
2015-02-01 财新网-新世纪801评
资料图:安邦保险开业庆典广告 胡雪柏/CFP
吴小晖的事业线被形容为“三部曲”: 首先在浙江做汽车租赁销售起家,之后在上海做基建项目,与开国元帅陈毅之子陈小鲁逐渐达成合伙人关系;而后创设安邦集团至今。
当晚,陈小鲁在回复财新记者电话问询时,确认前述微信回复内容是他发出的,也把事情说清楚了。“我和小晖的合作就是站台。什么是站台?就是很多老干部受邀参加一些活动,往那一坐就完了。现在很多红二代也是这样的,钱都不(用)给的。” 陈小鲁说。
谈春平 突发:南周道歉的报道!报道不实之处在那里?有错必纠挺你2015年2月2日星期一 谈春平 嗯 || @赵希群: 错在没弄清楚安邦的水深。大鸟都没动,邓的根也敢挖?
安邦大冒险来源于 财新《新世纪》 2015年第5期 出版日期 2015年02月02日

2014年是安邦突飞猛进的一年。这一年,安邦接连在海外收购华尔道夫酒店、比利时百年险企FIDEA、比利时德尔塔•劳埃德银行。虽然有些项 目还待被收购国监管批准,但据公开信息保守估计,安邦一年内在海外的投资额已近160亿元。以目前浮出水面的国内二级市场的收购来算,安邦持有9只股票, 分别为民生银行、招商银行、工商银行、金地集团、金融街、华业地产、吉林敖东、中国电建、万科A,持仓股票的总市值超1000亿元。
从中国保监会公布的资料来看,安邦的保险业务收入在业内仍属于平平之辈。2014年,安邦全年人身保险保费收入排名为同行业第35位,原保险保 费收入528.885亿元;财产保险保费收入在中资保险公司中名列第16位,原保险保费收入51.35亿元。值得关注的是,安邦2014年保户投资款新增 交费为90.16亿元。
在一系列海内外收购的大动作背后,安邦进行了频繁的大手笔增资,目的是应付对保险公司偿付能力等监管要求。据保监会披露的信息,安邦2014年 4月和9月两次增资,目前注册资本已高达619亿元,为业界最高,超过第二名人保集团的424亿元,而中国人寿仅282.65亿元。在两番增资后,安邦的 股东数量从8家猛增至39家。不过,据财新记者调查,这份股东名单上,存在大量的隐秘的关联股东关系,很多与安邦的掌门人吴小晖有千丝万缕的联系。
安邦前身为安邦财险,成立于2004年,起初注册资本仅为5亿元。最初的七个股东为上汽集团、上海标准基础设施集团、联通租赁集团有限公司、旅 行者汽车集团有限公司、嘉兴公路建设集团有限公司、浙江标基投资有限公司、浙江中路基础设施投资公司,出资比例分别为20%、18%、18%、18%、 15%、6%、5%。2005年,中石化集团斥资3.4亿元参与安邦增资扩股,持有20%股份,与上汽集团成为并列第一大股东。
在新增的31家股东中,北京涛力投资、北京阳光房地产开发有限公司、江苏名德投资集团公司、华金能源集团公司等公司早前出现在与安邦有关的投资 中,但其余20多家此前很少出现在公众视野,且并未有太多相关公开信息,但此番均以每家20亿-30亿元的出资规模一齐出现在股东名册上。这些股东的注册 地址主要分布在北京、上海、浙江、成都、新疆、广州等六个地区。从行业来看,主要包括汽车销售、矿业公司及为数众多、名不见经传的“某某投资公司”,与安 邦掌门人吴小晖有高度疑似的关联关系。
财新记者调查发现, 安邦新增的31家股东中有一个共同点,那就是它们几无一例外地在2014年发生过股权变更及增资,且多集中在5月、6月及9月、10月,也即安邦的两次大 比例增资前后。安邦8家老股东中,除上汽与中石化两家国有企业集团外,其余6家也集中在2014年年中发生股权变更,另外2家当年的工商资料未显示变更, 但据其股东的成立时间看,也于近一两年发生过股权变更。若将这30多家公司的股东层层剥开,会发现各种千丝万缕的关联关系。
以持股1.7932%的股东金堂通明投资有限公司为例。这家公司成立于2013年,注册地位于成都,现股东是浙江互通广告有限公司(下称浙江互 通)。在2014年3月股权变更前,这家公司的股东是浙江瑞通环境治理有限公司,后者曾被安邦的股东标基投资有限公司、浙江中路基础设施投资有限公司控 股。
但股东变更后,金堂通明可能并未与安邦脱离干系。工商资料显示,浙江互通于2014年10月变更为成都栋栋企业管理咨询公司(下称成都栋栋), 注册资本100万元,法定代表人为黄东东,注册地址位于成都高新区天府大道北段966号2栋1层1号20105室,该处物业由安邦持有。这个地址恰与安邦 原8大股东之一美君股资集团有限公司(原浙江标基投资有限公司)的注册地址一致。
在安邦新增股东中,有9家公司的注册地址均位于四川成都,发起成立的时间均为2012年12月10日,首次股东会的地点均为成都锦江宾馆会议 室。这9家公司分别为金堂通明投资有限公司、成都新津瑞凯投资有限公司、都江堰市文博投资有限公司、双流国逸投资有限公司、大邑兰新投资有限公司、成都蒲 江兴越投资有限公司、崇州天宁投资有限公司、彭州市盛大投资有限公司、邛崃广祥投资有限公司。它们的验资报告均由四川天仁会计事务所出具,会计师均为会计 师李文平、王维操,均在成都农商银行设立验资专户,新增注册资本金的划转也通过成都农商银行。
成都天府国际金融中心位于成都南城,一共由7栋楼组成,整体形似花瓣。此处原规划为成都市政府新行政中心,2008年汶川大地震发生后,成都市 承诺调整市级机关南迁计划,对已建成的新行政中心处置变现,处置变现所得收入全部用于受灾群众安置和灾后重建。2010年,安邦财险以4.92亿元的价格 购入了其中1号楼和2号楼。
不少“新股东”实际与安邦紧密相连。如双流国逸投资有限公司,成立于2012年12月10日,由浙江创新计算机网络有限公司(后更名为浙江智达 投资)出资1亿元设立。2014年5月9日,浙江智达投资将1亿元股权转让给南京蓝盾汽车销售服务公司(下称南京蓝盾)并增资。南京蓝盾法人代表为陈德 肋,最初股东为旅行者汽车集团有限公司,也即安邦的老股东之一。
在31家新增股东的法定代表人及董事或监事姓名中,可以看到吴家齐、吴家威、吴晓霞、陈德肋等多个自然人反复出现在不同公司中。公开资料显示, 吴家齐为北京温州商会会长。陈德肋为天津市汽车流通行业协会副会长、中亚华金矿业(集团)有限公司副总裁,另担任多家汽车经销类公司的总经理。据《南方周 末》记者调查,吴家齐、吴晓霞等人均为吴小晖的兄弟姐妹。
有投行人士分析,安邦股东层面这些频繁的股权变更,只是为了规避行业政策。《保险公司股权管理办法》第四条规定,保险公司单个股东(包括关联 方)出资或者持股比例不得超过保险公司注册资本的20%。第八条则规定,任何单位或者个人不得委托他人或者接受他人委托持有保险公司的股权,中国保监会另 有规定的除外。
“安邦有那种能力,可以推着监管往前走,包括修订法规。”在一两年前,业内即有这样的说法,并称吴小晖和保监会很熟,对各司局长的办公室属于推 门就进的关系。但说监管政策为安邦量身定制并不恰当,近年来保险业投资大松绑的进程加快,像安邦这样市场化程度较高的机构确实起到了有效的推动作用。
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本刊2014年第1期封面报道 《黑马安邦》。 |
据公开信息保守估计,安邦近一年内在海外的投资额已近160亿元。二级市场上,公开信息显示,安邦通过多个保险产品的账户持至少9只股票,分别 为民生银行、招商银行、工商银行、金地集团、金融街、华业地产、吉林敖东、中国电建、万科A,持仓股票的总市值超1000亿元。以持有时的大致成本估算, 安邦通过安邦人寿在二级市场的投资逾100亿元,通过安邦财险的投资额逾600亿元。
2012年以来,险资投资渠道及投资比例限制不断放宽,保险资金监管政策频繁出台,包括十三项投资新政的密集发布、险资放开投资创业板等、并在 监管层面上逐步推行风险监管和大类资产上限监管。2013年9月,保监会向保险公司和保险资管公司下发了《关于加强和改进保险资金运用比例监管的通知(征 求意见稿)》,并于2014年2月下发正式《通知》,对比例监管政策进行了调整。调整前,保险公司投资证券投资基金和股票的余额,合计不超过该保险公司上 季末总资产的25%。调整后,股票和股票型基金与未上市股权和股权基金合并为权益类资产,且投资比例不超过30%。此外,投资不动产的比例也由20%上升 到30%。
