing is actually really higher than "Chen Yuan" "Language Church" and "real autumn" were. His writing is more "this in the" perception of (existential), more "political", but also "critical" in.
kind, it is with this comparison and Lu Xun: see who is writing a more "political"! See who's writing the politica
Brainwashing Guide - Renren
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