保监会的人士告诉财新记者,“不高于本公司上季末总资产的30%”里的“公司”是指机构法人,也就是说,子公司投资权益类资产的账面余额需要满 足不超过子公司总资产30%这一条件。此外,除了30%这条线,一旦某公司的投资权益类资产的比例超过20%,将会被列入重点监测名单。不过,存在例外的 情况,即因“非主观原因”造成超出比例的情况下,只需报告保监会即可,但不可继续买入。这里的“非主观原因”包括股价上涨等因素。
安邦人寿与安邦财险成立较晚,近两年的发展异常迅速,但规模在保险业内仍排名较后。安邦人寿2014年全年人身保险保费收入排名为同行业第35 位,原保险保费收入528.885亿元,保户投资款新增交费为90.16亿元;财产保险保费收入在中资保险公司中名列第16位,原保险保费收入仅为 51.35亿元。
安邦对银行业兴趣由来已久。2011年9月,安邦保险斥资50亿元收购成都农商行35%股权,取得控股地位。两个月后,安邦即将旗下和谐健康险 总部迁往成都。2010年7月,安邦保险出资4.92亿元购置原成都市行政办公中心1号楼和2号楼房产,此举一度被视援助当地政府之举——汶川大地震后, 成都市政府承诺出售新行政中心,用于灾区恢复重建。
从2014年11月底至今,安邦以迅雷不及掩耳之势,在不到两个月的时间里10次增持民生银行。A股最近一轮的暴涨正式从2014年12月份开 始。安邦对民生银行A股的持股比例由不足3%增持至如今的20%,斥资逾400亿元。目前,安邦持有民生银行A股总数已达到54.45亿股,占该行总股本 的比例达到15.94%,已晋升为民生银行第一大股东。安邦在民生银行的持股比例之高,在民生银行史上从未有过。目前,民生银行原第一大股东新希望持股比 例不到7%,其他股东持股不及5%。
2013年底,安邦曾举牌招商银行,以集团监事长朱艺颇为资深的金融业身份谋求董事席位,居然未果。2014年12月23日,安邦副总裁姚大锋 却顺利获得民生银行董事会19席董事席位中的一席,颇令业界意外。多年来,民生银行股权结构保持相对分散的局面,第一大股东新希望从未成为控股股东,其他 几大股东持股比例亦不足5%。董文标任董事长时,在诉求各异的股东中精心耕耘,几经风浪后,基本稳定住了民生银行较为分散的民营企业股东,达到微妙平衡。 安邦的强势进入,无疑打破了这一平衡。不过,这次民生银行的股东们却并不反对。刘永好在股东大会上主动发言,他称对安邦大比例增持民生银行是好是坏思考良 久,但最终认为应“顺势而为”。(参见本刊2015年第1期“民生银行微妙转向”)
52岁的姚大锋从安邦筹备之初即加入。他1981年在中国银行浙江分行工作,由信贷员做到处长,2002年担任万向财务公司副总经理,2002 年11月担任安邦财险筹备组副组长,后任安邦财险总经理,现任安邦保险集团股份有限公司董事、副总裁,安邦人寿保险股份有限公司董事、董事长。2014年 4月,安邦耗资50亿元举牌金地集团(600383.SH)后,与生命人寿一起入驻董事会,也是姚大锋出任董事。
安邦未来在民生银行的角色,成为市场关注重点。国泰君安分析师邱冠华认为,安邦举牌民生银行,看上去剑指控股权,“民生银行是目前惟一没有真正 控股股东的上市银行”。中信证券非银研究员邵子钦称,安邦若控制民生银行,在管理上将带来何种变化,影响是好是坏,还很难看清。
吴小晖的事业线被形容为“三部曲”: 首先在浙江做汽车租赁销售起家,之后在上海做基建项目,与开国元帅陈毅之子陈小鲁逐渐达成合伙人关系;而后创设安邦集团至今。
不止一位知情人士说,吴小晖是在陈小鲁的公司标准国际投资管理公司工作时邂逅的卓苒——前国家领导人邓小平的外孙女、原国家科技部副部长邓楠之 女,两人有一子,目前夫妻关系已确认终止。2014年,因海外媒体渲染安邦与邓家的关系,邓家曾小范围开会讨论过安邦的事宜,主流意见是与安邦切割,确认 与邓家无关。
安邦集团31家股东中本有两家公司间接有卓苒的持股,但在2014年12月,显示卓苒已经从这两家的股东名单上退出。一是彭州盛大投资,在安邦 持股10.5亿股(股权比例1.6963%),该公司10%的股份由北京集德创新互动传媒广告有限公司持有,后者的股东为北京标准成功投资有限公司和卓 苒。但公开资料显示,到2014年12月9日,卓苒已经不在该公司的股东名单中。二是在安邦持股3.6511%的北京众志合诚投资有限公司,股东为北京斯 隆利和投资有限公司,也于2014年12月5日发生股权变更,变更后,股东由北京标准成功投资有限公司、卓苒变更为北京振都管理咨询有限公司、李道秀。
1月29日,《南方周末》刊文报道,陈小鲁因掌控着上海标基、浙江标基、嘉兴公路等3家公司,而这3家公司又合计持有安邦保险集团51.36% 的股权,因此市场有意见认为陈小鲁才是安邦的“实际控制人”。傍晚时分,微信朋友圈里传播着一条“来自陈小鲁”的微信回应:“我希望是实际控制人,可以给 诸友发大红包!我与小晖合作快15年,就是顾问,一咨询,二站台。无股份,无工资,不介入公司的具体经营管理,只做战略咨询,如2013年建议安邦收购国 外资产,特别是美元资产。如此而已。感谢诸友关心。”
当晚,陈小鲁在回复财新记者电话问询时,确认前述微信回复内容是他发出的,也把事情说清楚了。“我和小晖的合作就是站台。什么是站台?就是很多老干部受邀参加一些活动,往那一坐就完了。现在很多红二代也是这样的,钱都不(用)给的。” 陈小鲁说。
朱云来系前国务院总理朱镕基之子,在担任中金公司总裁多年后,于2014年10月告别中金(参见本刊2014年第41期“中金:告别与开始”)。 当时有媒体爆出朱云来多年担任安邦集团的董事,甚至猜测朱云来要加盟安邦。但其时财新记者从接近朱云来的可靠渠道确认,朱云来早期曾受邀出任安邦的董事, 但不久后就告知安邦,不打算出任董事,也从未签署任何相关法律文件。公开资料显示,自安邦保险成立之初朱云来便“被挂名”安邦保险的董事职务,至今已超过 10年。但安邦一直没有更新董事名单,后又称工商登记出错,没有及时更新。在朱云来的强烈要求下,2014年9月25日,安邦终于更新了工商资料,不再将 朱云来列为公司董事。
安邦早期对媒体控制较严,刻意维持自己较为神秘的形象和特殊的“背景感”。但近年来随着企业规模的顺利布局与膨胀,已显得不像初期那么紧张。安 邦内部宏扬的企业文化显得相对绵柔,墙上挂着的是“水”文化、“家”文化与“互联网”文化的标语。据称,在安邦内部会议上,吴小晖还给员工吹风,鼓励员工 创业,可以从公司申请资金,“自己去开辟一块天地”。
All Comments (388)
全部评论(388)yugao:我理解,文章讲了三层意思:1、安邦就是吴晓辉的,与陈小鲁无关;2、邓家已与吴切割,包括经济利益上的;3、安邦资产有问题,资金来源不明,负债甚高。眯眯啄木鸟:这就是中国改革下的“合法”商人。沂蒙假日:大家族隐隐于股市//@LifeTime:中国媒体拍得一手好马 屁:陈小鲁只是站台,邓家只是联姻,吴晓辉发达是自己本事。[挖鼻屎] //@MaxwellMarco://@高昱:我理解,文章讲了三层意思:1、安邦就是吴晓辉的,与陈小鲁无关;2、邓家已与吴切割,包括经济利益上 的;3、安邦资产有问题,资金来源不明,负债甚高。
骨医陶永亮 某家五星级酒店,昨晚半夜陆陆续续发生跳楼事件,房号不详,发生主要楼层为该酒店15,16,17层。有保安报警,随即120到场。3部120都忙不过来……后来有人爆料,是一个名叫钟纪伟的家伙喝醉了找不到房间,就在走廊挨间敲门:我是纪伟,开门!我是钟纪伟! [憨笑]
竺忠利 Monday, February 02, 2015 这是什么东东@竺忠利: 道德姐也不知,可见博行尚浅~ || 茂茂: 道德是谁?给个姓也好啊 || @竺忠利: 道德的姐姐的男人~据说 || 骨医陶永亮: ?陆海军是谁的谁? @竺忠利: 谁知道陆海军的背景?
赵世龙 五四你们的地下组织喊出打倒孔家店,文革砸孔庙掘坟,70年代中批林批孔……后来又开始尊孔,满世界倒贴送孔子学院,哪怕别人不肯要。现在又强迫中学生跪孔拜孔……这都你们干的事!孔子累不累啊?你们精神分裂,要不要也搞到全民神经断裂啊!
赵世龙 2013年3月5日下午,雷峰生前照片拍摄者张骏在沈阳军区学雷锋座谈会上,应对摆拍造假时说“拍照都不是事先安排的,都是巧遇”。网文说他当时赌咒发誓说“我向毛主席保证,有半句假话立刻就死”之后,竟然真的当场心脏病发暴毙!联想毛的四个特型演员都意外暴毙,成天撒谎骗人的猫屎们啊,你们惊不惊?
温军 20150202 #分享图片#教材中心总编辑袁昕,看看北京出版集团的官网,会发现什么了?
自由之路2 【柯文哲:也许我们该讨论"两国一制" 】 美国杂志29日在网上发表对台北市长柯文哲专访内容。柯就两岸关係指出:人们谈到"一国两制",但也许我们该讨论"两国一制", “有人说中国人不该进行普选,但台湾已进行5次总统选举,也有人说中国人缺乏文明心态,看看台湾的捷运,比纽约地铁来得乾淨挺进报a

博主这是在看热闹?是,胡 女士的国家不可靠,只能靠自己。#难以置信不存在#
南京出租车司机的一天:每天工作10小时收入259元 仅够份子钱当前位置:产经频道首页 > 交通 >本文来源于央视网 2015-01-27 09:44:10
Today we focus on the taxi thing called "Taxi elements of money." Was turned over to the taxi cab driver's contract cost, both major operating cost of a taxi driver, but also the main source of income of the taxi company. Recently elements of money on taxis to reduce the country's high voice. The Jiangsu even pledged to publish the lead elements of money constitutes a taxi. So how many elements Nanjing taxi money? Reporter conducted a survey in Nanjing.
work 16 hours a day, most of the time is used to earn money
CCTV Financial elements "Economic half-hour" Reporter: How much of your elements of money?
Nanjing taxi driver: This is us $ 7,000 this is an electric car, this car is seven thousand seven hundred yuan.
CCTV Financial "Economic half-hour" reporter: Electric's your point, right?
Nanjing taxi drivers: ah, again one, so, this is more than eight thousand yuan.
The driver told us that his daily 6:00 out of the bus, ten p.m. work, working 16 hours a day, the next day and another driver rotation, you can take a day off, but 16 hours Most of the time elements are used to earn money.
Nanjing taxi driver: You have to go to three hundred yuan a day, three hundred dollars went to this enough of this.
Reporter: So, you did not count too, you have to run every day how long it will take for the activists lobbied for the money?
Nanjing taxi driver: Anyway you want to go in the afternoon, about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Reporter: every day is 6:00 to 16:10 hours, the elements of money can make up.
reporter learned that the current total of about 12,000 in Nanjing taxi vehicles, roughly divided into "categories", one for "low", the driver needs to be paid to the company 7,000 yuan / month, "elements of money" ; one is the "high-grade" to the main types of Toyota cars, the monthly "Zuzi" money is 9000 yuan. Elements of money so high that the company gave them a taxi driver provides what services?
Nanjing taxi driver: Nothing penalty fine.
Reporter: fine service?
Nanjing taxi driver B: ah, or is fine, or is the deduction of no other service, you say what service.
reporter: that it helps you in this regard have?
Nanjing taxi driver B: I drive a taxi ten years, did not feel before.
Speaking of pressure now, even the taxi driver could not help but shed tears.
Nanjing taxi driver: sad ah, opened his eyes (due to) three hundred yuan, recently incredibly short period of time the business, the business is doing well too difficult to do.
Nanjing taxi driver: Now kids can not feed my wife, we are now out of the simplest dry, dry to the night three or four o'clock to go back inside, I might as well go to earn one hundred dollars when the guard, vegetables or when the security guard.
Nanjing taxi driver: day we called a robot, one day called vegetative state, work day today, is not that robots do? Right, then you go to the house edge is sleep.
drivers react, they handed over to the company elements of money, but did not get any service. Then the weight of the drivers breathless elements of money, in the end what is money? They go out?
Nanjing taxi driver: seven thousand two hundred yuan a month.
Reporter: Do you know that there are seven thousand two hundred yuan composed of what?
Nanjing Taxi driver: I do not know, a lot of people do not know, is not a person I do not know.
"elements of money," the whole industry is composed of opaque by unspoken rules
Yurong warehouse, is a 20-year-old did the taxi driver. Elements of money for construction, flow, he has consulted with a number of departments, but did not answer. Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Communications Department, said the taxi driver said to announce constitute elements of money, so hopefully he came again to ask a taxi company, and the company's answer is still the same as before.
Nanjing taxi driver Yurong warehouse: elements of money that he has given us a very simple answer is that the provisions of the above, I have to perform in accordance with the provisions of the above, but what comes to pension insurance, the company has said so now the whole industry is the unspoken rules, we will follow the unspoken rules come, so we are now confused.
in this taxi company carries the canal, Yurong warehouse after several inquiries, and ultimately did not get a clear explanation of the elements of money. So he went to inquire about the composition of elements of Nanjing Municipality money.
Nanjing taxi driver Yurong warehouse: you are now equal to not accept any outside advice. Nanjing government regulations now on all taxi, about the price of this one thing we all have no chance.
for such a result, Yurong warehouse helpless. He did not know, a few days ago, Jiangsu Province, Department of Transportation, said elements of money to be released when the argument can be honored. January 14, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Transportation deputy director Wang Zhu Jun in the guest "political wind hotline" program when it clear that the future will work with provincial prices, finance and other departments based on operational data and business model, to further clarify the "elements of money," the basic components, to develop reasonable "elements of money" fees, and fees will be keeping the public, accept social supervision.
Jiangsu Provincial Transport Department deputy director Wang Jun Zhu: Currently we have a few places in the future do not have a uniform standard, largely negotiated by the companies and drivers were identified in the contract, of course, I'm sure there is a composed of different standards expenses, consisting of just talking about the so-called elements of money may be less clear, transparent information, thus causing some misunderstanding, some of the problems, we ask the Nanjing government, they also attach great importance, is actively consult, coordinate, we ask is your constituent elements of money necessary to further clarify.
addition, two sessions in Nanjing, Nanjing Mayor Miu Ruilin site response elements of money on taxi too high. "In the first quarter, we have to respond, including the starting price is how much, how to calculate return empty fee, how much would be reasonable elements of money, etc., should have responded, which requires a process."
Despite Jiangsu Transportation Hall said to constitute public elements of money, but so far still not open, we can only continue to wait patiently. Month seven thousand, eight thousand nine thousand elements of money even for taxi drivers, not a small number. So compared to the revenue elements of money and the driver, in the end what proportion accounted for? Why are so many drivers complain? Look at the next poll.
Nanjing taxi driver the day: 10 hours of work income 259 yuan barely enough money to pay elements
leaves Villa is a taxi driver in Nanjing every day, he opened the evening, every day 17:00 shift. In order to record the taxi driver the most realistic working conditions, reporters follow the master leaves, carried out with the film continued. Ye master's car just open out soon, there is a passenger car waving fight.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: beauty can sit in front of it? Sitting in front of you?
Ye said the master, Xinjiekou Nanjing is the most prosperous of the lot, traffic, a lot of people who need a taxi. So, if his car empty, just not far from here, he would have to walk around here. Today, one way or another the guests, he address him lucky.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Like I said, she rented it for us this business is a good business, and wanted to do.
passengers: Yes.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Because all are, you can ask the passengers, which for us is a part of the long-distance.
CCTV Financial "economic half-hour" Reporter: about how many kilometers?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: about a dozen kilometers.
due to the main city of Nanjing is not great, a dozen kilometers of the living, for them, be a little long, the fare would be more substantial. Before long, the passenger to the destination.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: small ticket to do?
passengers: To.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: open the door slowly, pay attention to the back of the car, go slowly.
CCTV Financial "economic half-hour" Reporter: forty-three yuan is also good.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Yes, that's good business, and not be called good, a few can do this business.
reporter: then the car will be more people here do?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: luck it.
luck, taxi drivers often say a word. Ye master told reporters, sometimes good luck, just before a passenger car, will encounter another passenger on the train directly, which is what they most desired encounter. But today's luck does not seem smooth, empty place has been running continuously for nearly half an hour, leaves the master nor pulled down a passenger.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Because we just all the way over on the road and no one waved, and I have to take guests to the city, looking for people there.
Depletion of oil, but can not pull the job, leaves the master of mood did not just start so good. He told us that while the first really good job, but do not meet the guests, only to put it back empty, this trip down, they would not earn much money.
Reporter: You just is fundamentally did not intend to get off at the girl lying on the cell door for a while.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: there you lie less people, there unless I say a little fun to say white, you are ideas, such as a ten minutes maybe to a person, because we have a limited time We can not always such a tummy, for example, someone inside the city at this point, the peak of the time, you can come in to do a little business, to have no business inside the night time and then you go, then you can lie on a single, But the point that if you wait half an hour in there who can not wait, the heart is cold, is time wasted.
Ye said the master, it is the evening peak, is the most precious time to pull the job. But today he does not seem good luck, has been traveling to the Confucius Temple has not met passengers.
reporter: that a single business to now how long?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: I look at the top of our tickets have time off is 6:50 on the train 6:20, about 40 minutes.
Reporter: Do you have the number of kilometers of non-transport up?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: 13.3 km.
Reporter: That is far more than just a trip to live?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: right.
to the Confucius Temple, the decision leaves the master while living in the vicinity of lying. We see a lot of taxi drivers also choose to lie job here. Taking advantage of idle time to wait, and leaves the master with reporters talking. He said he elements of money more than 7200 yuan a month, every month there are more than 3000 mortgage to repay. He described his life: the beginning of the first month owe the bank more than 3000 a day, eyes open, they owed the company hundreds of pieces.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Because we are this child money every month, like tomorrow, four days from now we should play money, you have to hit the corporate card to go above, then the bank will automatically deduct it If unsuccessful deducting money that you're finished, deducting money the company will call you unsuccessful. Then say why not give money, and then tell you within a few hours to put money into the fight, do not fight we stopped you go card, stop your table.
unshakeable elements of money for each day, leaves the master has been waiting anxiously. Nearly half an hour later, however, leaves the master did not wait to fight car passengers. After much deliberation, leaf master decided to try his luck another street.
Reporter: Confucius Temple is just that a lot of queuing, which is which?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: This is also part of the Confucius Temple, is only a side door.
reporter: here are also queuing it?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Yes, here are empty, line up here.
looked a long queues, leaf master drove the taxi queue to another point here waiting for about 10 minutes, until finally a passenger.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa; finally they took a living, used to it, you see, there are a lot of cars behind it.
Reporter: really not easy, I think the car is less than is normal.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: The little brother you should always take a taxi, you are (know), because today is Tuesday.
Reporter: Do you usually take a taxi good play?
Passengers: taxi good fight.
Reporter: taxi good fight.
Passengers: Nanjing taxi but like last year YOG, an increase of several thousand units of their driver's life is not great.
The passenger told us that every time he took a taxi and the driver will chat. He felt that the taxi driver had really quite easy.
passengers: a taxi when I sometimes chat with them, basically talk is received so much (elements of money) and then hire companies basically do not do something, just like the shell companies.
Reporter: What is your idea?
Passenger: I feel the leasing company, had rented the country do not have it, then plug in the middle of the leasing company in one hand, but it is basically a dry little thing, my own feeling is small, with the driver master When talk is talk, car repairs, routine maintenance are taxi master their own.
the passengers to their destination, we looked at the master leaves today's passenger record. From shift to now, more than two hours, a total of two times to pull the job, the fare is 43 yuan plus 15 yuan, a total of 58 yuan.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: how do you say, we can not say that is normal and it is a large difference is not bad, so it was. Hello no more than four or five, anyway, is not the best time of more than five, but you have to pull the five guests, he would not have this far away, he is starting price of 10 dollars.
Monday to Thursday, this situation can only be regarded as normal for them in the evening peak hours, even if not pull people, they did not dare to master leaves lying in one place for too long waiting for passengers, they usually choose to put air travel out of luck.
22:00, leaves the master came to a roadside noodle dinner. Because affordable, this noodle shop is a lot of taxi drivers often come to the place.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: ten dollars a meal, eat noodles twelve three dollars, then, if sometimes just buy the roadside fried rice, beef fried rice is like that eighty-nine dollars, and then eat it on the line.
to this dinner taxi driver told us, this noodle shop owner previously opened a taxi. He knows their hard work, so here given enough weight, they can eat, not expensive.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Our taxi driver in the race against time to eat is to eat like a war, like in race against time, eaten out of work early. For example, I just sit down at the side of the people here want to make cars, do not eat rice rather quickly to do the deal.
dining-room, the reporter who chatted with the driver elements of money thing. I did not expect a reference to elements of money, the taxi driver immediately became very excited.
Nanjing taxi driver: I now pay more than eight thousand yuan, the couple I was open, I pay more than eight thousand yuan a month, 15 days can not break, break up (elements of money) not enough, the following fifteen days relatives and friends at home there, right? Break another two or three days, ten days would only earn money, you do not make any money. There is a man in this five years, people still can not get sick.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: that is.
Nanjing taxi driver: people still can not get sick, you are sick you have to pay the money, right? This is five years, which were maintained for five years do not get sick.
but said go, go complain complain, a meal, a taxi driver who drove a taxi immediately and are rushing to pull live. Because here more delay for a while, it means they have to run more than one night would be. It is 12:30, leaves the master has to pull up a passenger. Follow leaf master pull live in time, the reporter noted, the master of the car did not install leaf drops and quick taxi software. He said that in Nanjing, installed software for their regular taxi cab, it all are illegal.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: We are operating a vehicle that you get on my car, and your life is in my hands, while I was busy busy playing phone while driving, you like it ?
Ye said the master, because indeed there is a taxi driver while driving grab one and traffic accidents. So this is the case, if there are complaints from passengers, they're in trouble, will face the 3-7 days of outage.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: The company does not expressly say that you are not allowed, as it does not tell you our company with Didi Didi did not ask you do not, so you do not crash all right, say that people do not give white officials do not study.
Yuehua Jian, Ye master observed there are several empty place in front of the taxi driving, he could not help but improve the speed.
CCTV Financial "economic half-hour" Reporter: Once you see the car in front of you want more than they have time to pull the people.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Yes, this is what I said grab business, think of ways to change lanes and over, because he was in front of you, if you do not like this, in front of the guests if there is, then give He ran with.
Ye said the master of his seven years of driving experience, he said, this is the case, can you grab the guests to see the level of the driver of the car.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: two cars in parallel, waving in front of someone, who would see who the technical high speed, we all do.
reporters Amount: not as dangerous?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: His business is bad, no one waved, drivers are anxious.
one o'clock in the morning, ran for nearly eight hours of leaf master, to a filling stations.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: night shift when the added gas. Fill in and do a hundred and two hundred dollars yuan of money, they have to make up a package of gas, more than two hundred yuan of money, two hundred and twenty dollars and seven of 25 yuan.
plus complete air, leaves the master to a nearby night market more lively place waiting for passengers. Waiting for the guests, he and reporters forget about today's account.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: over two hundred yuan of money, then seventy yuan of money in addition to gas, there are a hundred dollars now.
Reporter: Enough capital elements enough money?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Paul can now say this, because I was the main drive of the classes gave me some money to pay immediately following a rerun is their own money.
Ye said the master, average, eight hours a day before to the taxi company, station and repair shop dry, next time, 2:00 to 5:00 earn only belong themselves. During this time, if the run is less than 100 yuan, the family lives to this day have not been available.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: I now have my home expenses to do, I have a wife and children in the family to feed, to eat and drink, that is, we must have to run again.
night market in this area, we see more and more of a taxi, stop here waiting for passengers.
Reporter: How much are generally?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: over two hundred yuan, here are more than two hundred yuan is not to run a little bit better, two hundred and eighty seven dollars fifty or sixty dollars.
taxi driver told us that the taxi industry is a high-risk industry, responsible for the lives of the passengers, once sleepy at night, they would have to go to the roadside to rest. But they can not rest too long, because the elements of money pressing them to be dry.
Reporter: out to set yourself a goal?
Nanjing taxi driver: ah, you definitely have to run much money to go home.
Nanjing taxi driver: at least four hundred dollars can do, how do four hundred dollars to go home ah, no way home, ah, there is a small rely on our old raising the pressure is so big, we all went to make money now people are not all in here, make money long ago everyone went home.
await guests when the teacher leaves usually while playing mobile games. He explained that this can ease the nerves. However, waiting for a long time, he would not have this mood. Half past two, leaves the master drive to Nanjing busiest nightlife Bar Street, decided to wait and see here. In the process of waiting, and we say the master leaves his voice.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: I could not do it now, it does not go on, to be honest I really do not open anymore. Because this money I can not afford, can not say that money does not pay up, we are now is the money you earn to the elements of money, but you can not own pocket more money and we put it plainly, are now helping taxi companies busy.
But Ye said the master, quit taxi, want the car back from the company, nor is it an easy task.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: the company that you want to retire, I will deduct your money and say what we are in default of payment deduction, so each company, Nanjing, so now every company.
Reporter: think back also can not afford to retire now?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Yes, it is that you want to retire now, plainly we make money is not easy, it is a big breath to buckle thousands and thousands of dollars, we are willing to let It is this? We also do not want to.
close to three o'clock, leaves the master plan to the end of today's work. Busy for nearly 10 hours, the leaves of this master class will earn much money into it?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: car pm on a five-point, it is now two fifty-two my next card, I've outage, two hundred fifty-nine dollars.
259 元 just preservation, leaves the master said yesterday due to illness, but also a day outage. But the elements of money to pay, but no less a minute.
Nanjing taxi driver: We can not afford a taxi now is hurt, you are sick, I made a hundred dollars today, tomorrow to quit, I'll have to stick money into it, this is the easiest truth.
Reporter: So you have to have a cold (stick) today?
Nanjing Taxi driver: Yes, you are, no matter how cold you are, you have a fever, I say fun, as long as you can drive the car, the eye can see in front of you had to drive a car, because it elements of money too .
quit owes money to dry and do not earn much money. Many drivers have weighed in this dilemma tangle. Afraid to get sick, not the rest is their most realistic situation. In fact, this situation is not only just Nanjing. In many other cities across the country, taxi drivers are facing a similar dilemma.
2011 August Shanghai Volkswagen taxi company launched the "lease" system reform, the abolition of elements of money, will be leased to the taxi driver, which is also the first prelude rental industry, "elements of money" reforms . However, that's just the implementation of a long-awaited reform a year, the Shanghai municipal government emergency brake, and expand the scope of the requirements is no longer. This in the end is what causes it?
taxi industry is no longer a "meat and potatoes" in 2013 three-quarters of decline in the number of the taxi industry in Shanghai
The driver gave us just such an account: 58 On 12 million, equivalent to the monthly rental fee for 2069 yuan, 3000 yuan and then pay another monthly management fee, which is 5069 yuan two spending, which does not include the driver of the vehicle insurance, social security, and bank deposits Interest and other expenses, all told, only tens of dollars per month to pay less than before the reforms. And all the risks need drivers themselves, so when people buy a car almost regret.
Nanjing taxi drivers: they are all the responsibility passed on to your head Yeah. Are passed on to your head, the taxi company they basically do not bear any responsibility.
Shanghai government trial rental system of the mind, is to reduce the taxi company elements of money, but in practice, because it failed to effectively protect the interests of the taxi drivers were stopped. Executive President of Shanghai Financial & Legal researcher Fu Wei Gang, has been concerned about the problem elements taxi money, he tells us, to Shanghai, for example, the taxi industry, and a few years ago, has changed dramatically.
Shanghai Financial & Legal Fellow, Executive Director Fu Wei Gang: Shanghai in 2009, when, willing to engage in a taxi, the taxi driver to participate in the qualifying examination of more than thirteen thousand people, but in 2013 only three thousand people, equivalent to a drop of about three-quarters full.
CCTV Financial "Economic half-hour" Reporter: This industry has not appealing?
Shanghai Financial & Legal Fellow, Executive Director Fu Wei Gang: ah, do not attractive.
taxi driver willing to fewer and fewer people, and complain about the elements of money more and more. Then the elements of money in the end why so high? Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law, Adjunct Professor Chan West tells us that under the current system, many elements constitute the city's money, the most important aspects included.
adjunct professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law, Chan West: on elements of money, take a piece of that country is the cost of a taxi, the indicator operations, these two. The third block is the hardware, is to buy a new car price.
Chan West tells us, is currently based on "People's Republic of China Road Transportation Regulations," taxi shall not be eligible to obtain operating passenger road, so taxi operating metrics will become a scarce resource. Annual auction from the government also gone out to take pictures.
adjunct professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law, Chan West: the original one auction is $ 100,000, then to three hundred thousand yuan came to $ 500,000 because we are rushing to this target, and that these My taxi driver who opened the company, I was only twenty trolley, I desire to get two hundred cars, so I'm going to grab this indicator, we are robbed, falsely pushing the market, then he must push from the consumers to withdraw from a taxi driver's head go back.
Chan West believes that in order to solve the high taxi elements of money, it is necessary to resolve the source.
adjunct professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law, Chan West: drop elements of money is very simple piece of your city Capacity of the taxi fee index down, the second block you can make tax state tax, and the third Taxi companies you put it into smaller dissolution, three cars, five cars can start a company, or even make a person a car can be individual business operations, so that very low management cost. Taipei is the way that a lot of people a car, he is a small individual businesses to pay taxes directly to the state consumer fraud if he is there, there is a good transport strike or his quality of service, and that complaints about You can revoke his license after transport, and would not let him enter the industry.
For this argument, Fu Wei Gang also has similar views. He said that elements of money is the focus of high taxi drivers complain about. So industry reforms.
Shanghai Financial & Legal Fellow, Executive Director Fu Wei Gang: I think in the future a taxi direction, the direction of reform that is to reduce barriers to entry in this industry, such as the current system to a franchise that is After filing system, that you are willing to open their own rent, if that you buy a car, make an application to the relevant government departments, and then you have passed the relevant qualifying examination, you'll be able to do, so the complaint will be less .
half-hour observation:
Transportation Department data show that as of the end of 2013, there are about 1.34 million taxis, more than 8,000 enterprises, more than 260 million people in full-time driver. It can be said, of which everyone and everything associated with the elements of money has a direct interest. In recent years, activists around the level of the amount of money and other issues, conflicts between taxi companies and drivers have been continued. Experts pointed out that "license" is the key to maintaining the traditional taxi industry calm surface. In fact, in the case of restricted license to operate a taxi, because the elements of money constitutes opaque, it is generally believed that the taxi company is "lying to make money", but easy on the administrative authorities to question the credibility of that due to resource scarcity caused by rent-seeking corruption. Therefore, some deep-seated contradictions and problems accumulated crack taxi industry, elements of money rationality and transparency is a key factor. Only by strengthening the top of the system construction, so that elements reasonable money, proper, lawful, in order to effectively balance the interests of all parties, so that the healthy development of the industry. As Li said, "Now touch the interests often harder than touch the soul." But it is still hard to do.今天我们来关注出租车的事情所谓“出租车份子钱”。就是出租车司机上缴给出租车公司的承包费用,既是出租车司机的主要运营成本,又是出租车公司的主 要收入来源。近段时间关于出租车降低份子钱的各地呼声很高。而江苏甚至率先表示要公布出租车份子钱的构成。那么南京的出租车份子钱多少呢?记者在南京进行 了调查。
一天工作16小时,大部分时间是用来挣份子钱work 16 hours a day, most of the time is used to earn money
CCTV Financial elements "Economic half-hour" Reporter: How much of your elements of money?
Nanjing taxi driver: This is us $ 7,000 this is an electric car, this car is seven thousand seven hundred yuan.
CCTV Financial "Economic half-hour" reporter: Electric's your point, right?
Nanjing taxi drivers: ah, again one, so, this is more than eight thousand yuan.
The driver told us that his daily 6:00 out of the bus, ten p.m. work, working 16 hours a day, the next day and another driver rotation, you can take a day off, but 16 hours Most of the time elements are used to earn money.
Nanjing taxi driver: You have to go to three hundred yuan a day, three hundred dollars went to this enough of this.
Reporter: So, you did not count too, you have to run every day how long it will take for the activists lobbied for the money?
Nanjing taxi driver: Anyway you want to go in the afternoon, about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Reporter: every day is 6:00 to 16:10 hours, the elements of money can make up.
reporter learned that the current total of about 12,000 in Nanjing taxi vehicles, roughly divided into "categories", one for "low", the driver needs to be paid to the company 7,000 yuan / month, "elements of money" ; one is the "high-grade" to the main types of Toyota cars, the monthly "Zuzi" money is 9000 yuan. Elements of money so high that the company gave them a taxi driver provides what services?
Nanjing taxi driver: Nothing penalty fine.
Reporter: fine service?
Nanjing taxi driver B: ah, or is fine, or is the deduction of no other service, you say what service.
reporter: that it helps you in this regard have?
Nanjing taxi driver B: I drive a taxi ten years, did not feel before.
Speaking of pressure now, even the taxi driver could not help but shed tears.
Nanjing taxi driver: sad ah, opened his eyes (due to) three hundred yuan, recently incredibly short period of time the business, the business is doing well too difficult to do.
Nanjing taxi driver: Now kids can not feed my wife, we are now out of the simplest dry, dry to the night three or four o'clock to go back inside, I might as well go to earn one hundred dollars when the guard, vegetables or when the security guard.
Nanjing taxi driver: day we called a robot, one day called vegetative state, work day today, is not that robots do? Right, then you go to the house edge is sleep.
drivers react, they handed over to the company elements of money, but did not get any service. Then the weight of the drivers breathless elements of money, in the end what is money? They go out?
Nanjing taxi driver: seven thousand two hundred yuan a month.
Reporter: Do you know that there are seven thousand two hundred yuan composed of what?
Nanjing Taxi driver: I do not know, a lot of people do not know, is not a person I do not know.
"elements of money," the whole industry is composed of opaque by unspoken rules
Yurong warehouse, is a 20-year-old did the taxi driver. Elements of money for construction, flow, he has consulted with a number of departments, but did not answer. Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Communications Department, said the taxi driver said to announce constitute elements of money, so hopefully he came again to ask a taxi company, and the company's answer is still the same as before.
Nanjing taxi driver Yurong warehouse: elements of money that he has given us a very simple answer is that the provisions of the above, I have to perform in accordance with the provisions of the above, but what comes to pension insurance, the company has said so now the whole industry is the unspoken rules, we will follow the unspoken rules come, so we are now confused.
in this taxi company carries the canal, Yurong warehouse after several inquiries, and ultimately did not get a clear explanation of the elements of money. So he went to inquire about the composition of elements of Nanjing Municipality money.
Nanjing taxi driver Yurong warehouse: you are now equal to not accept any outside advice. Nanjing government regulations now on all taxi, about the price of this one thing we all have no chance.
for such a result, Yurong warehouse helpless. He did not know, a few days ago, Jiangsu Province, Department of Transportation, said elements of money to be released when the argument can be honored. January 14, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Transportation deputy director Wang Zhu Jun in the guest "political wind hotline" program when it clear that the future will work with provincial prices, finance and other departments based on operational data and business model, to further clarify the "elements of money," the basic components, to develop reasonable "elements of money" fees, and fees will be keeping the public, accept social supervision.
Jiangsu Provincial Transport Department deputy director Wang Jun Zhu: Currently we have a few places in the future do not have a uniform standard, largely negotiated by the companies and drivers were identified in the contract, of course, I'm sure there is a composed of different standards expenses, consisting of just talking about the so-called elements of money may be less clear, transparent information, thus causing some misunderstanding, some of the problems, we ask the Nanjing government, they also attach great importance, is actively consult, coordinate, we ask is your constituent elements of money necessary to further clarify.
addition, two sessions in Nanjing, Nanjing Mayor Miu Ruilin site response elements of money on taxi too high. "In the first quarter, we have to respond, including the starting price is how much, how to calculate return empty fee, how much would be reasonable elements of money, etc., should have responded, which requires a process."
Despite Jiangsu Transportation Hall said to constitute public elements of money, but so far still not open, we can only continue to wait patiently. Month seven thousand, eight thousand nine thousand elements of money even for taxi drivers, not a small number. So compared to the revenue elements of money and the driver, in the end what proportion accounted for? Why are so many drivers complain? Look at the next poll.
Nanjing taxi driver the day: 10 hours of work income 259 yuan barely enough money to pay elements
leaves Villa is a taxi driver in Nanjing every day, he opened the evening, every day 17:00 shift. In order to record the taxi driver the most realistic working conditions, reporters follow the master leaves, carried out with the film continued. Ye master's car just open out soon, there is a passenger car waving fight.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: beauty can sit in front of it? Sitting in front of you?
Ye said the master, Xinjiekou Nanjing is the most prosperous of the lot, traffic, a lot of people who need a taxi. So, if his car empty, just not far from here, he would have to walk around here. Today, one way or another the guests, he address him lucky.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Like I said, she rented it for us this business is a good business, and wanted to do.
passengers: Yes.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Because all are, you can ask the passengers, which for us is a part of the long-distance.
CCTV Financial "economic half-hour" Reporter: about how many kilometers?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: about a dozen kilometers.
due to the main city of Nanjing is not great, a dozen kilometers of the living, for them, be a little long, the fare would be more substantial. Before long, the passenger to the destination.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: small ticket to do?
passengers: To.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: open the door slowly, pay attention to the back of the car, go slowly.
CCTV Financial "economic half-hour" Reporter: forty-three yuan is also good.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Yes, that's good business, and not be called good, a few can do this business.
reporter: then the car will be more people here do?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: luck it.
luck, taxi drivers often say a word. Ye master told reporters, sometimes good luck, just before a passenger car, will encounter another passenger on the train directly, which is what they most desired encounter. But today's luck does not seem smooth, empty place has been running continuously for nearly half an hour, leaves the master nor pulled down a passenger.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Because we just all the way over on the road and no one waved, and I have to take guests to the city, looking for people there.
Depletion of oil, but can not pull the job, leaves the master of mood did not just start so good. He told us that while the first really good job, but do not meet the guests, only to put it back empty, this trip down, they would not earn much money.
Reporter: You just is fundamentally did not intend to get off at the girl lying on the cell door for a while.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: there you lie less people, there unless I say a little fun to say white, you are ideas, such as a ten minutes maybe to a person, because we have a limited time We can not always such a tummy, for example, someone inside the city at this point, the peak of the time, you can come in to do a little business, to have no business inside the night time and then you go, then you can lie on a single, But the point that if you wait half an hour in there who can not wait, the heart is cold, is time wasted.
Ye said the master, it is the evening peak, is the most precious time to pull the job. But today he does not seem good luck, has been traveling to the Confucius Temple has not met passengers.
reporter: that a single business to now how long?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: I look at the top of our tickets have time off is 6:50 on the train 6:20, about 40 minutes.
Reporter: Do you have the number of kilometers of non-transport up?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: 13.3 km.
Reporter: That is far more than just a trip to live?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: right.
to the Confucius Temple, the decision leaves the master while living in the vicinity of lying. We see a lot of taxi drivers also choose to lie job here. Taking advantage of idle time to wait, and leaves the master with reporters talking. He said he elements of money more than 7200 yuan a month, every month there are more than 3000 mortgage to repay. He described his life: the beginning of the first month owe the bank more than 3000 a day, eyes open, they owed the company hundreds of pieces.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Because we are this child money every month, like tomorrow, four days from now we should play money, you have to hit the corporate card to go above, then the bank will automatically deduct it If unsuccessful deducting money that you're finished, deducting money the company will call you unsuccessful. Then say why not give money, and then tell you within a few hours to put money into the fight, do not fight we stopped you go card, stop your table.
unshakeable elements of money for each day, leaves the master has been waiting anxiously. Nearly half an hour later, however, leaves the master did not wait to fight car passengers. After much deliberation, leaf master decided to try his luck another street.
Reporter: Confucius Temple is just that a lot of queuing, which is which?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: This is also part of the Confucius Temple, is only a side door.
reporter: here are also queuing it?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Yes, here are empty, line up here.
looked a long queues, leaf master drove the taxi queue to another point here waiting for about 10 minutes, until finally a passenger.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa; finally they took a living, used to it, you see, there are a lot of cars behind it.
Reporter: really not easy, I think the car is less than is normal.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: The little brother you should always take a taxi, you are (know), because today is Tuesday.
Reporter: Do you usually take a taxi good play?
Passengers: taxi good fight.
Reporter: taxi good fight.
Passengers: Nanjing taxi but like last year YOG, an increase of several thousand units of their driver's life is not great.
The passenger told us that every time he took a taxi and the driver will chat. He felt that the taxi driver had really quite easy.
passengers: a taxi when I sometimes chat with them, basically talk is received so much (elements of money) and then hire companies basically do not do something, just like the shell companies.
Reporter: What is your idea?
Passenger: I feel the leasing company, had rented the country do not have it, then plug in the middle of the leasing company in one hand, but it is basically a dry little thing, my own feeling is small, with the driver master When talk is talk, car repairs, routine maintenance are taxi master their own.
the passengers to their destination, we looked at the master leaves today's passenger record. From shift to now, more than two hours, a total of two times to pull the job, the fare is 43 yuan plus 15 yuan, a total of 58 yuan.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: how do you say, we can not say that is normal and it is a large difference is not bad, so it was. Hello no more than four or five, anyway, is not the best time of more than five, but you have to pull the five guests, he would not have this far away, he is starting price of 10 dollars.
Monday to Thursday, this situation can only be regarded as normal for them in the evening peak hours, even if not pull people, they did not dare to master leaves lying in one place for too long waiting for passengers, they usually choose to put air travel out of luck.
22:00, leaves the master came to a roadside noodle dinner. Because affordable, this noodle shop is a lot of taxi drivers often come to the place.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: ten dollars a meal, eat noodles twelve three dollars, then, if sometimes just buy the roadside fried rice, beef fried rice is like that eighty-nine dollars, and then eat it on the line.
to this dinner taxi driver told us, this noodle shop owner previously opened a taxi. He knows their hard work, so here given enough weight, they can eat, not expensive.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Our taxi driver in the race against time to eat is to eat like a war, like in race against time, eaten out of work early. For example, I just sit down at the side of the people here want to make cars, do not eat rice rather quickly to do the deal.
dining-room, the reporter who chatted with the driver elements of money thing. I did not expect a reference to elements of money, the taxi driver immediately became very excited.
Nanjing taxi driver: I now pay more than eight thousand yuan, the couple I was open, I pay more than eight thousand yuan a month, 15 days can not break, break up (elements of money) not enough, the following fifteen days relatives and friends at home there, right? Break another two or three days, ten days would only earn money, you do not make any money. There is a man in this five years, people still can not get sick.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: that is.
Nanjing taxi driver: people still can not get sick, you are sick you have to pay the money, right? This is five years, which were maintained for five years do not get sick.
but said go, go complain complain, a meal, a taxi driver who drove a taxi immediately and are rushing to pull live. Because here more delay for a while, it means they have to run more than one night would be. It is 12:30, leaves the master has to pull up a passenger. Follow leaf master pull live in time, the reporter noted, the master of the car did not install leaf drops and quick taxi software. He said that in Nanjing, installed software for their regular taxi cab, it all are illegal.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: We are operating a vehicle that you get on my car, and your life is in my hands, while I was busy busy playing phone while driving, you like it ?
Ye said the master, because indeed there is a taxi driver while driving grab one and traffic accidents. So this is the case, if there are complaints from passengers, they're in trouble, will face the 3-7 days of outage.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: The company does not expressly say that you are not allowed, as it does not tell you our company with Didi Didi did not ask you do not, so you do not crash all right, say that people do not give white officials do not study.
Yuehua Jian, Ye master observed there are several empty place in front of the taxi driving, he could not help but improve the speed.
CCTV Financial "economic half-hour" Reporter: Once you see the car in front of you want more than they have time to pull the people.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Yes, this is what I said grab business, think of ways to change lanes and over, because he was in front of you, if you do not like this, in front of the guests if there is, then give He ran with.
Ye said the master of his seven years of driving experience, he said, this is the case, can you grab the guests to see the level of the driver of the car.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: two cars in parallel, waving in front of someone, who would see who the technical high speed, we all do.
reporters Amount: not as dangerous?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: His business is bad, no one waved, drivers are anxious.
one o'clock in the morning, ran for nearly eight hours of leaf master, to a filling stations.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: night shift when the added gas. Fill in and do a hundred and two hundred dollars yuan of money, they have to make up a package of gas, more than two hundred yuan of money, two hundred and twenty dollars and seven of 25 yuan.
plus complete air, leaves the master to a nearby night market more lively place waiting for passengers. Waiting for the guests, he and reporters forget about today's account.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: over two hundred yuan of money, then seventy yuan of money in addition to gas, there are a hundred dollars now.
Reporter: Enough capital elements enough money?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Paul can now say this, because I was the main drive of the classes gave me some money to pay immediately following a rerun is their own money.
Ye said the master, average, eight hours a day before to the taxi company, station and repair shop dry, next time, 2:00 to 5:00 earn only belong themselves. During this time, if the run is less than 100 yuan, the family lives to this day have not been available.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: I now have my home expenses to do, I have a wife and children in the family to feed, to eat and drink, that is, we must have to run again.
night market in this area, we see more and more of a taxi, stop here waiting for passengers.
Reporter: How much are generally?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: over two hundred yuan, here are more than two hundred yuan is not to run a little bit better, two hundred and eighty seven dollars fifty or sixty dollars.
taxi driver told us that the taxi industry is a high-risk industry, responsible for the lives of the passengers, once sleepy at night, they would have to go to the roadside to rest. But they can not rest too long, because the elements of money pressing them to be dry.
Reporter: out to set yourself a goal?
Nanjing taxi driver: ah, you definitely have to run much money to go home.
Nanjing taxi driver: at least four hundred dollars can do, how do four hundred dollars to go home ah, no way home, ah, there is a small rely on our old raising the pressure is so big, we all went to make money now people are not all in here, make money long ago everyone went home.
await guests when the teacher leaves usually while playing mobile games. He explained that this can ease the nerves. However, waiting for a long time, he would not have this mood. Half past two, leaves the master drive to Nanjing busiest nightlife Bar Street, decided to wait and see here. In the process of waiting, and we say the master leaves his voice.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: I could not do it now, it does not go on, to be honest I really do not open anymore. Because this money I can not afford, can not say that money does not pay up, we are now is the money you earn to the elements of money, but you can not own pocket more money and we put it plainly, are now helping taxi companies busy.
But Ye said the master, quit taxi, want the car back from the company, nor is it an easy task.
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: the company that you want to retire, I will deduct your money and say what we are in default of payment deduction, so each company, Nanjing, so now every company.
Reporter: think back also can not afford to retire now?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: Yes, it is that you want to retire now, plainly we make money is not easy, it is a big breath to buckle thousands and thousands of dollars, we are willing to let It is this? We also do not want to.
close to three o'clock, leaves the master plan to the end of today's work. Busy for nearly 10 hours, the leaves of this master class will earn much money into it?
Nanjing taxi driver leaves Villa: car pm on a five-point, it is now two fifty-two my next card, I've outage, two hundred fifty-nine dollars.
259 元 just preservation, leaves the master said yesterday due to illness, but also a day outage. But the elements of money to pay, but no less a minute.
Nanjing taxi driver: We can not afford a taxi now is hurt, you are sick, I made a hundred dollars today, tomorrow to quit, I'll have to stick money into it, this is the easiest truth.
Reporter: So you have to have a cold (stick) today?
Nanjing Taxi driver: Yes, you are, no matter how cold you are, you have a fever, I say fun, as long as you can drive the car, the eye can see in front of you had to drive a car, because it elements of money too .
quit owes money to dry and do not earn much money. Many drivers have weighed in this dilemma tangle. Afraid to get sick, not the rest is their most realistic situation. In fact, this situation is not only just Nanjing. In many other cities across the country, taxi drivers are facing a similar dilemma.
2011 August Shanghai Volkswagen taxi company launched the "lease" system reform, the abolition of elements of money, will be leased to the taxi driver, which is also the first prelude rental industry, "elements of money" reforms . However, that's just the implementation of a long-awaited reform a year, the Shanghai municipal government emergency brake, and expand the scope of the requirements is no longer. This in the end is what causes it?
taxi industry is no longer a "meat and potatoes" in 2013 three-quarters of decline in the number of the taxi industry in Shanghai
The driver gave us just such an account: 58 On 12 million, equivalent to the monthly rental fee for 2069 yuan, 3000 yuan and then pay another monthly management fee, which is 5069 yuan two spending, which does not include the driver of the vehicle insurance, social security, and bank deposits Interest and other expenses, all told, only tens of dollars per month to pay less than before the reforms. And all the risks need drivers themselves, so when people buy a car almost regret.
Nanjing taxi drivers: they are all the responsibility passed on to your head Yeah. Are passed on to your head, the taxi company they basically do not bear any responsibility.
Shanghai government trial rental system of the mind, is to reduce the taxi company elements of money, but in practice, because it failed to effectively protect the interests of the taxi drivers were stopped. Executive President of Shanghai Financial & Legal researcher Fu Wei Gang, has been concerned about the problem elements taxi money, he tells us, to Shanghai, for example, the taxi industry, and a few years ago, has changed dramatically.
Shanghai Financial & Legal Fellow, Executive Director Fu Wei Gang: Shanghai in 2009, when, willing to engage in a taxi, the taxi driver to participate in the qualifying examination of more than thirteen thousand people, but in 2013 only three thousand people, equivalent to a drop of about three-quarters full.
CCTV Financial "Economic half-hour" Reporter: This industry has not appealing?
Shanghai Financial & Legal Fellow, Executive Director Fu Wei Gang: ah, do not attractive.
taxi driver willing to fewer and fewer people, and complain about the elements of money more and more. Then the elements of money in the end why so high? Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law, Adjunct Professor Chan West tells us that under the current system, many elements constitute the city's money, the most important aspects included.
adjunct professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law, Chan West: on elements of money, take a piece of that country is the cost of a taxi, the indicator operations, these two. The third block is the hardware, is to buy a new car price.
Chan West tells us, is currently based on "People's Republic of China Road Transportation Regulations," taxi shall not be eligible to obtain operating passenger road, so taxi operating metrics will become a scarce resource. Annual auction from the government also gone out to take pictures.
adjunct professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law, Chan West: the original one auction is $ 100,000, then to three hundred thousand yuan came to $ 500,000 because we are rushing to this target, and that these My taxi driver who opened the company, I was only twenty trolley, I desire to get two hundred cars, so I'm going to grab this indicator, we are robbed, falsely pushing the market, then he must push from the consumers to withdraw from a taxi driver's head go back.
Chan West believes that in order to solve the high taxi elements of money, it is necessary to resolve the source.
adjunct professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law, Chan West: drop elements of money is very simple piece of your city Capacity of the taxi fee index down, the second block you can make tax state tax, and the third Taxi companies you put it into smaller dissolution, three cars, five cars can start a company, or even make a person a car can be individual business operations, so that very low management cost. Taipei is the way that a lot of people a car, he is a small individual businesses to pay taxes directly to the state consumer fraud if he is there, there is a good transport strike or his quality of service, and that complaints about You can revoke his license after transport, and would not let him enter the industry.
For this argument, Fu Wei Gang also has similar views. He said that elements of money is the focus of high taxi drivers complain about. So industry reforms.
Shanghai Financial & Legal Fellow, Executive Director Fu Wei Gang: I think in the future a taxi direction, the direction of reform that is to reduce barriers to entry in this industry, such as the current system to a franchise that is After filing system, that you are willing to open their own rent, if that you buy a car, make an application to the relevant government departments, and then you have passed the relevant qualifying examination, you'll be able to do, so the complaint will be less .
half-hour observation:
Transportation Department data show that as of the end of 2013, there are about 1.34 million taxis, more than 8,000 enterprises, more than 260 million people in full-time driver. It can be said, of which everyone and everything associated with the elements of money has a direct interest. In recent years, activists around the level of the amount of money and other issues, conflicts between taxi companies and drivers have been continued. Experts pointed out that "license" is the key to maintaining the traditional taxi industry calm surface. In fact, in the case of restricted license to operate a taxi, because the elements of money constitutes opaque, it is generally believed that the taxi company is "lying to make money", but easy on the administrative authorities to question the credibility of that due to resource scarcity caused by rent-seeking corruption. Therefore, some deep-seated contradictions and problems accumulated crack taxi industry, elements of money rationality and transparency is a key factor. Only by strengthening the top of the system construction, so that elements reasonable money, proper, lawful, in order to effectively balance the interests of all parties, so that the healthy development of the industry. As Li said, "Now touch the interests often harder than touch the soul." But it is still hard to do.今天我们来关注出租车的事情所谓“出租车份子钱”。就是出租车司机上缴给出租车公司的承包费用,既是出租车司机的主要运营成本,又是出租车公司的主 要收入来源。近段时间关于出租车降低份子钱的各地呼声很高。而江苏甚至率先表示要公布出租车份子钱的构成。那么南京的出租车份子钱多少呢?记者在南京进行 了调查。
南京市出租车司机:我们这是七千元 ,这个是电动车,这个车是七千七百元 。
南京市出租车司机:嗯,又来一个,这样的,这样的是八千多元 。
记者了解到,目前南京市出租车总共约12000多辆,大概分为“两类”,一类为“低档”,司机需要向公司缴纳7000元/月的“份子钱”;一类是 “中高档”的,以丰田车为主类型,每个月的“租子”钱是9000元。那这么高的份子钱,公司又给他们出租车司机提供了什么服务呢?
“份子钱”的构成不透明 全行业都按潜规则来
对于这样的结果,余荣仓很无奈。他不知道,前几天江苏省交通厅说要公布份子钱的说法什么时候能够兑现。1月14日,江苏省交通运输厅副厅长汪祝君在 作客《政风热线》节目时,明确表示,今后将与省物价、财政等部门根据运营数据和经营模式,进一步明晰“份子钱”的基本组成,制定合理的“份子钱”收费标 准,并且收费情况将向社会公示,接受社会监督。
江苏省交通运输厅副厅长汪祝君:目前我们少数地方还没有一个统一的标准,主要是由企业和司机协商以后,在承包合同当中确定的,当然这里面肯定也存在 一个标准不一费用的组成,刚才讲的所谓份子钱的组成可能不太清晰、信息不透明,所以引起一些误解,一些问题,我们要求南京市政府,他们也很重视,正在积极 协商、协调,我们要求就是你的份子钱的构成要进一步明晰。
叶师傅说,新街口是南京市最繁华的地段,客流量大,需要打车的人很多。 所以,如果他的车空着,只要离这里不远,他就会到这边转转。今天拉上这位客人,他直呼幸运。
南京市出租车司机叶轩:那边你趴不到人,那边除非我说好玩的就是说白一点,你点子正,等一个十分钟也许来一个人,因为我们时间有限的,我们不可能老 是这样趴着,比如说这个点城里面有人,高峰期的时候,你进来还能做一点生意,到夜里面没有生意的时候然后你去了,然后可以趴一单,但是这个点你说如果在那 边等半个小时等不到人,心就凉了,就是时间都浪费了。
为了每天雷打不动的份子钱, 叶师傅一直在焦急地等待着。然而将近半个小时过去了,叶师傅也没有等到要打车的乘客。想来想去,叶师傅还是决定,到另一条街去碰碰运气。
不过说归说,抱怨归抱怨,一吃完饭,出租司机们马上又都开着出租车赶着去拉活了。因为在这里多耽误一会,就意味着他们夜里要多跑一会。现在是凌晨 12点半,叶师傅又拉上了一位乘客。在跟随叶师傅拉活的时间里,记者注意到,叶师傅的车上并没装滴滴和快的打车软件。他说,在南京,装打车软件对于他们正 规出租车来说,都属于违规。
出租车业不再是“香饽饽” 2013年从事出租车业人数下降四分之三
这位上海司机给我们算了这样一笔账:58个月12万,相当于每个月的租赁费为2069元,另外每月再交3000元的管理费,这两项支出就5069 元,而这还不包含司机车辆的保险,社保,以及银行存款利息等费用,全部算下来,只比改革前每月少交几十元。而且所有的风险都需要司机自己承担,因此当时买 车的人几乎都后悔了。
上海金融与法律研究员执行院长傅蔚冈:上海在2009年的时候,愿意从事出租车,参加出租车驾驶员这个资格考试的人有一万三千多人 ,但到2013年就只有三千多人,就相当于降了整整四分之三左右。
上海交通大学法学院兼职教授陈有西:原来拍卖是十万元一台,后来到三十万元后来到五十万元,因为大家都抢着要这个指标,那这些人出租司机我开了这个 公司,我只有二十台车,我巴不得搞到二百辆车,所以我就要抢这个指标,大家都在抢,虚假地把市场推高,推高以后他必须要从消费者头上去收回,要从出租车司 机头上去收回。
上海交通大学法学院兼职教授陈有西:降份子钱很简单,一块你城市增容的把出租车指标费降下来,第二块你国家税收可以让税,第三个就把出租车公司你把 它解散到小一点,三辆车、五辆车就可以开公司,甚至让一个人一辆车就可以个体工商户运营,那这样的话管理成本就很低了。台北就是这样,很多就是一个人一辆 车,他自己就是一个小的个体工商户直接向国家纳税,如果他里面有欺诈消费者、有罢运或者是他自己的服务质量不好,那投诉多了以后可以取消他的运输证,不让 他进入这个行业。
上海金融与法律研究员执行院长傅蔚冈:我觉得今后出租车的一个方向,改革的方向就是说降低这个行业的准入门槛,比如说把目前的特许经营制度改为就是 说以后备案制,说你自己愿意开出租,假如说你自己买了一辆车,就向政府相关部门进行申请,然后你通过了相关的资格考试,你就可以做,这样的话把怨言会少一 些。
交通运输部数据显示,截至2013年底,全国约有出租汽车134万辆,企业8000余家,专职驾驶员260多万人。可以说,这其中的每一个人,都与 份子钱有着直接的利益关联。近年来,围绕着份子钱的额度高低等问题,出租汽车公司与司机之间的矛盾一直持续不断。专家指出,“牌照”是维持传统出租车行业 平静表面的关键。实际上,在限制出租车运营牌照的情况下,由于份子钱的构成不透明,人们普遍认为出租车公司是“躺着挣钱”,而且容易对主管部门的行政公信 力产生质疑,认为会因资源的稀缺而导致寻租腐败。因此,破解出租汽车行业长期积累的一些深层次矛盾和问题,份子钱的合理性与透明化是一个关键因素。只有加 强顶层制度建设,让份子钱合理、合适、合法,才能有效平衡各方利益,让整个行业健康发展。正如李克强所说,“现在触动利益往往比触及灵魂还难”。但是再难 也还是要做。
寄宿之痛本报记者 黄昉苨 《 中国青年报 》( 2015年01月28日 12 版
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一间普通的农村学校宿舍。 |
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“借书啦!”四楼图书室的喊声让孩子们先是一愣,接着疯了似地冲上去,很快排成长队。一个孩子说,读到五年级,图书室就开过3次。 |
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“开球开球,待会儿该上课了!”下课时间,小伙伴们围着球台,挥着掉了胶的球拍催促同伴。 |
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一名三年级小学生正在食堂打饭菜。食堂的员工不懂营养膳食,只是凭着经验采购食材,每周换一换样儿。 |
她可以随口总结出这些学校的共同特点:孩子们都睡在特别简陋的床上——要么是铁架子高低床,1~1.2米宽的床上通常睡两个孩子,或者干脆 就是大通铺;房间里没什么随孩子性格的摆设,好些宿舍甚至连窗帘和储物柜都没有;食堂的饭菜谈不上有营养,比起蛋奶,孩子们更爱吃辣条、方便面这些富含添 加剂的零食;许多宿舍的厕所用不了,也没有热水。
在调查的过程中,歌路营的工作人员听过许多孩子想家的故事,有些被她们写到了报告中:“一个学前班的小女孩凌晨一点醒过来,哭着要回家,老 师陪着她去操场走了半个小时才肯回来睡觉”——六七岁的孩子最容易想家,一个孩子哭闹,没准就感染得寝室里的几十个孩子一起哭起来。
林晓妮的儿子就读于河北老家的一所寄宿制初中。直到去年10月,在北京工作的林晓妮才趁着送孩子回学校的机会第一次见到寄宿生生活的环境: 教学楼看上去很气派,可厕所里的蹲坑几乎看不出原本瓷砖的颜色,粪便成堆;食堂里提供的午饭是方便面和“不带一点肉”的鱼丸、肉丸;学生宿舍没有暖气、没 有窗帘、没有热水,儿子所在的房间窗户还破了,也没有人管——每天晚上,宿舍里11个孩子用冷水洗漱后,都穿着毛衣、秋裤钻入被窝;到半夜,他们必定会被 冻醒,必须把被子往脸上拉一拉,才能继续入睡。
“一个孩子,他住在只有十几户人家的一个村子,学校没有操场和电脑室,为了让他能获得‘公平的教育’,就把他简陋的学校取缔,把他和同学们 转移到很远处的另一所小学上学,一周或一个月才见父母一次。新学校为孩子们提供了操场、篮球架、电脑等种种可见的硬件,却夺走了他享受母爱和家庭生活的基 本需求。”尹建莉曾经在一篇文章中发问,“这样对‘公平’的追求,是不是制造了更大的不公平?”
譬如寄宿生的睡眠。根据山西一所高校对800名中小学寄宿生的调查,他们的睡眠状况不容乐观:中学生平均睡眠时间只有6.38个小时,三分 之一的学生不同程度地失眠,27.38%的孩子患有轻度神经衰弱。而歌路营在重庆的调查也显示,寄宿生睡眠状况差,五分之一的孩子夜里容易醒。
另外,歌路营正在推进一项名为“一千零一夜”的睡前故事项目:在每个宿舍装一个小喇叭,利用学校里的电脑和功放,每天睡前播放一个15分钟 左右的故事。“我们不仅仅是看重这15分钟的故事让孩子喜欢,更重要的是,它向农村寄宿制甚至教育者传递着几个很重要的价值。”杜爽说。这个项目可以说 明,住校生大量碎片的“垃圾”时间,也可以对学生成长起积极作用,这种努力未必需要加重老师和学校的负担,还可以柔化学校的管理。
杜爽可以一连举出好几个例子:湖北郧县教育部门在很多早期修建的宿舍楼里就修建了厕所和浴室,使得孩子们的生活比其他地区好很多;河北一些 学校,因缺水不方便上厕所,于是校长们在宿舍里为孩子们配备了尿桶;重庆土地乡一所经费并不宽裕的小学,校领导依然积极改善寄宿条件,为孩子们换新床、配 备储物柜,让小小的校园透出温馨的气氛;还有一些寄宿制学校里,校长让美术老师带着孩子用画笔把宿舍墙面画成不同主题的画面……
事实上,再好的环境也难让孩子适应母亲不在身边的生活。那3年是女儿状态最不好的3年,尹建莉知道她不快乐,她为此找过学校老师讨论是否学 校管理出了问题,也想过小姑娘是不是遭遇了“青春期”的情绪问题。直到前一阵,与已经读大学的女儿聊起来,孩子说:“妈妈,你就是不应该把我送去住校。”
现在尹建莉回想起来,孩子当时跟她说起学校的一些事,她都没有意识到这是年幼的孩子在求助。“如果她天天都能回家,很多负面情绪当天就可以 消化掉了”。但实情是,隔了一个星期之后,小孩自己也说不清发生过什么。她年幼、弱小,得不到情感支持,虽然事情都会过去,但问题都累积在心里。
最重要的是,学校得给孩子充分的自由时间——“人的心理健康必须要有自由的滋养。不能因为他是住宿生,就把他的时间全都安排满了,一定要给 孩子很多的自由,让他能支配自己的时间,去玩耍,去读书,或者是去购物。把所有的时间都安排死,对管理来说是简单了,但是对孩子的成长,是没有好处的。”